Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost adalah sebuah puisi epik dalam bait kosong karya penyair Inggris abad ke-17 John Milton (1608–1674). Versi pertamanya, terbitan tahun 1667, terdiri dari sepuluh buku dengan lebih dari sepuluh ribu baris bait.
![]() Laman judul edisi pertama (1667) | |
Pengarang | John Milton |
Perancang sampul | J. B. de Medina dan Henry Aldrich |
Negara | Inggris |
Bahasa | Inggris |
Genre | Puisi epik, teologi Kristen |
Penerbit | Samuel Simmons (asli) |
Tanggal terbit | 1667 |
Jenis media | Cetak |
Diikuti oleh | Paradise Regained |
Teks | Paradise Lost di Wikisource |
sunting- Anderson, G (January 2000), "The Fall of Satan in the Thought of St. Ephrem and John Milton", Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies, 3 (1), diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 26 February 2008
- Biberman, M (January 1999), "Milton, Marriage, and a Woman's Right to Divorce", SEL: Studies in English Literature, 39 (1): 131–153, doi:10.2307/1556309, JSTOR 1556309
- Black, J, ed. (March 2007), "Paradise Lost", The Broadview Anthology of British Literature, A (edisi ke-Concise), Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, hlm. 998–1061, ISBN 978-1-55111-868-0, OCLC 75811389
- Blake, W. (1793), The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, London.
- Blayney, B, ed. (1769), The King James Bible, Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Bradford, R (July 1992), Paradise Lost (edisi ke-1st), Philadelphia: Open University Press, ISBN 978-0-335-09982-5, OCLC 25050319
- Broadbent, John (1972), Paradise Lost: Introduction, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521096393
- Butler, G (February 1998), "Giants and Fallen Angels in Dante and Milton: The Commedia and the Gigantomachy in Paradise Lost", Modern Philosophy, 95 (3): 352–363
- Carter, R. and McRae, J. (2001). The Routledge History of Literature in English: Britain and Ireland. 2 ed. Oxon: Routledge.
- Carey, J; Fowler, A (1971), The Poems of John Milton, London
- Doerksen, D (December 1997), "Let There Be Peace': Eve as Redemptive Peacemaker in Paradise Lost, Book X", Milton Quarterly, 32 (4): 124–130, doi:10.1111/j.1094-348X.1997.tb00499.x
- Eliot, T.S. (1957), On Poetry and Poets, London: Faber and Faber
- Eliot, T. S. (1932), "Dante", Selected Essays, New York: Faber and Faber, OCLC 70714546.
- Empson, W (1965), Milton's God (edisi ke-Revised), London
- John Milton: A Short Introduction (2002 ed., paperback by Roy C. Flannagan, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-0-631-22620-8; 2008 ed., ebook by Roy Flannagan, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-0-470-69287-5)
- Forsyth, N (2003), The Satanic Epic, Princeton: Princeton University Press, ISBN 978-0-691-11339-5
- Frye, N (1965), The Return of Eden: Five Essays on Milton's Epics, Toronto: University of Toronto Press
- Harding, P (January 2007), "Milton's Serpent and the Pagan Birth of Error", SEL: Studies in English Literature, 47 (1): 161–177, doi:10.1353/sel.2007.0003
- Hill, G (1905), Lynch, Jack, ed., Samuel Johnson: The Lives of the English Poets, 3 vols, Oxford: Clarendon, OCLC 69137084, diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2012-02-18, diakses tanggal 2018-06-05
- Kermode, F, ed. (1960), The Living Milton: Essays by Various Hands, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, ISBN 0-7100-1666-2, OCLC 17518893
- Kerrigan, W, ed. (2007), The Complete Poetry and Essential Prose of John Milton, New York: Random House, ISBN 978-0-679-64253-4, OCLC 81940956
- Lehnhof, K. (Summer 2004), "Paradise Lost and the Concept of Creation", South Central Review, 21 (2): 15–41, doi:10.1353/scr.2004.0021
