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Baris 6:
Minyak sawit adalah bahan memasak yang umum di negara tropis di [[Afrika]], [[Asia Tenggara]], dan sebagian [[Brasil]]. Penggunaannya dalam industri makanan komersial di belahan negara lain didorong oleh biaya produksinya yang rendah<ref>{{cite press release |title=Palm Oil Continues to Dominate Global Consumption in 2006/07 |publisher=[[United States Department of Agriculture]] |date = June 2006|url=http://www.fas.usda.gov/oilseeds/circular/2006/06-06/Junecov.pdf |accessdate=22 September 2009}}</ref> dan kestabilan oksidatifnya ketika digunakan untuk menggoreng.<ref>{{Cite journal|doi=10.1111/j.1745-4522.1999.tb00142.x |year=1999 |last1=Che Man |first1=YB |last2=Liu |last3=Jamilah |title=Quality changes of RBD palm olein, soybean oil and their blends during deep-fat frying |volume=6 |issue=3 |pages=181–193 |journal=Journal of Food Lipids |first2=J.L. |first3=B. |last4=Rahman |first4=R. Abdul}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|doi=10.1002/ejlt.200600294 |title=Use of palm oil for frying in comparison with other high-stability oils |year=2007 |last1=Matthäus |first1=Bertrand |journal=European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology |volume=109 |page=400|issue=4}}</ref>
Maraknya perkebunan sawit telah mengundang kekhawatiran aktivis lingkungan karena besarnya penghancuran hutan untuk melakukan pertanian [[monokultur]] kelapa sawit. Perkebunan sawit ini telah menyebabkan hilangnya habitat [[orang utan]] di Indonesia, yang merupakan spesies yang terancam punah.<ref>International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; Pongo pygmaeus. http://www.iucnredlist.org/apps/redlist/details/17975/0 . Accessed: 2012-04-12</ref> DiPada tahun 2004, [[Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil]] (RSPO) dibentuk untuk mengarahkan kekhawatiran tersebut.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.nature.com/news/palm-oil-boom-raises-conservation-concerns-1.10936 |title=Palm-oil boom raises conservation concerns: Industry urged towards sustainable farming practices as rising demand drives deforestation |author=Natasha Gilbert |date=4 July 2012 |work=Nature }}</ref> Malaysia sejak 1992 telah membatasi ekspansi perkebunan sawit di wilayahnya dengan menerapkan peraturan batas minimum lahan negara sebagai hutan.<ref name="Morales">{{cite news |title=Malaysia Has Little Room for Expanding Palm-Oil Production, Minister Says |last1=Morales |first1=Alex |url=http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-11-18/malaysia-has-little-room-for-palm-oil-expansion-plantation-minister-says.html |newspaper=Bloomberg |date=18 November 2010 |accessdate=1 March 2013}}</ref><ref name="Scott-Thomas2">{{cite news |title=French firms urged to back away from 'no palm oil' label claims |last1=Scott-Thomas |first1=Caroline |last2= |first2= |url=http://www.foodnavigator.com/Financial-Industry/French-firms-urged-to-back-away-from-no-palm-oil-label-claims |newspaper=Foodnavigator|date=17 September 2012 |accessdate=7 March 2013}}</ref>
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