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k r2.7.3) (bot Menambah: eu:Urrezko Egunsentia; kosmetik perubahan
Baris 2:
|name = Chrysi Avgi
|native_name = Χρυσή Αυγή
|logo =[[FileBerkas:Chrisi Avgi Logo.svg|150px]]
|colorcode = {{Golden Dawn (Greece)/meta/color}}
|secretary_general = [[Nikolaos Michaloliakos]]
|spokesperson = Ilias Kasidiaris
|founder = [[Nikolaos Michaloliakos]]
|slogan = ''Greece for the Greeks''<br />''Blood, Honour, Golden Dawn''
|founded = {{Start date|1993|11|01|df=y}}
|headquarters = [[Athena]], [[Yunani]]
Baris 16:
|membership_year =
|membership =
|ideology = [[Ultranasionalisme]]<ref>{{Citation |first=Emmanouil |last=Tsatsanis |title=Hellenism under siege: the national-populist logic of antiglobalization rhetoric in Greece |journal=Journal of Political Ideologies |volume=16 |issue=1 |year=2011 |pages=11–31 |doi=10.1080/13569317.2011.540939 |quote=...and far right-wing newspapers such as Alpha Ena, Eleytheros Kosmos, Eleytheri Ora and Stohos (the mouthpiece of ultra-nationalist group Chrysi Avgi).}}</ref><ref>{{Citation |first=Elisabeth |last=Ivarsflaten |title=Reputational Shields: Why Most Anti-Immigrant Parties Failed in Western Europe, 1980-2005 |publisher=Nuffield College, University of Oxford |year=2006 |page=15 |url=http://www.nuffield.ox.ac.uk/Politics/papers/2006/ivarsflatenapsa2006.pdf}}</ref><br />[[Neo-Nazisme]]<ref name="extremismreport"/><br />[[Rasisme]]
|position = [[Sayap kanan|Ekstrem kanan]]
|european = [[Front Nasional Eropa]]
Baris 35:
'''Chrysi Avgi''' ({{lang-el|Χρυσή Αυγή}}, ''Chrysi Avgi'', {{IPA-el|xriˈsi avˈʝi}})<ref group=note>Full Name: '''People's Association - Golden Dawn''' ({{lang-el|Λαϊκός Σύνδεσμος - Χρυσή Αυγή}}, ''Laikos Syndesmos - Chrysi Avgi'')</ref>, {{lang-en|Golden Dawn}}) adalah organisasi politik [[ekstremisme sayap kanan|ekstrem sayap kanan]]<ref>
* {{Citation |first1=Kostas |last1=Gemenis |first2=Roula |last2=Nezi |title=The 2011 Political Parties Expert Survey in Greece |publisher=University of Twente |month=January |year=2012 |page=4 |url=http://doc.utwente.nl/79515/1/Expert_survey_report_DANS.pdf |quote=Interestingly, the placement of the extreme right Chrysi Avyi does not seem to be influenced by this bias, although this has more do with the lack of variance in the data (32 out of 33 experts placed the party on 10)...}}
* {{Citation |first=Maria |last=Repoussi |title=Battles over the national past of Greeks: The Greek History Textbook Controversy 2006-2007 |journal=Geschichte für heute. Zeitschrift für historisch-politische Bildung |issue=1 |year=2009 |page=5 |url=http://users.auth.gr/~marrep/PS_REPOUSI/ENG/PUBLICATIONS/battles%20for%20the%20national%20past.pdf}}
* {{Citation |first=Thomas |last=Grumke |title=The transatlantic dimension of right-wing extremism |journal=Human Rights Review |volume=4 |issue=4 |year=2003 |pages=56–72 |doi=10.1007/s12142-003-1021-x |quote=On October 24, 1998 the Greek right-wing extremist organization Chrisi Avgi ("Golden Dawn") was the host for the "5th European Youth Congress" in Thessaloniki.}}</ref> di [[Yunani]]. Organisasi ini dipimpin oleh [[Nikolaos Michaloliakos]] dan telah berkembang pesat semenjak kemunculannya.
