denominasi Yahudi
(Dialihkan dari Yahudi India)
Sejarah Yahudi di India telah ada sejak zaman kuno.[1]

Yudaisme adalah salah satu agama luar negeri pertama yang datang ke India dalam sejarah yang tercatatkan.[2] Yahudi India adalah agama minoritas di India
Terdapat lima kelompok Yahudi di India:
- Yahudi Cochin[3]
- Yahudi Spanyol dan Portugis dan Britania yang datang ke Madras pada abad ke-17, biasanya sebagai Pedagang dan Pengusaha Berlian.[4]
- Bene Israel yang datang ke negara Maharashtra para 900 tahun yang lalu.[5]
- Yahudi Baghdad yang datang ke kota Mumbai dari Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, dan negara-negara Arab sekitar 250 tahun lalu.[1]
- Bnei Menashe adalah anggota Mizo dan Kuki di Manipur dan Mizoram[6]
sunting- ^ a b Weil, Shalva.India's Jewish Heritage: Ritual, Art and Life-Cycle. Mumbai: Marg Publications [first published in 2002; 3rd edn.]. 2009.
- ^ Weil, Shalva. "Indian Judaic Tradition" in Sushil Mittal and Gene Thursby (eds) Religions in South Asia, London: Palgrave Publishers, 2006. pp. 169-183.
- ^ Weil, Shalva. "Cochin Jews", in Judith Baskin (ed.) Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism and Jewish Culture, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. pp. 107.
- ^ "Madras Jews
- ^ Weil, Shalva. "Bene Israel'" in Judith Baskin (ed.) Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism and Jewish Culture, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. pp. 59.
- ^ Weil, Shalva. "Lost Israelites from North-East India: Re-Traditionalisation and Conversion among the Shinlung from the Indo-Burmese Borderlands." The Anthropologist, 2004. 6(3): 219-233.
Bacaan tambahan
sunting- India's Bene Israel: A Comprehensive Inquiry and Sourcebook Isenberg, Shirley Berry; Berkeley: Judah L. Magnes Museum, 1988
- Indian Jewish Heritage: Ritual, Art and Life-Cycle Dr. Shalva Weil (ed). Mumbai: Marg Publications, 3rd ed. 2009
- Indo-Judaic Studies in the Twenty-First Century: A Perspective from the Margin, Katz N., Chakravarti, R., Sinha, B. M. and Weil, S., New York and Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007
- Karmic Passages: Israeli Scholarship on India,Shulman, D. and Weil, S. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.2008
Pranala luar
suntingWikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Judaism in India.
- TheJewsOfIndia.com, Comprehensive Site of Jews in Inda
- Bneimenashe.com, Bnei Menashe Jews of North East India
- Haruth.com, Jewish India
- Indo-Judaic: Philosophy, Research, Studies and Cultural Community Diarsipkan 2011-05-10 di Wayback Machine.
- Tripod.com, Jews in India
- Jewsofindia.org, Jews of India, includes a Photo Gallery & a Forum
- Kulanu.org Diarsipkan 2008-07-08 di Wayback Machine., Kulanu's Indian Jews page
- Abhishiv Saxena, "The Jews of India", Merinews.com (July 2, 2007) Diarsipkan 2012-03-29 di Wayback Machine.
- Indjews.com, The Indian synagogues in Israel
- Indian Jews - Jewish Encyclopedia
- Bene Israel - Jewish Encyclopedia
- Cochin Jews - Jewish Encyclopedia
- Calcutta Jews - Jewish Encyclopedia
- Indian Jews - Jewish Virtual Library
- Photos of Synagogues of Calcutta
- Information on synagogues in Kerala, India
- Shaar Hashamaim
- The Satamker family