MediaWiki:Gadget-twinkleblock.js: Perbedaan antara revisi

Konten dihapus Konten ditambahkan
Repo at d9666d4: Update Twinkle from upstream
Repo at 5c1e7e3: Update from Github
Baris 1:
// <nowiki>
(function($) {
var api = new mw.Api(), relevantUserName;
var menuFormattedNamespaces = $.extend({}, mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces'));
menuFormattedNamespaces[0] = '(Article)';
*** twinkleblock.js: Block module
* Mode of invocation: Tab ("Block")
* Active on: anyAny page with relevant user name (userspace, contribs, etc.)
* Config directives in: [soon to be TwinkleConfig]
Twinkle.block = function twinkleblock() {
// should show on Contributions or Block pages, anywhere there's a relevant user
if ( Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')userIsSysop && mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') ) {
Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.block.callback, 'Blokir', 'tw-block', 'Blokir pengguna' );
Twinkle.block.callback = function twinkleblockCallback() {
if( (mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') === mw.config.get('wgUserName') &&
!confirm( 'Anda akan memblokir diri sendiri. Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?' ) ) {
var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow( 650, 530 );
// need to be verbose about who we're blocking
Window.setTitle( 'Blokir atau berikan templat blokir kepada ' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') );
Window.setScriptName( 'Twinkle' );
Window.addFooterLink( 'Templat pemblokiran', 'Template:Uw-block/doc/Block_templates' );
Window.addFooterLink( 'Kebijakan pemblokiran', 'WP:BLOK' );
Window.addFooterLink( 'Bantuan Twinkle', 'WP:TW/DOC#block' );
Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo = undefined;
Baris 40 ⟶ 33:
Twinkle.block.field_template_options = {};
var formWindow = new Morebits.quickFormsimpleWindow(650, Twinkle.block.callback.evaluate 530);
// need to be verbose about who we're blocking
var actionfield = form.append( {
Window.setTitle('Blokir atau berikan templat blokir kepada ' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'));
type: 'field',
label: 'Type of action'
Window.addFooterLink('Templat pemblokiran', 'Template:Uw-block/doc/Block_templates');
} );
Window.addFooterLink('Kebijakan pemblokiran', 'WP:BLOCK');
Window.addFooterLink('Bantuan Twinkle', 'WP:TW/DOC#block');
var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.block.callback.evaluate);
var actionfield = form.append({
type: 'field',
label: 'Type of action'
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'actiontype',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.change_action,
list: [
label: 'Blokir pengguna',
value: 'block',
tooltip: 'Blokir pengguna dengan opsi yang diberikan. If partial block is unchecked, this will be a sitewide block.',
checked: true
label: 'TempatkanPartial templat blokir ke halaman pembicaraan penggunablock',
value: 'templatepartial',
tooltip: 'Enable partial blocks and partial block templates.',
tooltip: 'Jika pengurus yang memblokir lupa memberikan templat blokir, atau telah memblokirnya tanpa memberikan templat, Anda dapat menggunakan ini untuk memberikan templat blokir yang sesuai.',
checked: trueTwinkle.getPref('defaultToPartialBlocks')
label: 'Tempatkan templat blokir ke halaman pembicaraan pengguna',
value: 'template',
tooltip: 'Jika pengurus yang memblokir lupa memberikan templat blokir, atau telah memblokirnya tanpa memberikan templat, Anda dapat menggunakan ini untuk memberikan templat blokir yang sesuai. Check the partial block box for partial block templates.',
checked: true
form.append({ type: 'field', label: 'Opsi', name: 'field_preset' });
Baris 69 ⟶ 76:
form.append({ type: 'field', label: 'Opsi pemblokiran', name: 'field_block_options' });
form.append( { type: 'submit' } );
var result = form.render();
Window.setContent( result );
result.root = result;
Baris 79 ⟶ 86:
// clean up preset data (defaults, etc.), done exactly once, must be before Twinkle.block.callback.change_action is called
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
Window.addFooterLink('Unblock this user', 'Special:Unblock/' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'), true);
// init the controls after user and block info have been fetched
var evt = document.createEvent( 'Event' );
evt.initEvent( 'change', true, true );
result.actiontype[0].dispatchEvent( evt );
Twinkle.block.fetchUserInfo = function twinkleblockFetchUserInfo(fn) {
format: 'json',
Baris 99 ⟶ 108:
letitle: 'User:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')
.then(function(data) {
var blockinfo = data.query.blocks[0],
userinfo = data.query.users[0];
Twinkle.block.isRegistered = !!userinfo.userid;
relevantUserName = Twinkle.block.isRegistered ? 'User:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') : mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
if (blockinfo) {
// handle frustrating system of inverted boolean values
blockinfo.disabletalk = blockinfo.allowusertalk === undefined;
blockinfo.hardblock = blockinfo.anononly === undefined;
Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo = blockinfo;
Twinkle.block.hasBlockLog = !!data.query.logevents.length;
// Used later to check if block status changed while filling out the form
Twinkle.block.blockLogId = Twinkle.block.hasBlockLog ? data.query.logevents[0].logid : false;
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
return fn();
}, function(msg) {
}, function(msg) {
Morebits.status.init($('div[name="currentblock"] span').last()[0]);
Morebits.status.warninit($('Galatdiv[name="currentblock"] ketika mencari informasi penggunaspan', msg).last()[0]);
Morebits.status.warn('Galat ketika mencari informasi pengguna', msg);
Baris 125 ⟶ 138:
Twinkle.block[$(fieldset).prop('name')] = {};
$(fieldset).serializeArray().forEach(function(el) {
// namespaces and pages for partial blocks are overwritten
// here, but we're handling them elsewhere so that's fine
Twinkle.block[$(fieldset).prop('name')][] = el.value;
Baris 131 ⟶ 146:
Twinkle.block.callback.change_action = function twinkleblockCallbackChangeAction(e) {
var field_preset, field_template_options, field_block_options, $form = $(;
// Make ifs shorter
var blockBox = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked');
