Muhammad Zuhal: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Menolak perubahan teks terakhir (oleh dan mengembalikan revisi 7794779 oleh Jayrangkoto
Baris 23:
'''Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Zuhal, MSc, EE''' ({{lahirmati|[[Kota Cirebon|Cirebon]], [[Jawa Barat]]|5|5|1941}})<ref name="Republika">[ "Prof Dr Ir Zuhal: Kemajuan Harus Diperjuangkan"] ''[[Republika Online]]'', 2/12/2008. Diakses 11/4/2014.</ref> adalah seorang ilmuwan dan mantan [[Daftar Menteri Riset dan Teknologi Indonesia|Menteri Riset dan Teknologi]] era [[Kabinet Reformasi Pembangunan]] serta mantan Direktur Utama [[PLN|PLN♙]].
Saat ini Beliau ditunjuk oleh Presiden RI sebagai Ketua Komite Inovasi (KIN). Prof. Zuhal adalah perintis beridirinya Universitas Al- Azhar Indonesia dan menjadi rektor pertama semenjak tahun 2000 s/d 2013.
== Riwayat ==
==== Kehidupan pribadi ====
Prof.Muhammad Zuhal lahir pada 5 Mei 1941 di kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat, dari seorang ibu yang berdarah [[Orang Minang|Minangkabau]] dari [[Kabupaten Padang Pariaman|Padang Pariaman]], [[Sumatera Barat]] yang keluarganya telah merantau ke Bandung dan Cirebon sebagai pedagang di masa sebelum kemerdekaan, sedangkan ayahnya Abdul Qadir Hasan yang lahirberasal didari Singapore dan menetap di Bangil[[Suku Jawa Timur|Jawa]] adalah anak dari seorang ulama A. Hasan yang cukup dikenal pada masanya di kota [[Kota Bandung|Bandung]].
Bersama [[Azyumardi Azra]], Prof. Zuhal juga pernah aktif dalam kepengurusan [[Persatuan Keluarga Daerah Piaman]] (PKDP) Periode 2008 - 2013 sebagai anggota Dewan Pakar.<ref name="PKDP">[ "Susunan Pengurus DPP PKDP 2008-2013"] ''Situs PKDP/Arsip''. Diakses 11/4/2014.</ref>
Selain senang membaca dan menulis buku Prof. Zuhal juga seorang penikmat music terutama Jazz dan Classic disamping pecinta seni lukis.
Dari pernikahannya dengan Syahlina Latief beliau dikaruniai 3 orang anak (DR.Lavi Rizki.PhD, Ir.Kosi Kausar, dan Alvin Mardi) serta 4 orang cucu (Alfan, Ashkan, Hagia, dan Shanna)
==== Karier ====
Baris 53 ⟶ 47:
* ''Kekuatan Daya Saing Indonesia'' (Penerbit Buku KOMPAS, 2008)
* ''Knowledge and Innovation'' (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2010)
* Gelombang Ekonomi Inovasi (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2013)
== Penelitian dan karya ilmiah ==
; 1985 - 1988 :
* ZOPPLAN (ZUHAL OPTIMUM PLANNING) Universitas Indonesia (1985 - 1988)
ZOPPLAN* adalah sebuah softwareSoftware untuk optimasi Sistem Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik di Indonesia, selain (digunakan di bidang akademis digunakan juga oleh World Bank untuk Energy Pricing Policy Study (EPPS))
; 1982 - 1985 :
* Visiting Researcher : STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE, PALO ALTO California (1980)
* Penelitian untuk berbagai Mathematical Modeling di bidang Optimasi Multiobjektif Pengembangan Sistem Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik di Universitas Indonesia (1985 - 2000)
== Penghargaan ==
Baris 73 ⟶ 66:
* Life Time Achievement Award (PII, 2009)
* Doctor Honoris Causa (Dr (HC)) dari Tokyo Denki University, Japan (2011)
== Curriculum Vitae English Version ==
Name                                               :    Prof. 
