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Baris 1:
{{lihat pula|Kekaisaran Ghana}}
{{Ghana infobox}}
Baris 30 ⟶ 29:,,
On Nkrumah assassination by CIA: Gaines, Kevin (2006) American Africans in Ghana, Black expatriates and the Civil Rights Era, The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.</ref>. Serangkaian kudeta berakhir dengan naiknya Let. [[Jerry Rawlings]] pada tahun [[1981]]. Perubahan itu menyebabkan tertundanya konstitusi pada tahun [[1981]] dan pelarangan ParPol. Konstitusi baru yang memulihkan multipartai diumumkan secara resmi pada tahun [[1992]], dan [[Jerry Rawlings|Jerry John Rawlings]] diangkat sebagai presiden dalam PemilU yang JurDil pada tahun itu dan kembali memenangkan PemilU pada tahun [[1996]] untuk masa jabatannya yang kedua. Konstitusi melarangnya ikut PemilU untuk yang ketiga kalinya. Pada tanggal [[6 Maret]] [[2007]], Ghana memperingati hari kemerdekaannya yang ke-50.
== Geografi ==
[[Berkas:Gh-map.png|right|Peta Ghana|thumb]]
{{utama|Geografi Ghana}}
Ghana terletak di [[Teluk Guinea]], hanya beberapa derajat utara [[Equator]]. Garis pantainya kebanyakan rendah, berpasir dengan tanah datar dan dipotong oleh beberapa sungai.
Iklimnya adalah [[tropika|tropis]]. [[Danau Volta]], danau buatan-manusia terbesar di dunia, terletak di timur Ghana.
Ibu kotanya adalah [[Accra]].
== Kawasan dan distrik ==
{{utama|Kawasan di Ghana|Distrik di Ghana}}
[[Berkas:Ghana regions named.png|thumb|right|180px|Kawasan Ghana]]
Ghana terbagi atas 10 kawasan administratif, dan dibagi lagi atas 138 [[distrik di Ghana|distrik]]. Kawasan tersebut adalah:
* [[Kawasan Ashanti|Ashanti]], ibukota [[Kumasi]]
* [[Kawasan Brong-Ahafo|Brong Ahafo]], ibukota [[Sunyani]]
* [[Kawasan Tengah, Ghana|Tengah]], ibukota [[Cape Coast]]
* [[Kawasan Timur, Ghana|Timur]], ibukota [[Koforidua]]
* [[Kawasan Accra Raya|Accra Raya]], ibukota [[Accra]]
* [[Kawasan Utara, Ghana|Utara]], ibukota [[Tamale, Ghana|Tamale]]
* [[Kawasan Timur Hulu|Timur Hulu]], ibukota [[Bolgatanga]]
* [[Kawasan Barat Hulu|Barat Hulu]], ibukota [[Wa, Ghana|Wa]]
* [[Kawasan Volta|Volta]], ibukota [[Ho, Ghana|Ho]]
* [[Kawasan Barat, Ghana|Barat]], ibukota [[Sekondi-Takoradi]]
=== Kota utama ===
Kota lainnya termasuk:
* [[Asamankese]]
* [[Bolgatanga]]
* [[Cape Coast]]
* [[Elmina]]
* [[Ho, Ghana|Ho]]
* [[Kumasi]]
* [[Nsawam]]
* [[Takoradi]]
* [[Tamale, Ghana|Tamale]]
* [[Tarkwa]]
* [[Tema]]
== Pemerintahan dan politik ==
{{utama|Politik di Ghana}}
[[Berkas:Supreme Court of Ghana.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Bangunan Pengadilan Tinggi, [[Accra]]]]
[[Berkas:Ghana's 50th Independence Anniversary.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Ghana pada peringatan 50 hari jadinya.]]
Menurut Indeks Negara Gagal 2009, Ghana ditempatkan pada urutan ke-53 sebagai negara gagal di dunia dan yang ke-2 di [[Afrika]] setelah [[Mauritius]]. Ghana menduduki peringkat ke-124 dari 177 negara dalam indeks tersebut.<ref>{{cite web|url= | |format=PDF |date= |accessdate=2010-06-26}}</ref> Ghana juga menduduki urutan ke-7 dari 48 negara Afrika sub-Sahara dalam [[Indeks Pemerintahan Baik Ibrahim]] [[2008]] yang didasarkan pada data tahun [[2006]]. Indeks Ibrahim adalah ukuran komprehensif atas pemerintahan Afrika, didasarkan pada sejumlah variabel yang berbeda yang mencerminkan keberhasilan yang digunakan pemerintah untuk menyampaikan kebajikan politik kepada warganegaranya.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Welcome to the Mo Ibrahim Foundation | |date= |accessdate=2010-06-26}}</ref>
'''Pemerintahan:''' Ghana dibentuk sebagai negara demokrasi parlementer pada saat merdeka pada tahun 1957, diikuti oleh pemerintahan militer dan sipil yang silih berganti. Pada bulan [[Januari]] [[1993]], pemerintahan militer memberikan jalan kepada Republik Keempat setelah pemilu presiden dan parlemen pada akhir tahun 1992. Konstitusi tahun 1992 membagi kekuasaan di antara [[presiden]], [[parlemen]], [[kabinet]], [[dewan negara]] dan mahkamah peradilan independen. Pemerintah dipilih dengan [[hak pilih universal]]; namun, badan legislatif sangat malaportif, karena distrik-distrik yang berpenduduk sedikit menerima lebih banyak perwakilan per orang daripada di distrik yang berpenduduk banyak.<ref name=cs>"Government and Politics". ''[ A Country Study: Ghana]'' (La Verle Berry, editor). [[Perpustakaan Kongres Amerika Serikat|Library of Congress]] [[Federal Research Division]] ([[November]] [[1994]]). ''Artikel ini menggabungkan teks dari sumber yang berada di [[domain publik|domain umum]] ini. []</ref>
'''Pembagian administratif:''' Terdapat 10 kawasan administratif yang terbagi menjadi 138 distrik, masing-masing memiliki perwakilan distrik. Di bawah distrik terdapat berbagai jenis dewan, termasuk 58 dewan kota atau wilayah, 108 dewan zona, dan 626 dewan wilayah. 16.000 komite unit di tingkat terendah.<ref name=cs/>
'''Sistem peradilan:''' Hukum di Ghana didasarkan pada hukum umum Britania Raya, hukum adat (tradisional), dan konstitusi tahun 1992. Hierarki pengadilan terdiri atas Mahkamah Agung (lembaga peradilan tertinggi), Mahkamah Banding, dan Mahkamah Kehakiman Tinggi. Di bawah badan-badan tersebut terdapat mahkamah keliling, magistrat, dan tradisional. Lembaga luar pengadilan termasuk pengadilan publik. Sejak kemerdekaan, peradilan relatif independen, hal itu terus berlanjut hingga Republik Keempat. Peradilan yang lebih rendah ditegaskan dan disusun kembali pada masa Republik Keempat.<ref name=cs/>
[[Berkas:Kofi Annan.jpg|thumb|right|100px|[[Kofi Annan]]]]
'''Politik:''' Partai politik dilegalkan pada pertengahan tahun 1992 setelah kekosongan 10 tahun. Banyak partai politik pada masa Republik Keempat; namun yang terbesar adalah [[Kongres Demokrasi Nasional (Ghana)|Kongres Demokrasi Nasional]] yang memenangkan pemilu presiden dan parlemen pada tahun 1992, 1996 dan 2008; [[Partai Patriotik Baru]] adalah partai oposisi utama yang memenangkan pemilu tahun 2000 dan 2004; Konvensi Nasional Rakyat, dan [[Partai Rakyat Konvensi]] adalah penerus partai Nkrumah yang bernama sama.<ref name=cs/>
'''Hubungan luar negeri:''' Sejak kemerdekaan, Ghana secara sungguh-sungguh menganut paham non-blok dan [[Pan-Afrikanisme]], yang diperkenalkan secara dekat oleh presiden pertama, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
Banyak diplomat dan politikus Ghana yang memegang jabatan penting dalam organisasi internasional. Contohnya adalah diplomat dan mantan SekJend. PBB, [[Kofi Annan]], hakim Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional [[Akua Kuenyehia]], dan mantan presiden [[Jerry Rawlings]], yang diangkat sebagai ketua [[Masyarakat Ekonomi Negara Afrika Barat]].<ref name=cs/>
== Ekonomi ==
Baris 109 ⟶ 50:
[[Pariwisata]] menjadi sektor yang berkembang pesat, khususnya di antara orang Eropa, Amerika, dan bangsa lain yang terkait dengan diaspora Ghana di seluruh dunia. Kestabilan politik dan ekonomi Ghana, tingkat kejahatan yang rendah, dan penggunaan bahasa Inggris yang meluas membuat negeri ini menjadi pintu masuk yang menarik ke Afrika Barat bagi orang asing. [[Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO]] yang ada di Ghana termasuk [[Kastil Cape Coast]] dan [[Kastil Elmina|Elmina]], [[taman nasional]] seperti [[Taman Nasional Kakum]] dan [[Taman Nasional Mole|Mole]], juga peringatan budaya seperti [[Panafest]] menjadi pusat kegiatan wisata utama.
== Demografi ==
{{utama|Demografi Ghana}}
[[Berkas:TamaleGhana2.jpg||thumb|left|160px|Tamale,Ghana|Jalan Bolga, [[Tamale, Ghana|Tamale]]]]
[[Berkas:Wesley Methodist Cathedral, Kumasi, Ghana.jpg|thumb|right|160px|[[Katedral Metodis Wesley]], [[Kumasi]].]]
[[Berkas:Ghana Larabanga mosque01.jpg|thumb|right|160px|[[Masjid Larabanga]], dibangun pada [[abad ke-11 hingga 20|abad ke-13]].]]
Ghana berpenduduk sekitar 24 juta jiwa. Ghana adalah tempat tinggal bagi lebih dari 100 suku yang berbeda. Ghana tidak mengalami konflik etnis apapun yang menyebabkan [[perang saudara]] di bagian Afrika lainnya.<ref>{{cite encyclopedia|title=Ghana - MSN Encarta |url=|work=|archiveurl=|archivedate=2009-10-31|deadurl=yes}}</ref> Bahasa resminya adalah Inggris; namun, sebagian besar orang Ghana setidaknya juga menuturkan 1 [[bahasa daerah]].
Suku di Ghana adalah [[suku Akan|Akan]] (yang termasuk [[Fante]], [[Akyem]], [[Ashanti]], [[Kwahu]], [[Akrpong-Akuapem|Akuapem]], [[Nzema]], [[Abron|Bono]], [[Akwamu]], [[Ahanta]] dan lainnya) 49,3%; [[Mossi|Mole]]-[[Dagomba|Dagbon]] 15,2%; [[suku Ewe|Ewe]] 11,7%; [[suku Ga|Ga]]-Dangme (terdiri atas Ga, [[Adangbe]], [[suku Ada|Ada]], [[Krobo]] dan sebagaianya) 7,3%; Guan 4%; Gurma 3,6%; [[Gurunsi]] 2,6%; [[suku Mandé|Mande]]-Busanga 1%; suku lainnya 1.4%, other ([[suku Hausa|Hausa]], [[Djerma|Zabarema]], [[suku Fula|Fulani]]) 1,8% ([[sensus]] 2000).
Menurut [[CIA World Factbook]], pembagian agama di Ghana adalah sebagai berikut: [[Kekristenan|Kristen]] 68,8%; [[Islam]] 15,9%; kepercayaan tradisional Afrika 8,5%<ref name="state2007">{{cite web|url=|title=International Religious Freedom Report 2007|publisher=U.S. Department of State|accessdate=5 December 2009}}</ref><ref name="autogenerated1">{{cite web|url=|title=CIA - The World Factbook - Ghana|publisher=U.S. CIA|accessdate=5 December 2009}}</ref>.
=== Kesehatan ===
Sampai tahun 2009, [[harapan hidup]] saat [[kelahiran]] berkisar 59 tahun untuk [[pria]] dan 60 tahun untuk [[wanita]] <ref name="ReferenceB">[]</ref> dengan [[kematian bayi]] berjumlah 51 per 1000 kelahiran hidup.<ref name="ReferenceB"/> Tingkat kelahiran berkisar 4 anak yang terlahir per wanita. Ada sekitar 15 [[dokter]] dan 93 [[perawat]] per 100.000 orang.<ref name="">{{cite web|url= | | |date= |accessdate=2010-06-26}}</ref> 4.5% of the country's GDP was spent on health in 2003.<ref name=""/>
== Bahasa ==
{{utama|Bahasa di Ghana}}
Ghana memiliki 47 bahasa daerah. [[Bahasa Inggris|Inggris]] adalah bahasa resmi negara serta mendominasi pemerintahan dan urusan bisnis. Inggris juga bahasa standar yang digunakan untuk pendidikan. Bahasa asli Ghana terbagi atas 2 subrumpun linguistik dari [[bahasa Niger-Kongo|rumpun bahasa Niger-Kongo]]. Bahasa yang berasal dari [[bahasa Kwa|subrumpun Kwa]] banyak ditemukan di selatan sungai Volta, sementara yang berasal dari [[bahasa Gur|subrumpun Gur]] banyak ditemukan di utara. Rumpun Kwa, yang dituturkan sekitar 75% penduduk negeri, termasuk [[bahasa Akan|Akan]], [[bahasa Ga-Dangme|Ga-Dangme]], dan [[bahasa Ewe|Ewe]]. Rumpun Gur termasuk Gurma, [[bahasa Grusi|Grusi]], dan [[bahasa Dagbani|Dagbani]].<ref>{{cite book|title=Ghana: A Country Study|editor=LaVerle Berry|year=1995|publisher=Federal Research Division, Library of Congress|isbn=0844408352|url=|pages=81–82}}</ref>
9 [[bahasa]] memiliki status didukung pemerintah: Akan, khususnya [[Ashanti Twi]], [[Fanti]], [[Akuapem Twi]], [[Akyem]], [[Kwahu]], [[Nzema]]; [[Dagaare]]/Wale, Dagbani, [[bahasa Adangme|Dangme]], Ewe, [[bahasa Ga|Ga]], [[bahasa Gonja|Gonja]] dan Kasem. Walau bukan [[bahasa resmi]], [[bahasa Hausa|Hausa]] adalah ''[[lingua franca|lingua-franca]]'' yang dituturkan oleh Muslimin Ghana, yang berjumlah sekitar 16% penduduk.
== Rakyat dan budaya ==
{{utama|Budaya Ghana}}<!--
Ghana is an ethnically diverse country; thus, Ghanaian culture is a mixture of all its ethnic groups, the [[Ashanti]], [[Fante]], [[Akyem]], [[Kwahu]], [[Ga people|Ga]], [[Ewe people|Ewe]], [[Mamprusi]] and [[Dagomba]], among others. It is most evident in [[Ghanaian cuisine]], the arts and clothing.
The celebration of [[festivals]] in Ghana is an essential part of Ghanaian culture and there are many of them such as the [[Homowo]], [[Odwira]], [[Aboakyer]], [[Dodoleglime]], [[Hogbetsotso]], [[Tedudu]], [[Deza (festival)]] and [[Sandema]] among others. Several rites and rituals are performed throughout the year in various parts of the country, including child-birth, rites of passage, puberty, marriage and death.
[[File:Stadium tamale2.jpg||thumb|right|200px|[[Tamale, Ghana|Tamale]] stadium]]
[[File:Vida Anim Berlin 2009.jpg||thumb|left|100px|Vida Anim, Ghanaian athlete]]
[[Association Football]] is the most popular sport in the country. The [[Ghana national football team|national men's football team]] is known as the Black Stars, with the [[Ghana national men's under-20 football team|under-20 team]] known as the Black Satellites. The [[Ghana national men's under-17 football team|under-17 team]] is known as the Black Starlets, while the national men's Olympic team is the Black Meteors. They have participated in many championships including the [[African Cup of Nations]], the [[FIFA World Cup]] and the [[FIFA U-20 World Cup]].
On October 16, 2009, Ghana became the first African nation to win the [[FIFA U-20 World Cup]] by defeating [[Brasil]] 4-3 in a penalty shootout.<ref>{{cite web|last=Kenyon |first=Matthew |url= | | |date=2009-10-16 |accessdate=2010-06-26}}</ref> On June 13, 2010, Ghana defeated Serbia 1-0 in first round play in the [[2010 FIFA World Cup]] becoming the first African team to win a FIFA World Cup game hosted on African soil and subsequently became the only African team to progress from the group stage to the knock out phase at the 2010 event. On June 26, 2010 Ghana defeated the USA by 2 goals to 1 in their round of 16 match, becoming the third African country to reach the quarter final stage of the World Cup after Cameroon in 1990 and Senegal in 2002. A loss to [[Uruguay]] in [[Johannesburg]] on July 2, 2010 by penalty shoot-out ended Ghana's attempt at reaching the semi-finals of the competition.<ref>{{cite web||url= |title=USA 1-2 Ghana (aet) | |date=2009-06-26 |accessdate=2010-06-26}}</ref>
While men's football is most widely followed sport in Ghana, the national women's football team is gaining exposure, participating in the [[FIFA Women's World Cup]] and the [[CAF Women's Championship]]. The Ghana national women's football team is known as the Black Queens, while the [[Ghana national women's under-20 football team]] are the Black Princesses.
There are several club football teams in Ghana, which play in the Ghana premier league and Division One league, both managed by the [[Ghana Football Association]]. Notable among these are [[Accra Hearts of Oak SC]] and [[Asante Kotoko]], which play at the premier league level and are the dominant contenders in the tournament.
Prominent Ghanaian football players recognised at the international level are [[Michael Essien]], [[Abédi Pelé|Abedi Pele]], [[Asamoah Gyan]], [[Ibrahim Abdul Razak]], [[Tony Yeboah]], [[Anthony Annan]], [[Quincy Owusu-Abeyie]], [[John Pantsil]],[[Kevin-Prince Boateng]], [[Samuel Osei Kuffour]], [[Richard Kingson]], [[Sulley Muntari]], [[Laryea Kingston]], [[Stephen Appiah]], [[Andre Ayew]], [[Emmanuel Agyemang-Badu]], [[John Mensah]] and [[Dominic Adiyiah]].