var templateBox = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=template]').is(':checked');
var partial = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=partial]');
var partialBox =':checked');
var blockGroup = partialBox ? Twinkle.block.blockGroupsPartial : Twinkle.block.blockGroups;
partial.prop('disabled', !blockBox && !templateBox);
if (blockBox) {
if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
field_preset = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Opsi', name: 'field_preset' });
type: 'select',
name: 'preset',
label: 'Pilih salah satu opsi:',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.change_preset,
list: Twinkle.block.callback.filtered_block_groups(blockGroup)
field_block_options = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Opsi pemblokiran', name: 'field_block_options' });
Baris 149 ⟶ 172:
field_block_options.append({ type: 'div', name: 'currentblock', label: ' ' });
type: 'select',
name: 'expiry_preset',
label: 'Kedaluwarsa:',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.change_expiry,
list: [
{ label: 'lain-lain', value: 'custom', selected: true },
{ label: 'selamanya', value: 'infinity' },
{ label: '3 jam', value: '3 hours' },
{ label: '12 jam', value: '12 hours' },
{ label: '24 jam', value: '24 hours' },
{ label: '31 jam', value: '31 hours' },
{ label: '36 jam', value: '36 hours' },
{ label: '48 jam', value: '48 hours' },
{ label: '60 jam', value: '60 hours' },
{ label: '72 jam', value: '72 hours' },
{ label: '1 minggu', value: '1 week' },
{ label: '2 minggu', value: '2 weeks' },
{ label: '1 bulan', value: '1 month' },
{ label: '3 bulan', value: '3 months' },
{ label: '6 bulan', value: '6 months' },
{ label: '1 tahun', value: '1 year' },
{ label: '2 tahun', value: '2 years' },
{ label: '3 tahun', value: '3 years' }
type: 'input',
name: 'expiry',
label: 'Waktu kedaluwarsa lain',
tooltip: 'Anda bisa menggunakan waktu relatif, seperti "1 menit" atau "19 hari", atau dengan stempel waktu "yyyymmddhhmm", seperti 201601010300 untuk 1 Januari 2016 pukul 3.00 GMT.',
value: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.expiry || Twinkle.block.field_template_options.template_expiry
if (partialBox) { // Partial block
type: 'select',
namemultiple: 'expiry_preset'true,
labelname: 'Kedaluwarsa:pagerestrictions',
eventlabel: Twinkle.'Specific pages to block.callback.change_expiry from editing',
listvalue: ['',
tooltip: '10 page max.'
{ label: 'lain-lain', value: 'custom', selected: true },
{ label: 'selamanya', value: 'infinity' },
{ label: '3 jam', value: '3 hours' },
{ label: '12 jam', value: '12 hours' },
{ label: '24 jam', value: '24 hours' },
{ label: '31 jam', value: '31 hours' },
{ label: '36 jam', value: '36 hours' },
{ label: '48 jam', value: '48 hours' },
{ label: '60 jam', value: '60 hours' },
{ label: '72 jam', value: '72 hours' },
{ label: '1 minggu', value: '1 week' },
{ label: '2 minggu', value: '2 weeks' },
{ label: '1 bulan', value: '1 month' },
{ label: '3 bulan', value: '3 months' },
{ label: '6 bulan', value: '6 months' },
{ label: '1 tahun', value: '1 year' },
{ label: '2 tahun', value: '2 years' },
{ label: '3 tahun', value: '3 years' }
var ns = field_block_options.append({
type: 'inputselect',
namemultiple: 'expiry'true,
labelname: 'Waktu kedaluwarsa lainnamespacerestrictions',
label: 'Namespace blocks',
tooltip: 'Anda bisa menggunakan waktu relatif, seperti "1 menit" atau "19 hari", atau dengan stempel waktu "yyyymmddhhmm", seperti 201601010300 untuk 1 Januari 2016 pukul 3.00 GMT.',
value: '',
value: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.expiry || Twinkle.block.field_template_options.template_expiry
tooltip: 'Block from editing these namespaces.'
var blockoptions = [
$.each(menuFormattedNamespaces, function(number, name) {
// Ignore -1: Special; -2: Media; and 2300-2303: Gadget (talk) and Gadget definition (talk)
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.nocreate,
if (number >= 0 && number < 830) {
label: 'Matikan pembuatan akun',
ns.append({ type: 'option', label: name, value: number });
name: 'nocreate',
value: '1'
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.noemail,
label: 'Batasi pengguna mengirimkan surel',
name: 'noemail',
value: '1'
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.disabletalk,
label: 'Batasi pengguna untuk menyunting halaman pembicaraan penggunanya ketika sedang diblokir',
name: 'disabletalk',
value: '1'
var blockoptions = [
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.nocreate,
label: 'Matikan pembuatan akun',
name: 'nocreate',
value: '1'
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.noemail,
label: 'Batasi pengguna mengirimkan surel',
name: 'noemail',
value: '1'
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.disabletalk,
label: 'Batasi pengguna untuk menyunting halaman pembicaraan penggunanya ketika sedang diblokir',
name: 'disabletalk',
value: '1',
tooltip: partialBox ? 'If issuing a partial block, this MUST remain unchecked unless you are also preventing them from editing User talk space' : ''
if (Twinkle.block.isRegistered) {
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.autoblock,
label: 'Blokir otomatis alamat IP yang digunakan (pemblokiran rumit)',
name: 'autoblock',
value: '1'
} else {
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.hardblock,
label: 'Cegah pengguna yang masuk log untuk menyunting dari alamat IP ini (pemblokiran rumit)',
name: 'hardblock',
value: '1'
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.watchuser,
label: 'Pantau halaman pengguna dan pembicaraannya',
name: 'watchuser',
value: '1'
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'blockoptions',
list: blockoptions
type: 'textarea',
label: 'Alasan (untuk dicantumkan di log pemblokiran):',
name: 'reason',
tooltip: 'Consider adding helpful details to the default message.',
value: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.reason
value: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.reason
type: 'div',
name: 'filerlog_label',
label: 'See also:',
style: 'display:inline-block;font-style:normal !important',
tooltip: 'Insert a "see also" message to indicate whether the filter log or deleted contributions played a role in the decision to block.'
