Daftar presiden Polandia
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Artikel ini adalah bagian dari seri Politik dan Ketatanegaraan Polandia |
Presiden Republik Polandia (Polandia: Prezydent Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) dipilih rakyat untuk masa jabatan lima tahunan dan dapat dipilih kembali untuk masa jabatan berikutnya. Presiden mempunyai kekuasaan eksekutif dan bertanggung jawab atas keamanan negara. Presiden memilih Perdana Menteri, dan merupakan Kepala Angkatan Bersenjata Polandia. Ia juga berhak menentukan diadakannya pemilu dan mempunyai hak veto terhadap sebuah rancangan undang-undang, meskipun hak veto ini dapat dibatalkan hak suara mayoritas sebesar 3/5 dari anggota parlemen (Sejm) jika setidaknya setengah anggota Sejm hadir dan berpartisipasi.

Presiden Republik Polandia Kedua (1918-1939)
suntingKepala Negara (Naczelnik Państwa, 1918-1922)
suntingNo | Gambar | Nama (Lahir–Mati) |
Awal Jabatan | Akhir Jabatan | Keterangan |
1 | Marshal Józef Piłsudski (1867–1935) |
14 November 1918 | 11 Desember 1922 | Provisional Chief of State until 1919. |
Nama | Gambar | Nama (Lahir–Mati) |
Awal Jabatan | Akhir Jabatan | Keterangan |
1 (1) | Gabriel Narutowicz (1865–1922) |
11 Desember 1922 | 16 Desember 1922 | Assassinated | |
— | Maciej Rataj (1884–1940) |
16 Desember 1922 | 22 Desember 1922 | Marshal of the Sejm, Acting President. | |
2 (2) | Stanisław Wojciechowski (1869–1953) |
22 Desember 1922 | 14 Mei 1926 | Deposed in the May Coup by Marshall Piłsudski | |
— | Maciej Rataj (1884–1940) |
14 Mei 1926 | 4 Juni 1926 | Marshal of the Sejm, Acting President. | |
3 (3) | Ignacy Mościcki (1867–1946) |
4 Juni 1926 | 30 September 1939 | During his presidency, real power lay with Marshals, Piłsudski (27 August 1926 – 12 May 1935) and Rydz-Śmigły (12 May 1935 – 27 October 1939). Mościcki's government was exiled to Romania after Poland's defeat in World War II after 17 September. |
Presiden Republik Polandia di Pengasingan (1939-1990)
suntingPemerintahan Polandia dalam pengasingan merupakan bentukan Amerika Serikat dan Persatuan Kerajaan Inggris hingga 6 Juli 1945
No | Gambar | Nama (Lahir–Mati) |
Awal Jabatan | Akhir Jabatan | Keterangan |
1 (4) | Władysław Raczkiewicz (1885–1947) |
30 September 1939 | 9 Juni 1947 | Raczkiewicz's government lost recognition by the Western allies on 6 July 1945. | |
2 (5) | August Zaleski (1883–1972) |
9 Juni 1947 | 8 April 1972 | ||
3 (6) | Stanisław Ostrowski (1892–1982) |
9 April 1972 | 24 Maret 1979 | ||
4 (7) | Edward Raczyński (1891–1993) |
8 April 1979 | 8 April 1986 | ||
5 (8) | Kazimierz Sabbat (1913–1989) |
8 April 1986 | 19 Juli 1989 | ||
6 (9) | Ryszard Kaczorowski (1919–2010) |
19 Juli 1989 | 22 Desember 1990 | Kaczorowski resigned upon the election of Lech Wałęsa as President of the Republic of Poland. |
Presiden Presidium Dewan Rakyat (1944-1947)
suntingDibentuk Amerika Serikat dan Persatuan Kerajaan Inggris sejak 6 Juli 1945
No | Gambar | Nama (Lahir-mati) |
Awal Jabatan | Akhir Jabatan | Keterangan |
1 | Bolesław Bierut (1892–1956) |
