Something about the Girl

Something about the Girl adalah album musik internasional perdana milik Dira Sugandi. Dirilis di Inggris tahun 2010.

Something about the Girl
Album studio karya Dira Sugandi
Dirilis23 Maret 2010
GenrePop Jazz
LabelExpansion Records
Kronologi Dira Sugandi
-String Module Error: Match not foundString Module Error: Match not found Something about the Girl
-String Module Error: Match not foundString Module Error: Match not found

Daftar lagu

  1. Inside Love
  2. Time Out Of Time
  3. Let's Go Back
  4. Get Through To You
  5. Loving A Stranger
  6. Daydream
  7. Essentially Yours
  8. Bring It On
  9. Hand On Your Heart
  10. Won't You Come With Me
  11. No More Tears