Taurat: Perbedaan antara revisi

Konten dihapus Konten ditambahkan
Tidak ada ringkasan suntingan
Tidak ada ringkasan suntingan
Baris 47:
{| class=prettytable
! Kitab !! Jumlah kata !! Jumlah huruf
|- align=right
|[[Kitab Kejadian|Kejadian]] || 20.512 || 78.064
|- align=right
|[[Kitab Keluaran|Keluaran]] || 16.723 || 63.529
|- align=right
|[[Kitab Imamat|Imamat]] || 11.950 || 44.790
|- align=right
|[[Kitab Bilangan|Bilangan]] || 16.368 || 63.530
|- align=right
|[[Kitab Ulangan|Ulangan]] || 14.294 || 54.892
|- align=right
| Total || 79.847 || 304.805
Baris 84:
{{See also|Taurat lisan}}
Tradisi rabbinik menyatakan bahwa Taurat tertulis disampaikan bersama-sama dengan tradisi lisan. Di mana Taurat membiarkan kata-kata atau konsep tanpa definisi jelas, dan menyebutkan tatacara tanpa penjelasan atau instruksi, pembaca perlu mencari detail yang hilang dari sumber-sumber suplemental yang dikenal sebagai "hukum lisan" atau "Taurat lisan".<ref>[http://jewishinspiration.com/tape.php?tape_id=33 Rietti, Rabbi Jonathan. The Oral Law: The Heart of The Torah]</ref> <!Sejumlah perintah--Some of the Torah'sperintah mostTaurat prominentyang commandmentsperlu needingpenjelasan furtherlebih explanationlanjut areadalah:
*[[Tefillin]]: As indicated in Deuteronomy 6:8 among other places, tefillin are to be placed on the arm and on the head between the eyes. However, there are no details provided regarding what tefillin are or how they are to be constructed.
*[[Kashrut]]: As indicated in Exodus 23:19 among other places, a kid may not be boiled in its mother's milk. [A kid being a young goat.] In addition to numerous other problems with understanding the ambiguous nature of this law, there are no vowelization characters in the Torah; they are provided by the oral tradition. This is particularly relevant to this law, as the Hebrew word for ''milk'' (חלב) is identical to the word for ''animal fat'' when vowels are absent. Without the oral tradition, it is not known whether the violation is in mixing meat with milk or with fat.
*[[Shabbat]] laws: With the severity of Sabbath violation, namely the death penalty, one would assume that direction would be provided as to how exactly such a serious and core commandment should be upheld. However, there is little to no information as to what can and cannot be performed on the Sabbath. Without the oral tradition, keeping this law would be impossible.
*[[Tefillin]]: Sebagaimana diindikasikan antara lain pada {{Alkitab|Ulangan 6:8}}, tefillin harus diletakkan pada lengan dan kening di antara kedua mata. Namun, tidak ada detail bagaimana bentuknya maupun cara pembuatannya.
*[[Kashrut]]: Sebagaimana diindikasikan antara lain pada {{Alkitab|Keluaran 23:19}}, seorang anak domba tidak boleh dimasak dalam susu induknya. Masalah tambahan untuk memahamai perintah yang tidak jelas ini adalah tidak adanya huruf hidup pada Taurat; dan ini diberikan oleh tradisi lisan. Hal yang relevan dengan perintah ini adalah kata Ibrani untuk "susu" (חלב) tepat sama dengan kata untuk ''lemak binatang'' tanpa huruf-huruf hidup. Tanpa tradisi lisan, tidak diketahui pasti apakah yang dimaksud di sini larangan untuk mencampur daging dengan susu atau dengan lemak.
* Hukum-hukum [[Sabat]]: Mengingat beratnya hukuman untuk pelanggaran Sabat, yaitu hukuman mati, diperlukan petunjuk jelas bagaimana menegakkan perintah ini. Namun, tidak banyak informasi apa yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan pada hari Sabat. Tanpa tradisi lisan, sulit untuk menjalankan hukum ini.