31 December 1944 | 5 February 1947 |
Presiden Republik (1947-1952)
suntingNo | Gambar | Nama (Lahir-mati) |
Awal Jabatan | Akhir Jabatan | Keterangan |
1 | Bolesław Bierut (1892–1956) |
5 Februari 1947 | 20 November 1952 | From December 1948 also Secretary General of the Polish United Workers' Party. |
Ketua Dewan Negara Polandia (1952-1989)
sunting(Sekretaris Pertama Komite Pusat Partai Buruh Bersatu Polandia de facto yang berkuasa atas negara)
No | Gambar | Nama (Lahir-mati) |
Awal Jabatan | Akhir Jabatan | Keterangan |
1 | Aleksander Zawadzki (1899–1964) |
20 November 1952 | 7 Agustus 1964 | Died in office (cancer). | |
2 | Edward Ochab (1906–1989) |
12 Agustus 1964 | 10 April 1968 | ||
3 | Marian Spychalski (1906–1980) |
10 April 1968 | 23 Desember 1970 | ||
4 | Józef Cyrankiewicz (1911–1989) |
23 Desember 1970 | 28 Maret 1972 | ||
5 | Henryk Jabłoński (1909–2003) |
28 Maret 1972 | 6 November 1985 | ||
6 | Wojciech Jaruzelski (1923–2014) |
6 November 1985 | 19 Juli 1989 | Also First Secetary of the Polish United Workers' Party. |
Presiden Republik Rakyat Polandia (Transisi, 1989)
suntingNo | Gambar | Nama (Lahir-mati) |
Awal Jabatan | Akhir Jabatan | Keterangan |
1 | Wojciech Jaruzelski (1923–2014) |
19 Juli 1989 | 31 Desember 1989 | Following the Polish Round Table Agreement between PZPR and Solidarity, the Council of State was abolished and its Chairman became President of the People's Republic for a transitional period. |
Presiden Republik Polandia Ketiga (1989-Kini)
suntingPresiden Republik
suntingNo. | Portrait | Name (Born–Died) |
Took office | Left office | Politial Party | Notes |
1 | Wojciech Jaruzelski (1923–2014) |
31 Desember 1989 | 22 Desember 1990 | Polish United Workers' Party | When the state name was changed to Republic of Poland on 31 December 1989, the office was renamed accordingly. | |
2 (10) | Lech Wałęsa (1943– ) |
22 Desember 1990 | 22 Desember 1995 | Solidarity Electoral Action | Elected 1990, the first President elected by popular vote. | |
3 (11) | Aleksander Kwaśniewski (1954– ) |
23 Desember 1995 | 23 Desember 2005 | Social Democracy | Elected 1995 and 2000, the first President of Third Republic elected twice. | |
4 (12) | Lech Kaczyński (1949–2010) |
23 Desember 2005 | 10 April 2010 | Law and Justice | Elected 2005. Died in an airplane crash, which also claimed the life of the last President of the Government-in-Exile, Ryszard Kaczorowski. | |
— | Bronisław Komorowski (1952– ) |
10 April 2010 | 8 Juli 2010 | Civic Platform | Marshal of the Sejm, Acting President | |
— | Bogdan Borusewicz (1949– ) |
8 Juli 2010 | 8 Juli 2010 | Civic Platform | Marshal of the Senate, Acting President | |
— | Grzegorz Schetyna (1963– ) |
8 Juli 2010 | 6 Agustus 2010 | Civic Platform | Marshal of the Sejm, Acting President | |
5 (13) | Bronisław Komorowski (1952– ) |
6 Agustus 2010 | 6 Agustus 2015 | Civic Platform | Elected 2010. | |
6 (14) | Andrzej Duda (1972– ) |
6 Agustus 2015 | Petahana | Law and Justice | Elected 2015. |
Pranala luar
sunting- (Inggris) Situs resmi Presiden Polandia