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'filter_see_also',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.toggle_see_alsos,
style: 'display:inline-block; margin-right:5px',
list: [
label: 'Filter log',
checked: false,
value: 'filter log'
} );
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'deleted_see_also',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.toggle_see_alsos,
style: 'display:inline-block',
list: [
label: 'Deleted contribs',
checked: false,
value: 'deleted contribs'
} );
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
field_block_options.append( { type: 'hidden', name: 'reblock', value: '1' } );
if (templateBox) {
if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=template]').is(':checked')) {
field_template_options = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Opsi templat', name: 'field_template_options' });
field_template_options.append( {
type: 'select',
name: 'template',
label: 'Pilih templat halaman pembicaraan:',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.change_template,
list: Twinkle.block.callback.filtered_block_groups(blockGroup, true),
value: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.template
} );
field_template_options.append( {
type: 'input',
name: 'article',
display: 'none',
label: 'Halaman yang berkaitan',
value: '',
tooltip: 'Suatu halaman dapat ditautkan dengan pemberitahuan, yang mungkin yang menjadi sasaran perusakan. Kosongkan jika tidak ada.'
} );
if (!$form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
// Only visible if partial and not blocking
field_template_options.append( {
type: 'input',
name: 'area',
display: 'none',
label: 'Area blocked from',
value: '',
tooltip: 'Optional explanation of the pages or namespaces the user was blocked from editing.'
if (!blockBox) {
type: 'input',
name: 'template_expiry',
Baris 302 ⟶ 364:
value: '',
tooltip: 'Periode pemblokiran, seperti 24 jam, dua minggu, dsb.'
} );
field_template_options.append( {
type: 'input',
name: 'block_reason',
Baris 311 ⟶ 373:
tooltip: 'Alasan opsional, untuk mengganti alasan baku dasar. Hanya tersedia untuk templat baku dasar.',
value: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.block_reason
} );
if (blockBox) {
if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
field_template_options.append( {
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'blank_duration',
Baris 324 ⟶ 386:
} );
} else {
field_template_options.append( {
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'notalk',
list: [
label: 'Akses halaman pembicaraan dimatikan',
name: 'notalk',
checked: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.notalk,
tooltip: 'Gunakan opsi ini untuk membuat templat pemblokiran berisi bahwa akses ke halaman pembicaraan pengguna sudah dihapus'
label: 'User blocked from sending email',
name: 'noemail_template',
checked: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.noemail_template,
tooltip: 'If the area is not provided, make the block template state that the user\'s email access has been removed'
label: 'User blocked from creating accounts',
name: 'nocreate_template',
checked: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.nocreate_template,
tooltip: 'If the area is not provided, make the block template state that the user\'s ability to create accounts has been removed'
} );
var $previewlink = $( '<a id="twinkleblock-preivew-link">Preview</a>' );
$'click').on('click', function() {
$previewlink.css({cursor: 'pointer'});
field_template_options.append( { type: 'div', id: 'blockpreview', label: [ $previewlink[0] ] } );
field_template_options.append( { type: 'div', id: 'twinkleblock-previewbox', style: 'display: none' } );
Baris 358 ⟶ 432:
oldfield = $form.find('fieldset[name="field_block_options"]')[0];
oldfield.parentNode.replaceChild(field_block_options.render(), oldfield);
width: '100%',
placeholder: 'Select pages to block user from',
language: {
errorLoading: function() {
return 'Incomplete or invalid search term';
maximumSelectionLength: 10, // Software limitation [[phab:T202776]]
minimumInputLength: 1, // prevent ajax call when empty
ajax: {
url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
dataType: 'json',
delay: 100,
data: function(params) {
var title = mw.Title.newFromText(params.term);
if (!title) {
return {
'action': 'query',
'format': 'json',
'list': 'allpages',
'apfrom': title.title,
'apnamespace': title.namespace,
'aplimit': '10'
processResults: function(data) {
return {
results: {
var title = mw.Title.newFromText(page.title, page.ns).toText();
return {
id: title,
text: title
templateSelection: function(choice) {
return $('<a>').text(choice.text).attr({
href: mw.util.getUrl(choice.text),
target: '_blank'
width: '100%',
matcher: Morebits.select2.matchers.wordBeginning,
language: {
searching: Morebits.select2.queryInterceptor
templateResult: Morebits.select2.highlightSearchMatches,
placeholder: 'Select namespaces to block user from'
// prevent dropdown from appearing behind the dialog, just in case
'.select2-container { z-index: 10000; }' +
// Reduce padding
'.select2-results .select2-results__option { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; }' +
// Adjust font size
'.select2-container .select2-dropdown .select2-results { font-size: 13px; }' +
'.select2-container .selection .select2-selection__rendered { font-size: 13px; }' +
// Remove black border
'.select2-container--default.select2-container--focus .select2-selection--multiple { border: 1px solid #aaa; }' +
// Make the tiny cross larger
'.select2-selection__choice__remove { font-size: 130%; }'
} else {
// Clear select2 options
if (field_template_options) {
Baris 370 ⟶ 521:
if (Twinkle.block.hasBlockLog) {
var $blockloglink = $( '<a target="_blank" href="' + mw.util.getUrl('Special:Log', {action: 'view', page: mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'), type: 'block'}) + '">block log</a>)' );
