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Suparni66 (bicara | kontrib)
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'''Kalender Bahá'í''', juga disebut '''Kalender Badí‘''' (''badí‘'' artinya ''menakjubkan'' atau ''unik'' <ref>Buck, Christopher and Melton, J. Gordon (2011). “[http://bahai-library.com/pdf/b/buck_celebrations_bahai_calendar.pdf Bahā’ī Calendar and Rhythms of Worship].” ''Religious Celebrations: An Encyclopedia of Holidays, Festivals, Solemn Observances, and Spiritual Commemorations''. By J. Gordon Melton, with James A. Beverley, Christopher Buck, and Constance A. Jones. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. (1:79–86.).</ref>), digunakan oleh penganut Agama [[Bábisme]] dan Agama [[Bahá'í Faith]], adalah suatu sistem [[kalender surya]] dengan tahun biasa terdiri dari 365 hari, dan [[tahun kabisat]] terdiri dari 366 hari. Satu tahun dibagi atas 19 bulan, masing-masing terdiri dari 19 hari, (361 hari) ditambah suatu periode tambahan "[[:en:Intercalation (timekeeping)|Hari-hari Intercalary]]" (4 pada tahun biasa dan 5 pada tahun kabisat). Tahun baru dimulai pada [[vernal equinox]], dan dihitung dengan [[:en:Calendar era|notasi penanggalan]] BE (Bahá'í Era), dimana 21 Maret 1844 [[Masehi]] sebagai hari pertama tahun pertama, tahun dimana sang [[Báb]] memproklamirkan agamanya.<ref name="Smith-calendar">{{cite encyclopedia |last= Smith |first= Peter |encyclopedia= A concise encyclopedia of the Bahá'í Faith |title= calendar |year= 2000 |publisher=Oneworld Publications |location= Oxford |isbn= 1-85168-184-1 |url = http://books.google.com/books?id=pYfrAQAAQBAJ |pages= 98–100}}</ref> <!--The period from 21 March {{JULIANDAY.YEAR |{{#expr:{{CURRENTJULIANDAY}}-79 }}}} to 20 March {{JULIANDAY.YEAR |{{#expr:{{CURRENTJULIANDAY}}+286 }}}} is the year {{#expr:{{JULIANDAY.YEAR |{{#expr:{{CURRENTJULIANDAY}}-79 }}}}-1843}} BE. At present, the Bahá'í calendar is synchronized to the [[Gregorian calendar]], meaning that the extra day of a leap year occurs simultaneously in both calendars. The Badi calendar was implemented during the Bábí faith and then adapted in the Bahá'í Faith.
The Bahá'í scriptures left a number of issues regarding the implementation of the Badi calendar to be resolved by the [[Universal House of Justice]] before the calendar can be observed uniformly worldwide. On 10 July 2014 the Universal House of Justice announced provisions that will enable the common implementation of the Badi calendar worldwide, beginning at sunset 20 March 2015. For instance, beginning in March 2015 the Badi calendar will no longer be locked to the Gregorian calendar, nor will the Twin Festivals, the Births of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh, be any longer observed according to the lunar Islamic calendar, as they have been in some eastern countries until now. These changes will come into effect beginning 20 March 2015, or Bahá 1 in the year 172 BE.<ref name="Clarifications" />