Reformasi Katolik: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 25:
Di Italia, kongregasi pertama klerus regular adalah [[Teatin]] (C.R.), yang dibentuk pada tahun 1524 oleh [[Cajetan|Kayetanus]] dan [[Paus Paulus IV|Kardinal Carafa]]. Pendirian itu diikuti dengan pendirian [[Imam-Imam Somaski]] (C.R.S.) pada tahun 1528, [[Barnabit]] pada tahun 1530, [[Ursulin]] (O.S.U.) pada tahun 1535, [[Yesuit]] (S.J.) yang diakui secara kanonis pada tahun 1540, [[Klerus Regular dari Bunda Allah dari Lucca]] (O.M.D.) pada tahun 1583, [[Kamilian]] (M.I.) pada tahun 1584, [[Pastor-pastor Adorno|Imam-Imam Adorno]] (C.R.M.) pada tahun 1588, dan [[Piaris]] (S. P.) pada tahun 1621. Pada tahun 1524,{{clarification needed|reason=It is hard to believe since he was born on 1515.}} sejumlah imam di kota [[Roma]] mulai menjalani kehidupan dalam suatu komunitas yang berpusat pada [[Filipus Neri]]. Mereka melembagakan diri sebagai [[Serikat Oratorian Neri|Oratorian]] (C.O.) dan mendapat pengakuan kepausan sebagai suatu kongregasi pada tahun 1575. Mereka memanfaatkan musik dan nyanyian untuk menarik perhatian umat.<ref name="Péronnet214">Michel Péronnet, p 214</ref>
== Konsili Trente Trento==
{{Main|Konsili TrenteTrento}}
[[BerkasFile: Council Trent.jpg|frame|SebuahPenggambaran salah satu sesi dalam [[Konsili Trente, dari sebuah ukiranTrento]].]]
[[Paus Paulus III]] ([[1534]]-[[1549]]) memulai [[Konsili Trente]] (1545-1563), sebuah komisi yang terdiri atas para kardinal yang ditugasi melakukan pembaruan kelembagaan, untuk membahas masalah-masalah yang dipertikaikan seperti para uskup dan imam yang korup, [[indulgensi]], dan penyelewengan-penyelewengan keuangan lainnya. Konsili dengan tegas menolak posisi-posisi Protestan tertentu dan mengukuhkan struktur dasar dari Gereja Abad Pertengahan, sistem sakramentalnya, ordo-ordo keagamaan, dan doktrinnya. Konsili menolak semua kompromi dengan pihak Protestan, menegaskan kembali ajaran-ajaran dasar dari Katolisisme Abad Pertengahan. Konsili dengan tegas mendukung [[dogma]] keselamatan yang diperoleh melalui iman dan karya. [[Transubstansiasi]], yang menyatakan bahwa pada waktu misa, roti dan anggur yang di[[konsekrasi]]kan (disucikan) itu berubah (secara substansial) menjadi tubuh dan darah Kristus, dikukuhkan, bersama-sama dengan [[Sakramen (Katolik)|Ketujuh Sakramen]]. Praktik-praktik Katolik lainnya yang membangkitkan kemarahan di kalangan para reformator liberal di lingkungan Gereja, seperti indulgensia, [[ziarah]], penghormatan kepada para santo dan relikui, serta penghormatan kepada Bunda Maria dengan tegas dikukuhkan sebagai hal-hal yang penting secara rohani.
[[Paus Paulus III]] (1534–1549) dianggap sebagai paus Kontra-Reformasi yang pertama,<ref name=""/> dan ia juga memprakarsai [[Konsili Trento]] (Konsili Trente, 1545–1563), suatu komisi para kardinal yang ditugaskan untuk melakukan reformasi institusional, membahas isu-isu kontroversial seperti para uskup dan imam yang korup, [[indulgensi]], serta penyalahgunaan finansial lainnya.
<!--But while the basic structure of the Church was reaffirmed, there were noticeable changes to answer complaints that the Counter Reformers tacitly were willing to admit were legitimate. Among the conditions to be corrected by Catholic reformers was the growing divide between the priests and the flock; many members of the clergy in the rural parishes, after all, had been poorly educated. Often, these rural priests did not know [[Latin]] and lacked opportunities for proper theological training. (Addressing the education of priests had been a fundamental focus of the [[humanism|humanist]] reformers in the past.) Parish priests now became better educated, while Papal authorities sought to eliminate the distractions of the monastic churches. Notebooks and handbooks thus became common, describing how to be good priests and confessors.
