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Baris 38:
*[[Yosua bin Nun]] mengingatkan bangsa Israel dalam pidato terakhirnya kepada mereka: "Ketika itu Balak bin Zipor, raja Moab, bangkit berperang melawan orang Israel. Disuruhnya memanggil Bileam bin Beor untuk mengutuki kamu."<ref>{{Alkitab|Yosua 24:9}}</ref>
*Dalam [[Kitab Mikha]], nabi [[Mikha]] menyampaikan Firman Tuhan yang mengingatkan bangsa Israel: "Umat-Ku, baiklah ingat apa yang dirancangkan oleh Balak, raja Moab, dan apa yang dijawab kepadanya oleh Bileam bin Beor dan apa yang telah terjadi dari Sitim sampai ke Gilgal, supaya engkau mengakui perbuatan-perbuatan keadilan dari TUHAN."<ref>{{Alkitab|Mikha 6:5}}</ref>
==Tradisi [[Kristen]]==
Dalam {{Alkitab|Wahyu 2:12-14}} [[Yesus]] [[Kristus]] menyebut nama Bileam:<br>
:"Dan tuliskanlah kepada malaikat jemaat di Pergamus: Inilah firman Dia, yang memakai pedang yang tajam dan bermata dua:Aku tahu di mana engkau diam, yaitu di sana, di tempat takhta Iblis; dan engkau berpegang kepada nama-Ku, dan engkau tidak menyangkal imanmu kepada-Ku, juga tidak pada zaman Antipas, saksi-Ku, yang setia kepada-Ku, yang dibunuh di hadapan kamu, di mana Iblis diam. Tetapi Aku mempunyai beberapa keberatan terhadap engkau: di antaramu ada beberapa orang yang menganut '''ajaran Bileam''', yang memberi nasihat kepada Balak untuk menyesatkan orang Israel, supaya mereka makan persembahan berhala dan berbuat zina."
== Nubuat ==
Semua nubuat yang diucapkan Bileam mengikuti bentuk syair (Ibrani):
* Yang pertama, {{Alkitab|Bilangan 23:7-10}}, menubuatkan kejayaan unik Kerajaan Israel, dan jumlah umat yang tak terhingga.
* Yang kedua, {{Alkitab|Bilangan 23:18-24}}, mensyukuri kebajikan moral Israel, kerajaannya, dan keberhasilan militernya.
* Yang ketiga, {{Alkitab|Bilangan 24:3-9}}, mensyukuri kejayaan dan keberhasilan kerajaan Israel.
* Yang keempat, {{Alkitab|Bilangan 24:14-19}}, menubuatkan kedatangan seorang raja yang akan menguasai Edom dan Moab
* Yang kelima, {{Alkitab|Bilangan 24:20}}, mengenai kehancuran Amalek
* Yang keenam, {{Alkitab|Bilangan 24:21-22}}, mengenai kehancuran orang Keni oleh Asyur
* Yang ketujuh, {{Alkitab|Bilangan 24:23-24}}, mengenai "kapal-kapal Kittim" yang datang dari barat untuk menyerang Asyur dan Eber
All the prophecies that Balaam makes take the form of (Hebrew) poems:
* The first, Numbers 23:7&ndash;10, prophesies the unique exaltation of the Kingdom of Israel, and its countless numbers.
* The second, Numbers 23:18&ndash;24, celebrates the moral virtue of Israel, its monarchy, and military conquests.
* The third, Numbers 24:3&ndash;9, celebrates the glory and conquests of Israel's monarchy.
* The fourth, Numbers 24:14&ndash;19, prophesies the coming of a king who will conquer Edom and Moab
* The fifth, Numbers 24:20, concerns the ruins of Amalek
* The sixth, Numbers 24:21&ndash;22, concerns the destruction of the Kenites by Assyria
* The seventh, Numbers 24:23&ndash;24, concerns "ships of Kittim" coming from the west to attack Assyria and Eber
The poems fall into three groups. The first group consists of two poems which characteristically start immediately. The third group of three poems also start immediately, but are much shorter. The second group, however, consists of two poems which both start:
Baris 66 ⟶ 67:
In the view of textual criticism{{fact|date=March 2011}}, the narrative, excepting the episode involving the donkey, is simply a framework invented in order to be able to insert much older poems. Whether the poems themselves are considered to constitute prophecies, or simply poems created after the events they appear to prophesy, tends to depend on whether the commentator is religious or not.
==Bileam dalam sastra rabinik ==
==Balaam in rabbinic literature==
In [[rabbinic literature]] Balaam is represented as one of seven [[gentile]] [[prophet]]s; the other six being Beor (Balaam's father), [[Book of Job|Job]], and Job's four friends (Talmud, B. B. 15b). In this literature, Balaam gradually acquired a position among the non-Jews, which was exalted as much as that of Moses among the Jews (Midrash Numbers Rabbah 20); at first being a mere interpreter of dreams, but later becoming a magician, until finally the spirit of prophecy descended upon him (ib. 7).
