Mars Exploration Rover
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Mars Exploration Rover Mission (MER) NASA adalah sebuah misi luar angkasa robot yang sedang berlangsung yang melibatkan dua rovers, Spirit dan Opportunity, menjelajahi planet Mars. Ini dimulai pada tahun 2003 dengan pengiriman dua rovers-MER-A Spirit dan MER-B Opportunity untuk menjelajahi permukaan Mars dan geologi.

sunting- Roving Mars: Spirit, Opportunity, and the Exploration of the Red Planet by Steve Squyres (published August 2005; ISBN 1-4013-0149-5)
- Postcards from Mars: The First Photographer on the Red Planet by Jim Bell (published November 2006; ISBN 0-525-94985-2)
- Technical papers by JPL Robotics Engineers Diarsipkan 2007-11-04 di Wayback Machine.
- Interview: The driver behind NASA's Mars Rovers from Australian PC World Diarsipkan 2008-10-05 di Wayback Machine.
- NASA JPL's MER website
- Spirit Mission Profile Diarsipkan 2007-08-01 di Wayback Machine.
- Opportunity Mission Profile Diarsipkan 2007-08-02 di Wayback Machine.
- Mars Exploration Rover project, NASA/JPL document NSS ISDC 2001 27 May 2001 Diarsipkan 2010-05-27 di Wayback Machine.
- Science, 6 August 2004 - Scientific papers from the first phase of the Spirit mission
- Mars Rover Manual: Centralized resource for all publicly released rover technical details
- MER Analysts Notebook Diarsipkan 2014-04-13 di Wayback Machine. (access to the MER scientific data set)
- Scientific American Magazine (March 2004 Issue) The Spirit of Exploration
- Li2-Rover Diarsipkan 2010-05-20 di Wayback Machine.
- Official PanCam True Color Images Gallery
- Rover image gallery Diarsipkan 2011-07-09 di Wayback Machine.
- Nonofficial Daily PanCam Color Image Gallery