Gulungan Kitab Taurat: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 8:
== Penggunaan ==
[[Pembacaan Taurat]] dari suatu ''sefer Torah'' secara tradisional dilakukan pada hari [[Senin]] dan [[Kamis]] pagi, serta pada hari [[Sabat]] ([[Sabtu]]) dan [[hari-hari raya Yahudi]]. Kehadiran kuorum ([[minyan]]) dibutuhkan untuk pembacaan Taurat di depan umum selama pelaksanaan ibadah kebaktian. Pada waktu Taurat dinyanyikan (dengan [[kantilasi]]), penandaan bagian pembacaan dari tulisan yang seringkali rapat-rapat itu dibantuk oleh sebuah ''[[yad]]'' (artinya "tangan"), yaitu tongkat penunjuk kecil dari logam atau kayu berbentuk tangan yang melindungi gulungan itu dari sentuhan kulit dengan perkamen.
==Production Pembuatan ==
[[Image:SilverTorahCase.jpg|thumb|right|Kotak Taurat terbuat dari Sterling Silver. Dalam sejumlah tradisi, gulungan Taurat disimpan dalam kotak kayu berukir.]]
Baris 16 ⟶ 15:
“The k'laf/parchment on which the Torah scroll is written, the hair or sinew with which the panels of parchment are sewn together, and the quill pen with which the text is written all must come from ritually clean —that is, kosher— animals.”<ref>''Essential Torah: A Complete Guide to the Five Books of Moses'' by George Robinson. (Schocken, 2006) ISBN 0-8052-4186-8. pp.10–11</ref>
Gulungan kitab ini ditulis menggunakan [[abjad Ibrani]], dan seluruhnya terdiri dari 304.805 huruf, semuanya harus disalin dengan tepat oleh penulis (''sofer''; {{lang-en|scribe}}) yang terlatih. Untuk menulis satu gulungan lengkap dibutuhkan waktu kira-kira satu setengah tahun lamanya. Satu kesalahan penyalinan membuat ''sefer Torah'' menjadi ''pasul'' ("cacat; tidak sah; invalid"). Menurut [[Talmud]], semua gulungan harus ditulis di atas kertas perkamen ''gevil'' yang telah diproses dengan garam, tepung dan tinta "''m'afatsim''" (''Iron gall''; residu dari enzim tawon/''wasp'' dan kulit pohon) supaya sah. Gulungan-gulungan yang tidak diproses sedemikian dianggap tidak sah (cacat; "invalid")<ref>Hilkoth Tefillin 1:8 & 1:14, Maimonides.</ref> Sebagai tambahan, [[Talmud]] (dalam traktat Bava Batra 14b & Gitten 54b) menyatakan bahwa Musa menggunakan kertas ''gevil'' untuk menuliskan gulungan Taurat yang ditempatkannya dalam [[Tabut Perjanjian]].
Kulit sapi atau perkamen yang ditulisi oleh naskah suci Ibrani ini diletakkan pada tempat penyimpanan dari kayu yang dalam bahasa Ibrani disebut עץ חיים ("pohon kehidupan"; ''Tree of Life''). Tempat penyimpanan ini mempunyai dua tiang penggulung (''roller''), masing-masing mempunyai dua pegangan untuk menggulung naskah, jadi seluruhnya ada 4 pegangan (''handle''). Di antara pegangan dan tiang penggulung terdapat piringan bulat yang diukiri dengan gambar-gambar tempat suci, dipahat dengan pengenangan bagi penyantun untuk orangtua atau orang-orang yang dikasihi mereka, serta dihiasi dengan emas atau perak.
Written entirely in [[Hebrew language|Hebrew]], a ''sefer Torah'' contains 304,805 letters, all of which must be duplicated precisely by a trained ''[[sofer (scribe)|sofer]]'' (“scribe”), an effort which may take as long as approximately one and a half years. An error during transcription may render the ''sefer Torah'' ''pasul'' (“invalid”). According to the [[Talmud]] (the oral law of the Jewish People), all scrolls must also be written on [[gevil]] parchment that is treated with salt, flour and [[Iron gall ink|m'afatsim]] (a residual of wasp enzyme and tree bark){{clarify|date=November 2011|reason=This is not a description of iron gall ink, as far as I can tell, including from the gevil article; moreover, treating parchment with ink would not appear to leave it usable for further writing...}} in order to be valid. Scrolls not processed in this way are considered invalid (Hilkoth Tefillin 1:8 & 1:14, Maimonides). In addition, the [[Talmud]] (in tractate Bava Batra 14b & Gitten 54b) states that Moses used gevil for the Torah scroll he placed into the Holy Ark.
The calfskin or parchment on which the sacred Hebrew text is written is mounted into a wooden housing called עץ חיים (Tree of Life) in Hebrew. The housing has two rollers, each of which has two handles used for scrolling the text, four handles in all. Between the handles and the rollers are round plates or disks which are carved with images of holy places, engraved with dedications to the donor's parents or other loved ones, and decorated with gold or silver.
