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Baris 92:
{{Main|Anatolia prasejarah|Balkan prasejarah}}
{{see also|Anatolia kuno|Kerajaan kuno Anatolia|Bangsa Trakia}}
[[File:Hattusa.liongate.jpg|thumb|left|TheGerbang Lion Gate atSinga [[Hattusa]], capitalibu of thekota [[HittitesBangsa Het|HittiteKerajaan EmpireHet]]. The city's history dates back to the 6th millennium BC.]]
[[Semenanjung Anatolia]] adalah salah satu wilayah berpenduduk yang tertua di dunia. Berbagai populasi [[Anatolia kuno]] menetap di [[Anatolia]], dimulai pada periode [[Neolitikum]] hingga ditaklukkan oleh [[Alexander Agung]].<ref name="SteadmanMcMahon2011"/> Bahasa yang digunakan adalah [[bahasa Anatolia]], cabang bahasa dari [[rumpun bahasa Indo-Eropa]].<ref name="UCLA">{{cite web|url=http://www.linguistics.ucla.edu/people/Melchert/The%20Position%20of%20Anatolian.pdf|archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/6GNtCVWdz|archivedate=5 May 2013|title=The Position of Anatolian |format=PDF|accessdate=4 May 2013}}</ref> Bahkan, para peneliti telah mengusulkan Anatolia sebagai pusat hipotesis, di mana bahasa Indo-Eropa menyebar.<ref name="AnatoliaIndoEuropean">{{Cite journal|last=Balter|first=Michael|title=Search for the Indo-Europeans: Were Kurgan horsemen or Anatolian farmers responsible for creating and spreading the world's most far-flung language family?|journal=[[Science (journal)|Science]]|volume=303|issue=5662|page=1323|date=27 February 2004|doi=10.1126/science.303.5662.1323|pmid=14988549}}</ref> Bagian wilayah Turki di Eropa disebut [[Trakia Timur]]. Wilayah ini tidak berpenduduk sejak empat ribu tahun yang lalu, dan memasuki masa Neolithikum sekitar tahun 6000 SM dengan penduduknya yang mulai bercocok tanam.<ref name="MET"/>
Baris 101:
Setelah runtuhnya kerajaan Het pada tahun 1180 SM, [[bangsa Frigia|Kerajaan Frigia]] berkuasa di Anatolia sampai kerajaan mereka dihancurkan oleh [[Suku Kimmeri]] pada abad ke-7 SM.<ref name="TroyHittiteEmpirePhrygians">{{cite web|url=http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/03/waa/ht03waa.htm|archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20060910042040/http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/03/waa/ht03waa.htm|archivedate=10 September 2006|title=Anatolia and the Caucasus, 2000–1000 B.C. in ''Timeline of Art History.''|author=The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York|authorlink=Metropolitan Museum of Art|publisher=New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art|accessdate=21 December 2006|date=October 2000}}</ref>
=== TurkiAntikuitas dan Kesultanan UtsmaniyahPeriode Bizantium===
{{Main|Anatolia Klasik|Anatolia Bizantium}}
{{Main|Migrasi Bangsa Turki|Kesultanan Seljuk Raya|Kesultanan Rûm|Kesultanan Utsmaniyah}}
{{see also|Kekaisaran Bizantium|Konstantinopel|Kerajaan Odrysia}}
[[Berkas:Ottoman empire.svg|thumb|300px|Teritorial Utsmaniyah yang diperoleh antara [[1481]] dan [[1683]].]]
[[File:Turkey-3019 - Hagia Sophia (2216460729).jpg|thumb|right|Pada awalnya berfungsi sebagai gereja, lalu berubah menjadi masjid, dan kemudian berubah lagi menjadi museum hingga sekarang. [[Hagia Sophia]] dibangun pada masa [[Kekaisaran Bizantium]].]]
