Doron Ben-Ami (kelahiran 1965; bahasa Ibrani: דורון בן עמי‎) adalah seorang arkeolog asal Israel. Ben-Ami meraih gelar doktor dari Universitas Ibrani Yerusalem pada 2003 dimana ia menjadi anggota Jurusan Arkeologi pada 2009.[1] Ia adalah penemu istana Ratu Helena dari Adiabene di Kota Daud, Yerusalem.[2][3]


  1. ^ "Dr. Doron Ben-Ami". The Institute of Archaeology: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ( "Archived copy". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2009-08-18. Diakses tanggal 2010-01-12. 
  2. ^ Dec 5, 2007 | Updated Dec 24, 2007 Second Temple palace uncovered By ETGAR LEFKOVITS, Jerusalem Post, [1]
  3. ^ Israeli archaeologists uncover 2,000-year-old mansion 06/12/2007 [2] Diarsipkan 2012-10-16 di Wayback Machine.

Pranala luar

As of February 2018 the US Library of Congress identifies the archaeologist born 1965 (LCCN, below) but its online catalogue conflates 2 records of his works with those of 16 works by the illustrator born 1955 (visit and select "Browse ... LC Online Catalog").