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←Membuat halaman berisi ''''Ismailiyah''' (bahasa Arab: '''الإسماعيليون''' ''al-Ismā'īliyyūn''; bahasa Urdu: '''اسماعیلی''' ''Ismā'īlī'', bahasa Persia: '''...'
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Baris 1:
'''Ismailiyah''' ([[bahasa Arab]]: '''الإسماعيليون''' ''al-Ismā'īliyyūn''; [[bahasa Urdu]]: '''اسماعیلی''' ''Ismā'īlī'', [[bahasa Persia]]: '''اسماعیلیان''' ''Esmā'īliyān'') adalah [[mazhab]] dengan jumlah penganut kedua terbesar dalam Islam [[Syi'ah]], setelah mazhab [[Dua Belas Imam]] (''Itsna 'Asyariah''). Sebutan Ismailiyah diperoleh pengikut mazhab ini karena penerimaan mereka atas [[Imamah|keimaman]] [[Isma'il bin Ja'far]] sebagai penerus dari [[Ja'far ash-Shadiq]]. Pengikut mazhab Itsna 'Asyariah, di lain pihak menerima [[Musa al-Kadzim]] sebagai [[Imam (Islam)|Imam]] mereka. Baik Ismailiyah maupun Itsna 'Asyariah sama-sama menerima keenam Imam Syi'ah terdahulu, sehingga memiliki banyak kesamaan pandangan atas sejarah awal mazhabnya.
[[Teologi]] Ismailiyah pernah menjadi yang terbesar di antara mazhab Islam Syi'ah, dan pernah mencapai puncak kekuasaan politik pada masa kekuasaan [[Bani Fatimiyah|Dinasti Fatimiyah]] pada abad ke-10 sampai dengan ke-12 Masehi.
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Tracing its earliest theology to the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, Ismailism rose to one point as the largest branch of the Shia religion and climaxed as a political power with the Fatimid Empire in the tenth through twelfth centuries. [1]
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After the passing away, or Occultation of Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail according to the Sevener Ismailis, the teachings of Ismailism further transformed into the belief system as it is known today, with an explicit concentration on the batini, or esoteric aspect of the Islamic religion. With the eventual development of Twelverism into the zahir oriented Akhbari and later Usooli schools of thought, Shiasm developed into two separate directions: the Ismaili aspect focusing on the mystical nature of the Imam and the mystical path to Allah, and the Twelver aspect focusing on sharia and the Sunnah of the Ahl al-Bayt. [2]