Konsili menegakkan struktur dasar dari [[Sejarah Kekristenan selama Abad Pertengahan|Gereja Abad Pertengahan]], sistem sakramental, tarekat-tarekat religius, dan doktrinnya. Konsili menolak segala kompromi dengan pihak Protestan, menegaskan kembali prinsip-prinsip dasar dari iman Katolik. Konsili menegakkan dogma [[keselamatan (agama)|keselamatan]] yang dianugerahkan oleh [[rahmat ilahi|rahmat]] melalui [[iman dalam Kekristenan|iman]] ''dan'' [[perbuatan baik|perbuatan-perbuatan dari iman tersebut]] (bukan [[sola fide|iman semata]], sebagaimana yang ditekankan oleh pihak Protestan) karena "iman tanpa perbuatan-perbuatan adalah mati", seperti yang termaktub dalam Yakobus 2:22-26.
Thus, the Council of Trent was dedicated to improving the discipline and administration of the Church. The worldly excesses of the secular [[Renaissance]] church, epitomized by the era of [[Alexander VI]] ([[1492]]-[[1503]]), exploded in the Reformation under [[Pope Leo X]] ([[1513]]-[[1522]]), whose campaign to raise funds in the German states to rebuild [[St. Peter's Basilica]] by supporting high-pressure sale of indulgences was a key impetus for Martin Luther's 95 Theses. But the Catholic Church would respond to these problems by a vigorous campaign of reform, inspired by earlier Catholic reform movements that predated the [[Council of Constance]] ([[1414]]-[[1417]]): humanism, devotionalism, legalist and the observatine tradition.
[[Transubstansiasi]], ajaran bahwa roti dan anggur yang di[[konsekrasi]] [[kehadiran nyata Kristus dalam Ekaristi|benar-benar diubah secara substansial]] menjadi ''[[Tubuh Kristus|tubuh]], [[Darah Kristus|darah]], jiwa, dan [[Kristologi|keilahian]]'' Kristus, juga ditegaskan kembali bersama dengan [[Sakramen (Katolik)|ketujuh sakramen]] Gereja Katolik berdasarkan [[Tradisi Suci]]. Praktik-praktik lain yang menimbulkan kemarahan para reformis Protestan, seperti [[peziarahan Kristen|ziarah]], [[venerasi|penghormatan orang kudus]] dan [[relikui]], penggunaan [[Gambar religius dalam teologi Kristen|gambar dan rupa yang diberkati]], serta [[penghormatan Maria dalam Gereja Katolik|penghormatan Perawan Maria]], mendapat penegasan kembali sebagai praktik-praktik yang terpuji secara rohani.
The Council, by virtue of its actions, repudiated the pluralism of the Secular Renaissance Church: the organization of religious institutions was tightened, discipline was improved, and the parish was emphasized. The appointment of Bishops for political reasons was no longer tolerated. In the past, the large landholdings and institutional rigidity of the Church - a rigidity to which the excessively large ranks of the clergy contributed - forced many bishops to study law not theology, relegating many "absent bishops" to the role of property managers trained in administration. Thus, the Council of Trent combated "absenteeism," which was the practice of bishops living in Roman or on landed estates rather than in their dioceses. Secular practices were combated while the Papacy clearly moved away from its Renaissance posture as a political church tantamount to one of the Italian city-states. The Council of Trent also gave bishops greater power to supervise all aspects of religious life. Zealous prelates such as
[[Milan]]'s Archbishop [[Saint Charles Borromeo|Carlo Borromeo]] ([[1538]]-[[1584]]), later canonized as a saint, set an example by visiting the remotest parishes and instilling high standards. At the parish level, the seminary-trained clergy who took over in most places during the course of the seventeenth century were generally faithful to the church's rule of [[celibacy]].
Dalam [[Kanon Trento]], Konsili secara resmi menerima daftar kitab [[Perjanjian Lama]] dalam [[Vulgata]], yang mencakup kitab-kitab [[deuterokanonika]] (juga disebut [[Apokrifa Alkitab|Apokrifa]] oleh pihak Protestan) dalam kesetaraan dengan 39 kitab yang pada umumnya didapati dalam [[Teks Masoret]]. Hal ini menegaskan kembali hasil-hasil dari [[Konsili Roma]] dan [[Konsili Kartago]] (keduanya diadakan pada abad ke-4 M), yang telah menegaskan [[Deuterokanonika|Deuterokanon]] sebagai bagian dari [[Kitab Suci Katolik|Kitab Suci]].<ref>Mengikuti [[Septuaginta]], pihak [[Ortodoks TImur]] umumnya memasukkan kitab-kitab deuterokanonika dengan beberapa kitab tambahan yang tidak ditemukan dalam [[Alkitab Katolik]], namun kitab-kitab tersebut dipandang sebagai otoritas sekunder. [[Gereja Inggris]] dapat menggunakan Alkitab yang menempatkan kitab-kitab deuterokanonika di antara [[Protokanonika]] Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru, tidak dipadukan di antara kitab-kitab Perjanjian Lama lainnya sebagaimana adanya dalam Alkitab Katolik.</ref> Konsili juga menugaskan penyusunan [[Katekismus Roma]], yang berfungsi sebagai pengajaran Gereja yang berwibawa hingga dikeluarkannya ''[[Katekismus Gereja Katolik]]'' pada tahun 1992.