e-mail                                               : and
CurrentPosition                                : Chairman of National InnovationCouncil (2010-Present)
Rector of the Al Azhar Indonesia University (UAI) (2000 – 2013)
* Earned a Professorship of Electrical
Engineering at the University of Indonesia (1995)
* Completed a Doctoral Program (Ph.D) in Electrical Engineering, under a sandwich program between University of Indonesia and the University of Tokyo, Japan (1985)
* Research fellow at Stanford Research
Institute (SRI), Menlo Park, USA (1981)
* Completed a Master of Science Degree Program in Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California, USA (1977)
* Research fellow at the Department of Electrical Engineering, New South Wales University, Sydney, Australia (1970)
* Graduated from Department of Electrical Engineering, Tokyo Denki University, Japan (1966)
* Starting undergraduate program at the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), but later received a scholarship from Government of Indonesia to continue my study at the Tokyo Denki University (1962-1966), Japan (1961)
'''A.      Academic Profession                     :'''
* Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Indonesia (1995- 2007)
* Chairman of Electric Power Engineering (Gatrik-UI), University of Indonesia (1987–1992)
* Chairman of Electrical Engineering Department, University of Indonesia (1983–1984)
* Senior Lecturer at the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Indonesia (1978-2010)
* Secretary of the Electrical Engineering Department, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), (1973-1975)
* Researcher, at Energy Conversion Laboratory, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), (1967-1979)
* Lecturer of ElectricalEngineering Department, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), (1967-1979)
'''B.       Government OfficialPosition        :'''
Several important high level of Government Official Positions between 1980 to 2000:
Minister of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia concurrently as: (1998–2000)
·      Chairman of BPPT (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology), and
·      Chairman of the National Research Council
Vice Chairman of BPPT (Agency for the Assessmentand Application of Technology), (1997–1998)
Director General of Electricity and Energy Development at the Department of Mines and Energy (1995 – 1997)
President Director of PLN, a State-owned Electricity Company (1992 – 1995)
Expert Staff for Electricity to the Minister of Mines and Energy (1990 – 1992)
Director for Assessment of Energy Resources, BPPT (Agency for the Assessment&Application of Technology), (1985 – 1989)
·         Bintang Mahaputra Adipradana (2<sup>nd</sup> Class of the Star of Mahaputera ribbon. 1999)
·         The Order of Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star, 2008 (From Emperor of Japan, Seal of State by Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, the 29<sup>th</sup>day, the 4<sup>th</sup>month, the 20<sup>th</sup>year of Heisei/2008)
·         The Life Time Achievement Award, 2009 (From the Institution of Engineers Indonesia/PII)
·         Ganesha Prajamanggala Bhakti Adiutama, ITB, 2009 (Acknowledgement for participation in the institution development of Institute of Technology Bandung)
Developed a software program for the Multi Objective Optimization of Electric Power system development called ZOPPLAN (Zuhal Optimum Planning). Beside for academic purpose, the software was also used by the World Bank for the Energy Pricing Policy Study (EPPS) in Indonesia.
Written 4 text books (in Indonesian);
1.     Basic Electrical Power (ITB Press, 1991)
2.     Electrical Power Engineering and Power Electronic (Gramedia, 1992)
3.     Basic Principle of ElectricalEngineering (Gramedia, 2004)
4.     Electricity Development in Indonesia (Ganesha Prima, 1995)
Wrote the followingbest-sellingbooks:
1.     Science and Technology in the 3<sup>rd</sup>Millenium (UI Press, 2000)
2.     The Strengthen of IndonesianCompetitiveness (Kompas Press, 2008)
3.     Knowledge and Innovation: A Platform for a Competitiveness Strength (Gramedia, 2010)
4.     Wave of Innovation Economic: A Challenced for Indonesia (Gramedia, 2013)
Published many scientific papers on electric power engineering and energy policy, among others:
1.     ”Indonesian Technology: Toward a Self Reliance-Nation”,the 15<sup>th</sup> UNESCO-APEID International Conference, Jakarta,December 6-8,  2011
2.      ”Innovation and Green Economy for Sustainable Indonesia” International Conference on Ocean Energy and Deep Ocean Water Application (DOWA), Kuta-Bali, May 5, 2011
3.      ”S&T Diplomacy and Cooperation for Green-Based Economic Development” 7<sup>th</sup>Annual Meeting, Science and Technology in Society (STS forum; Kyoto, October 3-5, 2010
4.      Indonesian Energy Development within the Framework of ASEAN Coorporation”Fourth Annual Meeting 2007”, STS Forum (Science and Technology in Society forum), Kyoto Japan, October 7-9, 2007
5.     ”Impack of Renewable Energy Development”Asian Science and Technology Seminar in Jakarta: UNESCO-JST Session ,March 8-9, 2007
6.     ”Living in an Online World”, the 2001 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communications and Information; Jakarta, March, 2001
