Aritmetika dasar: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Andiazamuddin (bicara | kontrib)
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Baris 3:
'''Aritmetika dasar''' ('''Aritmetika elementer'''; {{lang-en|Elementary arithmetic}}) adalah bagian yang disederhanakan dari [[aritmetika]] yang memuat operasi [[penjumlahan]], [[pengurangan]], [[perkalian]], dan [[pembagian]]. Tidak sama dengan [[:en:elementary function arithmetic|fungsi elementer aritmetika]].
Artimetika dasar dimulai dengan [[bilangan asli]] dan simbol-simbol tertulis untuk ([[:en:Numerical digit|digit]]) yang mewakilinya. Proses penggabungan sepasang bilangan-bilangan dengan empat operasi dasar secara tradisional bergantung kepada pengingatan hasil-hasil bilangan bernilai kecil, termasuk isi [[tabel perkalian]] untuk membantu perkalian dan pembagian.
Aritmetika dasar juga termasuk [[pecahan]] dan [[bilangan negatif]], yang dapat direpresentasikan pada suatu [[garis bilangan]].
<!--== Digit ==
{{Main|Numerical digitDigit}}
Digit adalah suatu simbol yang keseluruhannya merupakan himpunan lambang bilangan. Dalam [[sistem bilangan]] tertentu, suatu digit tunggal dapat melambangankan jumlah yang berbeda dengan digit lain, meskipun simbol-simbol ini pada sistem bilangan yang sama dapat berbeda maknanya pada budaya yang berbeda-beda.
Digits are the entire set of symbols used to represent numbers. In a particular [[numeral system]], a single digit represents a different amount than any other digit, although the symbols in the same numeral system might vary between cultures.
In modern usage, the [[Arabic numerals]] are the most common set of symbols, and the most frequently used form of these digits is the Western style. Each single digit matches the following amounts:<br>
<big>0</big>, [[0 (number)|zero]]. Used in the absence of objects to be counted. For example, a different way of saying "there are no sticks here", is to say "the number of sticks here is 0".<br>
<big>1</big>, [[1 (number)|one]]. Applied to a single item. For example, here is one stick: <big>I</big><br>
<big>2</big>, [[2 (number)|two]]. Applied to a pair of items. Here are two sticks: <big>I I</big><br>
<big>3</big>, [[3 (number)|three]]. Applied to three items. Here are three sticks: <big>I I I</big><br>
<big>4</big>, [[4 (number)|four]]. Applied to four items. Here are four sticks: <big>I I I&nbsp; I </big><br>
<big>5</big>, [[5 (number)|five]]. Applied to five items. Here are five sticks: <big>I I I&nbsp; I I</big><br>
<big>6</big>, [[6 (number)|six]]. Applied to six items. Here are six sticks: <big>I I I&nbsp; I I I</big><br>
<big>7</big>, [[7 (number)|seven]]. Applied to seven items. Here are seven sticks: <big>I I I&nbsp; I I I&nbsp; I</big><br>
<big>8</big>, [[8 (number)|eight]]. Applied to eight items. Here are eight sticks: <big>I I I&nbsp; I I I&nbsp; I I </big><br>
<big>9</big>, [[9 (number)|nine]]. Applied to nine items. Here are nine sticks: <big>I I I&nbsp; I I I&nbsp; I I I</big>
Dalam penggunaan modern, [[bilangan Arab]] merupakan himpunan simbol yang paling umum digunakan, dan penggunaan paling sering digit-digit ini adalah dalam gaya Barat. Tiap digit bersesuaian dengan jumlah berikut:<br>
<big>0</big>, [[0 (angka)|nol]]. Digunakan untuk melambangkan ketiadaan benda yang dapat dihitung. Misalnya, cara lain untuk mengatakan "tidak ada tongkat di sini", adalah dengan berkata "jumlah tongkat di sini adalah 0".<br>
<big>1</big>, [[1 (angka)|satu]]. Digunakan untuk melambangkan satu benda. Misalnya satu tongkat: <big>I</big><br>
<big>2</big>, [[2 (numberangka)|twodua]]. AppliedDigunakan tountuk amelambangkan pairsepasang of itemsbenda. Here areMisalnya twodua stickstongkat: <big>I I</big><br>
