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Baris 6:
== Doktrin ==
Rastafari berkembang di antara penduduk yang sangat miskin, yang merasa bahwa masyarakat tidak mau menolong mereka kecuali membuat mereka menjadi lebih menderita. Kaum Rasta memandang diri mereka sebagai penggenap suatu visi tentang bagaimana orang [[Afrika]] harus hidup. Meerka merebut kembali apa yang mereka anggap sebagai kebudayaan yang telah dicuri dari mereka ketika dibawa di kapal-kapal [[perbudakan|budak]] ke [[Jamaika]], tempat lahir gerakan ini.
[[Doktrin]] Rastafari sangat berbeda dengan norma-norma [[pikiran]] dunia barat modern. Hal ini disengaja oleh kaum Rasta sendiri. Berbeda dengan banyak kelompok keagamaan modern dan [[Kristen]] yang cenderung menekankan konformitas dengan "kekuasaan yang ada", Rastafari sebaliknya menekankan kesetiaan kepada konsep mereka tentang "[[Sion]]" dan penolakan masyarakat modern ("Babel"). "Babel" dalam hal ini dianggap memberontak terhadap "Penguasa Dunia Sejati" (YAH) sejak zaman [[Nimrod (raja)|Nimrod]].
"Cara hidup ini" tidak sekadar diberikan makna intelektual, atau "keyakinan" seperti yang biasa diistilahkan. Ini adalah masalah mengetahui atau menemukan identitas sejati diri sendiri. Mengikut dan menyembah YAH Rastafari berarti menemukan, menyebarkan dan "menempuh" jalan di mana orang telah dilahirkan dengan sebenarnya.
Agama ini sulit dikategorikan, karena Rastafari bukanlah suatu organisasi yang tersentralisasi. Masing-masing Rastafari mencari kebenaran untuk dirinya sendiri, sehingga akibatnya terdapat berbagai keyakinan yang masuk ke bawah payung besar bernama Rastafari.
=== Afrosentrisme ===
Secara sosial, Rastafari adalah suatu tanggapan terhadap penyangkalan rasialis terhadap orang-orang kulit hitam sebagaimana yang dialami di Jamaika, ketika pada tahun 1930-an orang-orang kulit hitam berada pada tingkat tatanan sosial paling bawah, sementara orang-orang kulit putih dan agama mereka (umumnya Kristen) berada di paling atas. Anjuran [[Marcus Garvey]] agar orang-orang kulit hitam bangga akan diri mereka dan warnisan mereka mengilhami kaum Rasta untuk memeluk segala sesuatu yang bersifat Afrika. Mereka mengajarkan bahwa mereka dicuci otak ketika berada dalam tawanan untuk menyangkal segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan kulit hitam dan Afrika. Mereka membalikkan citra rasialis mereka dan menganggapnya primitif dan langsung dari hutan dan malah merangkulnya -- meskipunmerangkulnya—meskipun itu berlawanan -- danberlawanan—dan menjadikan konsep-konsep ini sebagai bagian dari budaya Afrika yang mereka anggap telah dicuri dari mereka ketika mereka dibawa dari Afrika di kapal-kapal budak. Dekat dengan alam dan dengan savana Afrika serta [[singa]]-singanya, di dalam
roh, kalau bukan secara badani, adalah gagasan sentral mereka tentang budaya Afrika.
Hidup dekat dengan alam dan menjadi bagian dari alam dianggap sebagai sifat Afrika. Pendekatan Afrika terhadap "'''hidup dekat alam'''" ini terlihat dalam [[rambut gimbal]], [[ganja]] (marijuana), [[ital|makanan ital]], dan dalam segala aspek kehidupan Rasa. Mereka membenci pendekatan (atau, seperti yang mereka pahami, non-pendekatan) modern terhadap kehidupan karena dianggap tidak alamiah dan terlalu [[objektif]] dan menolak [[subjektivitas]]. Kaum Rasta mengatakan bahwa para ilmuawn berusaha menemukan bagaimana dunia kelihatan dari luar, sementara kaum Rasa mendekatinya dengan melihat kehidupan dari dalam ke luar. Individu mendapatkan kedudukan sangat penting dalam Rastafari, dan setiap Rasta harus mencari kebenaran untuk dirinya sendiri.
