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Baris 3:
{{Aboutpp-pc|unsur kimiasmall=yes}}
{{Short description|UnsurChemical kimiaelement denganwith nomoratomic atomnumber 16}}
{{About|the chemical element}}
{{Use American English|date=March 2017}}
{{Short description|Unsur kimia dengan nomor atom 16}}
{{Use dmy dates|date=March 2016}}
{{Infobox sulfur}}
{{kotak info belerang}}
'''Sulfur''' ([[Sulfur#Spelling and etymology|in British English]], '''sulphur''') is a [[chemical element]] with the [[Symbol (chemistry)|symbol]]&nbsp;'''S''' and [[atomic number]]&nbsp;16. It is [[abundance of the chemical elements|abundant]], [[valence (chemistry)|multivalent]] and [[nonmetal]]lic. Under [[standard conditions for temperature and pressure|normal conditions]], sulfur atoms form cyclic octatomic molecules with a chemical formula [[octasulfur|S<sub>8</sub>]]. Elemental sulfur is a bright yellow, [[crystal]]line solid at room temperature.
Sulfur is the tenth most common element by mass in the universe, and the fifth most common on Earth. Though sometimes found in pure, [[native element minerals|native]] form, sulfur on Earth usually occurs as [[sulfide minerals|sulfide]] and [[sulfate minerals]]. Being abundant in native form, sulfur was known in ancient times, being mentioned for its uses in [[ancient India]], [[ancient Greece]], [[history of China#Ancient China|China]], and [[ancient Egypt|Egypt]]. Historically and in literature sulfur is also called '''brimstone''',<ref name=Greenwd/> which means "burning stone".<ref>{{cite EB1911 |wstitle=Brimstone |volume=4 |page=571}}</ref> Today, almost all elemental sulfur is produced as a byproduct of removing sulfur-containing contaminants from [[natural gas]] and [[petroleum]]. The greatest commercial use of the element is the production of [[sulfuric acid]] for sulfate and phosphate [[fertilizer]]s, and other chemical processes. The element sulfur is used in [[match]]es, [[insecticide]]s, and [[fungicide]]s. Many sulfur compounds are odoriferous, and the smells of odorized natural gas, skunk scent, grapefruit, and garlic are due to [[organosulfur]] compounds. [[Hydrogen sulfide]] gives the characteristic odor to rotting eggs and other biological processes.
{{Unsur|Belerang|S|16}} Belerang [[Kelimpahan unsur|melimpah]], [[Valensi|multivalen]] dan bersifat [[nonlogam]]. Di bawah [[Temperatur dan tekanan standar|kondisi normal]], belerang membentuk molekul oktatomik siklik dengan rumus kimia [[oktasulfur|{{Chem|S|8}}]]. Unsur belerang berwarna kuning cerah, berbentuk [[kristal]] padat pada suhu ruang.
Sulfur is an [[mineral (nutrient)|essential element]] for all life, but almost always in the form of [[organosulfur compounds|organosulfur]] compounds or metal sulfides. Three [[amino acid]]s ([[cysteine]], [[cystine]], and [[methionine]]) and two vitamins ([[biotin]] and [[thiamine]]) are organosulfur compounds. Many [[cofactor (biochemistry)|cofactors]] also contain sulfur, including [[glutathione]], [[thioredoxin]], and [[iron–sulfur protein]]s. [[Disulfide]]s, S–S bonds, confer mechanical strength and insolubility of the protein [[keratin]], found in outer skin, hair, and feathers. Sulfur is one of the core chemical elements needed for [[biochemical]] functioning and is an elemental [[macronutrient]] for all living organisms.
Belerang adalah unsur paling umum kesepuluh berdasarkan massa di alam semesta, dan unsur kelima paling umum di Bumi. Meskipun kadang-kadang ditemukan dalam bentuk [[mineral unsur alami|asli]] dan murni, belerang di Bumi biasanya terjadi sebagai [[mineral sulfida]] dan [[Mineral sulfat|sulfat]]. Bentuk aslinya melimpah, belerang dikenal di zaman kuno, disebutkan untuk penggunaannya di [[India kuno]], [[Yunani kuno]], [[Sejarah Tiongkok#Zaman kuno|Tiongkok]], dan [[Mesir kuno|Mesir]]. Secara historis dan dalam literatur belerang juga disebut '''brimstone''',<ref name=Greenwd/> yang berarti "batu yang terbakar".<ref>{{cite EB1911 |wstitle=Brimstone |volume=4 |page=571}}</ref> Saat ini, hampir semua unsur belerang diproduksi sebagai produk sampingan dari penghilangan kontaminan yang mengandung belerang dari [[gas alam]] dan [[minyak bumi]]. Penggunaan unsur terbesar secara komersial adalah produksi [[asam sulfat]] untuk [[pupuk]] sulfat dan fosfat, dan proses kimia lainnya. Unsur belerang digunakan dalam [[korek api]], [[insektisida]], dan [[fungisida]]. Banyak senyawa belerang berbau harum, dan bau gas alam, bau sigung, jeruk bali, dan bawang putih disebabkan oleh senyawa [[organosulfur]]. [[Hidrogen sulfida]] memberikan bau khas pada telur busuk dan proses biologis lainnya.
