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{{Merge from|Johanan ben Ha-galgula|date=April 2014}}
[[File:Hombre de Giv'at ha-Mivtar..jpg|thumb|Penyaliban Yehohanan.]]
'''Yehohanan''' (''Jehohanan'') adalah nama seseorang yang pernah hidup pada [[abad pertama]] M, yang bekas-bekas mayatnya diketemukan dalam suatu [[ossuary]] dan kematiannya jelas disebabkan karena [[penyaliban]]. Ossuary itu diketemukan pada tahun 1968 ketika para kontraktor bangunan yang bekerja di [[:en:Givat HaMivtar|Giv'at ha-Mivtar]], suatu pemukiman [[Yahudi]] di bagian utara [[Yerusalem Timur]], tidak sengaja membuka suatu makam Yahudi kuno.<ref>Tzaferis, V. 1970 Jewish Tombs at and near Giv'at ha-Mivtar. Israel Exploration Journal Vol.20 pp. 18-32.</ref> Kotak mayat dari batu atau ossuary Yahudi itu memuat tulisan [[bahasa Ibrani]] "Yehohanan ben Ha-galgula" (dapat pula dibaca "Yohanan ben Ha-galgol" atau "Hagkol"). Dari observasi antropologis awal pada tahun 1970 di [[Hebrew University]], Nicu Haas menyimpulkan bahwa Yehohanan disalibkan dengan lengannya terentang dengan ujung lengan dipaku, menguatkan cara penyaliban menggunakan dua bilah kayu sebagaimana [[salib Kristen]].<ref name="ReferenceA">[ Joe Zias, ''Crucifixion in Antiquity - The Evidence'']</ref> Namun, pada tahun 1985 didapati ada sejumlah kesalahan observasi sehingga dilakukan perbaikan.<ref name="ReferenceD">"Crucifixion – The Archaeological Evidence," ''Biblical Archaeology Review'', Vol. 11 (1985), pp. 44-53</ref><ref name="ReferenceE">Fitzmyer, Yadin, "Epigraphy and Crucifixion," Israel Exploration Journal, Vol. 23(1973), pp. 494-498.</ref>
==Anthropological Observations==
== Observasi antropologi ==
===Initial Observations, Haas, 1970===
In his article "Anthropological Observations on the Skeletal Remains from Giv'at ha-Mivtar" published in the Israel Exploration Journal in 1970, Nicu Haas of the Department of Anatomy at [[Hebrew University]], wrote of the remains of a man crucified:
===Initial ObservationsObservasi awal, Haas, 1970===
{{quotation|The whole of our interpretation concerning the position of the body on the cross may be described briefly as follows: The feet were joined almost parallel, both transfixed by the same nail at the heels, with the legs adjacent; the knees were doubled, the right one overlapping the left; the trunk was contorted; the upper limbs were stretched out, each stabbed by a nail in the forearm."<ref name="ReferenceA"/>|''Israel Exploration Journal, Vol-20, 1970''}}
InDalam his articleartikelnya "Anthropological Observations on the Skeletal Remains from Giv'at ha-Mivtar" publishedyang inditerbitkan thedalam "Israel Exploration Journal" inpada tahun 1970, Nicu Haas of thedari Department of Anatomy atpada [[Hebrew University]], wrotemenulis ofmengenai thebekas-bekas remainsmayat oforang ayang man crucifieddisalibkan<!--:
{{quotation|The whole of our interpretation concerning the position of the body on the cross may be described briefly as follows: The feet were joined almost parallel, both transfixed by the same nail at the heels, with the legs adjacent; the knees were doubled, the right one overlapping the left; the trunk was contorted; the upper limbs were stretched out, each stabbed by a nail in the forearm."<ref name="ReferenceA"/>|''Israel Exploration Journal, Vol-20, 1970''}}
Haas was unable to examine the remains any further because of serious health problems, and while his conclusions became widely accepted by the general public, several errors in his observations were later identified by Joseph Zias and Dr. Eliezer Sekeles at the [[Hadassah Medical Center|Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School]] in their 1985 reappraisal.<ref name="ReferenceD"/><ref name="ReferenceE"/>
Haas tidak dapat meneliti lebih lanjut karena alasan kesehatan. Kesimpulannya diterima luas meskipun beberapa kesalahan observasi kemudian ditemukan oleh Joseph Zias dan Dr. Eliezer Sekeles pada [[:en:Hadassah Medical Center|Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School]] dalam reappraisal ("pemeriksaan ulang") pada tahun 1985.<ref name="ReferenceD"/><ref name="ReferenceE"/>
=== ''Reappraisal'', Zias & Sekeles, 1985 ===
InPada tahun 1985, [[Joe Zias]], curator of thekurator [[Israel Antiquities Authority|Israel Department of Antiquities and Museums]], anddan Dr. Eliezer Sekeles, from thedari [[:en:Hadassah Medical Center|Hadassah Medical Center]], reexaminedmeneliti theulang crucifixionmayat remainstersebut. TheyMereka discoveredmenemukan thatkesalahan-kesalahan Haas'observasi analysisyang wasdilakukan fraughtoleh with errorsHaas:
{{quotation|ThePaku nailitu waslebih shorterpendek thandari Haasyang haddilaporkan reportedoleh andHaas thussehingga wouldtidak notcukup havepanjang beenuntuk longmenembus enoughdua totulang pierce[[tumit]] twokaki heeldan boneskayu and the woodsalib. PiecesPotongan-potongan oftulang bonetelah hadkeliru been misidentifieddiidentifikasi. ThereTidak wasada notulang bonedari fromtumit akedua; secondpaku heel;itu theditancapkan nailpada piercedsatu onlytumit one heelsaja. Some of theSejumlah bonepecahan fragmentstulang wereberasal fromdari anotherorang individuallain.<ref name="ReferenceB">Zias and Sekeles, "The Crucified Man from Giv'at ha-Mitvar: A Reappraisal," Israel Exploration Journal, Vol. 35 (1985), pp. 22-27;</ref>|''Israel Exploration Journal, Vol. 35, 1985''}}
Zias anddan Sekeles alsojuga statedmeyatakan theadanya presencekeratan ofpada thesalah scratchsatu inlengan oneyang of"bukan themerupakan forearmsbukti meyakinkan"was notuntuk convincing" evidenceluka of a nailpaku<!--wound:
{{quotation|Many non-traumatic scratches and indentations similar to these are found on ancient skeletal material. In fact, two similar non-traumatic indentations were observed on the right fibula, neither are connected with the crucifixion...Thus, the lack of traumatic injury to the forearm and metacarpals of the hand seems to suggest that the arms of the condemned were tied rather than nailed to the cross.<ref name="ReferenceC">Zias and Sekeles, "The Crucified Man from Giv'at ha-Mitvar: A Reappraisal," Israel Exploration Journal, Vol. 35 (1985), pp. 24;</ref>|''Israel Exploration Journal, Vol. 35, 1985''}}