Sabuk pengaman: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Stephensuleeman (bicara | kontrib)
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Stephensuleeman (bicara | kontrib)
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Baris 5:
*'''Pangkuan''': Sabuk pengaman yang dapat disesuaikan yang melintang di atas pangkuan. Sabuk ini sering digunakan di mobil-mobil yang lebih tua, kini jarang kecuali untuk penumpang yang duduk di tengah pada barisan belakang. Kursi-kursi penumpang pesawat terbang juga menggunakan sabuk pengaman pangkuan.
[[Image:Seat belt BX.jpg|thumb|Sabuk pengaman]]
<!--*'''Two-pointDua titik''': ASistem restraintpenahan systemdengan withdua two attachment pointstitik. ASabuk lappangkuan beltatau orsabuk diagonal belt (rarejarang).
*'''[[AutomaticSabuk seatpengaman beltotomatis|AutomaticOtomatis]]''': AnySabuk seatpengaman beltapapun thatyang closessecara itselfotomatis automaticallyterpasang. ThereAda ispula alsosabuk apangkuan lapyang beltharus whichdikenakan. shouldSabuk beseperti fastened.ini biasanya Useddigunakan mainlypada inmobil-mobil oldermewah luxuryyang modelslebih suchtua asseperti [[Ford]]s fromdari theawal earlytahun [[1990]]s-an.
*'''Sash''': Sabuk yang dapat disesuaikan yang melintang melewati bahu. Biasa digunakan terutama pada tahun 1960-an, tetapi kegunaannya terbatas karena sangat mudah terlepas bila terjadi tabrakan.
*'''Sash''': Adjustable strap that goes over the shoulder. Used mainly in the 1960s, but of limited benefit because it is very easy to slip out of in a collision.
*'''Pangkuan dan Sash''': Kombinasi dari dua jenis sabuk di atas (dua sabuk terpisah). Terutama digunakan pada 1960-an dan 1970-an, biasanya di kursi belakang. Umumnya telah digantikan oleh desain tiga titik.
*'''Lap and Sash''': Combination of the two above (two separate belts). Mainly used in the 1960s and 1970s, usually in the rear. Generally superseded by three-point design.
*'''Three-pointTiga titik''': SimilarSerupa todengan thepangkuan lap anddan sash, but onetetapi singlemembentuk continuoussatu lengthjaringan ofyang webbingsinambung. Baik Bothsabuk three-pointpengaman andtiga lap-and-sashtitik beltsmaupun helpjenis spreadpangkuan outdan thesash energymenolong ofmenyebarkan theenergi movingdari bodytubuh inyang abergerak collisiondalam oversebuah thetabrakan chest,ke pelvisdada, andselangkangan shouldersdan bahu. Until theHingga 1980stahun three1980-pointan beltssabuk weretiga commonlytitik availableumumnya onlyterdapat indi thekursi frontdepan seatssaja, ofsedangkan cars,di thekursi backbelakang seatshanya havingtersedia onlysabuk lap beltspangkuan. Evidence of the potential for lapBukti-bukti beltsbahwa tosabuk causepangkuan separationberpotensi ofmenyebabkan theterpisahnya [[lumbar vertebrae]] anddan the sometimes associatedkadang-kadang [[paralysiskelumpuhan]] yang terkait, oratau "seatsindroma beltsabuk syndromepengaman", hastelah ledmenyebabkan todirevisinya aaturan-aturan revisionkeamanan ofdi safetyhampir regulationssemua innegara nearlymaju allyang ofmengharuskan theagar developedsemua worldbangku requiringdi thatdalam allkendaraan seatsdilengkapi indengan asabuk vehicletiga betitik. equippedPada with1 three-pointSeptember belts.2007, Bysemua Septembermobil 1,baru 2007,yang alldijual newdi carsAS soldharus indilengkapi thedengan USsabuk willpengaman requirebahu adan lappangkuan anduntuk shoulderpenumpang beltdi inkursi thebelakang center reartengah..[]
<!--*'''Five-point harnesses''' are safer but more restrictive seat belts. They are typically found in [[child safety seat]]s and in [[Automobile racing|racing]] cars. The lap portion is connected to a belt between the [[Human leg|leg]]s and there are two shoulder belts, making a total of five points of attachment to the seat.
*'''Six-point harnesses''' is like a five-point harness but includes an extra belt between the legs. These belts are used mainly in racing. In NASCAR, the six-point harness became popular after theth
e death of [[Dale Earnhardt]]. Earnhardt was wearing a five-point harness when he crashed and died. Because it was thought at first that his belt had broken, some teams ordered a six-point harness. The sixth point has two belts between the legs, which is seen by some to be a weaker point than the other parts. source: TIME magazine article on issue about Earnhardt
*'''Inertia reel''': Used almost universally today, inertia reel belts are effectively self-adjusting, which improves effectiveness. They also retract when not in use, reducing the chances of damage to the belts. A retractor reel lets out the strap or pulls it back as needed, and in the event of an accident the reel locks, preventing any more strap to come out and holding the passenger in the car. This may be augmented by pretensioners (see below). Most three-point belts are of inertia-reel construction, as are some lap-and-sash and lap belts.