Belerang adalah [[Mineral (nutrisi)|unsur penting]] untuk semua kehidupan, tetapi hampir selalu dalam bentuk [[senyawa organosulfur]] atau sulfida logam. Tiga [[asam amino]] ([[sistein]], [[sistin]], dan [[metionin]]) dan dua vitamin ([[biotin]] dan [[tiamin]]) adalah senyawa organosulfur. Banyak [[Kofaktor (biokimia)|kofaktor]] juga mengandung belerang, termasuk [[glutation]], [[tioredoksin]], dan [[protein besi–belerang]]. [[Disulfida]], ikatan S–S, memberi kekuatan mekanis dan ketidaklarutan protein [[keratin]], yang ditemukan pada kulit luar, rambut, dan bulu. Belerang adalah salah satu unsur kimia inti yang dibutuhkan untuk fungsi [[biokimia]] dan [[Nutrien|unsur hara makro]] bagi semua organisme hidup.
[[File:Burning-sulfur.png|thumb|left|When burned, sulfur melts to a blood-red liquid and emits a blue flame.]]
===Physical properties===
Sulfur forms several polyatomic molecules. The best-known allotrope is [[octasulfur]], cyclo-S<sub>8</sub>. The [[point group]] of cyclo-S<sub>8</sub> is D<sub>4d</sub> and its dipole moment is 0 D.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Rettig|first1=S. J.|last2=Trotter|first2=J.|title=Refinement of the structure of orthorhombic sulfur, α-S8|journal=Acta Crystallographica Section C|date=15 December 1987|volume=43|issue=12|pages=2260–2262|doi=10.1107/S0108270187088152|url=}}</ref> Octasulfur is a soft, bright-yellow solid that is odorless, but impure samples have an odor similar to that of [[match]]es.<ref>A strong odor called "smell of sulfur" actually is given off by several sulfur compounds, such as [[hydrogen sulfide]] and [[organosulfur]] compounds.</ref> It melts at {{convert|115.21|C}}, boils at {{convert|444.6|C}} and sublimes easily.<ref name=Greenwd/> At {{convert|95.2|C}}, below its melting temperature, cyclo-octasulfur changes from α-octasulfur to the β-[[polymorphism (materials science)|polymorph]].<ref name= "Greenwood">{{Greenwood&Earnshaw2nd|pages= 645–665}}</ref> The structure of the S<sub>8</sub> ring is virtually unchanged by this phase change, which affects the intermolecular interactions. Between its melting and boiling temperatures, octasulfur changes its allotrope again, turning from β-octasulfur to γ-sulfur, again accompanied by a lower density but increased [[viscosity]] due to the formation of [[polymer]]s.<ref name= "Greenwood"/> At higher temperatures, the viscosity decreases as depolymerization occurs. Molten sulfur assumes a dark red color above {{convert|200|C}}. The density of sulfur is about 2&nbsp;g/cm<sup>3</sup>, depending on the allotrope; all of the stable allotropes are excellent electrical insulators.
[[File:Burning-sulfur.png|thumb|left|Ketika terbakar, belerang meleleh menjadi cairan merah darah dan memancarkan nyala api biru.]]
