Penggunaan sunting

Templat ini dipakai untuk membuat contoh judul bagian wiki markup di ruang nama bantuan dan sejenisnya. Fake headings tidak muncul di daftar isi table of contents. They are styled to appear the same as the default heading styles in the Vector skin, and will not be influenced by custom CSS or skins.

Parameters sunting

  • |sub= is the level number: valid values are 1 through 6. The default is 2.
  • An unnamed parameter is used for the section title.

Example sunting

Markah Hasil akhir
{{fake heading|sub=1|Heading 1}}
{{fake heading|sub=2|Heading 2}}
{{fake heading|sub=3|Heading 3}}
{{fake heading|sub=4|Heading 4}}
{{fake heading|sub=5|Heading 5}}
{{fake heading|sub=6|Heading 6}}
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6

HTML sunting

Real section heading wiki markup is rendered to HTML heading elements, <h1> through <h6>, styled as follows: Bantuan:HTML in wikitext

See also sunting

Templat:Fake template list