7.     ”Science and Technology Cooperation in the Moslem World; An Alternative Desiderium”, IIFTIHAR International Conference, Jakarta November 15-16 , 2001
8.     ”Quality in Research (QIR), Towards Establishment of Science and Technology Park”, the 2000 FT-UI Seminar Quality in Research, Jakarta, August 30, 2000
9.     ”Information Technology in Arena of Digital E-Economy”, Jakarta Computer Expo (JACEX ’99) Conference, ”E-Commerce in Action”, Jakarta Convention Centre, September 22, 1999
10.  ”Electric Power Development within the Frame work of National Energy Diversification Policy”, Paper presented at the Technical University of Vienna, Institute of Electrical Plants, Vienna-Austria, June 17, 1996
11.  ”Dissemination and Implementation on Renewable Sources of Energy in Indonesia”, Grand Solar Challenge, International Symposium Tokyo, Japan, October 7, 1995
12.  ”Asean Development and Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy” J.A.I.F Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, April 1995 (28<sup>th</sup>Yearly Conference of J.A.I.F)
13.  ”Infrastructure Development and It’s Related Industries”, APEC Business Forum, Tuesday, Jakarta, November15, 1994
14.  ”Indonesia, an Energy Country in the Dynamic Economic Region of South-East”, 14<sup>th </sup>Workshop Energy, RFW, Germany, March 1994
15.  ”Future Electric Power Supply and Required Investment (including the Economics of Developing Geothermal Energy Resources WEC – Executive Assembly Meeting, World Energy Council, Nusa Dua, Bali, September 1993
16.  ”Electric Power Development, Private Power and It’s Surrounding Issues”, Seminar – Private Industry Participation in the Electricity Sector In Indonesia, October 1992
17.  ”Modeling in Energy Pricing Policy Study”, Leadership Course (SUSPI) Migas VIII, Redecon, Semarang, July 1988
18.  ”Multi-Objective Optimization for Development of Electric Power in Indonesia”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Simulation of Complex System, Tokyo, July 1986
19.  ”Modeling for Long-Term Planning of Electrical Generation System in Indonesia”, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 1983
20.  ”Development of Electric Power System within the Framework of the Energy Policy”, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 1981
21.  ”Magnetizing Inrush Currents in Transformers”, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1976
22.  ”The Performance of A.C. System with Predominant Power Supply by H.V.D.C. Inverter”, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1976
* Head of Delegation to the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) Copenhagen, Denmark, June 21-26 (2014)
* Head of Delegation of Indonesian National Innovation Council to Japan (visiting various S&T and Innovation Institution in Japan. (2012)
* Member of Delegation of Republic of Indonesia on Negotiation with World Bank (IBRD) for Rural Electrification II, Washington D.C. USA (1994)
* Member of
Delegation of Republic of Indonesiato to Asian Development Bank (ADB) to discuss Power Project XXIV, Manila, Phillippines (1994)
* Chairman of Delegation of Republic of Indonesia to the 10<sup>th</sup>Meeting of the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities, Puket, Thailand (1993)
* Member of Delegation of Republic of Indonesia on Negotiation with World Bank (IBRD) to DevelopPLTA Cirata II, Washington D.C. USA (1993)
* Member of Delegation of Republic of Indonesia on Negotiation with Asian Development Bank (ADB) to financingthe Power Project XXIII, Manila, Phillippines (1993)
* Member of Delegation of Republic of Indonesia on 4<sup>th</sup> Joint Energy Cooperation Meeting Indonesia-Taiwan, Taipei (1993)
* Chairman of Delegation of Republic of Indonesia to the 15<sup>th</sup> World Energy Council (WEC) Congress Technical Program, Madrid, Spain (1992)
* Chairman of Delegation of Republic of Indonesia to the    9<sup>th </sup>Meeting of the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities, Singapore (1992)
* Member of Delegation of Republic of Indonesia on Negotiation with ADB (Asian Development Bank) to financing Suralaya Thermal Power Project (5, 6 and 7), Manila Phillippines (1992)
* Member of Delegation of Republic of Indonesia on Negotiation with World Bank (IBRD) to financing Suralaya Thermal Power Project, Washington D.C., USA (1992)
* Member of Delegation of Republic of Indonesia on Joint Indonesia-Japan Energy Committee, Tokyo, Japan (1988)
* Member of Delegation of Republic of Indonesia to the UNESCO General Assembly, Paris (1983)
* Member of Delegation of Republic of Indonesia to the UNESCO Regional Assembly, Manila - Phillippines (1982)
* Asean Senior Official for Energy Cooperation Leader Indonesia (1996)
* Chairman of Technical Committee on Energy Resources (PTE), (1995)
* Secretary of National Energy Coordinating Board (BAKOREN), (1995)
* Chairman of Board Electrical Engineering Department, PII (1990)
* Member of National Energy Committee (KEN), World Energy Conference (1985)
* Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), (1985)
* Member of the IndonesianInstitute for Energy Economics (IIEE), (1980)
* Member of PII (the Institution of Engineers Indonesia), (1979)
== Rujukan ==