Sekitar tahun 1200 SM, pantai Anatolia dikuasai oleh [[suku Aiolia]] dan [[suku Ionia]] [[Yunani kuno|Yunani]]. Banyak kota-kota penting yang didirikan, seperti [[Miletos]], [[Ephesos]], [[Smirna]], dan [[Bizantium]], dan yang terakhir didirikan adalah [[Megara]] pada tahun 657 SM. Negara pertama yang disebut [[Armenia]] oleh wilayah lain adalah negara [[dinasti Orontid]] Armenia, yang termasuk bagian dari Turki timur yang dimulai pada abad ke-6 SM. Di Turki barat daya, kelompok suku yang paling berpengaruh di Trakia adalah [[Kerajaan Odysiria|suku Odyrisia]], yang didirikan oleh [[Teres I]].<ref name="LewisBoardman1994">{{cite book|author1=D. M. Lewis|author2=John Boardman|title=The Cambridge Ancient History|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=vx251bK988gC&pg=PA462|accessdate=7 April 2013|year=1994|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-23348-4|pages=444–}}</ref>
Anatolia ditaklukkan oleh [[Kekaisaran Akhemeniyah]] dari Persia selama abad ke-6 dan ke-5 SM lalu kemudian jatuh ke tangan [[Aleksander Agung]] pada tahun 334 SM,<ref name="PersiansInAsiaMinor">{{cite web|url=http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/GREECE/PERSIAN.HTM|archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/5uNLYWJA2|archivedate=20 November 2010|title=Ancient Greece: The Persian Wars|author=Hooker, Richard|publisher=Washington State University, Washington, United States|accessdate=22 December 2006|date=6 June 1999}}</ref> yang menyebabkan meningkatnya homogenitas kebudayaan dan [[Helenisasi]] di wilayah tersebut.<ref name="SteadmanMcMahon2011"/> Setelah kematian Aleksander pada tahun 323 SM, Anatolia kemudian dibagi menjadi beberapa [[Periode Hellenistik|kerajaan Helenistik]], yang semuanya menjadi bagian dari [[Republik Romawi]] pada pertengahan abad ke-1 SM.<ref name="AlexanderToRome">{{cite web|url=http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/04/waa/ht04waa.htm|archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20061214003932/http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/04/waa/ht04waa.htm|archivedate=14 December 2006|title=Anatolia and the Caucasus (Asia Minor), 1000 B.C. – 1 A.D. in ''Timeline of Art History.''|author=The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York|authorlink=Metropolitan Museum of Art|publisher=New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art|accessdate=21 December 2006|date=October 2000}}</ref> Proses [[Helenisasi]] yang dimulai dengan penaklukan Aleksander dipercepat saat berada di bawah kekuasaan Romawi, sehingga pada awal abad Masehi bahasa Anatolia dan budaya setempat telah punah digantikan oleh bahasa Yunani.<ref name="FreedmanMyers2000"/><ref name="Hout2011">{{cite book|author=Theo van den Hout|title=The Elements of Hittite|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=QDJNg5Nyef0C&pg=PA1|accessdate=24 March 2013|date=27 October 2011|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-1-139-50178-1|page=1}}</ref>
''[[Kesultanan Seljuk Raya|Wangsa Seljuk]]'' adalah cabang ''Kınık'' [[Turki Oghuz|Turki Oğuz]] yang bermukim yang tinggal di tepi [[Sejarah Islam#Abbasids - "Zaman Keemasan Islam"|dunia Muslim]], di [[Khagan]]at Yabghu konfederasi Oğuz, di utara [[Laut Kaspia|Kaspia]] dan [[Laut Aral]], di [[abad ke-9]].<ref>{{Cite book|title=Al Hind: The Making of the Indo Islamic World, Vol. 1, Early Medieval India and the Expansion of Islam, 7th–11th Centuries|first=Andre|last=Wink|publisher=Brill Academic Publishers|year=1990|isbn=90-04-09249-8}}</ref><!--{{Page needed|date=July 2011}} In the 10th century the Seljuks started migrating from their ancestral homeland into [[Persia]], which became the administrative core of the [[Great Seljuq Empire|Great Seljuk Empire]].