According to classical rabbinic texts this parallel set of material was originally transmitted to Moses at Sinai, and then from Moses to Israel. At that time it was forbidden to write and publish the oral law, as any writing would be incomplete and subject to misinterpretation and abuse.
Baris 97:
Orthodox Jews and Conservative Jews accept these texts as the basis for all subsequent halakha and codes of Jewish law, which are held to be normative. Reform and Reconstructionist Jews deny that these texts may be used for determining normative law (laws accepted as binding) but accept them as the authentic and only Jewish version for understanding the Torah and its development throughout history.
== Mistisisme Yahudi ==
==Divine significance of letters, Jewish mysticism==
KabbalistsPenganut hold that[[Kabbalah]] notpercaya onlybahwa aretidak thehanya wordskata-kata givingyang amemberi Divinepesan messageilahi, butmelainkan indicateada apesan faryang greaterjauh message that extends beyond themmelampuinya. ThusDemikianlah theymereka holdyakin thatbahwa eventanda assekecil smallapapun a mark as amisalnya ''kotzo shel yod'' (קוצו של יוד), theyaitu guratan kait ([[serif]]) ofpada the[[huruf Hebrew letterIbrani]] ''[[YodhYod (huruf Ibrani)|yod]]'' (י), thehuruf smallest letterterkecil, oratau decorativetanda markingshiasan, oratau repeatedkata-kata wordsyang berulang, were putditempatkan theredi bysana Godoleh toAllah teachuntuk scoresmemberi ofsejumlah lessonspelajaran. <!--This is regardless of whether that yod appears in the phrase "I am the Lord thy God" ({{hebrew|אָנֹכִי יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ}}, Exodus 20:2) or whether it appears in "And God spoke unto Moses saying" ({{hebrew|וַיְדַבֵּר אֱלֹהִים, אֶל-מֹשֶׁה; וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלָיו, אֲנִי יְהוָה.}} Exodus 6:2). In a similar vein, [[Rabbi Akiva]] (ca.50–ca.135CE), is said to have learned a new law from every ''et'' (את) in the Torah ([[Talmud]], tractate Pesachim 22b); the word ''et'' is meaningless by itself, and serves only to mark the [[Object (grammar)|direct object]]. In other words, the [[Orthodox Judaism|Orthodox]] belief is that even apparently contextual text "And God spoke unto Moses saying&nbsp;..." is no less important than the actual statement.
One [[Kabbalah|kabbalistic]] interpretation is that the Torah constitutes one long name of God, and that it was broken up into words so that human minds can understand it. While this is effective since it accords with our human reason, it is not the only way that the text can be broken up.
== Pembuatan dan penggunaan gulungan Taurat ==
[[File:Page Pointers for reading of Torah.jpg|thumb|PagePenunjuk pointershalaman foruntuk readingpembacaan of the TorahTaurat]]
[[File:Page Pointers for reading of Torah.jpg|thumb|Page pointers for reading of the Torah]]
{{Main|Sefer Torah}}
[[Naskah]] Taurat dalam bentuk gulungan masih dipakai dan diproduksi untuk maksud ritual (yaitu ibadah agamawi); gulungan ini disebut ''[[Sefer Torah]]'' ("Kitab Taurat"). Penulisannya sangat teliti dan hanya dilakukan oleh para jurutulis yang sangat berkualitas. Ini menghasilkan salinan-salinan yang sampai sekarang boleh dikatakan tidak berubah sejak ribuan tahun. Diyakini bahwa setiap kata, atau tanda, mempunyai makna ilahi, dan tidak ada satu bagianpun yang boleh diubah tanpa disengaja, supaya tidak terjadi kesalahan. Ketepatan teks Ibrani dari Tanakh (seluruh [[Alkitab Ibrani]]), dan khususnya Taurat, dianggap luar biasa, sampai huruf terakhir: terjemahan atau transkripsi dipertanyakan untuk pemakaian ibadah resmi, dan penyalinan selalu dilakukan sangat cermat. Suatu kesalahan dari satu huruf, pemberian ornamen, atau simbol pada 304.805 huruf yang ditulis dengan gaya khusus, yang membentuk keseluruhan Taurat Ibrani, membuat suatu gulungan Taurat tidak boleh dipakai, sehingga keahlian khusus diperlukan dan setiap gulungan membutuhkan waktu untuk ditulis dan diperiksa.