Morebits.status.init($('div[name="hasblocklog"] span').last()[0]);
Baris 378 ⟶ 529:
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
Morebits.status.init($('div[name="currentblock"] span').last()[0]);
// list=blocks without bkprops (as we do in fetchUerInfo)
Morebits.status.warn(relevantUserName + ' sudah diblokir', 'Kirim permintaan untuk memblokir ulang dengan opsi yang diberikan');
// returns partial: '' if the user is partially blocked
var statusStr = relevantUserName + ' telah ' + (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.partial === '' ? 'diblokir parsial' : 'diblokir penuh');
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.expiry === 'infinity') {
statusStr += ' (selamanya)';
} else if (new {
statusStr += ' (kedaluwarsa ' + new'utc') + ')';
var infoStr = 'Kirim permintaan untuk memblokir ulang dengan opsi yang diberikan';
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.partial === undefined && partialBox) {
infoStr += ', mengubah ke blokir parsial';
} else if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.partial === '' && !partialBox) {
infoStr += ', mengubah ke blokir penuh';
Morebits.status.warn(statusStr, infoStr);
Twinkle.block.callback.update_form(e, Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo);
} else if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=template]').is(':checked')) {
if (templateBox) {
// make sure all the fields are correct based on defaults
if (blockBox) {
if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
} else {
Baris 421 ⟶ 587:
Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo = {
'anonblock' : {
expiry: '31 hours',
forAnonOnly: true,
Baris 429 ⟶ 595:
sig: '~~~~'
'anonblock - school' : {
expiry: '36 hours',
forAnonOnly: true,
Baris 438 ⟶ 604:
sig: '~~~~'
'blocked proxy' : {
expiry: '1 year',
forAnonOnly: true,
Baris 447 ⟶ 613:
sig: null
'CheckUser block' : {
expiry: '1 week',
forAnonOnly: true,
Baris 455 ⟶ 621:
sig: '~~~~'
'checkuserblock-account' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
Baris 464 ⟶ 630:
sig: '~~~~'
'checkuserblock-wide' : {
forAnonOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
Baris 471 ⟶ 637:
sig: '~~~~'
'colocationwebhost' : {
expiry: '1 year',
forAnonOnly: true,
Baris 478 ⟶ 644:
sig: null
'oversightblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
Baris 486 ⟶ 652:
sig: '~~~~'
'school block' : {
forAnonOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
Baris 493 ⟶ 659:
sig: '~~~~'
'spamblacklistblock' : {
forAnonOnly: true,
expiry: '1 month',
Baris 508 ⟶ 674:
// sig: '~~~~'
// },
'tor' : {
expiry: '1 year',
forAnonOnly: true,
Baris 515 ⟶ 681:
sig: null
'webhostblock' : {
expiry: '1 year',
forAnonOnly: true,
Baris 523 ⟶ 689:
// uw-prefixed
'uw-3block' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '24 hours',
Baris 531 ⟶ 697:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena melanggar kebijakan [[WP:3RR|pengembalian tiga kali berturut-turut]]'
'uw-ablock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '31 hours',
Baris 541 ⟶ 707:
suppressArticleInSummary: true
'uw-adblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
Baris 548 ⟶ 714:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena mengirimkan spam atau beriklan di Wikipedia'
'uw-aeblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
Baris 556 ⟶ 722:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena suntingan Anda melanggar kebijakan arbitrase'
'uw-bioblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
Baris 563 ⟶ 729:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena melanggar kebijakan penulisan biografi tokoh yang masih hidup'
'uw-block' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '24 hours',
Baris 573 ⟶ 739:
suppressArticleInSummary: true
'uw-blockindef' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
Baris 583 ⟶ 749:
suppressArticleInSummary: true
'uw-blocknotalk' : {
disabletalk: true,
pageParam: true,
Baris 602 ⟶ 768:
summary: 'Anda diblokir selamanya karena nama pengguna Anda menyiratkan bahwa ini akun bot, yang saat ini belum mendapat persetujuan'
'uw-causeblock' : {
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
Baris 616 ⟶ 782:
summary: 'Anda diblokir selamanya karena akun yang digunakan dianggap telah disalahgunakan'
'uw-copyrightblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '24 hours',
Baris 631 ⟶ 797:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena terus-menerus menghilangkan isi halaman'
'uw-disruptblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
Baris 637 ⟶ 803:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena melakukan penyuntingan yang mengganggu/mengacau'
'uw-efblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
Baris 643 ⟶ 809:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena memicu filter suntingan dengan sengaja'
'uw-ewblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '24 hours',
Baris 651 ⟶ 817:
summary: 'Anda diblokir untuk mencegah perang suntingan dengan pengguna lain yang disebabkan oleh suntingan mengganggu Anda'
'uw-hblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
Baris 658 ⟶ 824:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena mencoba menyerang pengguna/subjek lain'
'uw-ipevadeblock' : {
forAnonOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
Baris 664 ⟶ 830:
summary: 'Alamat IP Anda diblokir karena digunakan untuk menhindari pemblokiran'
'uw-lblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
Baris 671 ⟶ 837:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena mencoba membuat ancaman hukum'
'uw-myblocknothereblock': {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
pageParam: true,
reason: 'Menggunakan Wikipedia sebagai forum, situs web, atau blog',
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena menggunakan Wikipedia sebagai tempat menulis blog, situs jejaring sosial, atau forum'
