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[[File:Eptesicus nilssonii hibernating.JPG|right|thumb|[[Northern bat]] hibernating in Norway]]
'''Hibernasi''' atau '''rahat''' adalah kondisi ketakaktifan dan penurunan [[metabolisme]] pada [[hewan]] yang ditandai dengan [[suhu]] tubuh yang lebih rendah, pernapasan yang lebih perlahan, serta kecepatan metabolisme yang lebih rendah. Hewan yang melakukan hibernasi berusaha menghemat [[energi]], terutama selama [[musim dingin]] sewaktu terjadi kelangkaan makanan, membakar cadangan energi, [[lemak|lemak tubuh]], dengan perlahan. Hibernasi dapat terjadi selama beberapa hari atau minggu, tergantung dari [[spesies]], [[suhu]] sekitar, dan waktu. Hewan yang terkenal suka melakukan hibernasi adalah [[Beruang]]. <ref name="Watts etal 1981">{{cite journal |author=Watts PD, Oritsland NA, Jonkel C, Ronald K |title=Mammalian hibernation and the oxygen consumption of a denning black bear (Ursus americanus) |journal=Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology |volume=69 |issue=1 |pages=121–3 |year=1981 |doi=10.1016/0300-9629(81)90645-9}}</ref>
==Hibernasi Hewan ==
=== Primata ===
Disaat berhibernasi telah lama dipelajari pada [[hewan pengerat]] yang bernama tupai tanah.
Belum ada mamalia primata atau tropis dikenal hibernasi. Hingga akhirnya ditemukan bahwa lemur kerdil Madagaskar yang berhibernasi di lubang pohon selama tujuh bulan dalam satu tahun<ref> {{en}} {{cite journal|last=Dausmann|first=K.H.|author2=Glos, J. |author3=Ganzhorn, J.U. |author4=Heldmaier, G. |title=Hibernation in the tropics: lessons from a primate|journal=Comparative Physiology B|year=2005|volume=175|issue=3|pages=147–155|doi=10.1007/s00360-004-0470-0}}</ref>. Suhu dimusim dingin di [[Madagascar|Malagasy]] terkadang mencapai lebih dari {{convert|30|C|F}}, sehingga, hibernasi bukanlah adaptasi yang khusus terhadap suhu lingkungan yang rendah. Hibernasi dari lemur ini sangat tergantung pada kondisi termal lubang [[pohon]] : jika lubang tertutup dengan buruk, suhu tubuh lemur berfluktuasi secara luas dan secara pasif mengikuti suhu lingkungan; jika tertutup dengan baik, suhu tubuh tetap cukup konstan dan hewan mengalami stimulasi normal.<ref name="2013Blanco">{{cite journal | last1 = Blanco | first1 = M. B. | last2 = Dausmann | first2 = K. | last3 = Ranaivoarisoa | first3 = J. F. | last4 = Yoder | first4 = A. D. | year=2013 |title=Underground Hibernation in a Primate |journal=[[Scientific Reports]] |doi=10.1038/srep01768 }}</ref>
Dausmann menemukan bahwa [[hypermetabolisme]] disaat hewan berhibernasi tidak selalu diiringi dengan suhu tubuh rendah. <ref>{{cite journal | title=Physiology: Hibernation in a tropical primate | url=http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v429/n6994/full/429825a.html?lang=en | volume=429 | issue=6994}}</ref>
=== Beruang ===
Apakah beruang itu benar-benar berhibernasi masih tetap menjadi [[kontroversi]] sudah sejak [[beberapa]] dekade, karena beruang (pada musim dingin) hanya mengalami penurunan kecil dalam [[suhu]] inti tubuh dibandingkan dengan hewan yang lebih kecil. Apapun definisi hibernasi, namun bukanlah tingkat pengurangan suhu, tetapi penekanan [[metabolisme|metabolik]]. Beruang dewasa bisa, namun tingkat metabolisme yang lebih rendah untuk sekitar 75% di bawah tingkat metabolisme basal, yang menunjukkan bahwa beruang berhibernasi. Memang, sebagian besar beruang di belahan bumi utara tidak akan [[makan]] ataupun [[minum]] selama 8 [[bulan]], dan hanya mengandalkan cadangan [[lemak]] tubuh disimpan untuk [[energi]] dan air.