[[Manuscript]] Torah [[scroll]]s are still used, and still scribed, for ritual purposes (i.e., [[Jewish services|religious services]]); this is called a ''[[Sefer Torah]]'' ("Book [of] Torah"). They are written using a painstakingly careful methodology by highly qualified scribes. This has resulted in modern copies of the text that are unchanged from millennia-old copies. It is believed that every word, or marking, has divine meaning, and that not one part may be inadvertently changed lest it lead to error. The fidelity of the Hebrew text of the Tanakh, and the Torah in particular, is considered paramount, down to the last letter: translations or transcriptions are frowned upon for formal service use, and transcribing is done with painstaking care. An error of a single letter, ornamentation, or symbol of the 304,805 stylized letters which make up the Hebrew Torah text renders a Torah scroll unfit for use, hence a special skill is required and a scroll takes considerable time to write and check.
According to Jewish law, a ''sefer Torah'' (plural: ''Sifrei Torah'') is a copy of the formal Hebrew text of hand-written on ''[[gevil]]'' or ''[[qlaf]]'' (forms of [[parchment]]) by using a [[quill]] (or other permitted writing utensil) dipped in ink. Written entirely in [[Hebrew language|Hebrew]], a ''sefer Torah'' contains 304,805 letters, all of which must be duplicated precisely by a trained ''[[sofer (scribe)|sofer]]'' (“scribe”), an effort which may take as long as approximately one and a half years. Most modern Sifrei Torah are written with forty-two lines of text per column (Yemenite Jews use fifty), and very strict rules about the position and appearance of the [[Hebrew alphabet|Hebrew letters]] are observed. See for example the [[Mishna Berura]] on the subject.<ref>[http://www.geniza.net/ritual/mb/letterforms.shtml Mishnat Soferim The forms of the letters] translated by Jen Taylor Friedman (geniza.net)</ref> Any of several Hebrew scripts may be used, most of which are fairly ornate and exacting.
The completion of the sefer Torah is a cause for great celebration, and it is a [[Mitzvah]] for every Jew to either write or have written for him a Sefer Torah. Torah scrolls are stored in the [[holy|holiest]] part of the [[synagogue]] in the [[Ark (synagogue)|Ark]] known as the "Holy Ark" ({{hebrew|אֲרוֹן הקֹדשׁ}} ''aron hakodesh'' in Hebrew.) Aron in Hebrew means "cupboard" or "closet", and kodesh is derived from "kadosh", or "holy".
Penyelesaian penyalinan suatu ''sefer Torah'' merupakan alasan untuk berpesta besar, dan adalah suatu [[Mitzvah]] bagi setiap orang Yahudi untuk menyalin atau dibuatkan salinan satu gulungan Taurat lengkap. Gulungan Taurat disimpan di bagian paling kudus dari setiap [[sinagoga]] pada suatu tabut khusus yang disebut "Tabut Kudus" ({{hebrew|אֲרוֹן הקֹדשׁ}} ''aron hakodesh''). ''Aron'' dalam bahasa Ibrani berarti "lemari" atau "kamar", dan ''kodesh'' diturunkan dari kata ''kadosh'', atau "kudus".
== Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia ==
Dalam [[sejarah teks Alkitab bahasa Indonesia|sejarah penerjemahan Alkitab]] dalam [[bahasa Indonesia]], kelima nama kitab Taurat ini telah diterjemahkan menjadi beberapa versi: