Gerakan Tea Party: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 5:
</ref> di [[Amerika Serikat]] yang muncul pada tahun 2009 melalui rangkaian protes lokal maupun nasional.<ref name="deseret">{{Cite news|first=David |last=Servatius|url=,5143,705289328,00.html |title=Anti-tax-and-spend group throws "tea party" at Capitol|accessdate=June 16, 2009|date=March 6, 2009|publisher=[[Deseret News]]}}</ref><ref name="economist">{{Cite news|url= |title=Anger Management|format=Paid subscription required|date=March 5, 2009 |work=The Economist |accessdate=April 25, 2010}}</ref><ref name="sfexaminer">{{Cite news|url= |title=Tea parties are flash crowds Obama should fear|date=March 19, 2009|publisher=[[The San Francisco Examiner]]|first=Mark |last=Tapscott|accessdate=June 16, 2009}}</ref> Protes tersebut sebagian merespon beberapa undang-undang federal: UU Stabilitas Ekonomi Darurat 2008, <ref name="post gazette ">{{Cite news|url=|title=Harrisburg Tea Party protests ongoing bailout |last=Barnes|first=Tom|date=March 8, 2009|work=Local/State||accessdate=April 9, 2010}}</ref> Undang-Undang Pemulihan dan Reinvestasi Amerika 2009,<ref name=peter>{{Cite news|title=The Tea Party Revolution|url=|accessdate=June 18, 2009|publisher=[[The American Spectator]]|first= Peter |last=Ferrara|date=April 15, 2009}}</ref><ref name="nytimes">{{Cite news|first=Jeff |last=Seleny|url= |title=Thousands Rally in Capital to Protest Big Government|accessdate=September 28, 2009|date=September 12, 2009|work=New York Times }}</ref> serta rangkaian rancangan undang-undang pelayanan kesehatan.<ref name="">Evan McMorris-Santoro,[ "The Town Hall Dog That Didn't Bite"], ''[[Talking Points Memo]], DC'', April 5, 2010.</ref>
Nama ''Tea Party'' merujuk pada [[Boston Tea Party]], sebuah insiden yang terjadi pada tahun 1773 dimana para koloni merusak teh [[Britania]] daripada membayar pajak yang mana mereka anggap melanggar hak "tiada pajak tanpa perwakilan" <ref>{{cite book|first=Jill |last=Lepore|title=The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party's Revolution and the Battle over American History|year=2010|pages=77–79|publisher= Princeton University Press |isbn=978-0691150277}}</ref> Hingga tahun 2010, gerakan ini bukanlah partai politik nasional, tidak mencalonkan kandidat pada Kongres, serta namanya tidak tertera dalam surat suara pemilihan umum.<ref>{{cite book|first1=Scott |last1=Rasmussen |first2=Doug |last2=Schoen|title=Mad As Hell: How the Tea Party Movement Is Fundamentally Remaking Our Two-Party System|year=2010|page=12|publisher=HarperCollins|isbn=9780061995231}}</ref>
Menurut [[Scott Rasmussen]], dana talangan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintahan [[George W. Bush]] dan [[Barack Obama]] memicu meningkatnya gerakan Tea Party. Pewawancara juga menambahkan bahwa kemarahan pemrotes ini berpusat pada dua isu, mengutip pernyataan Rasmussen, "Mereka pikir bahwa belanja pemerintah federal, defisit dan pajak terlalu tinggi, dan mereka pikir bahwa tak seorangpun di Washington mendengarkan mereka, dan (pernyataan) yang terakhir itu adalah sangat sangat penting."<ref>Dan Weil, [ "Rasmussen: Tea Party Shows Weakness of GOP Establishment,"], September 18, 2010</ref> Gerakan ini tidak memiliki kepemimpinan pusat namun memiliki afiliasi yang longgar pada kelompok kecil di tingkat lokal.<ref>[ 'Tea party' movement faces challenge of having no single leader, goal] Washington Post, September 21, 2010</ref> Perhatian utama gerakan ini meliputi, namun tidak terbatas pada, mengurangi ukuran pemerintah,<ref name="Gallup">[ Gallup: Tea Party’s top concerns are debt, size of government] The Hill, July 5, 2010</ref> menurunkan pajak,<ref name="">[ Tea Party DC March: “Lower Taxes and Less Spending”] Fiscal Times, September 12, 2010</ref> mengurangi pemborosan,<ref name=""/> mengurangi utang nasional dan defisit anggaran federal,<ref name="Gallup" /> serta memenuhi [[Konstitusi Amerika Serikat]].<ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Tea-ing Up the Constitution |publisher=The New York Times |work=Week in Review |date=March 13, 2010 |last=Liptak |first=Mark |location=Washington, D.C. |accessdate=October 31, 2010 |quote=It is, of course, hard to say anything definitive about the Tea Party movement, a loose confederation of groups with no central leadership. But if there is a central theme to its understanding of the Constitution, it is that the nation’s founders knew what they were doing and that their work must be protected.}}</ref>
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== Referensi ==
* {{Cite book |last=Rasmussen |first=Scott |first2=Doug |last2=Schoen |title=Mad As Hell: How the Tea Party Movement Is Fundamentally Remaking Our Two-Party System |year=2010 |publisher= Harper |isbn=978-0061995231 }}
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