Turunnya Kristus ke neraka: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 92:
=== Ortodoks ===
[[Berkas:Anastasis at Chora.jpg|jmpl|300px|Dalam ''Geger Hades'', fresko di ''pareklesion'' dari [[Gereja Chora|Gereja Kora]], [[Istanbul]], ''ca.'' 1315, Adam dan Hawa yang bangkit ditampilkan sebagai bagian dari ikon Kebangkitan, sebagaimana yang lazim dilakukan di Gereja Timur.]]<!--
Santo [[Yohanes Krisostomus]] dalam [[khotbah Paskah]]nya juga membahas tentang peristiwa Geger Hades,. andKhotbah isini typicallybiasanya readdibacakan duringdalam theibadat [[PaschalTuguran VigilPaskah]], theibadat climacticpuncak servicedalam of the Orthodox celebration ofperayaan [[Easter|PaschaPaskah]] (Easter)di Gereja Ortodoks.<!--
In theDalam [[EasternGereja OrthodoxOrtodoks ChurchTimur]], peristiwa Geger Hades isdiperingati celebratedsetiap annuallytahun onpada [[HolySabtu andSuci|hari GreatSabtu SaturdaySuci]], duringdalam theperayaan [[Vespers|VesperalLiturgi Suci Santo Basileios]] saat [[DivineVesper|malam Liturgy of Saint Basilhari]], as is normativesesuai fordengan theaturan [[ByzantineRitus RiteBizantium|Ritus Bizantin]]. AtPada theawal beginningperayaan ofLiturgi theSuci serviceini, theseluruh [[antependium|hangings]]taplak inpenutup thealtar]] church and thedan [[vestmentvestimentum]]s wornyang bydikenakan thepara clergyrohaniwan aremasih allberwarna somberwarna dukacita [[Great Lent|Lentenmasa Prapaskah]] colours (usuallylazimnya warna ungu purpleatau orwarna blackhitam). Then, just before the [[Gospel]] reading, the [[liturgical colors]] are changed white and the deacon performs a [[censing]], and the priest strews [[Bay Laurel|laurel]] leaves around the church, symbolizing the broken gates of hell; this is done in celebration of the Geger Hades then taking place, and in anticipation of Christ's imminent resurrection.
Geger Hades jauh lebih umum dijumpai dan ditonjolkan dalam [[ikonografi]] Ortodoks dibanding dalam tradisi Gereja Barat. Geger Hades merupakan [[ikon]] tradisional untuk perayaan [[Sabtu Suci]], dan digunakan selama [[masa Paskah]] dan pada setiap hari minggu sepanjang tahun.
Baris 102:
The traditional Orthodox icon of the [[kebangkitan Yesus]], partially inspired by the apocryphal ''[[Gospel of Nicodemus|Acts of Pilate]]'' (4th c.), does not depict simply the physical act of Jesus's coming out of the [[Holy Sepulchre|makam]], but rather it reveals what Orthodox Christians believe to be the spiritual reality of what his [[Death and resurrection of Jesus|Death and Resurrection]] accomplished.
The icon depicts Jesus, vested in white and gold to symbolize his divine majesty, standing on the brazen gates of hades (also called the "Doors of Death"), which are broken and have fallen in the form of a cross, illustrating the belief that by his death on the cross, Jesus "trampled down death by death" (see [[Paschal troparion]]). He is holding [[Adam]] dan [[Hawa]] and pulling them up out of hades. Traditionally, he is not shown holding them by the hands, but by their wrists, to illustrate the theological teaching that mankind could not pull himself out of his [[dosa asal]] atau [[dosa pusaka]], but that it could come about only by the work (''[[Essence-Energies distinction|energia]]'') Allah. JesusYesus isdikelilingi surroundedoleh byorang-orang variousbenar righteousdari figures from thezaman [[Perjanjian Lama]] ([[Abraham]], [[Daud]], etc.dan lain-lain); the bottom of the icon depicts hades as a chasm of darkness, often with various pieces of broken locks and chains strewn about.--> QuiteSeringkali frequently,satu oneatau ordua twososok figuresdigambarkan areterbelenggu showndalam in the darknesskegelapan, bounddan inpada chains,umumnya whodianggap aresebagai generallygambar identified as personifications ofperwujudan [[DeathMaut]] or theatau [[DevilIblis]].-->
=== Lutheran ===
Baris 116:
Menurut tafsiran [[Calvinisme|Kalvinis]], frasa "Ia turun ke neraka" mengacu pada rasa sakit dan penghinaan yang ditanggung Kristus ''menjelang'' wafat, dan bahwasanya penghinaan ini memiliki dimensi rohani sebagai bagian dari ganjaran Allah atas dosa yang ditanggung Kristus demi menebus umat Kristen. Doktrin tentang penghinaan Kristus ini juga dimaksudkan untuk meyakinkan orang-orang percaya bahwa Kristus telah menebus mereka dari rasa sakit dan sengsara yang merupakan ganjaran Allah atas dosa.<ref>{{cite book|last=Allen|first=R. Michael|title=Reformed Theology|year=2012|pages=67{{ndash}}68}}</ref>
=== Mormon ===<!--
{{utama|Dunia arwah (Mormonisme)|Rancangan penyelamatan (Mormonisme)}}
{{main|Spirit world (Latter Day Saints)|Plan of salvation (Latter Day Saints)}}
ThePeristiwa HarrowingGeger ofNeraka Helltelah hasmenjadi beensuatu adoktrin uniqueyang andunik importantdan doctrinepenting amongdi memberskalangan ofumat [[TheGereja ChurchYesus ofKristus Jesusdari ChristOrang-orang ofSuci LatterZaman Akhir|Gereja Yesus Kristus dari Orang-dayOrang Suci Zaman SaintsAkhir]] since(gereja Mormon) sejak gereja itsini foundingdidirikan inpada 1830 byoleh [[Joseph Smith]], althoughmeskipun membersumat ofgereja theMormon churchmenyebutnya ("[[Mormons]]")dengan usuallyistilah calllain, itmisalnya by"lawatan otherKristus terms,ke such asdunia arwah"Christ's.<!-- visitSebagaimana topara the spirit world." Like Christian exegetes distinguishing between [[Sheol]] and [[Gehenna]], Latter-day Saints distinguish between the realm of departed spirits (the "[[Spirit world (Latter Day Saints)|spirit world]]") and the portion (or state) of the wicked ("[[Spirit world (Latter Day Saints)#Spirit prison|spirit prison]]"). The portion or state of the righteous is often referred to as "paradise".
Perhaps the most notable aspect of Latter-day Saint beliefs regarding the Harrowing of Hell is their view on the purpose of it, both for the just and the wicked. [[Joseph F. Smith]], the sixth president of the Church, explained in what is now a canonized revelation, that when Christ died, "there were gathered together in one place an innumerable company of the spirits of the just, ... rejoicing together because the day of their deliverance was at hand. They were assembled awaiting the advent of the Son of God into the spirit world, to declare their redemption from the bands of death" ([[Doctrine and Covenants|D&C]] {{lds||dc|138|12|,15-16|||x}}).