Pada tahun 324, [[Konstantinus I]] memilih [[Bizantium]] menjadi ibu kota baru [[Kekaisaran Romawi]], kemudian diubah menjadi [[Roma Baru]]. Setelah kematian [[Theodosius I]] pada tahun 395 dan pembagian permanen Kekaisaran Romawi antara kedua putranya, [[Konstantinopel]] menjadi ibu kota [[Kekaisaran Bizantium]], yang akan memerintah sebagian besar wilayah Turki sampai [[Akhir Abad Pertengahan]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://depts.washington.edu/silkroad/cities/turkey/istanbul/istanbul.html|title=Constantinople/Istanbul|author=Daniel C. Waugh|publisher=University of Washington, Seattle, Washington|accessdate=26 December 2006|year=2004}}</ref>
In the latter half of the 11th century the Seljuks began penetrating into the eastern regions of [[Anatolia]]. The victory of the Seljuk sultan [[Alp Arslan]] against the Byzantine emperor [[Romanos IV Diogenes]] at the [[Battle of Manzikert]] in 1071 gave rise to the [[Sultanate of Rum|Anatolian Seljuk Sultanate]], which developed as a separate branch of the Great Seljuk Empire that covered parts of [[Central Asia]], Persia, Anatolia, the [[Levant]] and [[Arabian Peninsula|southeast Arabia]].<ref>{{Cite book|title=The Oxford History of Byzantium|first=Cyril|last=Mango|publisher=Oxford University Press, USA|year=2002|isbn=0-19-814098-3}}</ref>{{Page needed|date=July 2011}}
===Seljuk dan Kesultanan Utsmaniyah===
In 1243, the Seljuk armies were defeated by the [[Mongol Empire|Mongols]], causing the Seljuk Empire's power to slowly disintegrate. In its wake, one of the [[Anatolian beyliks|Turkish principalities]] governed by [[Osman I]] would, over the next 200 years, evolve into the [[Ottoman Empire]], expanding throughout [[Anatolia]], the [[Balkans]] and the [[Levant]].<ref name="Ottomans">{{Cite book|title=The Ottoman Centuries: The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire|first=Patrick|last=Kinross|publisher=Morrow|year=1977|isbn=0-6880-3093-9}}</ref>{{Page needed|date=July 2011}} In 1453, the Ottomans completed their conquest of the [[Byzantine Empire]] by [[Fall of Constantinople|capturing its capital]], [[Constantinople]].
{{Main|Dinasti Seljuk|Kesultanan Utsmaniyah}}
{{MainSee also|Migrasi Bangsa Turki|Turkifikasi|Kesultanan Seljuk Raya|Kesultanan Rûm|Kesultanan Utsmaniyah}}
[[File:Edirne 7333 Nevit.JPG|thumb|left|The [[Selimiye Mosque]] in [[Edirne]] is one of the most famous [[Ottoman architecture|architectural legacies]] of the Ottoman Empire.]]
[[Berkas:Ottoman empire.svg|thumb|300px|Teritorial Utsmaniyah yang diperoleh antara [[1481]] dan [[1683]].]]
The Ottoman Empire's power and prestige peaked in the 16th and 17th centuries, particularly during the reign of [[Suleiman the Magnificent]]. The empire was often at odds with the [[Holy Roman Empire]] in its steady advance towards [[Central Europe]] through the Balkans and the southern part of the [[Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth]].<ref name="Ottoman_Turkey">{{Cite book|title=History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey|first=Stanford|last=Jay Shaw|coauthors=Kural Shaw, Ezel|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=1977|isbn=0-5212-9163-1}}</ref>{{Page needed|date=July 2011}} At sea, the [[Ottoman Navy]] contended with several [[Holy League]]s (composed primarily of [[Habsburg Spain]], the [[Republic of Genoa]], the [[Republic of Venice]], the [[Knights Hospitaller|Knights of St. John]], the [[Papal States]], the [[Grand Duchy of Tuscany]] and the [[Duchy of Savoy]]) for control of the [[Mediterranean Sea]]. In the [[Indian Ocean]], the Ottoman Navy [[Ottoman naval expeditions in the Indian Ocean|frequently confronted]] [[Kingdom of Portugal|Portuguese fleets]] in order to defend the empire's monopoly over the historic maritime trade routes between [[East Asia]] and [[Western Europe]]; these routes faced new competition with the Portuguese discovery of the [[Cape of Good Hope]] in 1488, which had a considerable impact on the Ottoman economy. In addition, the Ottomans were occasionally at war with [[Safavid dynasty|Safavid Persia]] over territorial disputes or caused by religious differences between 16th and 18th centuries.<ref>{{Cite book|title=A Short History of the Middle East| first=George E. |last=Kirk|publisher=Brill Academic Publishers|year=2008|page=58|isbn=1443725684}}</ref>