Ghana is also the birth place of World Wrestling Entertainment Wrestler [[Kofi Kingston]] (born Kofi Sarkodie-Mensah), who is wrestling on the Smackdown brand. Also is [[Kwame Nkrumah-Acheampong]] who competed in the Vancouver Winter Olympics. The country has also produced quite a few quality boxers such as [[Azumah Nelson]] a three time world champion, Nana Yaw Konadu also a three time world champion, [[Ike Quartey]], and [[Joshua Clottey]].
Ghana also have a successful hockey team winning tournaments such as the Afro-Asian cup.
[[File:Kent wove.jpg||thumb|right|175px|[[Ashanti]] Kente cloth]]
[[File:Ewe kente stripes, Ghana.jpg||thumb|left|160px|[[Ewe people|Ewe]] cloth in Kente pattern]]
Textiles are very important in Ghanaian culture. These cloths are used to make traditional and modern attire. Different symbols and different colors mean different things. The Kente is probably the most famous of all the Ghanaian cloths.
''Kente'' is an [[Ashanti]] ceremonial cloth hand-woven on a horizontal [[treadle loom]]. Strips measuring about 4&nbsp;inches wide are sewn together into larger pieces of cloths. Cloths come in various colors, sizes and designs and are worn during very important social and religious occasions.
In a cultural context, kente is more important than just a cloth. It is a visual representation of history, and also form of a written language through weaving. The term kente has its roots in the [[Twi]] word ''kenten'' which means a basket. The first kente weavers used raffia fibers to weave cloths that looked like kenten (a basket); and thus were referred to as kenten ntoma; meaning basket cloth. The original [[Ashanti|Asante]] name of the cloth was ''nsaduaso'' or ''nwontoma'', meaning "a cloth hand-woven on a loom"; however, the term kente is the most popularly used term today. Many variations of narrow-strip cloths similar to ''kente'' are woven by various ethnic groups in Ghana like the [[Ewe people|Ewe]], [[Ga people|Ga]] and others in Africa. It is also popular among the African [[diaspora]].
===Fine arts===
Ghana has been recognized on the international level through several artists, including the [[Kane Kwei Carpentry Workshop]] and [[Eric Adjetey Anang]] who are creating the famous design coffins.
[[Image:Kane Kwei Carpentry Workshop.jpg|left|thumb|300px|'''The Kane Kwei Carpentry Workshop'''
staged by [[Guy Hersant]] on January 10, 2010]]
{{Main|Music of Ghana}}
[[File:Dashiki and kufi.jpg||thumb|left|200px|Ghanaian drummers]]
[[File:Axatse Ghana.jpg||thumb|right|100px|Axatse]]
Ghana has many types of traditional and modern music. The sound varies from ethnic group to ethnic group and region to region. Ghanaian music incorporates several distinct types of musical instruments such as the talking drum ensembles, [[goje]] fiddle and [[koloko]] lute, court music, including the [[Akan people|Akan]] atumpan, the [[Ga people|Ga]] kpanlogo styles, and log [[xylophone]]s used in asonko music. The most well known genres to have come from Ghana are [[Afro-jazz]] which was created by Ghanaian artist [[Guy Warren|Kofi Ghanaba]].<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Ghana: Kofi Ghanaba - Influential Drummer Who Emphasised the African Origins of Jazz|date=12 February 2009|publisher=Ghanaian Chronicle|accessdate=2009-05-30}}</ref>
and its earlist form of secular music is called [[Highlife]].
[[Highlife]] originated in the late 1800 and early 1900s and spread throughout West Africa mainly [[Sierra Leone]] and [[Nigeria]]. In the 1990’s a new genre of music was created by the youth incorporating the influences of Highlife Afro-reggae, [[Dancehall]] and [[Hiphop]]. This hybrid was called [[Hiplife]]. Ghanaian artists such as R&B and Soul singer [[Rhian Benson]] and Highlife singer Kojo Antwi have had international success.
Ghanaian dance is as diverse as its music. Each ethnic group has their own traditional dances and there are different dances for different occasions. There are dances for funerals, celebrations, storytelling, praise and worship etc. Some of these dances include:
It is performed by the Northern people of Ghana. It narrates the legend of a time of great drought. An oracle told the people that the drought was brought about by the manner in which the men were severely repressing and demeaning the women. It further stated that the drought would be relieved only when the men lowered themselves to the role they were imposing on the women by putting on skirts and participating in this dance. When the men did this it began to rain. It is currently performed during harvest time in northwestern Ghana by both Dagbani men and women.
