Templat:Pengguna terdaftar menurut jumlah suntingan

Registered editors by edit count (all registered accounts)
If you have made... then you rank in the... or the... That's more than...
1 edit top 30% of all users top 14.200.000 of all users 70% of all users
2 edits top 20% of all users top 9.500.000 of all users 80% of all users
5 edits top 10% of all users top 4.700.000 of all users 90% of all users
10 edits top 5% of all users
(the autoconfirmed)
top 2.370.000 of all users 95% of all users
100 edits top 1% of all users top 475.000 of all users 99% of all users
500 edits top 0.25% of all users
(the extended confirmed)
top 118.000 of all users 99.75% of all users
1,000 edits top 0.1% of all users top 47.000 of all users 99.9% of all users
10,000 edits top 0.025% of all users top 11.800 of all users 99.975% of all users
25,000 edits top 0.01% of all users top 4.700 of all users 99.99% of all users
50,000 edits top 0.005% of all users top 2.300 of all users 99.995% of all users
100,000 edits top 0.002% of all users top 900 of all users 99.998% of all users
250,000 edits top 0.0005% of all users top 200 of all users 99.9995% of all users
500,000 edits top 0.0001% of all users top 50 of all users 99.9999% of all users
For the purposes of this table, an "editor" is a person who has a registered account on the English Wikipedia.
Registered editors by edit count (only successful contributors)
If you have made... then you rank in the... or the... That's more than...
1 edit 12,952,000 contributors
2 edits top 65% of contributors top 4.500.000 of contributors 35% of all contributors
5 edits top 30% of contributors top 3.800.000 of all contributors 70% of all contributors
10 edits top 20% of contributors
(the autoconfirmed)
top 2.590.000 of all contributors 80% of all contributors
100 edits top 2.5% of contributors top 323.000 of all contributors 97.5% of all contributors
500 edits top 0.75% of contributors
(the extended confirmed)
top 97.000 of all contributors 99.25% of all contributors
1,000 edits top 0.5% of contributors top 64.000 of all contributors 99.5% of all contributors
10,000 edits top 0.1% of contributors top 12.900 of all contributors 99.9% of all contributors
25,000 edits top 0.03% of contributors top 3.800 of all contributors 99.97% of all contributors
50,000 edits top 0.015% of contributors top 1.900 of all contributors 99.985% of all contributors
100,000 edits top 0.007% of contributors top 900 of all contributors 99.993% of all contributors
250,000 edits top 0.0015% of contributors top 200 of all contributors 99.9985% of all contributors
500,000 edits top 0.0004% of contributors top 50 of all contributors 99.9996% of all contributors
For the purposes of this table, an "editor" is an account with at least one published edit on the English Wikipedia.