Pele-yoez-el-gibor-abi-ad-sar-shalom: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 13:
== Analisis ==
Ayat ini menubuatkan kelahiran [[Mesias]], [[Yesus]] [[Kristus]] (juga lihat [[Yesaya 7:14]]). Kelahiran-Nya akan terjadi pada saat dan di tempat tertentu di dalam sejarah, dan Anak Mesianis ini akan lahir dengan cara yang unik dan menakjubkan. Yesaya mencatat empat nama yang akan menandai tugas-Nya selaku Mesias.
* 1) Penasihat Ajaib. Mesias sendiri akan menjadi keajaiban adikodrati (kata Ibrani ''pele'' hanya dipakai untuk Allah, tidak pernah untuk manusia atau pekerjaannya; bandingkan {{Alkitab|Yesaya 28:29}}); Ia akan menunjukkan sifat-Nya melalui semua perbuatan dan mukjizat-Nya. Penasihat Ajaib ini akan merupakan penjelmaan hikmat sempurna dan mempunyai kata-kata hidup kekal; selaku Penasihat, Ia akan menyingkapkan rencana keselamatan sempurna (bandingkan {{Alkitab|Yesaya 11:1-16}}).
* 2) Allah yang Perkasa. Di dalam Mesias seluruh kepenuhan ke-Allahan akan berdiam secara jasmaniah ({{Alkitab|Kolose 2:9}}; bandingkan {{Alkitab|Yohanes 1:1,14}}).
Baris 19:
* 4) Raja Damai. Pemerintahan-Nya akan membawa damai dengan Allah bagi umat manusia melalui pembebasan dari dosa dan kematian ({{Alkitab|Yesaya 11:6-9}}; bandingkan {{Alkitab|Roma 5:1; 8:2}}).
''Penggenapan'': [[Yesus]] mengajar orang dan mereka takjub atas pengajarannya. Mukjizat yang dibuat Yesus membuat orang-orang yang menyaksikannya menyatakan "Allah melawat kita". Injil Yohanes memberi kesaksian bahwa Yesus dan Bapa adalah satu. Yesus masuk ke [[Yerusalem]] dengan mengendarai keledai sebagai lambang "Raja Damai".<ref>Lihat [[Yesus dielu-elukan di Yerusalem]]</ref><ref name=fulllife>The Full Life Study Bible. Life Publishers International. 1992. Teks Penuntun edisi Bahasa Indonesia. Penerbit Gandum Mas. 1993, 1994.</ref>
TheNama-nama nameini issudah translatedditerjemahkan indalam theterjemahan Alkitab bahasa Latin [[VulgateVulgata]] and(abad mostke-4) Englishdan Biblesbahasa-bahasa modern. TheNama nameini dapat couldsaja bedibiarkan lefttidak untranslatedditerjemahkan,<ref>James R. Beck ''Jesus & personality theory: exploring the five-factor model'' p11 1999 "WhenKetika translatorspenerjemah comesampai topada IsaiahYesaya 9:6, theymereka coulddapat alsomembiarkan leavenama theMesias nameyang ofdijanjikan theitu promiseddalam Messiahbentuk in its transliteratedalih stateaksara, inyang whichlebih casepanjang thedari namenama would be even longer than that ofdi IsaiahYesaya 8:1: Pele-joez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom."</ref> anddan isini soyang interjadi thepada [[Jewish Publication Society of America Version]] (1917), thoughmeskipun thismenjadikan causeddiskusi discussiondi amongantara thepara translatorspenerjemah anddan ledakhirnya toditerjemahkan anke Englishdalam translationbahasa in theInggris dalam [[New Jewish Publication Society of America Version]] (1985).<ref>Ernest S. Frerichs ''The Bible and Bibles in America'' Scholars Press, 1988 p100 "Samuel Schulman of the JPS translation committee urged his colleagues to follow the same practice, since "it calls attention to the fact, that we wish to avoid any possible Christological interpretation of the phrase. . And the government is upon his shoulder; And his name is called ° Pele-joez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom That is, Wonderful in counsel is God the Mighty "</ref> TheDalam LatinVulgata Vulgate reads that his name will be calledterbaca ''"Admirabilis consiliarius, Deus fortis, Pater futuri saeculi, Princeps pacis"'' (the [[Douay-Rheims]] versionmenerjemahkannya translates this asmenjadi 'Wonderful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, the Prince of Peace', "Ajaib, Penasihat, Allah yang Perkasa, Bapa dunia yang akan datang, Pangeran Damai").
