Turkestan Rusia
kegubernuran jenderal di Kekaisaran Rusia
Turkistan Rusia (bahasa Rusia: Русский Туркестан, translit. Russkiy Turkestan) merupakan sebuah wilayah yang terletak di bagian barat Turkistan, Asia Tengah, Kekaisaran Rusia yang dikelola sebagai Krai atau Kegubernuran. Wilayah ini terdiri dari wilayah oasis di selatan Stepa Kazakh, akan tetapi bukan protektorat Keamiran Bukhara dan Kekhanan Khiva.

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suntingBacaan selanjutnya
sunting- Pierce, Richard A. Russian Central Asia, 1867–1917 : a study in colonial rule (1960) online free to borrow
- Daniel Brower Turkestan and the Fate of the Russian Empire (London) 2003
- Wheeler, Geoffrey. The modern history of Soviet Central Asia (1964). online free to borrow
- Eugene Schuyler Turkistan (London) 1876 2 Vols. online free
- G.N. Curzon Russia in Central Asia (London) 1889 online free
- Count K.K. Pahlen Mission to Turkestan (Oxford) 1964
- Seymour Becker Russia's Protectorates in Central Asia, Bukhara and Khiva 1865–1924 (Cambridge, Massachusetts) 1968
- Adeeb Khalid The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform: Jadidism in Central Asia (Berkeley) 1997
- T.K. Beisembiev The Life of Alimqul (London) 2003
- Hisao Komatsu, The Andijan Uprising Reconsidered a: Symbiosis and Conflict in Muslim Societies: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, ed. by Tsugitaka Sato, Londres, 2004.
- Aftandil Erkinov. Praying For and Against the Tsar: Prayers and Sermons in Russian-Dominated Khiva and Tsarist Turkestan.Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2004 (=ANOR 16), 112 p.
- Aftandil S.Erkinov. The Andijan Uprising of 1898 and its leader Dukchi-ishan described by contemporary Poets'[1]' TIAS Central Eurasian Research Series No.3. Tokyo, 2009, 118 p.