Sejarah pemikiran evolusi: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 161:
== 1859–1930an: Darwin dan warisannya ==
Pada 1850an, apakah spesies berevolusi atau tidak adalah subyek debat intens, dengan para ilmuwan berpengaruh berpendapat pada kedua sisi atas masalah tersebut.<ref>{{harvnb|Larson|2004|p=50}}</ref> Publikasi ''On the Origin of Species'' karya Charles Darwin secara fundamental mentransformasikan diskusi atas asal muasal biologi.<ref>{{harvnb|Secord|2000|pp=515–518}}: "The centrality of ''Origin of Species'' in the rise of widespread evolutionary thinking has long been accepted by historians of science. However, some scholars have recently begun to challenge this idea. James A. Secord, in his study of the impact of ''Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation'', argues that in some ways ''Vestiges'' had as much or more impact than ''Origin'', at least into the 1880s. Focusing so much on Darwin and ''Origin'', he argues, "obliterates decades of labor by teachers, theologians, technicians, printers, editors, and other researchers, whose work has made evolutionary debates so significant during the past two centuries."</ref> Darwin berpendapat bahwa versi percabangan dari evolusi menjelaskan kekayaan fakta dalam biogreografi, anatomi, embriologi, dan bidang biologi lainnya. Ia juga menyediakan mekanisme kogen pertama dimana perubahan evolusi dapat terjadi: teori seleksi alam buatannya.<ref name="Larson79-111">{{harvnb|Larson|2004|pp=79–111}}</ref>
=== Aplikasi kepada manusia ===
=== Alternatif dari seleksi alam ===
=== Mendelian genetik, biometrik, dan mutasi ===