Para ahli dan media menyebut organisasi ini sebagai organisasi [[neo-Nazi]]<ref name="extremismreport">
* {{citation |doi=10.1007/978-3-531-92746-6_9 |year=2011 |first1=Lazaros |last1=Miliopoulos |title=Extremismus in Griechenland |work=Extremismus in den EU-Staaten |publisher=VS Verlag |language=German |page=154 |quote=...mit der seit 1993 als Partei anerkannten offen neonationalsozialistischen Gruppierung ''Goldene Mörgenröte (Chryssi Avgí'', Χρυσή Αυγή) kooperierte... (''...cooperated with the openly neo-National Socialist group ''Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avgí'', Χρυσή Αυγή), which has been recognized as a party since 1993...'')}}
* {{Citation |first1=Peter |last1=Davies |first2=Paul |last2=Jackson |title=The Far Right in Europe: An Encyclopedia |publisher=Greenwood World Press |year=2008 |page=173}}
* {{Citation |first=Peter |last=Chalk |title=Non-Military Security in the Wider Middle East |journal=Studies in Conflict & Terrorism |volume=26 |issue=3 |year=2003 |pages=197–214 |doi=10.1080/10576100390211428 |quote=Reflecting these perceptions has been a growing sub-culture of support for neo-Nazi hate groups such as Troiseme Voie in France, Golden Dawn in Greece, Combat 18 (C18) in the United Kingdom...}}
* {{Citation |first=Moses |last=Altsech |title=Anti-Semitism in Greece: Embedded in Society |journal=Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism |number=23 |month=August |year=2004 |page=12 |quote=On 12 March 2004, Chrysi Avghi (Golden Dawn), the new weekly newspaper of the Neo-Nazi organization of that name, cited another survey indicating that the percentage of Greeks who view immigrants unfavorably is 89 percent.}}
* {{Citation |first1=Dina |last1=Porat |first2=Roni |last2=Stauber |title=Antisemitism Worldwide 2000/1 |publisher=University of Nebraska Press |year=2002 |page=123 |quote=The neo-Nazi ''Chrissi Avgi'' (Golden Daybreak) was the only far right group active in 2000. It was responsible for at least one antisemitic act and for attacks against left-wing targets.}}</ref><ref>
* {{Citation |url=http://articles.cnn.com/2010-03-19/world/greece.explosion.neo.nazi_1_neo-nazi-greek-police-explosion?_s=PM:WORLD |title=Explosion at Greek neo-Nazi office |publisher=CNN |date=19 March 2010 |accessdate=2 February 2012}}
* {{Citation |title=Greek minister warns of neo-Nazi political threat |work=B92 |date=31 March 2012 |url=http://www.b92.net/eng/news/region-article.php?yyyy=2012&mm=03&dd=31&nav_id=79547}}
* {{Citation |title=Ακροδεξιά απειλή για τη Δημοκρατία (Right-wing threat to Democracy) |newspaper=Ethnos |date=31 March 2012 |url=http://www.ethnos.gr/article.asp?catid=22786&subid=2&pubid=63638154}}
* {{Citation |title=Migration woes take centre stage ahead of Greek election |newspaper=The Sun Daily |date=4 April 2012 |url=http://www.thesundaily.my/news/339237}}
* {{Citation |title=Greek Voters Punish 2 Main Parties for Economic Collapse|newspaper=The New York Times|date=6 May 2012|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/07/world/europe/greeks-vote-in-parliamentary-elections.html|first1=Rachel|last1=Donadio|first2=Niki|last2=Kitsantonis}}</ref> dan [[fasisme|fasis]],<ref>
* {{Citation |first=Sappho |last=Xenakis |title=A New Dawn? Change and Continuity in Political Violence in Greece |journal=Terrorism and Political Violence |volume=24 |issue=3 |year=2012 |doi=10.1080/09546553.2011.633133 |pages=437–464 |quote=...Nikolaos Michaloliakos, who in the early 1980s established the fascistic far-right party Chrysi Avgi (“Golden Dawn”).}}
* {{Citation |first=Helena |last=Smith |title=Rise of the Greek far right raises fears of further turmoil |newspaper=The Guardian |date=16 December 2011 |url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/dec/16/rise-greek-far-right-turmoil |location=London}}