===Sifat fisika===
Belerang membentuk beberapa molekul poliatomik. Alotropi yang terkenal adalah [[oktasulfur]], siklo-S<sub>8</sub>. {{ill|Grup titik|en|Point group}} siklo-S{{sub|8}} adalah D{{sub|4d}} dan momen dipolnya adalah 0 D.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Rettig|first1=S. J.|last2=Trotter|first2=J.|title=Refinement of the structure of orthorhombic sulfur, α-S8|journal=Acta Crystallographica Section C|date=15 December 1987|volume=43|issue=12|pages=2260–2262|doi=10.1107/S0108270187088152|url=}}</ref> Oktasulfur adalah padatan lunak berwarna kuning cerah yang tak berbau, tetapi sampel tak murninya memiliki bau yang mirip dengan [[korek api]].<ref>Bau menyengat yang disebut "bau belerang" sejatinya ditimbulkan oleh beberapa senyawa belerang, seperti [[hidrogen sulfida]] dan senyawa [[organosulfur]].</ref> Belerang meleleh pada {{convert|115.21|C}}, mendidih pada {{convert|444.6|C}} dan mudah menyublim.<ref name="Greenwd" /> Pada {{convert|95.2|C}}, di bawah titik leburnya, siklo-oktasulfur berubah dari α-oktasulfur menjadi β-[[polimorf]]nya.<ref name="Greenwood">{{Greenwood&Earnshaw2nd|pages= 645–665}}</ref> Struktur cincin S{{sub|8}} tidak berubah meskipun fasenya berubah, yang mempengaruhi interaksi intermolekuler. Antara titik lebur dan titik didihnya, oktasulfur berubah alotropi lagi, dari β-oktasulfur menjadi γ-oktasulfur, lagi-lagi disertai penurunan massa jenis tetapi [[viskositas]]nya meningkat karena pembentukan [[polimer]].<ref name="Greenwood" /> Pada suhu yang lebih tinggi, viskositasnya menurun akibat depolimerisasi. Lelehan belerang diasumsikan berwarna merah gelap pada suhu {{convert|200|C}}. Massa jenis belerang sekitar 2&nbsp;g/cm<sup>3</sup>, tergantung alotropinya. Semua alotrop stabilnya adalah isolator listrik yang sangat baik.
===Chemical properties===
Baris 110 ⟶ 111:
===Metal sulfides===
{{Main|Sulfide mineral}}
The principal ores of copper, zinc, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, and other metals are sulfides. These materials tend to be dark-colored [[semiconductor]]s that are not readily attacked by water or even many acids. They are formed, both [[geochemical cycle|geochemically]] and in the laboratory, by the reaction of hydrogen sulfide with metal salts. The mineral [[galena]] (PbS) was the first demonstrated semiconductor and was used as a signal [[rectifier]] in the [[cat's-whisker detector|cat's whiskers]] of early [[crystal radio]]s. The iron sulfide called [[pyrite]], the so-called "fool's gold", has the formula FeS<sub>2</sub>.<ref>Vaughan, D. J.; Craig, J. R. "Mineral Chemistry of Metal Sulfides" Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1978) {{ISBN|0-521-21489-0}}</ref> Processing these ores, usually by [[smeltingSmelting#Roasting|roasting]], is costly and environmentally hazardous. Sulfur corrodes many metals through [[tarnishing]].
===Organic compounds===
Baris 165 ⟶ 166:
===Modern times===
[[File:Soufre extraction 1.jpg|thumb|Sicilian kiln used to obtain sulfur from volcanic rock]]
multiple image | align = right | direction = horizontal | total_width =
[[File:| image1 = Soufre extraction 1.jpg |thumb width1 = 175 | caption1 = '''Above:''' Sicilian kiln used to obtain sulfur from volcanic rock]] (diagram from a 1906 chemistry book)
<br><br>'''Right:''' Today sulfur is known to have antifungal, antibacterial, and [[keratolytic]] activity; in the past it was used against acne vulgaris, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, pityriasis versicolor, scabies, and warts.<ref name="SulfurInDerm_2004">{{cite journal |last1=Gupta |first1=Aditya K |last2=Nicol |first2=Karyn |title=The Use of Sulfur in Dermatology |journal=J Drugs Dermatol . |date=Jul-Aug 2004 |volume=3 |issue=4 |pages=427-431 |pmid=15303787 |url=}}</ref> This 1881 advertisement baselessly claims efficacy against rheumatism, gout, baldness, and graying of hair.
| image2 = 18810703 Sulphur Soap - advertisement in The Helena Independent.png | width2 = 200 | caption2 =
In 1777, [[Antoine Lavoisier]] helped convince the scientific community that sulfur was an element, not a compound.
