Haloperidol: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 60:
'''Haloperidol''' (dipasarkan dengan [[merk dagang]] '''Haldol''') adalah sebuah [[obat]] [[antipsikotik]] <ref name=AHFS2015 /> yang digunakan untuk menangani penyakit [[skizofrenia]], [[sindrom Tourette]], mania dalam [[penyakit bipolar]], mual dan muntah, [[delirium]], [[psikosis]] akut, dan [[halusinasi]] selama proses penanggulangan kecanduan minum alkohol.<ref name=AHFS2015 /><ref name=NEJM2014>{{cite journal |last1 = Schuckit |first1 = MA |title = Recognition and management of withdrawal delirium (delirium tremens). |journal = The New England Journal of Medicine |date = 27 November 2014 |volume = 371 |issue = 22 |pages = 2109–13 |pmid = 25427113 |doi = 10.1056/NEJMra1407298 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1 = Plosker |first1 = GL |title = Quetiapine: a pharmacoeconomic review of its use in bipolar disorder. |journal = PharmacoEconomics |date = 1 July 2012 |volume = 30 |issue = 7 |pages = 611–31 |pmid = 22559293 |doi = 10.2165/11208500-000000000-00000 }}</ref> Obat ini bias dikonsumsi lewat mulut atau disuntik ke dalam otot atau lewat infus.<ref name=AHFS2015 /> Haloperidol typically works within thirty to sixty minutes.<ref name=AHFS2015 /> Formula yang berdampak lama dapat disuntik setiap empat minggu untuk pengidap [[skizofrenia]] atau penyakit terkait, yang seringkali lupa atau menolak minum obat lewat mulut.<ref name=AHFS2015 />
Haloperidol dapat menyebabkan penyakit yang disebut [[diskinesia tardif]] yang bisa jadi permanen.<ref name=AHFS2015 /> [[Sindrom malignan neuroleptik]] dan [[prolongasi QT yang dipicu oleh obat]] juga dapat terjadi.<ref name=AHFS2015 /> Untuk orang tua yang mengalami psikosis akibat [[demensia]], risiko meninggal juga meningkat.<ref name=AHFS2015>{{cite web |title = Haloperidol |url = http://www.drugs.com/monograph/haloperidol.html |publisher = The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists |accessdate = 2 January 2015 |deadurl = no |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20150102120426/http://www.drugs.com/monograph/haloperidol.html |archivedate = 2015-01-02 |df = }}</ref> Jika dikonsumsi saat hamil, obat ini dapat memicu masalah pada bayi.<ref name=AHFS2015 /><ref name=TGA2015>{{cite web |title = Prescribing medicines in pregnancy database |url = http://www.tga.gov.au/hp/medicines-pregnancy.htm#.U1Yw8Bc3tqw |work = Australian Government |accessdate = 2 January 2015 |date = 3 March 2014 |deadurl = no |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20140408040902/http://www.tga.gov.au/hp/medicines-pregnancy.htm#.U1Yw8Bc3tqw |archivedate = 8 April 2014 |df = }}</ref> ItObat shouldini notsebaiknya betidak useddiberikan inkepada people withpengidap [[penyakit Parkinson's disease]].<ref name=AHFS2015 />
Haloperidol ditemukan pada tahun 1958 oleh [[Paul Janssen]].<ref>{{cite book |last1 = Sneader |first1 = Walter |title = Drug discovery : a history |date = 2005 |publisher = Wiley |location = Chichester |isbn = 978-0-471-89979-2 |page = 124 |edition = Rev. and updated |url = https://books.google.ca/books?id=Cb6BOkj9fK4C&pg=PA124 |deadurl = no |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20151208072014/https://books.google.ca/books?id=Cb6BOkj9fK4C&pg=PA124 |archivedate = 2015-12-08 |df = }}</ref> Obat ini dibuat dari [[petidin]] (meperidin).<ref>{{cite book |last1 = Ravina |first1 = Enrique |title = The evolution of drug discovery : from traditional medicines to modern drugs |date = 2011 |publisher = Wiley-VCH |location = Weinheim |isbn = 978-3-527-32669-3 |page = 62 |edition = 1. Aufl. |url = https://books.google.ca/books?id=iDNy0XxGqT8C&pg=PA62 |deadurl = no |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20151208071857/https://books.google.ca/books?id=iDNy0XxGqT8C&pg=PA62 |archivedate = 2015-12-08 |df = }}</ref> Obat ini termasuk dalam [[Daftar Obat-Obatan Esensial Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia]].<ref name=WHO19th>{{cite web |title = WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (19th List) |url = http://www.who.int/medicines/publications/essentialmedicines/EML_2015_FINAL_amended_NOV2015.pdf?ua=1 |work = World Health Organization |accessdate = 8 December 2016 |date = April 2015 |deadurl = no |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20161213052708/http://www.who.int/medicines/publications/essentialmedicines/EML_2015_FINAL_amended_NOV2015.pdf?ua=1 |archivedate = 13 December 2016 |df = }}</ref> Obat ini adalah obat antipsikotik yang paling sering digunakan.<ref name=Ste2004>{{cite book |last1 = Stevens |first1 = Andrew |title = Health care needs assessment : the epidemiologically based needs assessment reviews |date = 2004 |publisher = Radcliffe Medical |location = Abingdon |isbn = 978-1-85775-892-4 |page = 202 |edition = 2nd |url = https://books.google.ca/books?id=HCLIeMG9WgoC&pg=PA202 |deadurl = no |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20151208072515/https://books.google.ca/books?id=HCLIeMG9WgoC&pg=PA202 |archivedate = 2015-12-08 |df = }}</ref> Biaya tahunan dosis umum haloperidol berkisar antara £20-800 di [[Britania Raya]].<ref name=Ste2004 /><ref>{{cite book |editor-last1 = Stein |editor-first1 = George |last1 = Wilkinson |first1 = Greg |title = Seminars in general adult psychiatry |date = 2007 |publisher = Gaskell |location = London |isbn = 978-1-904671-44-2 |page = 288 |edition = 2. |url = https://books.google.ca/books?id=6PGzHFuS1xkC&pg=PA288 |deadurl = no |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20151208073236/https://books.google.ca/books?id=6PGzHFuS1xkC&pg=PA288 |archivedate = 2015-12-08 |df = }}</ref> Biaya tahunan di Amerika Serikat mencapai $250.<ref>{{cite book |last1 = Jeste |first1 = Dilip V. |title = Clinical handbook of schizophrenia |date = 2011 |publisher = Guilford Press |location = New York |isbn = 978-1-60918-237-3 |page = 511 |edition = Pbk. |url = https://books.google.ca/books?id=KFMFzuL3husC&pg=PA511 |deadurl = no |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20151208045655/https://books.google.ca/books?id=KFMFzuL3husC&pg=PA511 |archivedate = 2015-12-08 |df = }}</ref>