Pembicaraan:Danau Toba
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suntingArtikel Danau Toba di sini tak selengkap di en:Lake Toba. Ezagren peduli pesut 00:49, 11 April 2010 (UTC)
suntingKM SINAR BANGUNG 18/06/2018
KM Sinar Bangun tenggelam pada Senin (18/6) sore pukul 17.30 WIB dalam perjalanan dari Pelabuhan Simanindo ke Pelabuhan Tigaras Upaya pencarian korban yang hilang akan dilakukan selama tujuh hari kedepan, klaim Badan SAR Nasional Kapal KM Sinar Bangun tidak memiliki manifes dan daftar penumpang. Hal ini mempersulit upaya pendataan korban Korban hilang penumpang KM Sinar Bangun yang tenggelam di Danau Toba dilaporkan berjumlah 186 orang. Sebanyak 94 orang teridentifikasi, sedangkan 92 orang belum diketahui identitas.
"Hilang sudah teridentifkasi 94 orang. Yang belum teridentifikasi 92 orang. Itu data terakhir yang diterima tim SAR," kata Dirjen Perhubungan Udara Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) Agus Santoso di Posko Mudik Nasional Kemenhub, Rabu (20/6).
Sementara itu, korban tewas dilaporkan menjadi 3 orang. Korban selamat disebutkan berjumlah 18 orang.
"Sampai dengan pagi ini pukul 07.00 WIB dari tim SAR bahwa korban selamat 18 orang, meninggal dunia 3 orang," Andolin Simanjuntak (bicara) 22 Juni 2018 17.56 (UTC)
- Iya, mustinya pembahasan soal tenggelamnya kapal ini juga dibahas. --AMA Ptk (bicara) 29 Juni 2018 23.52 (UTC)
Kedalaman danau Toba
suntingKedalaman danau Toba yang sudah diverifikasi oleh tim peneliti adalah 505 m bukan 1600 m. Kocheng (bicara) 3 Agustus 2020 11.07 (UTC)
External links found that need fixing (Oktober 2023)
suntingHello fellow editors,
I have found one or more external links on Danau Toba that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is considered to be dead, however has been found to be alive. Recommend removing the dead flag from the URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
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Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Melaporkan kesalahan) 30 Oktober 2023 15.07 (UTC)
External links found that need fixing (November 2023)
suntingHello fellow editors,
I have found one or more external links on Danau Toba that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.
This notice will only be made once for these URLs.
Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Melaporkan kesalahan) 26 November 2023 08.51 (UTC)
External links found that need fixing (Agustus 2024)
suntingHello fellow editors,
I have found one or more external links on Danau Toba that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.
This notice will only be made once for these URLs.
Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Melaporkan kesalahan) 16 Agustus 2024 17.13 (UTC)
External links found that need fixing (September 2024)
suntingHello fellow editors,
I have found one or more external links on Danau Toba that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.
This notice will only be made once for these URLs.
Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Melaporkan kesalahan) 19 September 2024 18.26 (UTC)
External links found that need fixing (Desember 2024)
suntingHello fellow editors,
I have found one or more external links on Danau Toba that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:
- is considered to be dead, however has been found to be alive. Recommend removing the dead flag from the URL.
When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.
This notice will only be made once for these URLs.
Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Melaporkan kesalahan) 2 Desember 2024 21.48 (UTC)