Deklarasi Balfour: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 255:
Pada bulan Februari 1919, Prancis mengeluarkan pernyataan tidak akan menentang penempatan Palestina di bawah perwalian Inggris maupun pembentukan sebuah Negara Yahudi.{{sfn|Friedman|1973|p=313}} Friedman menunjukkan bahwa Prancis kemudian hari berubah sikap.{{sfn|Friedman|1973|p=313}} Dalam pembahasan tentang "sikap tidak bersahabat terhadap pergerakan nasonal Yahudi" yang ditunjukkan Prancis, Yehuda Blum mengangkat laporan tertulis Robert Vansittart (salah seorang anggota delegasi Inggris dalam Konferensi Damai Paris) kepada Lord pada bulan November 1920, yang memuat pernyataan sebagai berikut:
{{quote|[Pihak Prancis] sudah setuju dengan Kediaman Nasional Yahudi (ditulis dengan huruf kapital sesuai sumber), bukan Negara Yahudi. Mereka menganggap kita sedang mengarah tepat ke pembentukan Negara Yahudi, dan hal terakhir yang akan mereka lakukan adalah memperbesar Negara tersebut, karena mereka sama sekali tidak setuju dengan kebijakan kita.<ref>{{cite web|first=Yehuda|last=Blum|date=2008|url=|title=The Evolution of Israel's Boundaries|publisher='Jerusalem center for Public Affairs|access-date=3 November 2017}}</ref>}}<!--
Greece'sPerdana ForeignMenteri MinisterYunani toldmengemukakan thekepada editor ofPro-Israel, thesurat Salonicakabar JewishYahudi organ Pro-IsraelSalonica, thatbahwa "thepembentukan establishmentsebuah ofNegara aYahudi Jewishdisambut Statedengan meetsrasa insimpati Greeceyang withdalam fulldan andtulus sinceredi sympathyYunani ... APalestina Jewishyang PalestineYahudiah wouldakan becomemenjadi ansekutu ally of GreeceYunani."{{sfn|Friedman|1973|p=313}} InDi [[SwitzerlandSwiss]], asejumlah numbersejarawan ofternama, notedtermasuk historians including professorsProfesor Tobler, Profesor Forel-Yvorne, anddan profesor Rogaz, supportedmendukung thegagasan ideapembentukan ofsebuah establishingNegara aYahudi. JewishSalah state,seorang withdi oneantaranya referringbahkan tomengemukakan itbahwa aspembentukan "asebuah sacredNegara rightYahudi ofadalah the"hak suci orang JewsYahudi."{{sfn|Friedman|1973|p=313}} While inDi [[GermanyJerman]], officialspara andpejabat mostdan ofsebagian thebesar pressmedia tookmassa themengartikan DeclarationDeklarasi toBalfour meansebagai ausaha Britishpembentukan sponsoredsebuah statenegara foryang thedisponsori JewsInggris bagi orang Yahudi.{{sfn|Friedman|1973|p=313}}<!--
The British government, including Churchill, made it clear that the Declaration did not intend for the whole of Palestine to be converted into a Jewish National Home, "but that such a Home should be founded in Palestine."{{efn|group=lower-roman|When asked in 1922 what was meant by the development of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, Churchill replied, "it may be answered that it is not the imposition of a Jewish nationality upon the inhabitants of Palestine as a whole, but the further development of the existing Jewish community ... in order that it may become a centre in which the Jewish people as a whole may take, on grounds of religion and race, an interest and a pride... that it should know that it is in Palestine as of right and not on sufferance... that the existence of a Jewish National Home in Palestine should be internationally guaranteed."<ref>Gilbert, Martin. ''Churchill and the Jews: A Lifelong Friendship'', Macmillan (2007) p. 74, taken from Churchill's letter of 1 March 1922</ref>{{efn|group=lower-roman|Churchill's letter to T.E. Lawrence added, "It is manifestly right that the Jews who are scattered all over the world should have a national centre and a national home where some of them may be reunited. And where else could that be but in the land of Palestine, with which for more than three thousand years they have been intimately and profoundly associated?"<ref name=Wallace>Wallace, Cynthia D. ''Foundations of the International Legal Rights of the Jewish People and the State of Israel'', Creation House, (2012) pp. 72-73</ref>}}}}{{efn|group=lower-roman|Col. [[T.E. Lawrence]] ("Lawrence of Arabia,") in a letter to Churchill on 17 January 1921, wrote that [[Faisal I of Iraq|Emir Faisal]], the eldest son of [[Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca|King Hussein]], "had agreed to abandon all claims of his father to Palestine" in return for Arab sovereignty in Iraq, Trans-Jordan and Syria.Friedman refers to this letter as being from Lawrence to Marsh (Churchill's private secretary) states that the date of 17 January is erroneous ("a slip of the pen, or a misprint") and claims that the most likely date is 17 February. Friedman as well refers to an undated ("presumably 17 February") letter from Lawrence to Churchill that does not contain this statement.{{sfn|Friedman|2017|p=277}}Paris references only the Marsh letter and while claiming the evidence is unclear, suggests that the letter may have described a meeting that took place shortly after 8 January at [[Edward Turnour, 6th Earl Winterton|Edward Turnour, Earl Winterton]]'s country house.{{sfn|Paris|2003|p=129}}