[[File:Dance performance in Ghana.jpg|thumb|right|200px| Ghanaian dancers]]
A dance of the Ashanti peoples of Ghana. This dance is especially noted for the grace and complexity of the dancers' movements. The drumming is also noted for the complexity of the interlocking rhythms and the two atumpan drums which are used as the lead or master drum. Originally funeral dance music, Adowa is now also performed at annual festivals and social gatherings.
Is performed by the [[Ga people]] of Ghana. It is often referred to as "the dance of the youth," Kpanlongo started during the wake of Ghana’s Independence as a musical type for entertainment in Accra. Kpanlongo is presently performed at life-cycle events, festivals, and political rallies.
Is the music and dance is associated with puberty rites of the Krobo people of Ghana. It emphasizes the graceful movement of hands and feet. With small rhythmic steps and heads turned demurely downward, the dancers embody quiet elegance. The different movements of the dance are designed to reveal the beauty of the dancers. Suitors watching from the sidelines will often approach a girl's family after the ceremony and make an offer for her hand in marriage.
The traditional dance of the Eʋe ([[Ewe people|Ewe]] or Eve) people of Ghana. It is characterized by the graceful choreograph of a couple seasoned with the rhythmic movement of the arms, the waist and the feet in perfect synchrony. [[Agbadza]], is traditionally a war dance but is now used in social and recreational situations to celebrate peace. War dances are sometimes used as military training exercises, with signals from the lead drum ordering the warriors to move ahead, to the right, go down, etc. These dances also helped in preparing the warriors for battle and upon their return from fighting they would act out their deeds in battle through their movements in the dance.
is a contemporary version of the [[Ewe people|Ewe]] war dance Atamga (Great (ga) Oath (atama) in reference to the oaths taken by people before proceeding into battle. The movements of this present-day version are mostly in platoon formation and are not only used to display battle tactics, but also to energize and invigorate the soldiers. Today, Atsiagbekor is performed for entertainment at social gatherings and at cultural presentations.
dance is performed mostly by women, and its a series of stylistic movements dictated to dancers by the lead drummer. Each dance movement has its own prescribed rhythmic pattern, which is synchronized with the lead drum. 'Atsia' in the [[Ewe language]] means style or display.
(pronounced Borborbor) the Ewe-speaking people in the central and northern parts of the Volta Region of Ghana cultivate the Bɔbɔɔbɔ dance. Bɔbɔɔbɔ (originally 'Akpese') might have originated in the Kpando area, and is said to have been created by the late Mr. Francis Kojo Nuadro. He is thought to have been an ex-police officer who returned to Kpando and organized a group in the middle to late 1940’s. The dance has its roots in the 'Highlife' popular music of Ghana and other West African countries. Bɔbɔɔbɔ gained national recognition in the 1950’s and 1960’s because of its use at political rallies and the novelty of its dance formations and movements. It is generally performed at funerals and other social occasions. This is a social dance with a great deal of room for free expression. In general, the men sing and dance in the center while the women dance in a ring around them. There are 'slow' and 'fast' versions of Bɔbɔɔbɔ; the fast Bɔbɔɔbɔ is believed to come from the Kpando area and the slow version from Hohoe. The slow one is called Akpese and the fast one is termed to be Bɔbɔɔbɔ. Lolobi-Kumasi is known for doing a particular fast version of the slow version.
'''Agahu''' is both the name of a dance and of one the many secular music associations (clubs) of the Ewe people of Ghana, Togo, and Dahomey. (Gadzok, Takada, and Atsiagbeko are other such clubs). Each club has its own distinctive drumming and dancing, as well as its own repertoire of songs. A popular social dance of West Africa, Agahu was created by the Egun speaking people from the town of Ketonu in what is now Benin. From there it spread to the Badagry area of Nigeria where migrant Ewe fisherman heard, adapted, and eventually took it to Ghana. In dancing the Agahu, two circles are formed; the men stay stationary with their arms out and then bend with a knee forward for the women to sit on. They progress around the circle until they arrive at their original partner.
== Agama ==
{{utama|Agama Ghana}}
Menurut [[CIA World Factbook]], agama-agama yang ada di Ghana adalah sebagai berikut: [[Kekristenan|Kristen]] 68,8%; [[Muslim]] 15,9%; kepercayaan tradisional Afrika 8,5%.