Baris 191 ⟶ 200:
Owing to the high sulfur content of the [[Athabasca Oil Sands]], stockpiles of elemental sulfur from this process now exist throughout [[Alberta]], Canada.<ref name="Atha">{{cite book|last1= Hyndman|first1= A. W.|last2= Liu|first2= J. K.|last3= Denney|first3= D. W.|title= Sulfur: New Sources and Uses|volume= 183|pages= 69–82|date= 1982|doi= 10.1021/bk-1982-0183.ch005|chapter= Sulfur Recovery from Oil Sands|series= ACS Symposium Series|isbn= 978-0-8412-0713-4}}</ref> Another way of storing sulfur is as a [[binder (material)|binder]] for concrete, the resulting product having many desirable properties (see [[sulfur concrete]]).<ref>{{cite book|last1=Mohamed|first1=Abdel-Mohsen|last2=El-Gamal|first2=Maisa|title=Sulfur concrete for the construction industry: a sustainable development approach|date=2010|publisher=J. Ross Publishing|location=[[Fort Lauderdale]]|isbn=978-1-60427-005-1|oclc=531718953|page=109}}</ref> Sulfur is still mined from surface deposits in poorer nations with volcanoes, such as Indonesia, and worker conditions have not improved much since Booker T. Washington's days.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=McElvaney|first1=Kevin|title=The Men Who Mine Volcanos|url=|journal=The Atlantic|accessdate=26 February 2015|date=25 February 2015}}</ref>
The world production of sulfur in 2011 amounted to 69 &nbsp;million tonnes (Mt), with more than 15 countries contributing more than 1 Mt each. Countries producing more than 5 Mt are China (9.6), US (8.8), Canada (7.1) and Russia (7.1).<ref>Apodaca, Lori E. (2012) [ Sulfur]. Mineral Commodity Summaries. USGS</ref> Production has been slowly increasing from 1900 to 2010; the price was unstable in the 1980s and around 2010.<ref name=USGS/>
Baris 202 ⟶ 211:
===Other important sulfur chemistry===
Sulfur reacts directly with methane to give [[carbon disulfide]], which is used to manufacture [[cellophane]] and [[rayon]].<ref name=Nehb>{{cite book |last=Nehb |first=Wolfgang|last2=Vydra|first2=Karel |title=Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry |date=2006|publisher=Wiley-VCH Verlag|doi=10.1002/14356007.a25_507.pub2 |chapter=Sulfur |isbn=978-3-527-30673-2}}</ref> One of the uses of elemental sulfur is in [[vulcanization]] of rubber, where [[polysulfide]] chains crosslink organic polymers.<!--need something on pulping--> Large quantities of [[sulfite]]s are used to [[bleach (chemical)|bleach]] [[paper]] and to preserve [[dried fruit]]. Many [[surfactant]]s and [[detergent]]s (e.g. [[sodium lauryl sulfate]]) are sulfate derivatives. [[Calcium sulfate]], gypsum, (CaSO<sub>4</sub>·2H<sub>2</sub>O) is mined on the scale of 100 &nbsp;million [[tonne]]s each year for use in [[Portland cement]] and fertilizers.
When silver-based [[photography]] was widespread, sodium and ammonium [[sodium thiosulfate|thiosulfate]] were widely used as "fixing agents". Sulfur is a component of [[gunpowder]] ("black powder").
Baris 277 ⟶ 286:
{{More citations needed section|date=May 2012}}
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Baris 305 ⟶ 316:
==Further reading==
{{cite book |editor1-last=Sigel |editor1-first=Astrid |editor2-last=Freisinger |editor2-first=Eva |editor3-last=Sigel |editor3-first=Roland K.O. |title=Transition Metals and Sulfur: A Strong Relationship for Life |date=2020 |publisher=de Gruyter |location=Berlin/Boston |isbn=978-3-11-058889-7 |pages=xlv+455||others=Guest Editors Martha E Sosa Torres and Peter M.H.Kroneck}}
==External links==
Baris 319 ⟶ 330:
*[ Nutrient Stewardship and The Sulphur Institute]
{{Periodic table (32 columns, compact)}}
{{Tabel periodik unsur kimia}}
{{SenyawaSulfur belerangcompounds}}
{{Subject bar |book1=Sulfur |book2=Period 3 elements |book3=Chalcogens |book4=Chemical elements (sorted&nbsp;alphabetically) |book5=Chemical elements (sorted by number) |portal=Chemistry |commons=y |wikt=y |wikt-search=sulfur |v=y |v-search=Sulfur atom |b=y |b-search=Wikijunior:The Elements/Sulfur}}
{{Authority control}}
<!--[[Category:Sulfur| ]]
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Baris 337 ⟶ 348:
[[Category:Native element minerals]]
[[Category:Orthorhombic minerals]]
[[Category:Pyrotechnic fuels]]-->