During nearly two [[Decline of the Ottoman Empire|centuries of decline]], the Ottoman Empire gradually shrank in size, military power, and wealth. It entered World War I on the side of the [[Central Powers]] and was ultimately defeated. During the war, an estimated 1.5 million [[Armenians]] were deported and exterminated in the [[Armenian Genocide]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.umd.umich.edu/dept/armenian/facts/genocide.html|title=FACT SHEET: ARMENIAN GENOCIDE|publisher=[[University of Michigan]]|accessdate=2010-07-15}}</ref><ref>Totten, Samuel, Paul Robert Bartrop, Steven L. Jacobs (eds.) ''Dictionary of Genocide''. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008, p. 19. ISBN 0-313-34642-9.</ref> The Turkish government [[Armenian Genocide denial|denies that there was]] an Armenian [[genocide]] and claims that Armenians were only [[Population transfer|relocated]] from the eastern war zone.<ref>Patrick J. Roelle, ''Islam's Mandate- A Tribute to Jihad'', AuthorHouse, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4520-8018-5, [http://books.google.com/books?id=KL0RTx77lrwC&pg=PA33&dq=the-eastern+%22claims+that+Armenians+were%22&hl=en&ei=vvcHTrfQFKfMmAXIntS3DQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=the-eastern%20%22claims%20that%20Armenians%20were%22&f=false p. 33.]</ref> Large scale massacres were also committed against the empire's other minority groups such as the [[Ottoman Greeks|Greeks]] and [[Assyrians]].<ref>Bloxham, D. ''The great game of genocide: imperialism, nationalism, and the destruction of the Ottoman Armenians.'' Oxford University Press, 2005, [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=TSRkGNoEPFwC&pg=PA150&sig=ACfU3U09_Sjo0a0T4KpiS6QfG-94noUmdg p. 150]</ref><ref name=Levene>Levene, Mark (1998). ''Creating a Modern "Zone of Genocide": The Impact of Nation- and State-Formation on Eastern Anatolia, 1878–1923'', Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Volume 12, Number 3 Winter 1998, pp.&nbsp;393–433. ([http://hgs.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/12/3/393 abstract]).</ref><ref name="Ferguson">Ferguson, Niall (2006). ''The War of the World: Twentieth-century Conflict And the Descent of the West'', Penguin Press, p. 180</ref> Following the [[Armistice of Mudros]] on October 30, 1918, the victorious [[Allies of World War I|Allied Powers]] sought to [[partitioning of the Ottoman Empire|partition the Ottoman state]] through the 1920 [[Treaty of Sèvres]].<ref name="Ottomans" />
''[[Kesultanan Seljuk Raya|WangsaDinasti Seljuk]]'' adalah cabang dari ''KınıkKinik'' [[TurkiOğuz Oghuz|Turki Oğuz]] yang bermukim yang tinggal di tepi [[Sejarah Islam#Abbasids - "Zaman Keemasan Islam"|dunia Muslim]], di [[Khagan]]at Yabghu konfederasiwilayah persekutuan Oğuz, disebelah utara [[Laut Kaspia|Kaspia]] dan [[Laut Aral]], dipada [[abad ke-9]].<ref>{{Cite book|title=Al Hind: The Making of the Indo Islamic World, Vol. 1, Early Medieval India and the Expansion of Islam, 7th–11th Centuries|first=Andre|last=Wink|publisher=Brill Academic Publishers|year=1990|isbn=90-04-09249-8}}</ref><!--{{PagePada needed|date=Julyabad 2011}}ke-10, Inbangsa theSeljuk 10thmulai centurybermigrasi thedari Seljukstanah startedair migratingleluhur frommereka their ancestral homeland intoke [[Persia]], whichyang becamemenjadi theawal administrative core of thedari [[Great Seljuq Empire|GreatKesultanan Seljuk EmpireRaya]].
===Republic era===
{{Main|History of the Republic of Turkey|Atatürk's Reforms}}
[[File:MustafaKemalAtaturk.jpg|thumb|left|[[Mustafa Kemal Atatürk]], founder and first President of the Republic of Turkey.]]