Baris 82 ⟶ 83:
The Rabbis, playing on the name Balaam, call him "Belo 'Am" (without people; that is, without a share with the people in the world to come), or "Billa' 'Am" (one that ruined a people); and this hostility against his memory finds its climax in the dictum that whenever one discovers a feature of wickedness or disgrace in his life, one should preach about it (Sanh. 106b). In the process of killing Balaam (Num. xxxi. 8), all four legal methods of execution—stoning, burning, decapitating, and strangling—were employed (Sanh. l.c.). He met his death at the age of thirty-three (ib.); and it is stated that he had no portion in the world to come (Sanh. x. 2; 90a). The Bible devotes a special section to the remarkable history of the prophet, in order to answer the question, why God has taken away the power of prophecy from the Gentiles (Tan., Balak, 1). Moses is expressly mentioned as the author of this episode in the Pentateuch (B. B. 14b).J. Sr. H. M.
"[[AhitophelAhitofel]] of the house of Israel and Balaam of the heathen nations were the two great sages of the world who, failing to show gratitude to God for their wisdom, perished in dishonor. To them the prophetic word finds application: 'Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,' Jer. ix. 23" (Num. R. xxii.).<ref>[ Jewish Encyclopedia]</ref>
==Balaam in the New Testament, Josephus & Philo==
An interesting, but doubtful, emendation makes this poem describe the nun of Shamal, a state in northwest Syria. In the [[New Testament]], Balaam is cited as a type of avarice; for example in [[BookWahyu of2#Ayat Revelation]]14|Wahyu 2:14]] we read of false teachers at Pergamum who held the "teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a stumbling-block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication." Balaam has attracted much interest, alike from Jews, Christians and Muslims. [[Josephus]] paraphrases the story more so, and speaks of Balaam as the best prophet of his time, but with a disposition ill adapted to resist [[temptation]].<ref>[[JosephusFlavius Yosefus]], ''[[AntiquitiesAntiquitates of the JewsIudaicae]]'', iv. 6, § 2</ref> [[PhiloFilo]] describes him as a great magician in the ''Life of Moses'' ;<ref>[[Philo]], ''De Vita Moysis'', i. 48: "a man renowned above all men for his skill as a diviner and a prophet, who foretold to the various nations important events, abundance and rain, or droughts and famine, inundations or pestilence."</ref> elsewhere he speaks of "the [[sophist]] Balaam, being," i.e. symbolizing "a vain crowd of contrary and warring opinions" and again as "a vain people" — both phrases being based on a mistaken etymology of the name Balaam.
Balaam also figures as an example of a false teacher in both [[2 Peter]] 2:15 and in [[Jude the Apostle|Jude]] 1:11. In both of these verses, Balaam is cited as an example of a false prophet motived by greed or avarice. These references harken to the Old Testament account of Balaam in Numbers 22&ndash;24 in which King Balak hires the renowned Balaam to curse his enemies (Israel). Even though God intervenes and makes Balaam deliver blessings instead of curses, it's clear that Balaam was normally a prophet for hire. The verses in 2 Peter and Jude are then warnings to the early Christians to beware of religious leaders who are enjoying financial advantages.
Baris 110 ⟶ 111:
{{details|Inskripsi Deir Alla}}
Pada tahun 1967 [[arkeolog]] menemukan sebuah [[Inskripsi Deir Alla|"inskripsi" di [[Deir Alla]], [[Yordania]] yang menyebutkan nama "Bileam bin Beor" beberapa kali serta mencatat suatu [[nubuat]] yang ditulis dalam dialek [[bahasa Aram]] dan bahasa Kanaan selatan, yaitu dalam bentuk tulisan ''idiosinkratik''.<ref>Jo Ann Hackett, ''The Balaam Text from Deir ʿAllā''. (Harvard Semitic Monographs '''31''') 1980, released 1984.</ref> Prasasti ini diperkirakan dibuat pada tahun 840&ndash;760 SM; ditulis dengan tinta berwarna merah dan hitam, nampaknya untuk menekankan isinya, pada fragmen tembok yang dicat: 119 potongan cat tembok dapat dikumpulkan. Menurut isi prasasti, Bileam terbangun sambil menangis dan mengatakan kepada bangsanya bahwa dewa-dewa menampakkan diri kepadanya di waktu malam, memberitahukan perihal satu dewi yang mengancam untuk menghancurkan tanah itu.<ref>J. Hoftijzer and G. van der Kooij, ''Aramaic Texts from Deir 'Alla'' ''Documenta et Monumenta Orientis Antiqui '''19''' (Leiden) 1976.</ref> Dewi ini menguasai langit dan akan membuat bumi menjadi gelap gulita. Meindert Dykstra menganggap bahwa "Keengganan pakar Perjanjian Lama untuk memperhitungkan tulisan ini disebabkan kondisi penemuan yang rusak, kesulitan untuk merekonstruksi dan membacanya, dan banyak pertanyaan dari bentuk tulisan, bahasa, bentuk sastra serta isi keagamaannya."<ref>Meindert Dijkstra, "Is Balaam Also among the Prophets?" ''Journal of Biblical Literature'' '''114'''.1 (Spring 1995, pp. 43&ndash;64), p. 44.</ref>
==Lihat pula==
* [[Baal-Peor]]
* [[Inskripsi Deir Alla]]
* Bagian [[Alkitab]] yang berkaitan: [[Bilangan 22]], [[Bilangan 23]], [[Bilangan 24]], [[Bilangan 31]], [[Yosua 24]], [[Mikha 6]], [[Wahyu 2]]