Identifikasi Afrosentris penting lainnya adalah warna ''merah'', ''emas'', dan ''hijau'', dari warna [[bendera Ethiopia]]. Warna-warna ini adalah lambang gerakan Rastafari, dan kesetiaan kaum Rasa terhadap Haile Selassie, [[Ethiopia]], dan [[Africa]] dan bukan kepada negara modern manapun di mana mereka kebetulan tinggal. Warna-warna ini seringkali terlihat dalam pakaian dan hiasan-hiasan lainnya. '''Merah''' melambangkan darah para [[martir]], '''hijau''' melambangkan tetumbuhan Afrika, sementara '''emas''' melambangkan kekayaan dan kemakmuran yang ditawarkan Afrika. (Sebaliknya, sejumlah pakar Ethiopia menyatakan bahwa warna-warna ini berasal dari pepatah lama y ang mengatakan bahwa sabuk [[Perawan Maria]] adalah [[pelangi]], dan bahwa warna merah, emas, dan hijau melambangkan semuanya ini.)
Baris 26:
=== Haile Selassie dan Alkitab ===
Sebuah kepercayaan yang mempersatukan banyak pemeluk Rastafari adalah bahwa Ras, sebuah gelar kebangsawanan [[Amharik]], sepadan dengan ''Duke''; juga berarti "''Kepala''") Tafari Makonnen, yang dinobatkan sebagai [[Haile Selassie of Ethiopia|Haile Selassie I]], Kaisar [[Ethiopia]] pada [[2 November]] [[1930]], adalah [[Allah]] yang hidup dan menjelma manusia, yang disebut [[Yah]], yaitu [[Mesias]] [[kulit hitam]] yang akan memimpin bangsa-bangsa yang berasal dari [[Afrika]] di seluruh dunia untuk masuk ke tanah perjanjian yang penuh dengan [[emansipasi]] dan [[keadilan]] [[ilahi]], meskipun sebagian [[Mansions of Rastafari|mansions]] tidak menerjemahkannya secara harafiah. Ini sebagian disebabkan oleh gelarnya ''Raja di atas segala raja'', ''Tuhan dari segala tuhan'' dan ''Singa Penakluk dari Suku Yehuda''. Gelar-gelar ini sesuai dengan Mesias yang disebutkan dalam [[Kitab Wahyu]]. Namun, menurut tradisi [[Ethiopia]], gelar-gelar ini diberikan kepada semua kaisar dari garis keturunan Salomo sejak tahun 980 SM — jauh sebelum Kitab Wahyu ditulis pada sekitar 97 M. Menurut beberapa tradisi, Haile Selassie adalah raja Ethiopia ke-225 dalam sebuah garis keturunan yang tidak pernah terputus sejak Raja [[Salomo]] pada masa [[Alkitab]] dan [[Ratu Syeba]]. [[Mazmur]] 87:4-6 juga dipahami meramalkan penobatan Haile Selassie I.
Pada [[abad ke-10 SM]], Dinasti Salomo di [[Ethiopia]] didirikan oleh [[Menelik I]], anak [[Salomo]] dan [[Ratu Syeba]], yang pernah mengunjungi Salomo di Israel. [[1 Raja-raja]] 10:13 mengklaim "Raja Salomo memberikan kepada ratu negeri Syeba segala yang dikehendakinya dan yang dimintanya, selain apa yang telah diberikannya kepadanya sebagaimana layak bagi raja Salomo. Lalu ratu itu berangkat pulang ke negerinya bersama-sama dengan pegawai-pegawainya." Berdasarkan [[Kebra Negast]], kaum Rasta menafsirkan bahwa ayat ini menunjukkan bahwa Ratu Syeba hamil dengan anak Salom, dan dari sini mereka menyimpulkan bahwa orang-orang kulit hitam adalah keturunan sejati Israel, atau orang Yahudi. Orang-orang Yahudi hitam [[Beta Israel]] telah hidup di Ethiopia selama berabad-abad, terputus dari sisa Yudaisme. Keberadaan mereka membuat orang yakin dan mendorong para Rastafari perdana, dan mengesahkan keyakinan mereka bahwa Ethiopia adalah [[Sion]].
Baris 32:
<!--Some Rastafari choose to classify their religion as [[Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church|Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity]], [[Protestant Christianity]], or [[Judaism]]. Of those, the ties to the Ethiopian Church are the most widespread, although this is controversial to many Ethiopian clergy. Rastafari believe that standard translations of the Bible incorporate changes created by the racist white power structure. Some also revere the Ethiopian national epic, the ''[[Kebra Negast]]'', but many of these Rastas would classify themselves as Ethiopian Orthodox in religion and Rastafarian in ideology. Most Rastafarians pay little attention to the Kebra Negast and do not consider it anywhere near the sacrality of the bible.