The name is translated in the Latin [[Vulgate]] and most English Bibles. The name could be left untranslated,<ref>James R. Beck ''Jesus & personality theory: exploring the five-factor model'' p11 1999 "When translators come to Isaiah 9:6, they could also leave the name of the promised Messiah in its transliterated state, in which case the name would be even longer than that of Isaiah 8:1: Pele-joez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom."</ref> and is so in the [[Jewish Publication Society of America Version]] (1917), though this caused discussion among the translators and led to an English translation in the [[New Jewish Publication Society of America Version]] (1985).<ref>Ernest S. Frerichs ''The Bible and Bibles in America'' Scholars Press, 1988 p100 "Samuel Schulman of the JPS translation committee urged his colleagues to follow the same practice, since "it calls attention to the fact, that we wish to avoid any possible Christological interpretation of the phrase. . And the government is upon his shoulder; And his name is called ° Pele-joez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom That is, Wonderful in counsel is God the Mighty "</ref> The Latin Vulgate reads that his name will be called ''"Admirabilis consiliarius, Deus fortis, Pater futuri saeculi, Princeps pacis"'' (the [[Douay-Rheims]] version translates this as 'Wonderful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, the Prince of Peace').
{{Quotation|[[Wycliffe Bible]] 9:6 Forsooth a little child is born to us, and a son is given to us, and princehood is made on his shoulder (But a little child is born to us, and a son is given to us, and princehood is placed upon his shoulders); and his name shall be called Wonderful, A counsellor, God, Strong, Father of the world to coming, A prince of peace.}}
Luther translatedmenerjemahkan "El gibbor" assebagai "heropahlawan" (bahasa Jerman: ''Held''):
{{quotation|Luther Bible 9:6 Denn uns ist ein Kind geboren, ein Sohn ist uns gegeben, und die Herrschaft ist auf seiner Schulter; er heißt Wunderbar, Rat, Held, Ewig-Vater Friedefürst;}}
==Penafsiran Yahudi==
==Jewish interpretation==
Edersheim (1883) notesmencatat thatbahwa thisayat verseini isditerapkan appliedpada to[[Mesias]] the Messiah in the Aramaicpada [[Targum]] dalam bahasa Aram.<ref>Alfred Edersheim The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah 1883 "and there is a very curious comment in Debarim R. 1 (ed. Warsh., p.&nbsp;4a) in connection with a Haggadic discussion of Genesis 43:14, which, however fanciful, makes a Messianic application of this passage - also in Bemidbar R. 11." [ Philologos | The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah | Appendix 9]</ref> <!--In rabbinical interpretation, such as [[Joseph Herman Hertz]] (1968) citing [[Rashi]] and [[Luzzatto]], the name is taken as referring to the 'crown prince.'<ref>[[Joseph Herman Hertz]] ''The Pentateuch and Haftorahs'' 1968 "This clearly indicates that the 'crown prince' is the person referred to. pele-joez-el-gibbor-abi-ad-sar-shalom. i.e. Wonderful in counsel is God the mighty, the Everlasting Father, the Ruler of Peace ([[Rashi]] and [[Luzzatto]])."</ref> Rashi, having applied [[Emmanuel]] to [[Hezekiah]] also applies the '''Pele Yoez''', "Wonderful Counsellor" prophecy to Hezekiah, saying that God "called the name of Hezekiah "Prince of Peace"."<ref>Géza Vermès Studia post-biblica 1959 p62; reprinted in ''Scripture and tradition in Judaism: Haggadic studies'' 1983 p62 "Rashi, for instance, follows it in his commentary : The Holy One, blessed be He, who is a Wonderful Counsellor, a Mighty God, and the Father of Eternity, called the name of Hezekiah "Prince of Peace". It would be incorrect to see an ..."</ref> In the Greek [[Septuagint]] the name is translated, "Messenger of Great Counsel" as a description of the prince: "he shall be named Messenger of Great Counsel, for I will bring peace upon the rulers, peace and health to him."