William sang Penakluk: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 35:
'''William I'''{{efn|[[bahasa Norman Lama]]: ''Williame I''; {{lang-ang|Willelm I}}}} (''[[circa|ca.]]'' 1028<ref name=Bates33>Bates ''William the Conqueror'' hlm. 33</ref>&nbsp;– 9 September 1087), yang lebih dikenal dengan nama '''William Sang Penakluk''', dan kadang-kadang dijuluki '''William Si Haram Jadah''',<ref name=DNB />{{efn|William secara teratur disebut ''bastardus'' (si haram jadah) dalam sumber-sumber non-Norman dari masa hidupnya.<ref name=DNB/>}} adalah Raja Inggris pertama dari [[wangsa Normandia|bangsa Norman]]. Ia menyandang jabatan Raja Inggris sejak tahun 1066 sampai mangkat pada tahun 1087. Ia masih terhitung keturunan [[Rollo]], dan menyandang jabatan [[Adipati Normandia]] sejak tahun 1035. Melalui perjuangan panjang, ia berhasil menegakkan kedaulatannya atas daerah [[Normandia]] pada tahun 1060. Enam tahun kemudian, ia memimpin [[Penaklukan Inggris oleh Norman|bangsa Norman berperang menaklukkan Inggris]]. Perjalanan hidupnya sesudah itu penuh dengan penjuangan, baik untuk menegakkan kedaulatannya atas Inggris maupun untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah yang ditimbulkan putra sulungnya, [[Robert Curthose|Robert Courtehose]].
'''William I dari Inggris''' (sekitar [[1027]] — [[9 September]] [[1087]]) juga dikenal sebagai '''William Sang Penakluk''' ({{lang-en|William the Conqueror}}, {{lang-fr|Guillaume le Conquérant}}) atau '''William dari Normandia'''. Ia lahir di [[Falaise]], suatu kota di [[Normandia]], [[Prancis]].
William terlahir sebagai anak hasil hubungan luar nikah [[Robert I, Adipati Normandia|Robert le Magnifique, Adipati Normandia]], dengan gundiknya yang bernama [[Herleva]]. Statusnya selaku anak haram dan kenakalannya saat remaja menjadi sumber masalah sesudah ia menyandang jabatan Adipati Normandia menggantikan ayahnya, sama halnya dengan anarki yang merongrong tahun-tahun pertama masa pemerintahannya.<!-- Pada masa During his childhood and adolescence, members of the Norman aristocracy battled each other, both for control of the child duke and for their own ends. In 1047, William was able to quash a rebellion and begin to establish his authority over the duchy, a process that was not complete until about 1060. His marriage in the 1050s to [[Matilda of Flanders]] provided him with a powerful ally in the neighbouring [[county of Flanders]]. By the time of his marriage, William was able to arrange the appointment of his supporters as bishops and abbots in the Norman church. His consolidation of power allowed him to expand his horizons, and he secured control of the neighbouring county of [[Maine (province)|Maine]] by 1062.
William sang Penakluk memimpin penyerangan orang-orang Normandia, Bretagne, Flandria, dan Prancis terhadap Inggris, karena klaimnya bahwa [[Edward sang Pengaku]] sebelum meninggal telah menjanjikannya menjadi penerus tahta Inggris. Tetapi [[Harold Godwindson]] juga mengklaim tahta tersebut, sehingga menyulut terjadinya pertempuran di Hastings. Pasukan Inggris di bawah pimpinan Harold kalah setelah menang di Stamford Bridge menghadapi Normadia. William pun menjadi [[Raja Inggris]] saat ia telah memenangkan [[Pertempuran Hastings]] pada [[1066]].
In the 1050s and early 1060s, William became a contender for the throne of England held by the childless [[Edward the Confessor]], his first cousin once removed. There were other potential claimants, including the powerful English earl [[Harold Godwinson]] whom Edward named as king on his deathbed in January 1066. Arguing that Edward had previously promised the throne to him and that Harold had sworn to support his claim, William built a large fleet and invaded England in September 1066. He decisively defeated and killed Harold at the [[Battle of Hastings]] on 14 October 1066. After further military efforts, William was crowned king on Christmas Day 1066 in London. He made arrangements for the governance of England in early 1067 before returning to Normandy. Several unsuccessful rebellions followed, but William's hold was mostly secure on England by 1075, allowing him to spend the majority of his reign on the continent.
William menikah dengan [[Matilda dari Flandria]] pada [[1053]]. William diketahui memiliki sembilan anak, meskipun seorang putri kesepuluh bernama Matilda yang meninggal ketika masih perawan disebutkan dalam beberapa sumber. Beberapa anak perempuan lain yang tidak dijelaskan namanya juga disebutkan bertunangan dengan tokoh-tokoh bangsawan pada waktu itu.
William's final years were marked by difficulties in his continental domains, troubles with his son Robert, and threatened invasions of England by the [[Danes (Germanic tribe)|Danes]]. In 1086, he ordered the compilation of the ''[[Domesday Book]]'', a survey listing all the land-holdings in England along with their pre-Conquest and current holders. He died in September 1087 while leading a campaign in northern France, and was buried in [[Caen]]. His reign in England was marked by the construction of castles, settling a new Norman nobility on the land, and change in the composition of the English clergy. He did not try to integrate his various domains into one empire but continued to administer each part separately. His lands were divided after his death: Normandy went to Robert, and England went to his second surviving son [[William II of England|William]].-->
William meninggal saat ia berada di [[Rouen]], [[Prancis]], akibat [[luka]] yang dideritanya akibat jatuh dari [[kuda]]. Ia digantikan putranya [[William II dari Inggris]].
== Referensi ==