For Rastafari, Selassie I remains their god and their king. They see Selassie as being worthy of worship, and as having stood with great pomp and dignity in front of the world's press and in front of representatives of many of the world's powerful nations. From the beginning the Rastas decided to treat themselves in effect as free citizens of Ethiopia, loyal to its leader and devoted to its flag.
Most Rastafari believe that Selassie is in some way a [[reincarnation]] of [[Jesus]] and that the Rastafari are the true [[Israelites]].
Baris 40:
When Haile Selassie I died in [[1975]], his death was not accepted by some Rastafarians who could not accept that God incarnate could die. Many believe that it was a scam and that he will be back to liberate his followers. A few Rastas today consider this a partial fulfillment of prophecy found in the apocalyptic [[2 Esdras]] 7:28.
Rastafari is a strongly [[syncretism|syncretic]] [[Abrahamic religion]] that draws extensively from the [[Bible]]. They particularly like the [[New Testament]] [[Book of Revelation]], as this (5:5) is where they find the prophecies about the divinity of Haile Selassie. Rastas believe that they, and the rest of the black race, are descendants of the ancient twelve tribes of [[Israel]], cast into captivity outside [[Africa]] as a result of the [[slave trade]].
Some believe that only half of the Bible has been written, and that the other half, stolen from them along with their culture, is written in a man's heart. This concept also embraced the idea that even the [[literacy|illiterate]] can be Rastas by reading God's Word in their hearts. Rastas also see the lost half of the bible, and the whole of their lost [[culture]] to be found in the [[Ark of the Covenant]], a repository of African wisdom.
Rastafari are criticised, particularly by [[Christian]] groups, for taking biblical quotes out of context, for picking and choosing what they want from the Bible, and for bringing elements into Rastafari that do not appear in the Bible. They are also criticised for using the English language (and particularly the [[KJV|King James version]]) of the Bible, as many have no interest in [[Hebrew language|Hebrew]] or [[Greek language|Greek]] [[Scholarly method|scholarship]]. However, in recent years a greater interest in the Amharic Orthodox version, authorized by Haile Selassie I in the 1950s, has arisen among Rastas.
Baris 58:
===Church and The Holy Trinity===
To further confuse the issue of classifying Rasta practices, one type of religious gathering (''grounation'') is similar in many ways to Jewish services, and may have descended from African-American slaves who converted to Judaism — some Jews in the southern USA owned slaves — and escaped to Jamaica. Rastas believe that their own body is the true [[church]] or [[temple]] of God, and so see no need to make temples or churches out of physical buildings.
Rastas believe that Haile Selassie is both [[God the Father]] and [[Son of God|God the Son]] of the holy [[Trinity]], while it is themselves, and potentially all human beings, who embody the [[Holy Spirit]]. Thus, the human being is a church that contains the Holy Ghost. Rastas see Haile Selassie as the head, and themselves as the body, as another way of expressing this doctrine. Some see [[Melchizedek]] in addition to [[Jesus]] as having been former incarnations of Haile Selassie. The reason Rastas have the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is because ''Haile Selassie'' is ''Power of the Trinity'' in [[Ge'ez language|Ethiopic]].
===Physical Immortality===
Rastas are physical [[Immortality|immortalists]] who believe the chosen few will continue to live forever in their current bodies. This idea of ''everliving'' (rather than everlasting) life is very strong and important.
A good expression of this doctrine is in [[Lincoln Thompson|Lincoln Thompson's]] song ''Thanksgiving''. After asking "What's destroying life?" he says, "Tell I if you know." Paraphrasing the Bible, he continues, "There are too many dead bodies lying around me...in a true reality, down in the grave there is no life. In silence there you'll be, with no-one to hear nor see, and no matter what you saw, when you are dead you cannot praise Jah." In ''Walk in Jah Light'' Thompson sings about "Living under the 6 feet of sorrow" and asks, "Who's going to live to glorify the gift of Jah eternally?"
Baris 73:
===Reggae Music Expressing Rasta Doctrine===
Early Rasta [[reggae]] musicians (besides Marley) whose music expresses Rastafari doctrine well are [[Peter Tosh]], [[Bunny Wailer]] (in ''Blackheart Man''), [[Prince Far I]], [[Lincoln Thompson]], [[Ijahman Levi]] (especially the first 4 albums), [[Misty-in-Roots]] (''Live''), [[The Congos]] (''Heart of the Congos''), [[The Rastafarians]], [[Culture (band)|Culture]], and Ras Michael And The Sons Of Negus. The Jamaican [[jazz]] [[percussionist]] [[Count Ossie]], who had played on a number of ska and reggae recordings, recorded albums with themes relating to Rasta history, doctrine, and culture.