{{kembangkan bagian}}
== Media dan hiburan ==
[[Berkas:Miss Ghana 08 Frances Takyi Mensah.jpg||thumb|left|120px|Miss Ghana 2007]]
{{utama|Media Ghana}}<!--
The media of Ghana is one of the most free in [[Africa]], and had previously undergone a series of government overthrows by military leaders and periods of severe restriction. Chapter 12 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana guarantees [[freedom of the press]] and independence of the media, while Chapter 2 prohibits [[censorship]].<ref name=gov>[ Constitution of Ghana], ''Government of Ghana''.</ref>
Post independence, the government and media often had a tense relationship, with private outlets closed during the military coups and strict media laws that prevent criticism of government.<ref name=Anokwa>Anokwa, K. (1997). In ''Press Freedom and Communication in Africa.'' Erbio, F. & Jong-Ebot, W. (Eds.) Africa World Press. ISBN 978-0-86543-551-3.</ref> The media freedoms were restored in 1992, and after the election in 2000 of [[John Kufuor]] the tensions between the private media and government decreased. Kufuor was a supporter of press freedom and repealed a [[Defamation|libel]] law, though maintained that the media had to act responsibly.<ref name=pr>[ Ghanian Media], ''Press Reference''.</ref> The Ghanaian media has been described as "one of the most unfettered" in Africa, operating with little restriction on private media. The private press often carries criticism of government policy.<ref name=bbc>[ BBC Country Profile: Ghana], ''[[BBC News]]''.</ref>
The media were vigorous in their coverage of the [[Ghanaian presidential election, 2008|2008 Ghanaian presidential election]], and the Ghanaian Journalists Association (GJA) praised [[John Atta Mills]] on his election, hoping to foster a good media-government relationship.<ref>[ GJA congratulates President Atta Mills], ''Joy Radio'', January 11, 2009.</ref>
== Pendidikan ==
{{utama|Pendidikan di Ghana}}
The adult literacy rate in Ghana was 65% in 2007 , with males at 71.7% and females at 58.3%. Ghana has a 6-year primary education system beginning at the age of six, and, under the educational reforms implemented in 1987 and reformed in 2007, they pass on to a 3-year junior high school system. At the end of the 3rd year of Junior High, there is a mandatory [[Basic Education Certificate Examination]] (BECE). Those continuing must complete the 3-year senior high school (SHS) program and take an admission exam to enter any university or tertiary programme.
Presently, Ghana has 21,530 primary schools, 8,850 junior secondary schools, 900 senior secondary schools, 52<ref name="">[]{{dead link|date=June 2010}}</ref> public training colleges, 5<ref name=""/> private training colleges, 5<ref name=""/> polytechnical institutions, 4<ref name=""/> non-university public tertiary institutions, 8<ref name=""/> public universities and over 45<ref name=""/> private tertiary institutions. Most Ghanaians have relatively easy access to primary and secondary education. These numbers can be contrasted with the single university and handful of secondary and primary schools that existed at the time of independence in 1957. Ghana's spending on education has varied between 28 and 40 percent of its annual budget in the past decade. All teaching is done in English, Ghana's official language, mostly by qualified Ghanaian educators.
[[File:ACHIMOTA SCHOOL.jpg|thumb|left|200px|[[Achimota School]]]]
[[File:Ghana students.jpg|thumb|right|160px|Ghanaian school children]]
The courses taught at the Primary or Basic School level include [[English language|English]], Ghanaian language and Culture, [[Mathematics]],
Environmental studies, Social Studies and [[French language|French]] as a Third language are added, Integrated or General [[Science]], Pre- vocational Skills and Pre-technical skills, Religious and Moral Education, and physical activities such as Music, Dance and Physical Education. The Senior High level School curriculum has Core subjects and Elective subjects of which students must take four the core subjects of English language, Mathematics, Integrated Science (including Science, [[Agriculture]] and Environmental studies) and Social Studies ([[economics]], [[geography]], [[history]] and [[government]]).
The High school students also choose 3 elective subjects from 5 available programmes: Agriculture Programme, General Programme (Arts or Science option), Business Programme, Vocational Programme and Technical programme.<ref>{{cite web|url= | |date= |accessdate=2010-06-26}}</ref> Apart from most primary and secondary schools which choose the Ghanaian system of schooling, there are also international schools such as the Ghana International school, The Roman Ridge School, the [[Lincoln Community School (Accra Ghana, West Africa)|Lincoln Community School]] and the Gmeiner International College, which offer the [[International Baccalaureat]], [[Advanced Level General Certificate of Education]] and the [[International General Certificate of Secondary Education]] (IGCSE).
