Bruce M. Metzger: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 3:
|name=Bruce Manning Metzger
|image=Bruce Metzger.JPG
|era=20thabad Centuryke-20
|birth_date={{birth date|1914|02|09}}
|birth_place=[[Middletown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania|Middletown, Pennsylvania]]
|death_date={{death date and age|2007|02|13|1914|02|09}}
|death_place=[[Princeton, New Jersey]]
|occupation= sarjana [[Biblical scholarAlkitab]], [[textualkritik critic]]tekstual, instructorinstruktur, authorpengarang
|nationality=American [[Amerika Serikat]]
|main_interests=[[New Testament Text Criticism]], [[NewKanon]] Testament[[Perjanjian CanonBaru]]
|notable_works=''Lexical Aids for Students of New Testament Greek'', ''The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and significance''
|spouse= Isobel Mackay
Baris 29:
[[File:Kurt Aland - Amrican Bibl Society.jpg|thumb|Metzger, Aland, Wikgren, Black]]
Metzger editedmenyunting anddan providedmenyediakan commentarykomentari forpada manybanyak Bibleterjemahan translationsAlkitab anddan wrotemenulis dozenslusinan of booksbuku. HeIa wasadalah anseorang editorpenyunting of thepada [[United Bible Societies]]' standarduntuk GreekPerjanjian NewBaru bahasa TestamentYunani standar, thetitik startingawal pointhampir forsemua nearlyterjemahan allPerjanjian recentBaru New Testamentyang translationsterbaru. InPada tahun 1952, heia becamemenjadi aseorang contributorkontributor topada the[[Alkitab]] [[Revised Standard Version]] (RSV) of the Bible, anddan wasmerupakan generalpenyunting editor of theumum [[Revised Standard Version#Adaptations of the RSV|''Reader's Digest Bible'']] (asebuah condensedversi version of thesingkat RSV) inpada tahun 1982. FromDari tahun 1977 tosampai 1990, heia chairedmenjadi theketua Committee on Translators foruntuk the[[Alkitab]] [[New Revised Standard Version]] (NRSV) ofdan the"banyak Biblebertanggung andjawab was "largely responsible foruntuk ... seeingmengawai [the NRSV] through themasuk presspercetakan."<ref name="SBL">[ Obituary] from [[Society of Biblical Literature]]</ref> HeIa consideredmenganggap itsuatu akehormatan privilegeuntuk todapat presentmenghadiahkan theNRSV NRSV—which includesyang thememasukkan books referredbuku-buku toyang asdianggap [[ApocryphaApokrif]] byoleh Protestantskalangan [[Protestan]], thoughmeskipun [[RomanGereja CatholicKatolik Roma]]s anddan [[EasternGereja OrthodoxOrtodoks Timur]] considermenganggap themsebagai [[deuterocanonicaldeuterokanonika]]—to— kepada [[PopePaus JohnYohanes PaulPaulus II]] anddan [[Patriarch Demetrius I of Constantinople]].<ref name="SBL"/>
CentralKontribusi toutamanya hispada scholarlystudi contributionPerjanjian toBaru New Testament studies isadalah histrilogi trilogykaryanya: ''The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration'' (1964; 2nd ed., 1968; 3d enlarged ed., 1992); ''The Early Versions of the New Testament: Their Origin, Transmission, and Limitations'' (1977); ''The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and Significance'' (1987).<ref>James A. Brooks, "Bruce Metzger as Textual Critic," Princeton Seminary Bulletin, vol. 15, no. 2, new series (1994), 157.</ref> TheVolume firstpertama volumedari ofsuatu aseri seriesyang thatdimulai hedan founded and editeddisuntingnya, ''New Testament Tools and Studies,'' appearedyang muncul pada intahun 1960.
Metzger'sKomentari commentariesMetzger oftensering utilizemenggunakan [[historicalkritik criticism]]sejarah anddan [[higherkritik criticism]]tinggi, whichyang attemptmencoba tomenjelaskan explainasal theusul literarysastra anddan historicalsejarah originsdari ofAlkitab theserta Biblekanon andAlkitab. theMisalnya, [[biblicalMetzger canon]].berargumen Forbahwa instance,gereja Metzgermula-mula arguesyang thatmembukukan thePerjanjian earlyBaru churchtidak whichmenganggap assembledilham theilahi Newsebagai Testamentkriteria didyang notmemadai considerbagi [[biblicalsuatu inspiration|divinebuku inspiration]]untuk todimasukkan beke adalam sufficientkanon. criterionMetzger formengatakan abahwa bookgereja tomula-mula bemelihat placedbahwa inpenting thebagi canon.suatu Metzgerkarya yang menggambarkan sayskesays that the early church saw it as very important that a work describing Jesus' life be written by a follower of or an eyewitness to Jesus, and considered other works such as [[Shepherd of Hermas|''The Shepherd'' of Hermas]] and the ''[[Epistles of Clement (disambiguation)|Epistles of Clement]]'' to be inspired but not canonical.<ref>"The Fathers … did not consider inspiration to be a unique characteristic of canonical writings." Bruce M. Metzger, The Canon of the New Testament (Oxford: Clarendon, 1997), 256, and see 211, n. 6.</ref>
In discussing the canon, Metzger identifies three criteria “for acceptance of particular writings as sacred, authoritative, and worthy of being read in services of worship…”, criteria which were “generally adopted during the course of the second century, and were never modified thereafter”, namely, orthodoxy (conformity to the rule of faith), apostolicity, and consensus among the churches.<ref>Bruce M. Metzger, The New Testament: Its Background, Growth, and Content, 3rd ed., rev. and enlarged (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2003), 317–8. And see the detailed discussion in Metzger, The Canon of the New Testament (Oxford: Clarendon, 1997), 251–4.</ref> He concludes that, “In the most basic sense neither individuals nor councils created the canon; instead they came to recognize and acknowledge the self-authenticating quality of these writings, which imposed themselves as canonical upon the church.”<ref>Bruce M. Metzger, The New Testament: Its Background, Growth, and Content, 3rd ed., rev. and enlarged (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2003), 318. Also see Metzger, The Canon of the New Testament (Oxford: Clarendon, 1997), 287–8.</ref>
=== Daftar buku dan publikasi ===
* ''Apostolic Letters of Faith, Hope, and Love: Galatians, 1 Peter, and 1 John'' (2006)