Pada paruh kedua abad ke-11, Seljuk mulai menembus ke wilayah timur [[Anatolia]]. Pada 1071, Seljuk Turk mengalahkan Bizantium dalam [[Pertempuran Manzikert]], sekaligus dimulainya [[Turkifikasi]] di wilayah tersebut, [[bahasa Turki]] dan [[Islam]] diperkenalkan ke [[Anatolia]] secara bertahap menyebar dan transisi yang lambat dari Anatolia yang didominasi [[Kristen]] dan [[Bahasa Yunani|berbahasa Yunani]] menjadi didominasi [[Muslim]] dan [[Bahasa Turki|berbahasa Turki]] yang terus berlangsung.<ref name="Abazov2009">{{cite book|author=Rafis Abazov|title=Culture and Customs of Turkey|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=kx-hnRY6E94C|accessdate=25 March 2013|year=2009|publisher=Greenwood Publishing Group|isbn=978-0-313-34215-8}}</ref>
The [[occupation of Constantinople]] and [[Occupation of Smyrna|Smyrna]] by the Allies in the aftermath of World War I prompted the [[establishment of the Turkish national movement]].<ref name="Ottoman_Turkey" /> Under the leadership of [[Mustafa Kemal Atatürk|Mustafa Kemal]] [[Pasha]], a military commander who had distinguished himself during the [[Battle of Gallipoli]], the [[Turkish War of Independence]] was waged with the aim of revoking the terms of the Treaty of Sèvres.<ref name="Atatürk"/>
Pada tahun 1243, tentara Seljuk dikalahkan oleh [[Kekaisaran Mongolia|bangsa Mongol]], menyebabkan kekuatan Dinasti Seljuk perlahan-lahan hancur. Salah satu [[beylik]] yang diperintah oleh [[Osman I]] kelak selama 200 tahun ke depan akan mengembangkannya menjadi [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]], serta memperluas wilayah ke seluruh [[Anatolia]], [[Balkan]], [[Levant]] dan [[Afrika Utara]].<ref name="Ottomans">{{Cite book|title=The Ottoman Centuries: The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire|first=Patrick|last=Kinross|publisher=Morrow|year=1977|isbn=0-688-03093-9}}</ref> Pada tahun 1453, Kekaisaran Utsmaniyah menaklukkan Kekaisaran Bizantium dengan menguasai ibu kotanya, [[Konstantinopel]].
By September 18, 1922, the occupying armies were expelled, and the new Turkish state was established. On November 1, the [[Grand National Assembly of Turkey|newly founded parliament]] formally abolished the [[Sultan]]ate, thus ending 623 years of Ottoman rule. The [[Treaty of Lausanne]] of July 24, 1923, led to the international recognition of the sovereignty of the newly formed "Republic of Turkey" as the [[successor state]] of the Ottoman Empire, and the republic was officially proclaimed on October 29, 1923, in the new capital of [[Ankara]].<ref name="Ottoman_Turkey" />
Pada tahun 1514, Sultan [[Selim I]] (1512-1520) berhasil memperluas wilayah perbatasan selatan dan timur dengan mengalahkan Shah [[Ismail I]] dari [[dinasti Safawiyah]] dalam [[Pertempuran Chaldiran]]. Pada 1517, Selim I memperluas pemerintahan Ottoman ke [[Aljazair]] dan [[Mesir]], dan menciptakan angkatan laut di [[Laut Merah]]. Selanjutnya, persaingan dimulai antara pihak Utsmaniyah dan [[kerajaan Portugis]] untuk menjadi kekuatan laut yang dominan di [[Samudra Hindia]], dengan berbagai pertempuran angkatan laut di Laut Merah, [[Laut Arab]] dan [[Teluk Persia]]. Kehadiran Portugis di Samudera Hindia itu dianggap sebagai ancaman bagi monopoli Utsmaniyah atas rute perdagangan kuno antara [[Asia Timur]] dan [[Eropa Barat]] (dikenal dengan nama [[Jalan Sutera]]). Monopoli ini semakin terganggu menyusul penemuan [[Tanjung Harapan]] oleh penjelajah Portugis [[Bartolomeu Dias]] pada tahun 1488, yang berdampak cukup besar terhadap perekonomian Utsmaniyah.