With 83 percent of its children in school, Ghana currently has one of the highest school enrolment rates in West Africa.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=This page is available to GlobePlus subscribers | |date= |accessdate=2010-06-26}}</ref> The ratio of girls to boys in the total education system is 1:0.96, which for a West African country, is a considerable achievement.<ref name="">{{cite web|url= |title=Ghana News :: '&#39;'Obama:'&#39;' What is the agenda for education in Ghana? ::: Breaking News &#124; News in Ghana &#124; features | |date=2009-07-10 |accessdate=2010-06-26}}</ref> That said, some 500,000 children still remain out of school because of resource constraints in building schools, providing adequate textbooks and training new teachers.<ref name=""/> UNESCO reports that sixth-graders sitting a simple multiple-choice reading test scored on average the same mark that would be gained by random guessing.
The oldest university in Ghana, the [[University of Ghana]], which was founded in 1948, had a total of about 29,754 students in 2008.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=University of Ghana | |date= |accessdate=2010-06-26}}</ref> Since Ghana's independence, the country has been one of the educational hot spots in Sub-Saharan Africa and has played host to notables such as President [[Robert Mugabe]] of [[Zimbabwe]], Alhaji Sir [[Dauda Jawara]] of [[The Gambia]] and [[Cyprian Ekwensi]] of [[Nigeria]] among others. Former [[UN Secretary General]] [[Kofi Annan]] has been chancellor of the [[University of Ghana]] since 2008.
[[Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology]], the second university to be established in Ghana, is the premier university of science and technology in Ghana and the [[West Africa]] sub region.
== Peringkat internasional ==
{{utama|Peringkat internasional Ghana}}<!--
{| class="wikitable"
! Organization
! Survey
! Ranking
| Institute for Economics and Peace []
| [[Global Peace Index]]<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Vision of Humanity |publisher=Vision of Humanity |date= |accessdate=2010-02-04}}</ref>
| 52 out of 144
| [[Heritage Foundation]]/''[[The Wall Street Journal]]''
| [[Index of Economic Freedom historical rankings|Index of Economic Freedom]]
| 91 out of 157<ref>{{cite web |url= |archiveurl= |archivedate=2008-02-13 |title=Heritage Foundation - 2007 Index of Economic Freedom |accessdate=2007-02-24 |work=Official Website for the Index |publisher=The Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation |quote=The highest form of economic freedom provides an absolute right of property ownership, fully realised freedoms of movement for labour, capital, and goods, and an absolute absence of coercion or constraint of economic liberty beyond the extent necessary for citizens to protect and maintain liberty itself. In other words, individuals are free to work, produce, consume, and invest in any way they please, and that freedom is both protected by the state and unconstrained by the state.}}</ref>
| [[Reporters Without Borders]]
| [[Reporters Without Borders#Worldwide Press Freedom Index|Worldwide Press Freedom Index]]
| 31 out of 173<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Reporters Without Borders - Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2008 |accessdate=2009-01-12 |work=Annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index |publisher=Reporters sans frontières }}</ref>
| [[Transparency International]]
| [[Corruption Perception Index]]
| 69 out of 179<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Corruption Perception Index 2007 |accessdate=2007-12-11 |work=Official Website |publisher=Transparency International e.V }}</ref>
| [[United Nations Development Programme]]
| [[List of countries by Human Development Index|Human Development Index]]
| 135 out of 177<ref>{{cite web |url= |archiveurl= |archivedate=2007-10-29 |title=Human Development Report 2006 |accessdate=2007-02-24 |format=PDF |work=Annual Report |publisher=United Nations Development Programme }}</ref>
| [[Vision of Humanity]]
| [[Global Peace Index]]
| 40 out of 121<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Global Peace Index Rankings |accessdate=2007-05-30 |work=Global Peace and Sustainability |publisher=Economist Intelligence Unit, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney, Australia and some Peace Institutes and Think Tanks}}</ref>
| [[World Economic Forum]]
| [[Global Competitiveness Report]]
| not ranked<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Table 1: Global Competitiveness Index rankings and 2005 comparisons |work=World Economic Forum - Global Competitiveness Report 2006 - 2007 |accessdate=2007-02-24 |format=PDF |publisher=World Economic Forum }}</ref>
== Tokoh-tokoh dari Ghana ==
* [[Abédi Pelé|Abedi Pele]], pemain sepak bola legendaris.
* [[Azumah Nelson]], juara dunia tinju kelas super bulu [[World Boxing Council|WBC]].
* [[Ike Quartey]], juara dunia tinju kelas welter [[WBA]].
* [[Kwame Nkrumah]], Perdana Menteri I Ghana, Pejuang Kemerdekaan Ghana
* [[Mimi Areme]], Miss Ghana World 2009
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Pemilihan umum Presiden Ghana 2008|Pemilihan presiden Ghana 2008]]
* [[Daftar negara berdaulat|Daftar negara di dunia]]
== Referensi ==