<big>3</big>, [[3 (numberangka)|threetiga]]. AppliedDigunakan tountuk threemelambangkan items.tiga Herebenda. areMisalnya threetiga stickstongkat: <big>I I I</big><br>
<big>4</big>, [[4 (numberangka)|fourempat]]. AppliedDigunakan tountuk fourmelambangkan items.empat Herebenda. areMisalnya fourempat stickstongkat: <big>I I I&nbsp; I </big><br>
<big>5</big>, [[5 (numberangka)|fivelima]]. AppliedDigunakan tountuk fivemelambangkan items.lima Herebenda. areMisalnya fivelima stickstongkat: <big>I I I&nbsp; I I</big><br>
<big>6</big>, [[6 (numberangka)|sixenam]]. AppliedDigunakan tountuk sixmelambangkan items.enam Herebenda. areMisalnya sixenam stickstongkat: <big>I I I&nbsp; I I I</big><br>
<big>7</big>, [[7 (numberangka)|seventujuh]]. AppliedDigunakan tountuk sevenmelambangkan items.tujuh Herebenda. areMisalnya seventujuh stickstongkat: <big>I I I&nbsp; I I I&nbsp; I</big><br>
<big>8</big>, [[8 (numberangka)|eightdelapan]]. AppliedDigunakan tountuk eightmelambangkan items.delapan Herebenda. areMisalnya eightdelapan stickstongkat: <big>I I I&nbsp; I I I&nbsp; I I </big><br>
<big>9</big>, [[9 (numberangka)|ninesembilan]]. AppliedDigunakan tountuk ninemelambangkan items.sembilan Herebenda. areMisalnya ninesembilan stickstongkat: <big>I I I&nbsp; I I I&nbsp; I I I</big>
Any numeral system defines the value of all numbers that contain more than one digit, most often by addition of the value for adjacent digits. The [[Hindu–Arabic numeral system]] includes [[positional notation]] to determine the value for any numeral. In this type of system, the increase in value for an additional digit includes one or more multiplications with the [[radix]] value and the result is added to the value of an adjacent digit. With Arabic numerals, the radix value of ten produces a value of twenty-one (equal to 2×10 + 1) for the numeral "21". An additional multiplication with the radix value occurs for each additional digit, so the numeral "201" represents a value of two-hundred-and-one (equal to 2×10×10 + 0×10 + 1).
The elementary level of study typically includes understanding the value of individual [[Integer|whole numbers]] using Arabic numerals with a maximum of seven digits, and performing the four basic operations using Arabic numerals with a maximum of four digits each.
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; width:200px; height:200px;"
!+ !!0 !!1 !!2 !!3 !!4 !!5 !!6 !!7 !!8 !!9
Baris 62:
|9 ||10 ||11 ||12 ||13 ||14 ||15 ||16 ||17 ||style="background:#cff"|18
Bilamana dua bilangan dijumlahkan bersama, hasilnya disebut ''[[jumlah]]''. Kedua bilangan yang dijumlahkan itu disebut ''penambah''.
When two numbers are added together, the result is called a ''[[Summation|sum]]''. The two numbers being added together are called ''addends''.
===What does it mean to add two natural numbers? ===
Suppose you have two bags, one bag holding five apples and a second bag holding three apples. Grabbing a third, empty bag, move all the apples from the first and second bags into the third bag. The third bag now holds eight apples. This illustrates the combination of three apples and five apples is eight apples; or more generally: "three plus five is eight" or "three plus five equals eight" or "eight is the sum of three and five". Numbers are abstract, and the addition of a group of three things to a group of five things will yield a group of eight things. Addition is a regrouping: two sets of objects that were counted separately are put into a single group and counted together: the count of the new group is the "sum" of the separate counts of the two original groups.
