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Kang Ari Tea (bicara | kontrib)
Kang Ari Tea (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 6:
Selat Sunda telah berkali-kali terjadi bencana tsunami yang tercatat dalam katalog tsunami. [[Tsunami]] yang terjadi ini disebabkan oleh beberapa fenomena geologi, di antaranya erupsi gunung api bawah laut Krakatau,
''David Keys, Ken Wohletz, and others have postulated that a violent volcanic eruption, possibly of Krakatoa, in [[535]] may have been responsible for '''the global climate changes''' of [[535]]–536. Keys explores what he believes to be the radical and far-ranging global effects of just such a putative 6th-century eruption in his book Catastrophe: An Investigation into the Origins of the Modern World. Additionally, in recent times, it has been argued that it was this eruption which created the islands of Verlaten, Lang, and the beginnings of Rakata —all indicators of early Krakatoa's caldera's size. To date, however, little datable charcoal from that eruption has been found.''
''Thornton mentions that Krakatoa was known as "The Fire Mountain" during Java's Sailendra dynasty, with records of seven eruptive events between the 9th and 16th centuries. These have been tentatively dated as having occurred in 850, 950, 1050, 1150, 1320, and 1530.''
Fenomena bumi “'''yang murka'''”. Dari sisi agama,kita menyebutnya sebagai Bumi yang sedang menjalankan perintah Tuhan yang Maha Hakim menghukum suatu masyarakat karena pembangkangan atas perintah-Nya. Refleksi yang
senada dapat kita tangkap dari tulisan tentang letusan Krakatau jauh di masa lalu (kemungkinan tahun [[535]] M) yang mengubah peradaban dunia. (Oman Abdurahman : <strong>Geomagz Volume 1 No. 3 </strong>Tanggal 13 December 2011)
* [http://www.bgl.esdm.go.id/index.php/koleksi-geomagazine/231-geomagz-volume-1-no-3 GeoGeomagz Volume 1 No. 3]