Vegetasi: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
[[FileBerkas:2007-09-20-57-kalimantan-foresta.jpg|thumb|300px|Hutan di [[Kalimantan]] ]]
[[FileBerkas:Flora of Tanzania 2328 Nevit.jpg|thumb|Sabana di [[Tanzania]] ]]
[[FileBerkas:Camels in Kosh-Agachsky District.jpg|thumb|Stepa, dengan [[unta baktria]] di [[Rusia]] ]]
'''Vegetasi''' (dari [[bahasa Inggris]]: ''vegetation'') dalam [[ekologi]] adalah istilah untuk keseluruhan [[komunitas (ekologi)|komunitas]] [[tetumbuhan]] di suatu tempat tertentu, mencakup baik perpaduan komunal dari jenis-jenis [[flora]] penyusunnya maupun tutupan lahan (''ground cover'') yang dibentuknya<ref name=Burrows>{{Cite book|last=Burrows|first=Colin J.|year=1990|title=Processes of vegetation change.|publisher=Unwin Hyman|location=London|isbn=0045800138|page=1}}</ref>. Vegetasi merupakan bagian hidup yang tersusun dari tetumbuhan yang menempati suatu [[ekosistem]], atau, dalam area yang lebih sempit, [[relung ekologis]]. Beraneka tipe [[hutan]], [[kebun]], [[padang rumput]], dan [[tundra]] merupakan contoh-contoh vegetasi.
Istilah vegetasi berbeda, dan lebih luas cakupannya, dari [[flora]]. Pengertian flora hanya merujuk kepada kekayaan jenis tetumbuhan yang ada di suatu wilayah atau kurun waktu tertentu; sedangkan vegetasi dicirikan pula oleh kekayaan bentuk hidup (''life form''), struktur, periodisitas; selain juga oleh ciri-ciri [[floristik]] yang khas. Istilah vegetasi atau tipe vegetasi hampir sama pengertiannya, dan sering pula dipertukarkan, dengan komunitas tetumbuhan; namun yang akhir ini umumnya memiliki cakupan wilayah yang lebih sempit. Tipe vegetasi dibedakan berdasarkan karakter floristik tertentu, misalnya asosiasi spesies-spesies yang dominan, atau karakter lingkungan seperti jenis [[tanah]] dan [[iklim]].
[[Analisis vegetasi]] biasa dilakukan oleh ilmuwan ekologi untuk mempelajari kemelimpahan jenis serta struktur ([[biomasa]], kerapatan tumbuh, pelapisan tajuk, dll.) vegetasi pada suatu tempat. Dengan menganalisis persebaran [[flora|floristik]] maka ilmuwan ekologi akan lebih mudah untuk mempelajari suatu komunitas tumbuhan. <!--Kelestarian lingkungan ditentukan oleh indikatornya yang berupa ada atau tidaknya komunitas suatu tumbuhan tertentu pada suatu lingkungan tertentu. Hal ini terjadi karena beberapa jenis komunitas tumbuhan sangat sensitif terhadap perubahan yang terjadi pada tempatnya tinggal atau hidup. [sumber?]-->
== Klasifikasi vegetasi ==
[[FileBerkas:Bierikjåhkå Sarek.JPG|thumb|Tundra di Taman Nasional Sarek, [[Swedia]] ]]
[[ImageBerkas:Vegetation-no-legend.PNG|left|700px|Biomes classified by vegetsert]]
{| style="width: 100%;"
Baris 53:
As a general rule, the larger an area under consideration, the more likely the vegetation will be heterogeneous across it. Two main factors are at work. First, the temporal dynamics of disturbance and succession are increasingly unlikely to be in [[synchrony]] across any area as the size of that area increases. That is, different areas will be at different developmental stages due to different local histories, particularly their times since last major disturbance. This fact interacts with inherent environmental variability (e.g. in soils, climate, topography, etc.), which is also a function of area. Environmental variability constrains the suite of species that can occupy a given area, and the two factors together interact to create a mosaic of vegetation conditions across the landscape. Only in [[agricultural]] or [[horticultural]] systems does vegetation ever approach perfect uniformity. In natural systems, there is always heterogeneity, although its scale and intensity will vary widely. A natural [[grassland]] may be homogeneous when compared to the same area of partially burned forest.
[[FileBerkas:Bergwiese-Kaernten-2008-Thomas Huntke.jpg|thumb|Aneka bunga di padang rumput. [[Jerman]] ]]
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Biocoenosis]]
* [[Bioma]]
* [[Suksesi ekologis]]
* [[Ekoregion]]
* [[Ekosistem]]
== Referensi ==
== Pustaka ==
* Archibold, O. W. ''Ecology of World Vegetation''. [[New York City|New York]]: Springer Publishing, 1994.
* Barbour, M. G. and W. D. Billings (editors). ''North American Terrestrial Vegetation''. [[Cambridge]]: [[Cambridge University Press]], 1999.
* Barbour, M.G, J.H. Burk, and W.D. Pitts. "Terrestrial Plant Ecology". Menlo Park: Benjamin Cummings, 1987.
* Breckle, S-W. ''Walter's Vegetation of the Earth.'' New York: Springer Publishing, 2002.
* Burrows, C. J. ''Processes of Vegetation Change''. [[Oxford]]: Routledge Press, 1990.
* Feldmeyer-Christie, E., N. E. Zimmerman, and S. Ghosh. ''Modern Approaches In Vegetation Monitoring''. [[Budapest]]: Akademiai Kiado, 2005.
* Gleason, H.A. 1926. The individualistic concept of the plant association. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 53:1-20.
* Grime, J.P. 1987. ''Plant strategies and vegetation processes''. Wiley Interscience, New York NY.
* Kabat, P., et al. (editors). ''Vegetation, Water, Humans and the Climate: A New Perspective on an Interactive System''. [[Heidelberg]]: [[Springer Science+Business Media|Springer-Verlag]] 2004.
* Macarthur, R.H. and E.O. Wilson. ''The theory of Island Biogeography''. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1967
* Mueller-Dombois, D., and H. Ellenberg. ''Aims and Methods of Vegetation Ecology.'' The Blackburn Press, 2003.
* Van Der Maarel, E. ''Vegetation Ecology''. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2004.
* Vankat, J. L. ''The Natural Vegetation of North America''. Krieger Publishing Co., 1992.
== Pranala luar ==
=== Klasifikasi vegetasi ===
* [ Terrestrial Vegetation of the United States Volume I&nbsp;– The National Vegetation Classification System: Development, Status, and Applications] (PDF)
* [ Federal Geographic Data Committee Vegetation Subcommittee]
* [ Vegetation Classification Standard] [FGDC-STD-005, June 1997] (PDF)
* [ Classifying Vegetation Condition: Vegetation Assets States and Transitions (VAST)]
=== Pemetaan vegetasi ===
* [ Interactive world vegetation map by Howstuffworks]
* [ USGS - NPS Vegetation Mapping Program]
* [ Checklist of Online Vegetation and Plant Distribution Maps]
* [ VEGETATION image processing and archiving centre at VITO]
* [ Spot-VEGETATION programme web page]
=== Diagram iklim ===
* [ Climate Diagrams Explained]
* [] Provides climate diagrams for more than 3000 weather stations and for different climate periods from all over the world. Users can also create their own diagrams with their own data.
* [ WBCS Worldwide Climate Diagrams]