<ref>LXX Is.9:5 [i.e.9:6] ὅτι παιδίον ἐγεννήθη ἡμῖν υἱὸς καὶ ἐδόθη ἡμῖν οὗ ἡ ἀρχὴ ἐγενήθη ἐπὶ τοῦ ὤμου αὐτοῦ καὶ καλεῖται τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ μεγάλης βουλῆς ἄγγελος ἐγὼ γὰρ ἄξω εἰρήνην ἐπὶ τοὺς ἄρχοντας εἰρήνην καὶ ὑγίειαν αὐτῷ</ref><ref>translation Tessa Rajak ''Jewish perspectives on Hellenistic rulers'' 2007 p261 "Because a child was born for us, a son also given to us, whose sovereignty was upon his shoulder; and he shall be named Messenger of Great Counsel, for I will bring peace upon the rulers, peace and health to him." NB translation accords with that, or may be following [[Géza Vermès]] ''Scripture and tradition in Judaism: Haggadic studies.'' p62 1959, 1983</ref>
==Penafsiran Kristen==
Dalam penafsiran [[Kristen]], yang didasarkan sebagian pada kutipan Yesaya 9:2 pada [[Matius 4]],<ref>R. T. France ''The Gospel of Matthew'' 2007 p142 "It also emphasizes the link between his Galilean location and the dawning of the light, which in the Isaiah context is the prelude to the great messianic prophecy of the child “born to us” who is called “wonderful counsellor,.."</ref> thenama nameini isdianggap takenmerujuk as referring tokepada [[JesusYesus anddan Messianicnubuat prophecyMesianik]]. The full verse "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." is quoted in the libretto of [[Messiah (Handel)|Handel's ''Messiah'']].
==Christian interpretation==
Ayat lengkap dalam bahasa Inggris "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." dikutip dalam libretto pada [[Messiah (Handel)|''Messiah'' karya Handel]].
TheIstilah uncommonyang termtidak umum, "El-gibbor"<ref>[ Gibbor Gesenius]</ref> isumumnya typicallyditerjemahkan translatedsebagai as"Allah yang Perkasa" ("''Mighty God.''").<ref>[[Franz Delitzsch]] ''Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Isaiah'' 1877 "Not, indeed, if we render the words "Strength, Hero," as Luther does ; or "Hero of Strength," as Meier has done ; or " a ... 21, where He, to whom the remnant of Israel will turn with penitence, is called El gibbor (the mighty God)."</ref><ref>[[W. O. E. Oesterley]] ''The Evolution of the Messianic Idea'' A Study in Comparative Religion (London: Pitman, 1908); "of them, at any rate, express " Heilbringer " conceptions of the clearest kind ; 'El Gibbor, " Hero-God," is, one might almost say,*a synonym for " Heilbringer," and the Old Testament ideas connected with the two words 'El and Gibbor ..."</ref>
In Christian interpretation, based partly on the proximity of a quote of Isaiah 9:2 found in Matthew 4,
<ref>R. T. France ''The Gospel of Matthew'' 2007 p142 "It also emphasizes the link between his Galilean location and the dawning of the light, which in the Isaiah context is the prelude to the great messianic prophecy of the child “born to us” who is called “wonderful counsellor,.."</ref> the name is taken as referring to [[Jesus and Messianic prophecy]]. The full verse "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." is quoted in the libretto of [[Messiah (Handel)|Handel's ''Messiah'']].
The uncommon term "El-gibbor"<ref>[ Gibbor Gesenius]</ref> is typically translated as "Mighty God."<ref>[[Franz Delitzsch]] ''Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Isaiah'' 1877 "Not, indeed, if we render the words "Strength, Hero," as Luther does ; or "Hero of Strength," as Meier has done ; or " a ... 21, where He, to whom the remnant of Israel will turn with penitence, is called El gibbor (the mighty God)."</ref><ref>[[W. O. E. Oesterley]] ''The Evolution of the Messianic Idea'' A Study in Comparative Religion (London: Pitman, 1908); "of them, at any rate, express " Heilbringer " conceptions of the clearest kind ; 'El Gibbor, " Hero-God," is, one might almost say,*a synonym for " Heilbringer," and the Old Testament ideas connected with the two words 'El and Gibbor ..."</ref>
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