Shloyme Zanvl Rappoport (27 Oktober 1863 – 8 November 1920), yang dikenal dengan pseudonim S. Ansky (atau An-sky), adalah seorang pengarang, pembuat sandiwara, peneliti foklor Yahudi, polemikis, dan aktivis budaya dan politik berdarah Yahudi. Ia dikenal karena membuat sandiwara The Dybbuk atau Between Two Worlds, yang ditulis pada 1914.

S. Ansky
Nama asli
‏ש. אַנ-סקי
LahirShloyme Zanvl Rappoport
(1863-10-27)27 Oktober 1863
Chashniki, Kekaisaran Rusia
Meninggal8 November 1920(1920-11-08) (umur 57)
Warsawa atau Otwock, Polandia
Nama penaS. Ansky
PekerjaanPenulis, wartawan, etnografer
BahasaYiddi, Rusia

Pada 1917, setelah Revolusi Rusia, ia terpilih dalam Majelis Konstituen Rusia sebagai deputi Sosial-Revolusioner.[1]


  1. ^ "S. Ansky (1863-1920)". Jewish Heritage Online Magazine. Diakses tanggal 2009-11-04. 

10. Gabriella Safran, Wandering Soul: The Dybbuk's Creator, S. An-sky (Harvard University Press, 2010)

Bacaan tambahan

  • Shmuel Werses.S. An-ski's "Between Two Worlds' (The Dybbuk): A Textual History." in Studies in Yiddish Literature and Folklore. Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1986
  • Gabriella Safran and Steven Zipperstein (ed.): The worlds of S. An-sky. A Russian intellectual at the turn of the century. Stanford University Press, Stanford, Cal. 2006, ISBN 0-8047-5344-X
  • Mlotek, Eleanor G. S. Ansky : (Shloyme-Zanvl Rappoport) 1863-1920 : His Life and Works : Catalog of an Exhibition. [New York]: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 1980. OCLC 10304171
  • Vladislav Ivanov. S. An-sky, Evgeny Vakhtangov and The Dybbuk // The worlds of S. An-sky. A Russian Jewish Intellectual at the Turn of the Century / Ed. by Gabriella Safran and Steven J. Zipperstein. California, Stanford. Stanford University Press, 2006. P. 252–265, 480–481.
  • S. An-sky. Between Two Worlds (The Dybbuk): Censored Variant. Introduction by Vladislav Ivanov // The worlds of S. An-sky. A Russian Jewish Intellectual at the Turn of the Century / Ed. by Gabriella Safran and Steven J. Zipperstein. California, Stanford. Stanford University Press, 2006. P. 374–436.

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