Romawi Kuno: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 548:
=== Zaman Modern ===
{{Sejarah Italia}}<!--
InterestMinat in studyingmengkaji, andbahkan even idealizingmengidealisasi, ancientperadaban RomeRomawi becameKuno prevalentmeningkat duringpada themasa [[ItalianRenaisans RenaissanceItalia]], andbahkan continues until theberlanjut presentsampai daysekarang. [[Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu|Charles Montesquieu]] wrote a workmenulis ''ReflectionsConsidérations onsur theles Causescauses ofde thela Grandeurgrandeur anddes DeclensionRomains ofet thede leur décadence (Pendalaman Sebab Musabab Kebesaran Bangsa Romawi dan RomansKemerosotannya)''. TheKarya firsttulis majorpenting workpertama wasmengenai Romawi Kuno adalah ''[[The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire]]'' bykarangan [[Edward Gibbon]], whichyang encompassedmengkaji theperadaban Romanbangsa civilizationRomawi frommulai thedari endpenghujung ofabad theke-2 2ndsampai centurydengan toruntuhnya theKekaisaran fallRomawi ofTimur the Byzantine Empirepada intahun 1453.<ref name="Gibbon2">{{cite book|title=The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 12 vols.jilid}}</ref> LikeSama seperti Charles Montesquieu, Edward Gibbon paidmenyanjung-nyanjung tributekebajikan tobangsa the virtue of Roman citizensRomawi. [[Barthold Georg Niebuhr]], wassalah aseorang founderpemrakarsa ofkajian thesejarah examinationRomawi ofKuno, ancientmenulis Roman''Römische historyGeschichte and(Sejarah wroteBangsa Romawi)''The, Romanyang History'',merunut tracingkurun thewaktu periodsejarah untilbangsa theRomawi sampai dengan [[FirstPerang PunicPunisia Warpertama|FirstPerang PunicPunik warI]]. Barthold Georg Niebuhr triedberusaha tomemperkirakan determinecara thetradisi waybangsa theRomawi Romantumbuh traditiondan evolvedberkembang. AccordingMenurutnya, tobangsa himRomawi, Romans,sama likeseperti otherbangsa-bangsa peoplelain, hadmemiliki an historicalsuatu [[ethosetos]] preservedbersejarah mainlyyang indiwariskan theturun-temurun, teristimewa di noblekalangan familiesningrat.
During thePada [[Napoleon I ofdari FrancePrancis|NapoleonicZaman Napoleon]], muncul periodsebuah akarya worktulis titledberjudul ''TheHistoire Historydes ofRomains Romansdepuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à la mort de Théodose (Sejarah Bangsa Romawi Mulai Dari Masa-Masa Terdahulu Sampai Dengan Kemangkatan Theodosius)'' bykarangan [[Victor Duruy]] appeared. ItKarya highlightedtulis theini menonjolkan [[JuliusYulius CaesarKaisar|CaesareanZaman Caesar]] periodyang populardigemari atsidang thepembaca timekala itu. ''[[HistoryRömische of RomeGeschichte (Theodor Mommsen)|HistoryRömische of RomeGeschichte]] (Sejarah Bangsa Romawi)'', ''[[RomanKonstitusi constitutionalRomawi|Römisches lawStaatsrecht]] (Undang-Undang Romawi)'' and, dan ''[[Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum]] (Kumpulan Prasasti Latin)'', alladalah bykarya-karya tulis [[Theodor Mommsen]],<ref name="kirjasto">{{cite web|url= |title=Theodor Mommsen |website=Books and Writers ''('' |first=Petri |last=Liukkonen |publisher=[[Kuusankoski]] Public Library |location=Finland |archiveurl= |archivedate=24 August 2014 |dead-url=yes |df= }}</ref> becameyang verymerupakan importanttonggak-tonggak milestonessejarah penting. LaterDi thekemudian workhari, ''Greatnessterbit andpula Declinekarya of Rome'' bytulis [[Guglielmo Ferrero]] wasyang publishedberjudul ''Grandezza e decadenza di Roma (Kebesaran dan Kemerosotan Roma)''. TheBuku Russianterbitan workRusia, ''Очерки по истории римского землевладения, преимущественно в эпоху Империи'' (''TheGaris-Garis Besar OutlinesSejarah onKepemilikan RomanTanah LandownershipBangsa HistoryRomawi, MainlyKhususnya DuringPada theZaman EmpireKekaisaran)''), bykarangan Ivan Grevs, containedmemuat informationinformasi onmengenai thetata economykelola ofusaha [[Titus Pomponius Atticus|Pomponius Atticus]], one of thesalah largestseorang landownerspemilik attanah theterluas endpada ofakhir thezaman Republicrepublik.
* [[Edward Gibbon]] (1737–1794) – ''[[The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire]]''
* [[John Bagnall Bury]] (1861–1927) – ''History of the Later Roman Empire''
* [[Michael Grant (authorpenulis)|Michael Grant]] (1914–2004) – ''The Roman World''<ref>seeBaca [ excerptkutipan anddan textpencarian searchteks]</ref>
* [[Barbara Levick]] (bornlahir 1932) – ''Claudius''<ref>{{cite book|title=Claudius|first=Barbara|last=Levick|date=1993|publisher=Yale University Press|isbn = 978-0300058314}}</ref>
* [[Barthold Georg Niebuhr]] (1776–1831)
* [[Michael Rostovtzeff]] (1870–1952)
* [[Howard Hayes Scullard]] (1903–1983) – ''The History of the Roman World''<ref>seebaca [ onlineedisi editiondaring]</ref>
* [[Ronald Syme]] (1903–1989) – ''The Roman Revolution''<ref>{{cite book|title=The Roman Revolution|first=Ronald|last=Syme|date=2002|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn = 978-0192803207}}</ref>
* [[Adrian Goldsworthy]] (bornlahir 1969) – ''Caesar: The Life of a Colossus'' anddan ''How Rome fell''<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Dr Adrian Goldsworthy, the historian and author | |date= |accessdate=12 MarchMaret 2013}}</ref>-->
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