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''Untuk nama penyanyi lihat [[Dido (penyanyi)]]. Untuk kegunaan lain, lihat [[Dido (disambiguasi)]]''.
'''Dido''' (lahir [[25 Desember]] [[1971]]) merupakan penyanyi berkebangsaan [[Inggris]].
[[Berkas:Guérin Énée racontant à Didon les malheurs de la ville de Troie Louvre 5184.jpg|thumb|200px|[[Perang Trojan]]]]
Dalam sumber Yunani dan Roman '''Dido''' merupakan sebagai pendiri dan ratu pertama [[Kartago]] (di hari modern [[Tunisia]]). Dia menjadi yang terkenal untuk cerita yang cenderung oleh syair [[Roman]] [[Virgil]] di ''[[Aeneid]]''. Dalam sumber mereka, lebih dikenal dengan '''Elissa'''.
Nama Elissa diambil dari nama [[Bangsa Fenisia]] Elishat. Nama Dido, kebanyakan digunakan oleh penulis latin. Nama Elissa lebih dikenal di Kartago.
==Bibiliografi pilihan==
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1971|Dido]]
* H. Akbar Khan, ''"Doctissima Dido": Etymology, Hospitality and the Construction of a Civilized Identity'', 2002.
[[Kategori:Penyanyi Inggris|Dido]]
* E.B. Atwood, ''Two Alterations of Virgil in Chaucer’s Dido'', 1938.
* S. Conte, ''Dido sine veste'', 2005.
* [[R. S. Conway]], ''The Place of Dido in History'', 1920.
* F. Della Corte, ''La Iuno-Astarte virgiliana'', 1983.
* G. De Sanctis, ''Storia dei Romani'', 1916.
* R.J. Edgeworth, "The Death of Dido." ''The Classical Journal'' 72.2 (1977) 129-33.
* M. Fantar, ''Carthage, la prestigieuse cité d'Elissa'', 1970.
* L. Foucher, ''Les Phéniciens à Carthage ou la geste d'Elissa'', 1978.
* Michael Grant, ''Roman Myths'', 1973.
* M. Gras/P. Rouillard/J. Teixidor, ''L'univers phénicien'', 1995.
* H.D. Gray, ''Did Shakespeare write a tragedy of Dido?'', 1920.
* G. Herm, ''Die Phönizier'', 1974.
* T. Kailuweit, ''Dido - Didon - Didone. Eine kommentierte Bibliographie zum Dido-Mythos in Literatur und Musik'', 2005.
* R.C. Ketterer, ''The perils of Dido: sorcery and melodrama in Vergil’s Aeneid IV and Purcell's Dido and Aeneas'', 1992.
* R.H. Klausen, ''Aeneas und die Penaten'', 1839.
* G. Kowalski, ''De Didone graeca et latina'', 1929.
* F.N. Lees, ''Dido Queen of Carthage and The Tempest'', 1964.
* J.-Y. Maleuvre, ''Contre-Enquête sur la mort de Didon'', 2003.
* J.-Y. Maleuvre, ''La mort de Virgile d’après Horace et Ovide'', 1993;
* L. Mangiacapre, ''Didone non è morta'', 1990.
* P.E. McLane, ''The Death of a Queen: Spencer's Dido as Elizabeth'', 1954.
* O. Meltzer, ''Geschichte der Karthager'', 1879.
* A. Michel, ''Virgile et la politique impériale: un courtisan ou un philosophe?'', 1971.
* S. Moscati, ''Chi furono i Fenici. Identità storica e culturale di un popolo protagonista dell'antico mondo mediterraneo'', 1992.
* R. Neuse, ''Book VI as Conclusion to The Faerie Queene'', 1968.
* A. Parry, ''The Two Voices of Virgil's Aeneid'', 1963.
* G.K. Paster, ''Montaigne, Dido and The Tempest: “How Came That Widow In?'', 1984.
* B. Schmitz, ''Ovide, In Ibin: un oiseau impérial'', 2004;
* E. Stampini, ''Alcune osservazioni sulla leggenda di Enea e Didone nella letteratura romana'', 1893.
==Pranala luar==
* '''Selected English texts''' <small>(''Alternate links found in Wikipedia entries for the respective authors.'')</small>
** [http://www.forumromanum.org/literature/justin/english/trans18.html#3 Forum Romanum: Justin 18.3f] (Contains [[Junianus Justinus|Justin]] (18.3&ndash;6) relating the early story of Elissa in full.)
** [http://www.tonykline.free-online.co.uk/Virgilhome.htm A. S. Kline's translation of Virgil's works including the ''Aeneid''] (See also [[Virgil]] and [[Aeneid]].)
** [http://courses.washington.edu/hum523/dido/HeroidesVII(trans).html Ovid's imagined letter from Dido to Aeneas, trans. Miceal F. Vaughan] (See also [[Ovid]].)
** [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?lookup=App.+Pun.+1.1 Appian, ''The Punic Wars'', chapter 1] (See also [[Appian]].)
** [http://courses.washington.edu/hum523/dido/index.html Dido, Queen of Carthage], original text, modernization, and discussion of [[Chaucer]]'s ''Legend of Dido''
** [http://www2.prestel.co.uk/rey/dido.htm ''The Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage'', by Christopher Marlowe (and Thomas Nashe?)]. (See also [[Christopher Marlowe]].)
* '''Commentary'''
** [http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Dido.html Greek Mythology Link: Dido]
** [http://www.phoenicia.org/elissardidobio.html Phoenicia: Elissar, Dido, the Queen of Carthage and her city]
** [http://www.queendido.org Queen Dido: Didone Liberata] (Mostly about a new four-act play by Salvatore Conte; it contains also a confutation of the well-known suicide into a subjective vision of Aeneas and his "comites" - 4.664, followed by Dido's catabasis)
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1971|Dido840 SM]]
[[Kategori:PenyanyiKematian Inggris|Dido760 SM]]
[[Kategori:Pendiri Kota]]