80188: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
'''Intel 80188''' adalah versi 8 bit data bit luar prosesor mikro[[Intel 80186]]. Hal tersebut membuat 8088 lebih murah untuk dikoneksikan ke [[computer peripheral|peripherals]].
Assebagai thearsitektur [[8086]], the 80188 featureddigunakan fouruntuk semua mesin 16-bit general ''[[processor register|registers]]'', whichdimana couldbisa alsopula bedi accessedgunakan as eightsebagai 8-bit registers''register''. Itjuga alsotermasuk includedenam sixatau morelebih 16-bit registers''register'', whichdimana included,termasuk forjuga example,sebagai thecontoh; ''[[Stack-based memory allocation|stack pointer]]'', the ''[[instruction pointer]]'', ''[[index registers]]'', oratau asebagai status word register thatkata acted,dimana likebertindak asebagai tanda(''flag''),sebagai for example,contoh indalam ''comparison operations''.
Justseperti likearsitektur thedalam [[8086]],''processor'' the processorini alsojuga includedtermasuk fourempat 16-bit ''[[memory segment|segment]]'' registers''register'' thatdimana enableddapat themengaktifkan addressingpengalamatan of more thandalam 64 ''Kbytes'' of''memory'' memoryatau lebih, whichdimana isketerbatasan thedari limitarsitektur of asebuah 16-bit architecture,sebagai bypengenal introducingsebuah anisi ''offset'' valueyang that was addeddiberikan, after beingsetelah shifteddisisipkan leftkurang 4 bits, toke thedalam valueisi of anotherdari register lain. ThisSistem addressingpengalamatan systemini providedmemberikan a total oflayanan 1 Mbyte of addressabledari ''memory,'' apengalamatan valueyang thattersedia, atsemua theini time,di washarapkan considereddapat tomencukupi bedari very far away from the totalsemua memory a computer would everyang needdibutuhkan.
Baris 14:
[[Category:x86 microprocessors|Intel 188]]