Meskipun diyakini bahwa hibernasinya beruang sangat berbeda dari [[hewan pengerat]] ataupun hibernasinya [[Primata|hewan primata]], dan melibatkan penekanan metabolisme suhu secara independen, karena penurunan sederhana dalam suhu inti tidak memperhitungkan penurunan besar dalam tingkat metabolisme, keyakinan ini tidak mempertimbangkan efek reaksi [[metabolik]] yang dapat terjadi melalui [[penyempitan pembuluh darah]] atau ''[[vasokonstriksi]]'' yang luas.
istilah-istilah di paragraf ini susah diterjemahkan yg pas, jadi Artikel ini perlu bantuan untuk terjemahkan :
For example, it is known that peripheral tissues contribute as much as 50% to metabolism. This discrepancy alone would be sufficient to account for the `missing´ proportion and without having to resort to more esoteric physiologic mechanism. This effect has been observed in other torpid metabolic states, like diving. In diving penguins and seals, for example, metabolic rate can be lowered without resorting to any core (visceral) temperature decreases merely through extensive vasoconstriction of peripheral tissue beds. -->
Mereka mampu mendaur ulang [[protein]] dan [[urin]] mereka, yang membuat mereka dapat untuk menahan kencing selama berbulan-bulan dan mampu menghentikan [[Atrofi]] [[otot]].<ref name=Metabolisme1>{{en}}{{cite journal|last=Lundberg|first=D.A.|author2=Nelson, R.A. |author3=Wahner, H.W. |author4=Jones, J.D. |title=Metabolisme protein pada beruang hitam, menjelang dan selama berhibernasi|journal=Mayo Clinnic Proceedings|year=1976|volume=51|issue=11|pages=716–722}}</ref><ref name=Metabolisme2>{{en}}{{cite journal|last=Nelson|first=R.A.|title=Protein and fat metabolism in hibernating bears|journal=FASEB J.|year=1980|volume=39|issue=12|pages=2955–2958|pmid=6998737}}</ref>
tolong bantu terjemahkan ini : Note that in some languages a specific term is used to describe the type of hibernation undergone by bears. In French for example it is called "[[:fr:hivernation|hivernation]]" (not to be confused with "[[:fr:hivernage|hivernage]]" which means "overwintering") instead of "hibernation". -->
===Hibernasi Wajib===
[[Obligate]] hibernators are defined as animals that spontaneously, and annually, enter hibernation regardless of ambient temperature and access to food. Obligate hibernators include many species of [[ground squirrel]]s, other [[rodents]], [[mouse lemur]]s, the [[European hedgehog]] and other [[insectivores]], [[monotremes]], [[marsupials]], and even butterflies such as the [[small tortoiseshell]].<ref>Territorial Behaviour of the Nymphalid Butterflies, Aglais urticae (L.) and Inachis io (L.) R. R. Baker Journal of Animal Ecology , Vol. 41, No. 2 (Jun., 1972), pp. 453-469</ref> These undergo what has been traditionally called "hibernation": the physiological state where the body temperature drops to near ambient (environmental) temperature, and heart and respiration rates slow drastically. The typical winter season for these hibernators is characterized by periods of torpor interrupted by periodic, euthermic arousals, wherein body temperatures and heart rates are restored to euthermic (more typical) levels. The cause and purpose of these arousals is still not clear.