* {{Citation |first=Vasiliki |last=Kravva |title=The Construction of Otherness in Modern Greece |work=The Ethics of Anthropology: Debates and dilemmas |publisher=Routledge |year=2003 |page=169 |quote=For example, during the summer of 2000 members of ''Chryssi Avgi'', the most widespread fascist organization in Greece, destroyed part of the third cemetery in Athens...}}</ref> meskipun mereka menolak label tersebut.<ref name="no_nazis">{{citation| url=http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/06/us-greece-election-farright-idUSBRE8450D820120506| title=Greek far-right leader savors electoral success| publisher=Reuters |date=6 May 2012 |quote=... the group - which denies it is neo-Nazi - one of the biggest winners in an election...}}</ref> Mereka telah menggunakan [[simbolisme Nazi]] dan memuji tokoh-tokoh [[Jerman Nazi]].<ref name="xa_nazi2">{{Citation| url=http://www.ethnos.gr/article.asp?catid=22767&subid=2&pubid=63638177 | title=Τα παιδιά του Χίτλερ με στολή «Χρυσής Αυγής» }}</ref><ref name="xa_nazi3">{{Citation| url=http://www.newsnow.gr/article/94701/xrysi-avgi---alitheies-kai-psemmata.html | title="Χρυσή Αυγή" - Αλήθειες και Ψέμματα | date= 15 May 2012}}</ref><ref name="xa_nazi4">{{Citation| url=http://www.tovima.gr/politics/article/?aid=452491 | title=Οι φύρερ της διπλανής πόρτας | date= 8 April 2012}}</ref> Menurut sumber akademis, kelompok ini adalah kelompok yang [[rasisme|rasis]] dan [[xenofobia|xenofobik]],<ref name="Sitaropoulos">{{Citation |first=Nicholas |last=Sitaropoulos |title=Equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin: the transposition in Greece of EU Directive 2000/43 |journal=The International Journal of Human Rights |volume=8 |issue=2 |year=2004 |pages=123–158 |doi=10.1080/1364298042000240834 |quote=Clearly extreme racist groups are, inter alia, political groups such as 'Chrisi Avgi' and 'Elliniko Metopo'.}}</ref><ref name="Sotiropoulos">{{Citation |first=Dimitri A. |last=Sotiropoulos |title=Formal Weakness and Informal Strength: Civil Society in Contemporary Greece |publisher=The London School of Economics and Political Science |page=16 |url=http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/5683/1/sotiropoulos16.pdf |quote=Firstly, there is a youth organization which is titled “Golden Dawn” (in Greek, “Chryssi Avgi”) and which is explicitly racist and xenophobic...}}</ref> sementara pemimpin partai secara terbuka mengidentifikasi partainya sebagai nasionalis dan rasis.<ref>{{Citation |title=Greek far-right leader vows to ‘take back’ İstanbul, İzmir |newspaper=Today's Zaman |date=15 June 2012 |url=http://www.todayszaman.com/newsDetail_getNewsById.action?newsId=283673 |accessdate=12 September 2012}}</ref>
Michaloliakos mulai mendirikan cikal bakal Chrysi Avgi pada tahun 1980. Organisasi ini pertama kali mencuri perhatian pada tahun 1991, dan pada tahun 1993 terdaftar sebagai partai politik. Chrysi Avgi menghentikan kegiatan politiknya sementara pada tahun 2005 dan kemudian digabung ke [[Aliansi Patriotik]]. Aliansi ini juga berakhir setelah Michaloliakos menarik dukungannya. Pada Maret 2007, Chrysi Avgi mengadakan kongres keenamnya, dan di dalamnya pejabat-pejabat partai mengumumkan kelanjutan aktivisme politik. Pada [[pemilihan umum daerah Yunani 2010|pemilihan umum daerah]] pada 7 November 2010, Chrysi Avgi memperoleh 5,3 persen suara di munisipalitas Athena, dan memenangkan kursi di Dewan Kota. Di beberapa daerah dengan komunitas imigran yang besar, partai ini bahkan memperoleh 20 persen suara.<ref name="NYCtimes">{{ cite news | last1=Kitsantonis | first1=Niki | date=2010-12-01 | url=http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/01/world/europe/01greece.html?_r=1 |title=Attacks on Immigrants on the Rise in Greece | publisher=New York Times | accessdate=2011-06-27}}</ref>
Baris 66:
== Pranala luar ==
{{commons category|Chrysi Avyi}}
* {{gr}} [http://xryshaygh.com/ Situs resmi]
[[Kategori:Partai politik di Yunani]]
[[Kategori:Politik Yunani]]
Baris 81 ⟶ 82:
[[eo:Ora Tagiĝo]]
[[es:Amanecer Dorado]]
[[eu:Urrezko Egunsentia]]
[[fi:Kultainen aamunkoitto]]
[[fr:Aube dorée (Grèce)]]