'uw-nothereblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
Baris 686 ⟶ 845:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena dianggap tidak akan mengembangkan Wikipedia'
'uw-npblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
Baris 693 ⟶ 852:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena membuat halaman tanpa isi yang bermakna'
'uw-pablock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '31 hours',
Baris 700 ⟶ 859:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena menyerang pengguna/subjek lainnya'
'uw-sblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
Baris 706 ⟶ 865:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena mengirimkan spam atau beriklan'
'uw-soablock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
Baris 715 ⟶ 874:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena menggunakan akun untuk mengirimkan iklan, spam, dan promosi'
'uw-sockblocksocialmediablock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
pageParam: true,
reason: 'Using Wikipedia as a [[WP:NOTMYSPACE|blog, web host, social networking site or forum]]',
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for using user and/or article pages as a [[WP:NOTMYSPACE|blog, web host, social networking site or forum]]'
'uw-sockblock': {
autoblock: true,
forRegisteredOnly: true,
Baris 722 ⟶ 888:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena menyalahgunakan beberapa akun'
'uw-softerblock' : {
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
Baris 728 ⟶ 894:
summary: 'Anda diblokir selamanya karena akun Anda dianggap mewakili sebuah kelompok, organisasi, atau situs web'
'uw-spamublock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
Baris 736 ⟶ 902:
summary: 'Anda diblokir selamanya karena akun ini digunakan untuk beriklan dan melanggar kebijakan nama pengguna'
'uw-spoablock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
Baris 744 ⟶ 910:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena menggunakan akun boneka'
'uw-talkrevoked' : {
disabletalk: true,
reason: 'Mencabut akses halaman pembicaraan: menyalahgunakan halaman pembicaraan selama diblokir',
Baris 751 ⟶ 917:
useInitialOptions: true
'uw-ublock' : {
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
Baris 764 ⟶ 930:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena nama pengguna Anda sangat mirip dengan pengguna lain'
'uw-ucblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '31 hours',
Baris 772 ⟶ 938:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for persistent addition of [[WP:INTREF|unsourced content]]'
'uw-uhblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
Baris 781 ⟶ 947:
summary: 'Anda diblokir selamanya karena menggunakan nama pengguna yang dilarang'
'uw-ublock-famouswellknown' : {
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
Baris 795 ⟶ 961:
summary: 'Anda diblokir selamanya karena nama pengguna Anda sangat mirip dengan pengguna lain'
'uw-vaublockupeblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
pageParam: true,
reason: '[[WP:PAID|Undisclosed paid editing]] in violation of the WMF [[WP:TOU|Terms of Use]]',
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being used in violation of [[WP:PAID|Wikipedia policy on undisclosed paid advocacy]]'
'uw-vaublock': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
Baris 804 ⟶ 979:
summary: 'Anda diblokir selamanya karena melakukan vandalisme semata-mata dan menggunakan nama pengguna yang dilarang'
'uw-vblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '31 hours',
Baris 812 ⟶ 987:
summary: 'Anda diblokir karena melakukan [[WP:VANDAL|vandalisme]] terus-terusan'
'uw-voablock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
Baris 821 ⟶ 996:
summary: 'Anda diblokir selamanya karena semata-mata melakukan [[WP:VANDAL|vandalisme]]'
'zombie proxy' : {
expiry: '1 month',
forAnonOnly: true,
Baris 828 ⟶ 1.003:
reason: '{{zombie proxy}}',
sig: null
// Begin partial block templates, accessed in Twinkle.block.blockGroupsPartial
'uw-acpblock': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '48 hours',
nocreate: true,
pageParam: false,
reasonParam: true,
reason: 'Misusing [[WP:Sock puppetry|multiple accounts]]',
summary: 'You have been [[WP:PB|blocked]] from creating accounts for misusing [[WP:SOCK|multiple accounts]]'
'uw-acpblockindef': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
pageParam: false,
reasonParam: true,
reason: 'Misusing [[WP:Sock puppetry|multiple accounts]]',
summary: 'You have been indefinitely [[WP:PB|blocked]] from creating accounts for misusing [[WP:SOCK|multiple accounts]]'
'uw-aepblock': {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: false,
pageParam: false,
reason: '[[WP:Arbitration enforcement|Arbitration enforcement]]',
reasonParam: true,
summary: 'You have been [[WP:PB|blocked]] from editing for violating an [[WP:Arbitration|arbitration decision]]'
'uw-epblock': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
nocreate: false,
noemail: true,
pageParam: false,
reasonParam: true,
reason: 'Email [[WP:Harassment|harassment]]',
summary: 'You have been [[WP:PB|blocked]] from emailing other editors for [[WP:Harassment|harassment]]'
'uw-ewpblock': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '24 hours',
nocreate: false,
pageParam: false,
reasonParam: true,
reason: '[[WP:Edit warring|Edit warring]]',
summary: 'You have been [[WP:PB|blocked]] from editing certain areas of the encyclopedia to prevent further [[WP:DE|disruption]] due to [[WP:EW|edit warring]]'
'uw-pblock': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '24 hours',
nocreate: false,
pageParam: false,
reasonParam: true,
summary: 'You have been [[WP:PB|partially blocked]] from certain areas of the encyclopedia'
'uw-pblockindef': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
nocreate: false,
pageParam: false,
reasonParam: true,