Baris 90:
If at least one of the numbers has a hundreds-digit then if one of the numbers has a missing hundreds-digit then write a 0 digit in its place. Add the two hundreds-digits, and to their sum add the carry digit if there is one. Then write the sum of the hundreds-column under the line, also in the hundreds column. If the sum has two digits then write down the last digit of the sum in the hundreds-column and write the carry digit to its left: on the thousands-column.
Misalnya orang ingin menghitung jumlah bilangan 653 dan 274. Tuliskan bilangan kedua di bawah bilangan pertama, dengan digit-digitnya diurutkan dalam kolom-kolom, seperti:
Say one wants to find the sum of the numbers 653 and 274. Write the second number under the first one, with digits aligned in columns, like so:
{|cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2px
|6 ||5 ||3
Baris 98:
Kemudian tarik garis lurus di bawah bilangan kedua dan beri tanda plus. Penjumlahan dimulai dengan kolom satuan. Digit satuan dari bilangan pertama adalah 3 dan dari bilangan kedua adalah 4. Jumlah 3 dan 4 adalah 7, maka tuliskan angka 7 pada kolom satuan di bawah garis:
Then draw a line under the second number and put a plus sign. The addition starts with the ones-column. The ones-digit of the first number is 3 and of the second number is 4. The sum of three and four is seven, so write a 7 in the ones-column under the line:
{|cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2px
Baris 195:
As a final caution, the borrowing method gets a bit complicated in cases such as {{nowrap|100 − 87}}, where a borrow cannot be made immediately, and must be obtained by reaching across several columns. In this case, the minuend is effectively rewritten as {{nowrap|90 + 10}}, by taking a 100 from the hundreds, making ten 10s from it, and immediately borrowing that down to nine 10s in the tens column and finally placing a 10 in the ones column.
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; width:200px; height:200px;"
!× !!0 !!1 !!2 !!3 !!4 !!5 !!6 !!7 !!8 !!9
Baris 232:
WhenBilamana twodua numbersbilangan aredikalikan multipliedsatu togethersama lain, thehasil resultperkalian isitu called adisebut ''productproduk''. TheKedua twobilangan numbersyang beingdikalikan multiplieditu togetherdisebut are''faktor'', calledatau juga digunakan ''factorspengali'', with([[bahasa Inggris]]: ''multiplicand'' andatau ''multiplier'' also used).
===What does it mean to multiply two natural numbers?===
Suppose there are five red bags, each one containing three apples. Now grabbing an empty green bag, move all the apples from all five red bags into the green bag. Now the green bag will have fifteen apples.<br>
Baris 394:
:<math>789 \times 345 = 272205</math>.
{{Main|Division (mathematics)Pembagian}}
In [[mathematics]], especially in elementary [[arithmetic]], '''division''' is an arithmetic operation which is the inverse of [[multiplication]].
Baris 444:
In the United States, the 1989 [[NCTM]] standards led to curricula which de-emphasized or omitted much of what was considered to be elementary arithmetic in elementary school, and replaced it with emphasis on topics traditionally studied in college such as algebra, statistics and problem solving, and non-standard computation methods unfamiliar to most adults.
-->== Peralatan ==
[[Sempoa]] merupakan alat mekanik yang sudah digunakan sejak zaman purba untuk melakukan aritmetika dasar, yang masih dipakai di banyak tempat di [[Asia]]. Alat penghitungan modern yang melakukan aritmetika dasar antara lain: [[cash register]], [[kalkulator]] elektronik, dan [[komputer]].
The [[abacus]] is an early mechanical device for performing elementary arithmetic, which is still used in many parts of Asia. Modern calculating tools that perform elementary arithmetic operations include [[cash register]]s, electronic [[calculator]]s, and [[computer]]s.
==Lihat pula==
*[[0 (number)|0]]