Rastafari doctrine as developed in the '80s was further expressed musically by a number of other prominent artists, such as [[Burning Spear]], [[Steel Pulse]], [[Third World]], [[The Gladiators]], [[Black Uhuru]], [[Aswad]], and [[Israel Vibration]]. Punk band The [[Bad Brains]] have openly admitted that they support the Rastafari movement and have written songs (I against I, etc.) that promote the doctrine.
Baris 112:
It is believed that the first Rasta dreadlocks were copied from Kenya in the 1940s, when during the independence struggle the feared ''maumau'' freedom fighters grew their "dreaded locks" while hiding in the mountains. However, there are ascetic groups within nearly every major religion that have at times worn their hair in this fashion. In addition to the [[Nazirite]]s of Judaism and the [[Sadhu]]s of Hinduism, there are the [[Dervish]]es of Islam and the [[Coptic Christianity|Coptic Monks]] of Christianity, among others. The very earliest Christians may also have worn this hairstyle; particularly noteworthy are descriptions of [[James the Just]], "brother of Jesus" and first Bishop of Jerusalem, who wore them to his ankles.
Also, according to the Bible, [[Samson]] was a Nazarite who had "seven locks". Rastas point out that these "seven locks" could only have been dreadlocks, as it is unlikely that seven strands of hair were meant.
Dreadlocks have also come to symbolize the [[Lion of Judah]] and rebellion against Babylon. In the [[United States]], several public schools and workplaces have lost lawsuits as the result of banning dreadlocks. [[Safeway]] is an early example, and the victory of eight children in a suit against their [[Lafayette, Louisiana]] school was a landmark decision in favor of Rastafari rights.
Rastafari associate dreadlocks with a spiritual journey that one takes in the process of locking their hair (growing dreadlocks). It is taught that patience is the key to growing dreadlocks, a journey of the mind, soul and spirituality. Its spiritual pattern is aligned with the Rastafarian religion. People who do not understand the process sometimes mock the dreadlock style and make comments about the cleanliness of the locked hair. The way to form natural dreadlocks is to allow hair to grow in its natural pattern, without cutting, combing or brushing, but simply to wash it with pure water.
Baris 125:
[[Berkas:Bob marley1.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Bob Marley]]
For many Rastas, smoking [[Cannabis (drug)|marijuana]] (known as ''ganja'', ''herb'', ''collie'', or ''lambs bread'') is a spiritual act, often accompanied by Bible study; they consider it a [[sacrament]] that cleans the body and mind, exalts the consciousness, facilitates peacefulness, and brings them closer to Jah. The burning of the herb is often said to be essential "for it will sting in the hearts of those that promote and perform evil and wrongs". Many believe that cannabis originated in Africa, and that it is a part of their African culture that they are reclaiming.
They are not surprised that it is illegal, seeing it as a powerful substance that opens people's minds to the truth — something the Babylon system, they reason, clearly does not want. They contrast their herb to liquor, which they feel makes people stupid, and is not a part of African culture. While there is a clear belief in the beneficial qualities of cannabis, it is not compulsory to use it, and there are Rastafarians who do not do so. Dreadlocked mystics, often [[ascetic]], known as the [[sadhu]]s, have smoked cannabis in [[India]] for centuries. The [[migration (human)|migration]] of many thousands of Indian Hindus to the Caribbean in the [[20th century]] brought this culture to Jamaica.
Baris 150:
===Early years===
Emperor Haile Selassie I, whom the Rastafarians call [[Jah]], was crowned "King of Kings, Elect of God, and Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah" in [[Addis Ababa]] on [[November 2]], [[1930]]. The event created great publicity throughout the world, including in Jamaica, and particularly through two consecutive [[Time magazine]] articles about the coronation (he was later named ''Time'''s Man of the Year for [[1935]]). Haile Selassie almost immediately gained a following as both God and [[Monarch|King]] amongst poor Jamaicans, who came to be known as Rastafarians, and who looked to their Bibles, and saw what they believed to be the fulfilling of many prophecies from the book of [[Book of Revelation|Revelation]]. As Ethiopia was the only African country to escape colonialism, and Haile Selassie was the only black leader accepted among the kings and queens of Europe, the early Rastas viewed him with great reverence.
In 1934 [[Leonard Howell]] was the first Rasta to be charged with [[sedition]] for refusing loyalty to the [[Monarch|King]] of [[England]] [[George V of the United Kingdom|George V]]. The [[United Kingdom|British]] [[government]] would not tolerate Jamaicans loyal to Haile Selassie in what was then their colony. Howell was among the most prominent of the early leaders of Rastafari. He was imprisoned for two years, and then founded the [[Pinnacle]] commune.