summary: 'You have been indefinitely [[WP:PB|partially blocked]] from certain areas of the encyclopedia'
Baris 856 ⟶ 1.097:
label: 'Alasan pemblokiran umum',
list: [
{ label: 'blokanonblokir anon', value: 'anonblock' },
{ label: 'blokanonblokir anon - miripkemungkinan sebuahbesar sekolah', value: 'anonblock - school' },
{ label: 'blokir sekolah', value: 'school block' },
{ label: 'Blokir umum (alasan tertentu)', value: 'uw-block' }, // ends up being default for registered users
{ label: 'Blokir umum (alasan tertentu) - IP', value: 'uw-ablock', selected: true }, // set only when blocking IP
{ label: 'Blokir umum (alasan tertentu) - selamanya', value: 'uw-blockindef' },
{ label: 'Suntingan mengganggu', value: 'uw-disruptblock' },
{ label: 'Penyalahgunaan halaman pembicaraan pengguna selama diblokir', value: 'uw-talkrevoked' },
Baris 868 ⟶ 1.109:
{ label: 'Vandalisme', value: 'uw-vblock' },
{ label: 'Akun vandalisme semata-mata', value: 'uw-voablock' }
Baris 889 ⟶ 1.130:
{ label: 'Akun boneka (inang)', value: 'uw-sockblock' },
{ label: 'Akun boneka (anak)', value: 'uw-spoablock' },
{ label: 'Jejaring sosial', value: 'uw-myblocksocialmediablock' },
{ label: 'Spam', value: 'uw-sblock' },
{ label: 'Akun spam/iklan semata-mata', value: 'uw-soablock' },
{ label: 'Bot yang belum disetujui', value: 'uw-botblock' },
{ label: 'Undisclosed paid editing', value: 'uw-upeblock' },
{ label: 'Melanggar tiga kali pengembalian', value: 'uw-3block' }
Baris 906 ⟶ 1.148:
{ label: 'Pelanggaran nama pengguna, pemblokiran rumit', value: 'uw-uhblock' },
{ label: 'Nama pengguna meniru-niru, pemblokiran rumit', value: 'uw-uhblock-double' },
{ label: 'Nama pengguna yang mewakili tokoh terkenal, pemblokiran lunak', value: 'uw-ublock-famouswellknown' },
{ label: 'Nama pengguna yang mewakili organisasi nirlaba, pemblokiran lunak', value: 'uw-causeblock' },
{ label: 'Pelanggaran nama pengguna, danvandalism-only akun spam semata-mataaccount', value: 'uw-vaublock' }
Baris 915 ⟶ 1.157:
list: [
{ label: 'proksi yang diblokir', value: 'blocked proxy' },
{ label: 'pemblokiran oleh CheckUserPemeriksa', value: 'CheckUser block', disabled: !Morebits.userIsInGroup('checkuser') },
{ label: 'checkuserblock-account', value: 'checkuserblock-account', disabled: !Morebits.userIsInGroup('checkuser') },
{ label: 'checkuserblock-wide', value: 'checkuserblock-wide', disabled: !Morebits.userIsInGroup('checkuser') },
{ label: 'colocationwebhost', value: 'colocationwebhost' },
{ label: 'oversightblock', value: 'oversightblock', disabled: !Morebits.userIsInGroup('oversight') },
// { label: 'rangeblock', value: 'rangeblock' }, // placeholder for when we add support for rangeblocks
{ label: 'spamblacklistblock', value: 'spamblacklistblock' },
Baris 929 ⟶ 1.171:
Twinkle.block.blockGroupsPartial = [
Twinkle.block.callback.filtered_block_groups = function twinkleblockCallbackFilteredBlockGroups(show_template) {
return $.map(Twinkle.block.blockGroups, function(blockGroup) {
label: 'Common partial block reasons',
list: [
{ label: 'Generic partial block (custom reason)', value: 'uw-pblock', selected: true },
{ label: 'Generic partial block (custom reason) - indefinite', value: 'uw-pblockindef' },
{ label: 'Edit warring', value: 'uw-ewpblock' }
label: 'Extended partial block reasons',
list: [
{ label: 'Arbitration enforcement', value: 'uw-aepblock' },
{ label: 'Email harassment', value: 'uw-epblock' },
{ label: 'Misusing multiple accounts', value: 'uw-acpblock' },
{ label: 'Misusing multiple accounts - indefinite', value: 'uw-acpblockindef' }
Twinkle.block.callback.filtered_block_groups = function twinkleblockCallbackFilteredBlockGroups(group, show_template) {
return $.map(group, function(blockGroup) {
var list = $.map(blockGroup.list, function(blockPreset) {
// only show uw-talkrevoked if reblocking
if (!Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo && blockPreset.value === "'uw-talkrevoked"') {
var blockSettings = Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[blockPreset.value];
var registrationRestrict = blockSettings.forRegisteredOnly ? Twinkle.block.isRegistered : (blockSettings.forAnonOnly ? !Twinkle.block.isRegistered : true);
if (!(blockSettings.templateName && show_template) && registrationRestrict) {
var templateName = blockSettings.templateName || blockPreset.value;
return {
label: (show_template ? '{{' + templateName + '}}: ' : '') + blockPreset.label,
value: blockPreset.value,
data: [{
name: 'template-name',
value: templateName
selected: !!blockPreset.selected,
disabled: !!blockPreset.disabled
if (list.length) {
return {
label: blockGroup.label,
list: list
Baris 959 ⟶ 1.227:
Twinkle.block.callback.change_preset = function twinkleblockCallbackChangePreset(e) {
var key =;
if (!key) {
} = Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[key].templateName || key;
Baris 986 ⟶ 1.256:
if (this.checked) {
var seeAlsoMessage = Twinkle.block.seeAlsos.join(' and ');
Baris 1.023 ⟶ 1.295:
// disable autoblock if blocking a bot
if (Twinkle.block.isRegistered &&$\b/i) > 0) {
data.autoblock = false;
Baris 1.029 ⟶ 1.301:
$(form.field_block_options).find(':checkbox').each(function(i, el) {
// don't override original options if useInitialOptions is set
if (data.useInitialOptions && data[] === undefined) {
var check = data[] === '' || !!data[];
Baris 1.044 ⟶ 1.318:
Twinkle.block.callback.change_template = function twinkleblockcallbackChangeTemplate(e) {
var form =, value = form.template.value, settings = Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[value];
if (!$(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
if (settings.indefinite || settings.nonstandard) {
Baris 1.052 ⟶ 1.325: = 'none';
form.template_expiry.value = 'indefinite';
} else if ( === 'none' ) {
if (Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry !== null) {
form.template_expiry.value = Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry;
Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry = null;
Baris 1.059 ⟶ 1.332: = 'block';
if (Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry) {
form.expiry.value = Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry;
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.notalk.parentNode, !settings.nonstandard);
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.noemail_template.parentNode, $(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=partial]').is(':checked') && !$(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked'));
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.nocreate_template.parentNode, $(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=partial]').is(':checked') && !$(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked'));
} else {
Baris 1.067 ⟶ 1.344:
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.article.parentNode, !!settings.pageParam);
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.block_reason.parentNode, !!settings.reasonParam);
// Partial block
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.area.parentNode, $(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=partial]').is(':checked') && !$(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked'));
Baris 1.085 ⟶ 1.364:
expiry: form.template_expiry ? form.template_expiry.value : form.expiry.value,
hardblock: Twinkle.block.isRegistered ? form.autoblock.checked : form.hardblock.checked,
indefinite: (/indef|infinit|never|\*|max/).test( form.template_expiry ? form.template_expiry.value : form.expiry.value ),
reason: form.block_reason.value,
template: form.template.value,
partial: $(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=partial]').is(':checked'),
pagerestrictions: $(form.pagerestrictions).val() || [],
namespacerestrictions: $(form.namespacerestrictions).val() || [],
noemail: form.noemail.checked || (form.noemail_template ? form.noemail_template.checked : false),
nocreate: form.nocreate.checked || (form.nocreate_template ? form.nocreate_template.checked : false),
area: form.area.value
Baris 1.099 ⟶ 1.384:
toBlock = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked'),
toWarn = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=template]').is(':checked'),
toPartial = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=partial]').is(':checked'),
blockoptions = {}, templateoptions = {};
Baris 1.110 ⟶ 1.396:
templateoptions.hardblock = !!blockoptions.hardblock;
delete blockoptions.expiry_preset; // remove extraneous
// Partial API requires this to be gone, not false or 0
if (toPartial) {
blockoptions.partial = templateoptions.partial = true;
templateoptions.pagerestrictions = $form.find('[name=pagerestrictions]').val() || [];
templateoptions.namespacerestrictions = $form.find('[name=namespacerestrictions]').val() || [];
// Format for API here rather than in saveFieldset
blockoptions.pagerestrictions = templateoptions.pagerestrictions.join('|');
blockoptions.namespacerestrictions = templateoptions.namespacerestrictions.join('|');
// use block settings as warn options where not supplied
Baris 1.116 ⟶ 1.412:
if (toBlock) {
if (!blockoptions.expirypartial) return alert('Berikan waktu kedaluwarsa pemblokiran!');{
if (!blockoptions.reason)disabletalk return&& alertblockoptions.namespacerestrictions.indexOf('Berikan3') alasan=== pemblokiran!'-1); {
return alert('Partial blocks cannot prevent talk page access unless also restricting them from editing User talk space!');
if (!blockoptions.namespacerestrictions && !blockoptions.pagerestrictions) {
if (!blockoptions.noemail && !blockoptions.nocreate) { // Blank entries technically allowed [[phab:T208645]]
return alert('No pages or namespaces were selected, nor were email or account creation restrictions applied; please select at least one option to apply a partial block!');
} else if (!confirm('You are about to block with no restrictions on page or namespace editing, are you sure you want to proceed?')) {
if (!blockoptions.expiry) {
return alert('Berikan waktu kedaluwarsa pemblokiran!');
if (!blockoptions.reason) {
return alert('Berikan alasan pemblokiran!');
Morebits.simpleWindow.setButtonsEnabled( false );
Morebits.status.init( );
var statusElement = new Morebits.status('Menjalankan pemblokiran');
blockoptions.action = 'block';
Baris 1.129 ⟶ 1.441:
blockoptions.allowusertalk = blockoptions.disabletalk ? undefined : true;
// execute block
Check if block status changed while processing the form.
api.getToken('block').then(function(token) {
statusElement.status('Sedang menjalankan...');
There's a lot to consider here. list=blocks provides the
blockoptions.token = token;
current block status, but there are at least two issues with
var mbApi = new 'Executing block', blockoptions, function() {
relying on it. First, the id doesn't update on a reblock,
meaning the individual parameters need to be compared. This
can be done roughly with JSON.stringify - we can thankfully
rely on order from the server, although sorting would be
fine if not - but falsey values are problematic and is
non-ideal. More importantly, list=blocks won't indicate if a
non-blocked user is blocked then unblocked. This should be
exceedingy rare, but regardless, we thus need to check
list=logevents, which has a nicely updating logid
parameter. We can't rely just on that, though, since it
doesn't account for blocks that have expired on their own.
As such, we use both. Using some ternaries, the logid
variables are false if there's no logevents, so if they
aren't equal we defintely have a changed entry (send
confirmation). If they are equal, then either the user was
never blocked (the block statuses will be equal, no
confirmation) or there's no new block, in which case either
a block expired (different statuses, confirmation) or the
same block is still active (same status, no confirmation).