Mustafa Kemal became the republic's first [[President of Turkey|President]] and subsequently introduced many radical reforms with the aim of founding a new secular republic from the remnants of its Ottoman past.<ref name="Ottoman_Turkey" /> With the [[Surname Law (Turkey)|Surname Law]] of 1934, the [[Turkish Parliament]] bestowed upon Mustafa Kemal the honorific surname "Atatürk" (''Father of the Turks''.)<ref name="Atatürk" />
Kekuasaan Kesultanan Utsmaniyah dan prestisi mencapai puncaknya pada abad ke-16 dan ke-17, khususnya selama pemerintahan [[Suleiman I]]. Kesultanan ini sering berseteru dengan [[Kekaisaran Romawi Suci]].<ref name=autogenerated1>{{cite book|author=Stanford J. Shaw|title=History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=Xd422lS6ezgC&pg=PA213|accessdate=15 June 2013|volume=1|date=29 October 1976|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-29163-7|page=213}}</ref> Di laut, Angkatan Laut Utsmaniyah berseteru dengan beberapa [[Liga Kudus]] (saat itu terdiri dari [[Habsburg Spanyol]], [[Republik Genoa]], [[Republik Venesia]], Knights of St John, Negara-negara Kepausan, Grand Duchy of Tuscany dan Kadipaten Savoy) untuk mengendalikannya dari [[Laut Mediterania]]. Di timur, Utsmaniyah yang kadang-kadang berperang dengan pihak Safawiyah Persia atas konflik yang timbul dari sengketa teritorial atau perbedaan agama antara abad ke-16 dan abad ke-18.<ref>{{Cite book|title=A Short History of the Middle East|first=George E.|last=Kirk|publisher=Brill Academic Publishers|year=2008|page=58|isbn=1-4437-2568-4}}</ref>
[[File:Roosevelt Inonu Churchill.jpg|thumb|[[Franklin D. Roosevelt|Roosevelt]], [[İsmet İnönü|İnönü]] and [[Winston Churchill|Churchill]] at the [[Second Cairo Conference]] which was held between December 4–6, 1943.]]
Dimulai pada awal abad ke-19 dan seterusnya, Kesultanan Utsmaniyah mulai melemah. Seperti wilayah, kekuatan militer dan kekayaan yang menurun, bahkan banyak Muslim Balkan yang bermigrasi ke jantung Kekaisaran di Anatolia,<ref>{{cite book|last=Mann|first=Michael|title=The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=cGHGPgj1_tIC&pg=PA118|accessdate=28 February 2013|year=2005|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-53854-1|page=118}}</ref><ref name="Illinois2009">{{cite book|last=Todorova|first=Maria|title=Imagining the Balkans|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=WZweAIJI0ZwC&pg=PA175|accessdate=15 June 2013|date=18 March 2009|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-972838-1|page=175}}</ref> bersama dengan bangsa Sirkassia yang melarikan diri dari penaklukan Rusia di [[Kaukasus]]. Melemahnya Kesultanan Utsmaniyah menyebabkan meningkatnya sentimen nasionalis di antara masyarakat yang menyebabkan peningkatan ketegangan etnis yang kadang-kadang berubah menjadi kekerasan, seperti [[pembantaian etnis Hamid]].
Turkey [[Second Cairo Conference|remained neutral]] during most of [[World War II]], but entered the war on the side of the [[Allies of World War II|Allies]] on February 23, 1945, as a ceremonial gesture; and on June 26, 1945, became a [[United Nations Charter|charter member]] of the [[United Nations]].<ref name="Turkey_UN">{{cite web|url=http://www.un.org/Overview/growth.htm|title=Growth in United Nations membership (1945–2005)|publisher=United Nations|accessdate=2006-10-30|date=2006-07-03}}</ref> Difficulties faced by Greece after the war in quelling a [[Greek Civil War|communist rebellion]], along with demands by the [[Soviet Union]] for military bases in the [[Turkish Straits]], prompted the United States to declare the [[Truman Doctrine]] in 1947. The doctrine enunciated American intentions to guarantee the security of Turkey and Greece, and resulted in large-scale [[Turkey-United States relations|U.S. military and economic support]].<ref name="Truman Doctrine">{{Cite book|title=Outposts and Allies: U.S. Army Logistics in the Cold War, 1945–1953|first=James A.|last=Huston|publisher=Susquehanna University Press|year=1988|isbn=0-9416-6484-8|url=http://books.google.com/?id=ID4E3Lm8TsgC&pg=PA198&lpg=PA198&dq=turkey+cold+war}}</ref>{{Page needed|date=July 2011}} Both countries were included in the [[Marshall Plan]] and [[Organisation for European Economic Co-operation|OEEC]] for rebuilding European economies in 1948, and subsequently became founding members of the [[Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development|OECD]] in 1961.