<!--But whileWhile the basictraditional structurefundamentals of the Church waswere reaffirmed, there were noticeable changes to answer complaints that the Counter -Reformers tacitly were, tacitly, willing to admit were legitimate. Among the conditions to be corrected by Catholic reformers was the growing divide between the priestsclerics and the flocklaity; many members of the clergy in the rural parishes, after all, had been poorly educated. Often, these rural priests did not know [[Latin]] and lacked opportunities for proper theological training. (Addressing the education of priests had been a fundamental focus of the [[humanism|humanist]] reformers in the past.) Parish priests now became better educated, while Papal authorities sought to eliminate the distractions of the monastic churches. Notebooks and handbooks thus became common, describing how to be good priests and confessors.
Parish priests were to be better educated in matters of theology and [[apologetics]], while Papal authorities sought to educate the faithful about the meaning, nature and value of art and liturgy, particularly in monastic churches (Protestants had criticised them as "distracting"). Notebooks and handbooks became more common, describing how to be good priests and confessors.
Thus, the Council of Trent was dedicatedattempted to improvingimprove the discipline and administration of the Church. The worldly excesses of the secular [[Renaissance]] churchChurch, epitomized by the era of [[Alexander VI]] ([[1492]]-[[1503]]1492–1503), explodedintensified induring the Reformation under [[Pope Leo X]] ([[1513]]-[[1522]]1513–1522), whose campaign to raise funds infor the Germanconstruction states to rebuildof [[St. Peter's Basilica]] by supporting high-pressure saleuse of indulgences wasserved as a key impetus for [[Martin Luther]]'s [[The 95 Theses|95 Theses]]. But theThe Catholic Church would respondresponded to these problems by a vigorous campaign of reform, inspired by earlier Catholic reform movements that predated the [[Council of Constance]] ([[1414]]-[[1417]]1414–1417): humanism, devotionalism, legalistlegalism and the observatineobservantine tradition.
The Council, by virtue of its actions, repudiated the pluralism of the Secularsecular Renaissance that had previously plagued the Church: the organization of religious institutions was tightened, discipline was improved, and the parish was emphasized. The appointment of Bishops for political reasons was no longer tolerated. In the past, the large landholdings and institutional rigidity of the Church - a rigidity to which the excessively large ranks of the clergy contributed - forced many bishops to study law not theology, relegating manybe "absent bishops" towho theat roletimes ofwere property managers trained in administration. Thus, the Council of Trent combated "absenteeism,", which was the practice of bishops living in RomanRome or on landed estates rather than in their dioceses. SecularThe practicesCouncil wereof combatedTrent whilealso thegave Papacybishops clearlygreater movedpower awayto fromsupervise itsall Renaissanceaspects postureof asreligious alife. politicalZealous churchprelates, tantamountsuch toas one[[Milan]]'s ofArchbishop the[[Saint ItalianCharles city-states.Borromeo|Carlo TheBorromeo]] Council(1538–1584), oflater Trentcanonized alsoas gavea bishopssaint, greaterset poweran toexample superviseby allvisiting aspectsthe ofremotest religiousparishes life.and Zealousinstilling prelateshigh such asstandards.
The reign of [[Pope Paul IV]] ([[1555]]-[[1559]]), who is sometimes deemed the first of the Counter-Reformation popes for his resolute determination to eliminate Protestantism - and the ineffectual institutional practices of the Church that contributed to its appeal - marks these efforts of Catholic renewal. Two of his key strategies were the [[Inquisition]] and censorship of [[Index Librorum Prohibitorum|prohibited books]]. In this sense, his aggressive and autocratic efforts of renewal greatly reflected the strategies of earlier reform movements, especially the legalist and observantine sides: burning heretics and strict emphasis on [[Canon law (Catholic Church)|Canon law]]. It also reflected the rapid pace toward absolutism that characterized the sixteenth century.