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
list: 'blocks|logevents',
letype: 'block',
lelimit: 1,
letitle: 'User:' + blockoptions.user,
bkusers: blockoptions.user
}).then(function(data) {
var block = data.query.blocks[0];
var logevents = data.query.logevents[0];
var logid = data.query.logevents.length ? logevents.logid : false;
if (logid !== Twinkle.block.blockLogId || !!block !== !!Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
var message = 'The block status of ' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') + ' has changed. ';
if (block) {
message += 'New status: ';
} else {
message += 'Last entry: ';
var logExpiry = '';
if (logevents.params.duration) {
if (logevents.params.duration === 'infinity') {
logExpiry = 'indefinitely';
} else {
var expiryDate = new;
logExpiry += (expiryDate.isBefore(new Date()) ? ', expired ' : ' until ') + expiryDate.calendar();
} else { // no duration, action=unblock, just show timestamp
logExpiry = ' ' + new;
message += Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(logevents.action) + 'ed by ' + logevents.user + logExpiry +
' for "' + logevents.comment + '". Do you want to override with your settings?';
if (!confirm(message)) {'Executing block', 'Canceled by user');
blockoptions.reblock = 1; // Writing over a block will fail otherwise
// execute block
blockoptions.token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');
var mbApi = new'Executing block', blockoptions, function() {'Selesai');
if (toWarn) {
}, function() {
statusElement.error('Tidak bisa mendapatkan token pemblokiran');
} else if (toWarn) {
Morebits.simpleWindow.setButtonsEnabled( false );
Morebits.status.init( );
} else {
Baris 1.157 ⟶ 1.534:
messageData: Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[formData.template],
reason: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.block_reason,
disabletalk: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.notalk,
noemail: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.noemail_template,
nocreate: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.nocreate_template
Baris 1.163 ⟶ 1.542: = 'Tindakan selesai, memuat ulang halaman pembicaraan dalam beberapa detik';
var wikipedia_page = new userTalkPage, 'Mengubah halaman pembicaraan pengguna' );
wikipedia_page.setCallbackParameters( params );
wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect( true );
wikipedia_page.load( Twinkle.block.callback.main );
Twinkle.block.callback.getBlockNoticeWikitext = function(params) {
var text = '{{', settings = Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[params.template];
if (!settings.nonstandard) {
text += 'subst:' + params.template;
if (params.article && settings.pageParam) {
text += '|page=' + params.article;
if (!/te?mp|^\s*$|min/.exec(params.expiry)) {
if (params.indefinite) {
text += '|indef=yes';
} else if (!params.blank_duration) {
text += '|time=' + params.expiry;
Baris 1.188 ⟶ 1.568:
if (params.reason) {
text += '|reason=' + params.reason;
if (params.disabletalk) text += '|notalk=yes';
if (params.disabletalk) {
text += '|notalk=yes';
// Currently, all partial block templates are "standard"
// Building the template, however, takes a fair bit of logic
if (params.partial) {
if (params.pagerestrictions.length || params.namespacerestrictions.length) {
var makeSentence = function (array) {
if (array.length < 3) {
return array.join(' and ');
var last = array.pop();
return array.join(', ') + ', and ' + last;
text += '|area=' + (params.indefinite ? 'certain ' : 'from certain ');
if (params.pagerestrictions.length) {
text += 'pages (' + makeSentence( {
return '[[:' + p + ']]';
text += params.namespacerestrictions.length ? ') and certain ' : ')';
if (params.namespacerestrictions.length) {
// 1 => Talk, 2 => User, etc.
var namespaceNames = {
return menuFormattedNamespaces[id];
text += '[[Wikipedia:Namespace|namespaces]] (' + makeSentence(namespaceNames) + ')';
} else if (params.area) {
text += '|area=' + params.area;
} else {
if (params.noemail) {
text += '|email=yes';
if (params.nocreate) {
text += '|accountcreate=yes';
} else {
text += params.template;
if (settings.sig) {
text += '|sig=' + settings.sig;
return text + '}}';
Twinkle.block.callback.main = function twinkleblockcallbackMain( pageobj ) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText(),
params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters(),
messageData = params.messageData,
date = new;
var dateHeaderRegex = new RegExp( '^==+\\s*(?:' + date.getUTCMonthNamemonthHeaderRegex(), + '|' + date.getUTCMonthNameAbbrev()dateHeaderRegexLast, +dateHeaderRegexResult;
while ((dateHeaderRegexLast = dateHeaderRegex.exec(text)) !== null) {
')\\s+' + date.getUTCFullYear() + '\\s*==+', 'mg' );
var dateHeaderRegexLast, dateHeaderRegexResult;
while ((dateHeaderRegexLast = dateHeaderRegex.exec( text )) !== null) {
dateHeaderRegexResult = dateHeaderRegexLast;
Baris 1.214 ⟶ 1.635:
// \n== is not found, then the date header must be at the very start of the page. lastIndexOf
// returns -1 in this case, so lastHeaderIndex gets set to 0 as desired.
var lastHeaderIndex = text.lastIndexOf( '\n==' ) + 1;
if ( text.length > 0 ) {
text += '\n\n';
params.indefinite = (/indef|infinit|never|\*|max/).test( params.expiry );
if ( Twinkle.getPref('blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock') && params.template !== 'uw-lblock' && params.indefinite ) { 'Info', 'Menghapus isi halaman pembicaraan berdasarkan preferensi dan membuat bagian tingkat 2 untuk tanggal' );
text = '== ' + date.getUTCMonthNamemonthHeader() + ' ' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ==\n';
} else if( (!dateHeaderRegexResult || dateHeaderRegexResult.index !== lastHeaderIndex ) { 'Info', 'Akan membuat bagian tingkat 2 baru untuk tanggal, karena subbagian bulan ini tidak tersedia' );
text += '== ' + date.getUTCMonthNamemonthHeader() + ' ' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ==\n';
params.expiry = typeof params.template_expiry !== "'undefined"' ? params.template_expiry : params.expiry;
text += Twinkle.block.callback.getBlockNoticeWikitext(params);
Baris 1.236 ⟶ 1.657:
// build the edit summary
var summary = messageData.summary;
if ( messageData.suppressArticleInSummary !== true && params.article ) {
summary += ' di [[:' + params.article + ']]';
summary += '.' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd');
pageobj.setPageText( text );
pageobj.setEditSummary( summary );
pageobj.setWatchlist( Twinkle.getPref('watchWarnings') );;
Baris 1.250 ⟶ 1.671:
// </nowiki>