Most modern Sifrei Torah are written with forty-two lines of text per column (Yemenite Jews use fifty). Very strict rules about the position and appearance of the [[Hebrew alphabet|Hebrew letters]] are observed. See for example the [[Mishna Berura]] on the subject.<ref>[ Mishnat Soferim The forms of the letters] translated by Jen Taylor Friedman (</ref> Any of several Hebrew scripts may be used, most of which are fairly ornate and exacting. The fidelity of the Hebrew text of the Tanakh, and the Torah in particular, is considered paramount, down to the last letter: translations or transcriptions are frowned upon for formal service use, and transcribing is done with painstaking care.
Kebanyakan Sifrei Torah modern ditulis dengan 42 baris setiap kolom, kecuali orang Yahudi Yaman yang menggunakan 50 baris per kolom. Aturan ketat mengenai posisi dan penampakan abjad Ibrani sangat dipatuhi, contohnya terdapat pada [[Mishnah Berura]] mengenai hal ini.<ref>[ Mishnat Soferim The forms of the letters] translated by Jen Taylor Friedman (</ref> Sejumlah bentuk huruf Ibrani dalam digunakan, kebanyakan berbentuk hiasan dan sangat persis. Kesamaan dengan naskah Ibrani [[Tanakh]], dan khususnya [[Taurat]], dianggap sangat penting, sampai ke tiap hurufnya: terjemahan atau transkipsi yang tidak sama tidak dihargai untuk pemakaian ibadah resmi, dan proses penyalinan dilakukan dengan sangat teliti.
Some errors are inevitable in the course of production. If the error involves a word other than the name of God, the mistaken letter may be obliterated from the scroll by scraping the letter off the scroll with a sharp object. If the name of God is written in error, the entire page must be cut from the scroll and a new page added, and the page written anew from the beginning. The new page is sewn into the scroll to maintain continuity of the document. The old page is treated with appropriate respect, and is buried with respect rather than being otherwise destroyed or discarded.
[[File:Writing a torah.jpg|thumbnail|[[Sofer stam]] issedang writingmenulis asebuah Sefer Torah]]
Penyelesaian pembuatan sefer Torah menjadi alasan pesta perayaan dan tamu-tamu terhormat yang memberi penugasan pembuatannya diundang dalam pesta tersebut serta masing-masing diberi kesempatan untuk menulis huruf-huruf terakhir. Merupakan suatu kehormatan besar untuk dipilih melakukan hal ini.
Merupakan sebuah [[mitzvah]] ("perintah Allah") bagi setiap pria Yahudi untuk menulis atau meminta penulisan baginya suatu Sefer Torah. Di antara [[613 Mitzvot]] [[Taurat]], perintah ke-613<ref>Nomor 82 dari [[613 mitzvot]] menurut penomoran [[Rashi]], dan yang terakhir, karena muncul pada naskah Taurat dalam {{Alkitab|Ulangan 31:19}}</ref> adalah bahwa setiap pria Yahudi harus menulis sebuah ''Sefer Torah'' semasa hidupnya.<ref>{{Alkitab|Ulangan 31:19}}</ref>
[[File:Writing a torah.jpg|thumbnail|[[Sofer stam]] is writing a Sefer Torah]]
The completion of the sefer Torah is a cause for great celebration, and honored guests of the individual who commissioned the Torah are invited to a celebration wherein each of the honored guests is given the opportunity to write one of the final letters. It is a great honor to be chosen for this.
It is a [[mitzvah]] for every Jewish male to either write or have written for him a Sefer Torah. In the [[Torah]]'s [[613 Mitzvot]] (commandments) the 613th<ref>82nd of the [[613 mitzvot]] as enumerated by [[Rashi]], and the final as it occurs in the text of the Torah, in [[Deuteronomy]] 31:19</ref> is that every Jewish male should write a Sefer Torah in their lifetime.({{bibleverse-lb||Deut.|31:19|HE}})
In modern times, it is usual for some scholars to become ''sofers'', or trained scribes, and to be paid to complete a Sefer Torah under contract on behalf of a community or by individuals to mark a special occasion or commemoration. Because of the work involved, these can cost tens of thousands of [[United States dollar|dollar]]s to produce to ritually proper standards.
Dalam zaman modern, sejumlah pakar belajar menjadi ''sofer'', atau penulis terlatih, dan mendapat bayaran untuk menyelesaikan pembuatan suatu ''Sefer Torah'' di bawah kontrak untuk suatu komunitas atau pribadi dalam rangka memperingati peristiwa tertentu. Karena beratnya tugas itu, biayanya dapat mencapai ratusan juta rupiah untuk menghasilkan salinan yang memenuhi standar keagamaan.
A printed version of the Torah is known as a [[Chumash (Judaism)|Chumash]] (plural Chumashim). They are treated as respected texts, but not anywhere near the level of sacredness accorded a Sefer Torah, which is often a major possession of a Jewish community. A chumash contains the Torah and other writings, usually organised for liturgical use, and sometimes accompanied by some of the main classic commentary.