The question of why hibernators may experience the periodic arousals (returns to high body temperature) has plagued researchers for decades, and while there is still no clear-cut explanation, there are myriad hypotheses on the topic. One favored hypothesis is that hibernators build a 'sleep debt' during hibernation, and so must occasionally warm up in order to sleep. This has been supported by evidence in the [[Arctic ground squirrel]].<ref>{{cite journal |author=Daan S, Barnes BM, Strijkstra AM |title=Warming up for sleep? Ground squirrels sleep during arousals from hibernation |journal=Neurosci. Lett. |volume=128 |issue=2 |pages=265–8 |year=1991 |pmid=1945046 |doi= 10.1016/0304-3940(91)90276-Y|url=http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/0304-3940(91)90276-Y}}</ref> Another theory states that the brief periods of high body temperature during hibernation are used by the animal to restore its available energy sources.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Galster|first=W.|author2=Morrison, P.R.|title=Gluconeogenesis in arctic ground squirrels between periods of hibernation|journal=American Journal of Physiology|year=1975|volume=228|issue=1|pages=325–330}}</ref> Yet another theory states that the frequent returns to high body temperature allow mammals to initiate an immune response.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Prendergast|first=B.J.|author2=Freeman, D.A. |author3=Zucker, I. |author4=Nelson, R.J. |title=Periodic arousal from hibernation is necessary for initiation of immune responses in ground squirrels|journal=AJP - Regu. Physiol.|year=2002|volume=282|issue=4|pages=R1054-R1062|doi=10.1152/ajpregu.00562.2001|pmid=11893609}}</ref>
Hibernating Arctic ground squirrels may exhibit abdominal temperatures as low as -2.9&nbsp;°C, maintaining sub-zero abdominal temperatures for more than three weeks at a time, although the temperatures at the head and neck remain at 0 ˚C or above.<ref>{{cite journal | last = Barnes | first = Brian M. | date = 30 June 1989 | title = Freeze Avoidance in a Mammal: Body Temperatures Below 0 °C in an Arctic Hibernator | journal = Science | volume = 244 | pages = –1616 | publisher = American Association for the Advancement of Science | url = http://users.iab.uaf.edu/~brian_barnes/publications/1989barnes.pdf | format = PDF | accessdate = 2008-11-23 | doi=10.1126/science.2740905 | pmid=2740905 | issue = 4912}}</ref>
Historically there was a question of whether or not bears truly hibernate, since they experience only a modest decline in body temperature (3-5&nbsp;°C) compared with what other hibernators undergo (32&nbsp;°C+). Many researchers thought that their deep sleep was not comparable with true, deep hibernation. This theory has been refuted by recent research in captive black bears.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Toien|first=Oivind|author2=Black, J. |author3=Edgar, D.M. |author4=Grahn, D.A. |author5=Heller, H.C. |author6=Barnes, B.M. |title=Black Bears: Independence of Metabolic Suppression from temperature|journal=Science|date=February 2011|volume=331|issue=6019|pages=906–909|doi=10.1126/science.1199435|pmid=21330544}}</ref>
[[File:Bear hibernating.jpg|thumb|right|[[American black bear|Black bear]] mother and cubs "denning"]]
===Facultative hibernation===
Unlike obligate hibernators, [[facultative]] hibernators only enter hibernation when either cold stressed or food deprived, or both. A good example of the differences between the two types of hibernation can be seen among the prairie dogs: the [[white-tailed prairie dog]] is an obligate hibernator and the closely related [[black-tailed prairie dog]] is a facultative hibernator.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Harlow|first=H.J.|author2=Frank, C.L.|title=The role of dietary fatty acids in the evolution of spontaneous and facultative hibernation patterns in prairie dogs|journal=J. Comp. Physiol. B.|year=2001|volume=171|pages=77–84|doi=10.1007/s003600000148}}</ref>
== Hibernasi Pada Burung ==
Secara historis, Pliny the Elder percaya bahwa burung walet juga berhibernasi, <!-- Historically, [[Pliny the Elder]] believed [[swallow]]s hibernated, and ornithologist [[Gilbert White]] pointed to anecdotal evidence in ''The Natural History of Selborne'' that indicated as much. dan ornitologi Gilbert White menunjuk bukti anekdot di The Natural History of Selborne yang menunjukkan banyak. --> Burung Pada umumnya tidak berhibernasi <!-- instead utilizing [[torpor]]. One known exception is the [[common poorwill]] (''Phalaenoptilus nuttallii''), first documented by [[Edmund Jaeger]]. bukan memanfaatkan mati suri. Satu pengecualian diketahui adalah poorwill umum (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii), pertama kali didokumentasikan oleh Edmund Jaeger.--> <ref>{{cite journal|last=Jaeger|first=Edmund C.|authorlink=Edmund Jaeger|title=Further Observations on the Hibernation of the Poor-will|journal=[[The Condor (journal)|The Condor]]| date=May–June 1949 |volume=51|series=3|pages=105–109|jstor=1365104|quote=Earlier I gave an account (Condor, 50, 1948:45) of the behavior of a Poor-will (''Phalaenoptilus nuttallinii'') which I found in a state of profound torpidity in the winter of 1946-47 in the Chuckawalla Mountains of the Colorado Desert, California.}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last=McKechnie |first=Andrew W. |coauthors= Ashdown, Robert A. M., Christian, Murray B. & Brigham, R. Mark |title=Torpor in an African caprimulgid, the freckled nightjar ''Caprimulgus tristigma'' |journal=Journal of Avian Biology |volume=38 |pages=261–266 |url=http://web.wits.ac.za/NR/rdonlyres/3ED778A4-2CAF-450B-985D-C8B7E1EEDA92/0/FRNJtorporJAB.pdf |doi=10.1111/j.2007.0908-8857.04116.x |issue=3}}</ref>
==Dormansi pada ikan ==
Ikan merupakan hewan ektoterma, yang secara definisi tidak mampu berhibernasi dikarenakan tidak mampu mengatur suhu ataupun mengatur tingkat metabolisme nya. Namun mereka bisa mengalami penurunan suhu tubuh akibat suhu lingkungan yg mendingin maupun ketersediaan oksigen yang rendah ([[hipoksia]]) dan dapat mengalami dormansi. Selama beberapa generasi [jelas] selama abad ke-20 ia berpikir bahwa [[hiu penjemur]] diam di dasar Laut Utara dan berdormansi. Namun Penelitian oleh Dr David Sims pada tahun 2003 memupuskan hipotesis ini<ref>{{cite journal|title=Seasonal movements and behavior of basking sharks from archival tagging|journal=Marine Ecology Progress Series|volume=248|pages=187–196|year=2003|doi=10.3354/meps248187 }}</ref> yang mengemukakan bahwa [[hiu]] aktif melakukan perjalanan jarak yang sangat jauh sepanjang musim, dengan jarak jelajah yang lebih tinggi daripada [[plankton]].
Dokumentasi [[Hiu epaulette]] (''Hemiscyllium ocellatum'') mampu bertahan hidup dalam durasi yang cukup lama tanpa oksigen, meskipun dibiarkan tinggi dan kering, dan temperature dapat mencapai {{convert|26|C|F}}.<ref>{{cite journal|title=A Shark With an Amazing Party Trick|journal=New Scientist|volume=177|issue=2385|pages=46|date=8 March 2003|url=http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/sharks/innews/sharktrick2003.htm|accessdate=2006-10-06}}</ref>
Hewan lain yang dapat bertahan dalam durasi lama tanpa oksigen mencakup [[Ikan mas hias]] (''Carassius auratus auratus''), [[Kura-kura brazil]] (''Trachemys scripta elegans''), katak pohon (''Lithobates sylvaticus''), Angsa berkepala kotak (''Anser indicus'')<ref>[http://www.papimi.gr/breathless.htm Breathless: A shark with an amazing party trick is teaching doctors how to protect the brains of stroke patients.] Douglas Fox, [[New Scientist]] vol 177 issue 2385 - 8 March 2003, page 46. Last accessed November 9, 2006.</ref> . Namun, kemampuan untuk bertahan hidup kondisi [[hipoksia]] atau kondisi [[anoxic]] tidaklah sama, atau tidak terkait secara erat, untuk hibernasi [[endotermik]].
== Hibernation induction trigger ==
Hibernation induction trigger (HIT) is a bit of misnomer. Although research in the 1990s hinted at the ability to induce torpor in animals by injection of blood taken from a hibernating animal, further research has been unable to reproduce this phenomenon. Despite the inability to induce torpor, there are substances in hibernator blood that can lend protection to organs for possible transplant. Researchers were able to prolong the life of an isolated pig's heart with a HIT.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Bolling|first=S.F.|coauthors=Tramontini, N.L., Kilgore, K.S., Su, T-P., Oeltgen, P.R., Harlow, H.H.|title=Use of "Natural" Hibernation Induction Triggers for Myocardial Protection|journal=The Annals of Thoracic Surgery|year=1997|volume=64|issue=3|pages=623–627|doi=10.1016/s0003-4975(97)00631-0}}</ref> This may have potentially important implications for [[organ transplant]], as it could allow organs to survive for up to 18 or more hours, outside the human body. This would be a great improvement from the current 6 hours.
This supposed HIT is a mixture derived from serum, including at least one [[opioid]]-like substance. [[DADLE]] is an opioid that in some experiments has been shown to have similar functional properties.<ref name="pmid2904105">{{cite journal |doi=10.1016/0024-3205(88)90406-7 |author=Oeltgen PR, Nilekani SP, Nuchols PA, Spurrier WA, Su TP|title=Further studies on opioids and hibernation: delta opioid receptor ligand selectively induced hibernation in summer-active ground squirrels |journal=Life Sc. |volume=43 |issue=19 |pages=1565–74 |year=1988|pmid=2904105}}</ref>
== Lihat pula ==