Baris 161:
Haile Selassie I had already met with several Rasta elders in [[Addis Ababa]], and had allowed Rastafarians and other people of African descent to settle on his personal land in [[Shashamane]].
Haile Selassie visited [[Jamaica]] on [[April 21]] [[1966]]. Somewhere between one and two hundred thousand Rastafarians from all over [[Jamaica]] descended on [[Kingston, Jamaica|Kingston]] [[airport]] having heard that the man whom they considered to be God was coming to visit them. They waited at the airport smoking lots of [[cannabis (drug)|cannabis]] and playing [[drums]]. When [[Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia|Haile Selassie]] arrived at the airport he delayed disembarking from the aeroplane for an hour until [[Mortimer Planner]], a well-known Rasta, personally welcomed him. From then on, the visit was a success. [[Rita Marley]], Bob Marley's wife converted to the Rastafarian faith after seeing Haile Selassie.
The great significance of this event in the development of the Rastafarian religion should not be underestimated. Having been outcasts in society, they gained a temporary respectability for the first time. By making Rasta more acceptable, it opened the way for the commercialisation of [[reggae]], leading in turn to the further global spread of Rastafari.
Because of Haile Selassie's visit, [[April 21]] is celebrated as Grounation Day. It was during this visit that Selassie I famously told the Rastafarian community leaders that they should not emigrate to Ethiopia until they had first liberated the people of Jamaica. This dictum came to be known as "[[liberation]] before [[repatriation]]."
Baris 188:
[[Reggae]] was born amidst poor blacks in [[Trenchtown]], the main ghetto of [[Kingston, Jamaica]], who listened to radio stations from the [[United States]]. Jamaican musicians, many of them being Rastas, soon blended traditional Jamaican folk music, American R&B, and jazz into [[ska]], that later developed into reggae under the influence of soul.
Reggae began to enter international consciousness in the early [[1970s]], and Rastafari mushroomed in popularity internationally, largely due to the fame of [[Bob Marley]], who incorporated nyabinghi and Rastafarian chanting into his music. Songs like "Rastaman Chant" led to the movement and reggae music being seen as closely intertwined in the consciousness of audiences across the world (especially among oppressed and poor groups of [[African American]]s and [[Indigenous peoples of the Americas|Native Americans]], [[First Nation]]s [[Canada|Canadians]], [[Australian Aborigine]]s and [[New Zealand]] [[Māori]], and throughout most of [[Africa]]). Other reggae musicians with strong Rastafarian elements in their music include [[Toots and The Maytals]], [[Burning Spear]], [[Black Uhuru]], [[Ras Michael]], [[Prince Lincoln Thompson]], [[Bunny Wailer]] [[Prince Far I]], [[Israel Vibration]], [[Bad Brains]] and literally hundreds more.
Baris 195:
== Rastafari pada masa kini ==
Pada akhir [[abad ke-20]], kaum perempuan telah memainkan peranan yang lebih penting di dalam gerakan Rastafari. Pada tahun-tahun awalnya, kaum perempuan yang sedang datang bulan harus takluk kepada suami mereka dan dikeluarkan dari upacara-upacara keagamaan dan sosial. Pada umumnya, kaum perempuan merasakan kebebasan yang lebih besar sekarang dalam mengungkapkan diri mereka. Dengan demikian mereka pun menyumbangkan peranan yang lebih besar pula kepada agama ini.
Rastafari bukanlah sebuah agama yang sangat terorganisasi. Malah, sebagian kaum Rasta mengatakan bahwa itu sama sekali bukan "agama", melainkan suatu "jalan Kehidupan". Kebanyakan kaum Rasta tidak mengidentifikasikan dirinya dengan sekte atau denominasi apapun, meskipun ada tiga [[istana Rastafari]] yang terkemuka: Nyahbinghi, Bobo Ashanti dan Keduabelas Suku Israel. Dengan mengklaim [[Yah]] sebagai [[Yesus]] yang datang kedua kalinya, Rastafari adalah sebuah gerakan agama baru yang muncul dari [[agama Kristen]], seperti halnya agama Krsiten muncul dari [[Yudaisme]].
Baris 208:
* [[Ganja (pemakaian spiritual)]]
== RujukanReferensi ==
* Dread, The Rastafarians of Jamaica, oleh [[Joseph Owens]] [[ISBN]]: 0435986503
* Experience, oleh [[Lincoln Thompson]]