- Leonard, John (2000), "Introduction", dalam Milton, John, Paradise Lost, New York: Penguin, ISBN 9780140424393
- Lewalski, B. (January 2003), "Milton and Idolatry", SEL: Studies in English Literature, 43 (1): 213–232, doi:10.1353/sel.2003.0008
- Lewis, C.S. (1942), A Preface to Paradise Lost, London: Oxford University Press, OCLC 822692
- Lyle, J (January 2000), "Architecture and Idolatry in Paradise Lost", SEL: Studies in English Literature, 40 (1): 139–155, doi:10.2307/1556158, JSTOR 1556158
- Marshall, W. H. (January 1961), "Paradise Lost: Felix Culpa and the Problem of Structure", Modern Language Notes, 76 (1): 15–20, doi:10.2307/3040476, JSTOR 3040476
- Mikics, D (2004), "Miltonic Marriage and the Challenge to History in Paradise Lost", Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 46 (1): 20–48, doi:10.1353/tsl.2004.0005
- Miller, T.C., ed. (1997), The Critical Response to John Milton's "Paradise Lost", Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, ISBN 978-0-313-28926-2, OCLC 35762631
- Milton, J (1674), Paradise Lost (edisi ke-2nd), London: S. Simmons
- Rajan, B (1947), Paradise Lost and the Seventeenth Century Reader, London: Chatto & Windus, OCLC 62931344
- Ricks, C.B. (1963), Milton's Grand Style, Oxford: Clarendon Press, OCLC 254429
- Stone, J.W. (May 1997), ""Man's effeminate s(lack)ness:" Androgyny and the Divided Unity of Adam and Eve", Milton Quarterly, 31 (2): 33–42, doi:10.1111/j.1094-348X.1997.tb00491.x
- Van Nuis, H (May 2000), "Animated Eve Confronting Her Animus: A Jungian Approach to the Division of Labor Debate in Paradise Lost", Milton Quarterly, 34 (2): 48–56, doi:10.1111/j.1094-348X.2000.tb00619.x
- Walker, Julia M. (1998), Medusa's Mirrors: Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton, and the Metamorphosis of the Female Self, University of Delaware Press, ISBN 978-0-87413-625-8
- Wheat, L (2008), Philip Pullman's His dark materials—a multiple allegory : attacking religious superstition in The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe and Paradise lost, Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, ISBN 978-1-59102-589-4, OCLC 152580912
Bacaan tambahan
sunting- Patrides, C. A. Approaches to Paradise Lost: The York Tercentenary Lectures (University of Toronto, 1968) ISBN 0-8020-1577-8
- Ryan J. Stark, "Paradise Lost as Incomplete Argument," 1650—1850: Aesthetics, Ideas, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era (2011): 3–18.
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- Gustave Doré Paradise Lost Illustrations Diarsipkan 2015-04-29 di Wayback Machine. from the University at Buffalo Libraries
- Major Online Resources on Paradise Lost
- Buku audio domain publik Paradise Lost di LibriVox
Teks daring
sunting- Paradise Lost Diarsipkan 2010-04-07 di Wayback Machine. XHTML version at Dartmouth's Milton Reading Room
- Project Gutenberg text version 1
- Project Gutenberg text version 2
- Paradise Lost PDF/Ebook version with layout and fonts inspired by 17th century publications.
- has the original poetry side-by-side with a translation to plain (prosaic) English
Informasi lain
sunting- darkness visible – comprehensive site for students and others new to Milton: contexts, plot and character summaries, reading suggestions, critical history, gallery of illustrations of Paradise Lost, and much more. By students at Milton's Cambridge college, Christ's College.
- Selected bibliography at the Milton Reading Room – includes background, biography, criticism.
- Paradise Lost learning guide, quotes, close readings, thematic analyses, character analyses, teacher resources