

var AutoEd_baseurl = '';
if (location.protocol === 'https:') {
  AutoEd_baseurl = '';

mw.loader.load(AutoEd_baseurl + 'core.js'); //Imports the "framework" script needed to make this function

//Sets variable configuration
autoEdTag = "Memformat menggunakan [[WP:AutoEd|AutoEd]]"; //Tweaks edit summary
autoEdLinkName = "Format"; //Changes the link name at the top of the page
autoEdLinkHover = "Jalankan AutoEd untuk memformat halaman"; //When user hovers over link
//Import individual modules for use
mw.loader.load(AutoEd_baseurl + 'unicodify.js'); // autoEdUnicodify() converts HTML entities to WikiText
mw.loader.load(AutoEd_baseurl + 'whitespace.js'); // autoEdWhitespace() cleans up whitespace
mw.loader.load(AutoEd_baseurl + 'wikilinks.js'); // autoEdWikilinks() simplifies and shortens wikilinks where appropriate
mw.loader.load(AutoEd_baseurl + 'htmltowikitext.js'); // autoEdHTMLtoWikitext() converts HTML to wikitext
mw.loader.load(AutoEd_baseurl + 'headlines.js'); // autoEdHeadlines() fixes common headline errors and renames some headers
mw.loader.load(AutoEd_baseurl + 'unicodecontrolchars.js'); // autoEdUnicodeControlChars() converts HTML to wikitext
mw.loader.load(AutoEd_baseurl + 'links.js'); // autoEdLinks() cleans up common link errors

function autoEdFunctions() { //Activates individual modules when "auto ed" tab is clicked
    var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
    txt.value = autoEdUnicodify(txt.value);
    txt.value = autoEdWhitespace(txt.value);
    txt.value = autoEdWikilinks(txt.value);
    txt.value = autoEdHTMLtoWikitext(txt.value);
    txt.value = autoEdHeadlines(txt.value);
    txt.value = autoEdUnicodeControlChars(txt.value);
    txt.value = autoEdLinks(txt.value);
