Mikrobiota: Perbedaan antara revisi

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[[Berkas:Skin Microbiome20169-300.jpg|jmpl|lurus|330px|[[Bakteri]] dominan pada [[kulit]] manusia.]]
'''Mikrobiota''' adalah "komunitas ekologis [[mikroorganisme]] [[simbiosis]] [[simbiosis#komesalisme|komensalisme]] dan [[patogen|patogenik]]ik"<ref>{{cite journal | last1=Lederberg | first1=J | last2=McCray | first2=AT | year=2001 | title='Ome Sweet 'Omics—a genealogical treasury of words | url=http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/13313/title/-Ome-Sweet--Omics---A-Genealogical-Treasury-of-Words/ | journal=Scientist | volume=15 | issue=| page=8 }}</ref><ref name="hmp">{{cite journal | year=2009 | title=The NIH Human Microbiome Project | url=| journal=Genome Res | volume=19 | issue=12| pages=2317–2323 | doi=10.1101/gr.096651.109 | pmid=19819907 | pmc=2792171| author1=NIH HMP Working Group | last2=Peterson | first2=J | last3=Garges | first3=S | display-authors=etal }}</ref> yang ditemukan pada semua organisme multisel yang dipelajari hingga saat ini dari tanaman hingga hewan. Mikrobiota termasuk [[bakteri]], [[arkea]], [[protista]], [[fungi]] dan [[virus]]. Mikrobiota sangat penting untuk [[homeostasis]] kekebalan, hormonal dan metabolisme inang mereka.
Istilah sinomim '''mikrobioma''' menggambarkan baik kolektif [[genom]] dari mikroorganisme yang berada di ceruk lingkungannya maupun mikroorganisme itu sendiri.<ref>{{cite journal | last1=Backhed | first1=F. | last2=Ley | first2=R. E. | last3=Sonnenburg | first3=J. L. | last4=Peterson | first4=D. A. | last5=Gordon | first5=J. I. | year=2005 | title=Host-Bacterial Mutualism in the Human Intestine | url=| journal=Science | volume=307 | issue=5717| pages=1915–1920 | doi=10.1126/science.1104816 | pmid=15790844 | bibcode=2005Sci...307.1915B }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last1=Turnbaugh | first1=P. J. | last2=Ley | first2=R. E. | last3=Hamady | first3=M. | last4=Fraser-Liggett | first4=C. M. | last5=Knight | first5=R. | last6=Gordon | first6=J. I. | year=2007 | title=The Human Microbiome Project | url=| journal=Nature | volume=449 | issue=7164| pages=804–810 | doi=10.1038/nature06244 | pmid=17943116 | pmc=3709439 | bibcode=2007Natur.449..804T }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last1=Ley | first1=R. E. | last2=Peterson | first2=D. A. | last3=Gordon | first3=J. I. | year=2006 | title=Ecological and Evolutionary Forces Shaping Microbial Diversity in the Human Intestine | url=| journal=Cell | volume=124 | issue=4| pages=837–848 | doi=10.1016/j.cell.2006.02.017 | pmid=16497592}}</ref>
Mikrobioma dan inang muncul selama [[evolusi]] sebagai unit [[sinergi|sinergis]]s dari [[epigenetika]] dan karakteristik genetik, kadang-kadang secara kolektif disebut [[holobiont]].<ref name=Salvucci2014>{{Cite journal | doi=10.3109/1040841X.2014.962478 | title=Microbiome, holobiont and the net of life | journal=Critical Reviews in Microbiology |volume=42 | issue=3 |pages=485–494 | year=2016 | last1=Salvucci | first1=E. | pmid=25430522}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | pmid=24568029 |year=2013 |last1=Guerrero|first1=R. | title=Symbiogenesis: The holobiont as a unit of evolution | journal=International Microbiology |volume=16 |issue=3 | pages=133–43 | last2=Margulis | first2=Lynn | author2link=Lynn Margulis | last3=Berlanga | first3=M. | doi=10.2436/20.1501.01.188}}</ref>
== Referensi ==
[[Kategori:Mikrobiota| ]]