Produk dot: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 82:
:<math>\mathbf A\cdot\mathbf B = \mathbf A\cdot\sum_i B_i\mathbf e_i = \sum_i B_i(\mathbf A\cdot\mathbf e_i) = \sum_i B_iA_i</math>
which is precisely the algebraic definition of the dot product. So the (geometric) dot product equals the (algebraic) dot product.
== Sifat ==
TheProduk dotskalar productmemenuhi fulfillssifat-sifat theberikut following properties ifjika '''a''', '''b''', anddan '''c''' are realadalah [[vectorvektor (geometryspasial)|vectorsvektor]] and[[bilangan real|real]] dan ''r'' isadalah asuatu [[scalarskalar (mathematicsmatematika)|scalarbilangan skalar]].<ref name="Lipschutz2009" /><ref name="Spiegel2009" />
# '''[[CommutativeKomutatif]]:'''
The dot product fulfills the following properties if '''a''', '''b''', and '''c''' are real [[vector (geometry)|vectors]] and ''r'' is a [[scalar (mathematics)|scalar]].<ref name="Lipschutz2009" /><ref name="Spiegel2009" />
# '''[[Commutative]]:'''
#: <math> \mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b} = \mathbf{b} \cdot \mathbf{a}.</math>
#: which follows from the definition (''θ'' is the angle between '''a''' and '''b'''):
#: <math>\mathbf{a}\cdot \mathbf{b} = \|\mathbf{a}\|\|\mathbf{b}\|\cos\theta = \|\mathbf{b}\|\|\mathbf{a}\|\cos\theta = \mathbf{b}\cdot\mathbf{a} </math>
# '''[[DistributiveDistributif property|DistributiveDistributif]] over vector addition:'''
#: <math> \mathbf{a} \cdot (\mathbf{b} + \mathbf{c}) = \mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b} + \mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{c}. </math>
# '''[[bilinear form|Bilinear]]''':
Baris 96:
= r(\mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b}) + (\mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{c}).
# '''[[ScalarPerkalian multiplicationskalar]]:'''
#: <math> (c_1\mathbf{a}) \cdot (c_2\mathbf{b}) = c_1 c_2 (\mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b}) </math>
# '''[[OrthogonalOrtogonal]]:'''
#: TwoDua non-zerovektor vectorsbukan-nol '''a''' anddan '''b''' areadalah ''orthogonal[[ortogonal]]'' [[ifjika anddan onlyhanya ifjika]] {{nowrap|1='''a''' ⋅ '''b''' = 0}}.
# '''NoTidak ada [[:en:cancellation law|cancellation]]:'''
#: UnlikeBerbeda multiplicationdengan ofperkalian ordinaryangka numbersbiasa, wheredi ifmana jika {{nowrap|1=''ab'' = ''ac''}}, thenmaka ''b'' alwaysselalu equalssama dengan ''c'' unlesskecuali ''a'' issama zerodengan [[nol]], the dot product doesproduk notskalar obeytidak themenuruti [[cancellation law]]:
#: IfJika {{nowrap|1='''a''' ⋅ '''b''' = '''a''' ⋅ '''c'''}} anddan {{nowrap|'''a''' ≠ '''0'''}}, thenmaka wedapat can writeditulis: {{nowrap|1='''a''' ⋅ ('''b''' − '''c''') = 0}} by thedengan [[distributivehukum lawdistributif]]; thehasil resultdi aboveatas saysmengatakan thisbahwa justini meanshanya thatberarti '''a''' istegak perpendicularlurus todengan {{nowrap|('''b''' − '''c''')}}, whichdi stillmana allowsmasih mengizinkan {{nowrap|('''b''' − '''c''') ≠ '''0'''}}, and thereforesehingga {{nowrap|'''b''' ≠ '''c'''}}.
# '''[[Product Rule]]:''' IfJika '''a''' anddan '''b''' areadalah suatu [[functionfungsi (mathematicsmatematika)|functionsfungsi]], thenmaka the derivative[[turunan]] ([[Notation for differentiation#Lagrange's notation|denoteddilambangkan byoleh atanda ''prime'']] ′) ofdari {{nowrap|'''a''' ⋅ '''b'''}} isadalah {{nowrap|'''a'''′ ⋅ '''b''' + '''a''' ⋅ '''b'''′}}.
===Application to the cosine law===
[[File:Dot product cosine rule.svg|100px|thumb|Triangle with vector edges '''a''' and '''b''', separated by angle ''θ''.]]