Peter J. Bowler
Peter J. Bowler (kelahiran 8 Oktober 1944)[1] adalah seorang sejarawan biologi yang secara ekstensif menulis tentang sejarah pemikiran evolusi, sejarah ilmu pengetahuan lingkungan hidup, dan sejarah genetik. Buku 1984 buatannya, Evolution: The History of an Idea adalah sebuah buku teks standar tentang sejarah evolusi, dan kemudian direvisi pada 2003 dan edisi peringatan ke-15nya datang pada 2009.

suntingBowler mengkritik kreasionisme di Irlandia Utara. Ia membuat penampilan di radio lokal, termasuk wawancara dengan William Crawley pada acara Radio Ulster BBC TalkBack dan Sunday Sequence - dimana ia memperjuangkan evolusi dan menyoroti alam non-saintifik kreasionisme.[2][3]
sunting- Darwin Deleted: Imagining a World Without Darwin (University of Chicago Press, 2013).[4] ISBN 0-226-06867-6
- Q&A Darwin: Off the Record (with foreword by Richard Dawkins) (Duncan Baird, 2010).[5]
- Science for All: The Popularization of Science in Early Twentieth-Century Britain (Chicago, 2009).[6]
- Evolution: the history of an idea (4th ed., California, 2009, ISBN 0-520-26128-3).
- 'Darwin's Originality', in Science (9 January 2009: Vol. 323. no. 5911, pp. 223 – 226) DOI:10.1126/science.1160332 [7]
- Monkey Trials and Gorilla Sermons Evolution and Christianity form Darwin to Intelligent Design (Harvard University Press, 2007)
- 'Experts and publishers: writing popular science in early twentieth-century Britain' in British Journal for the History of Science, xxxix (2006).
- (With I.R. Morus) Making modern science: a historical survey (Chicago, 2005).
- 'The spectre of Darwinism: popular images of Darwinism in early twentieth-century Britain' in A. Lustig, R.J. Richards and M. Rose (eds), Darwinian Heresies (Cambridge, 2004).
- Reconciling science and religion: the debate in early twentieth-century Britain (Chicago, 2001).
- Life’s splendid drama: evolutionary biology and the reconstruction of life’s ancestry, 1860–1940 (Chicago, 1996).
- Charles Darwin: the man and his influence (Cambridge, 1996).
- Biology and Social Thought: 1850-1914: Five Lectures Delivered at the International Summer School in History of Science Uppsala, July 1990 (Univ of California, 1993)
- The Eclipse of Darwinism: Anti-Darwinian Evolution Theories in the Decades Around 1900 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983)
- The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Reinterpreting a Historical Myth (Johns Hopkins University Press, New Edition, 1988)
- The Fontana History of the Environmental Sciences (Fontana Press, 1992)
- The Mendelian Revolution: The Emergence of Hereditarian Concepts in Modern Science and Society (Continuum International, Athlone, 1989)
- The Invention of Progress: Victorians and the Past (Wiley-Blackwell, 1989)
- Theories of Human Evolution: A Century of Debate, 1844-1944 (Wiley-Blackwell 1987)
- Fossils and Progress: Palaeontology and the Idea of Progressive Evolution in the Nineteenth Century (1976) ISBN 0-88202-043-9
sunting- ^ BOWLER, Prof. Peter John, Who's Who 2015, A & C Black, 2015; online edn, Oxford University Press, 2014
- ^ BBC Radio Ulster TalkBack, broadcast 15 September 2008
- ^ BBC Radio Ulster Sunday Sequence, disiarkan pada 2 Desember 2007
- ^ Darwin Deleted: Imagining a World Without Darwin, 2013
- ^ Darwin: Off The Record,2010
- ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag
tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernamaBowler - Science For All
- ^ Darwin's Originality, in Science, 9 January 2009