Hak suara perempuan di Selandia Baru

Hak suara perempuan di Selandia Baru adalah isu politik penting pada abad ke-19. Selandia Baru adalah negara pertama yang memberi perempuan hak suara pada zaman modern.[1]

Perempuan pertama kali memilih dalam pemilihan umum 28 November 1893 (pemilihan umum untuk kursi Māori diadakan 20 Desember). Pada tahun 1893, Elizabeth Yates menjadi wali kota Onehunga, perempuan pertama yang menempati posisi tersebut di Kekaisaran Britania.[2]

Tokoh pejuang hak suara perempuan di Selandia Baru adalah Kate Sheppard dan Mary Ann Müller.


  1. ^ Before the 18th century the franchise in European countries was restricted by property but not by gender. Antonia Fraser The Weaker Vessel: Woman's Lot in Seventeenth-century England", London, UK: 1984. The Corsican Republic of 1755 gave women universal suffrage, but was annexed by France in 1769. (Carrington, Dorothy, "The Corsican Constitution of Pasquale Paoli (1755-1769)," The English Historical Review, Vol 88, No 348 (July 1973), pp 481-503). Pitcairn Island gave women universal suffrage in 1838, but was not a self-governing country; nor was the Isle of Man which enfranchised female ratepayers in 1881, or the Cook Islands, which passed a women's suffrage bill days after New Zealand but held their election over a month earlier. Various American states and territories also enfranchised women before 1893. (Atkinson, Neill (2003), Adventures in Democracy: A History of the Vote in New Zealand, pp 280-1). Franceville gave both native and European women the vote when it declared independence in 1889, but it came under French and British colonial rule soon after. ("Wee, Small Republics: A Few Examples of Popular Government," Hawaiian Gazette, Nov 1, 1895, p1).
  2. ^ Elizabeth Yates Diarsipkan 2010-11-24 di Wayback Machine. (from the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. Accessed 2008-03-10.)