Kesultanan Utsmaniyah memasuki [[Perang Dunia I]] di sisi [[Blok Sentral]] dan akhirnya kalah. Selama perang, diperkirakan 1.500.000<ref name="Heidenrich2001">{{cite book|author=John G. Heidenrich|title=How to prevent genocide: a guide for policymakers, scholars, and the concerned citizen|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=z7SDOxidP5EC&pg=PA5|accessdate=26 February 2012|year=2001|publisher=Greenwood Publishing Group|isbn=978-0-275-96987-5|page=5}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/35323/Armenian-massacres/35323suppinfo/Supplemental-Information | title = Encyclopædia Britannica | contribution = Death toll of the Armenian Massacres }}</ref><ref name = "Bryce">{{Cite journal | title = The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire 1915–16: Documents presented to Viscount Grey of Falloden, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs | author = Viscount Bryce | place = New York and London | publisher = GP Putnam's Sons, for His Majesty's Stationary Office | year = 1916 }}</ref><ref>Justin McCarthy, ''The End of Ottoman Anatolia'', in ''Muslims and Minorities: The Population of Ottoman Anatolia and the End of the Empire'', New York Univ. Press, 1983.</ref> warga Armenia dideportasi dan dibunuh saat [[Genosida Armenia]] berlangsung.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.umd.umich.edu/dept/armenian/facts/genocide.html|title=Fact Sheet: Armenian Genocide|publisher=[[University of Michigan]]|accessdate=15 July 2010}}</ref><ref>Totten, Samuel, Paul Robert Bartrop, Steven L. Jacobs (eds.) ''Dictionary of Genocide''. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008, p. 19. ISBN 0-313-34642-9.</ref> Pemerintah Turki menyangkal bahwa terdapat Genosida Armenia dan mengklaim bahwa Armenia hanya dipindahkan dari zona perang timur.<ref name="Sr.2010">{{cite book|author=Patrick J. Roelle, Sr.|title=Islam's Mandate- a Tribute to Jihad: The Mosque at Ground Zero|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=KL0RTx77lrwC&pg=PA33|accessdate=9 February 2013|date=27 September 2010|publisher=AuthorHouse|isbn=978-1-4520-8018-5|page=33}}</ref> Pembantaian besar-besaran juga dilakukan terhadap kelompok minoritas lainnya seperti bangsa Yunani dan bangsa Assyria.<ref name="Bloxham2005">{{cite book|author=Donald Bloxham|title=The Great Game of Genocide: Imperialism, Nationalism, And the Destruction of the Ottoman Armenians|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=TSRkGNoEPFwC&pg=PA150|accessdate=9 February 2013|year=2005|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-927356-0|page=150}}</ref><ref name=Levene>{{cite journal|last=Levene|first=Mark|title=Creating a Modern 'Zone of Genocide': The Impact of Nation- and State-Formation on Eastern Anatolia, 1878–1923|journal=Holocaust and Genocide Studies|date=Winter 1998|volume=12|issue=3|pages=393–433|url=http://hgs.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/12/3/393|doi=10.1093/hgs/12.3.393}}</ref><ref name="Ferguson">{{cite book|last=Ferguson|first=Niall|title=The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West|year=2007|publisher=Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated|isbn=978-0-14-311239-6|page=180}}</ref>
After participating with the United Nations forces in the [[Korean War]], Turkey joined [[NATO]] in 1952, becoming a bulwark against Soviet expansion into the [[Mediterranean Basin|Mediterranean]]. Following a decade of [[Cypriot intercommunal violence]] and the [[Greek military junta of 1967–1974|Greek military junta]] backed [[1974 Cypriot coup d'état|coup in Cyprus on 15 July 1974]] staged by the [[EOKA B]] paramilitary organization, which overthrew President [[Makarios III|Makarios]] (who fled to the [[United Kingdom]]) and installed the pro-[[Enosis]] (union with Greece) [[Nikos Sampson]] as dictator, [[Turkish invasion of Cyprus|Turkey invaded Cyprus]] on 20 July 1974 upon the request for [[Treaty of Guarantee|guarantorship intervention]] by the [[Turkish Cypriots|Turkish Cypriot]] leader and Vice President of the Republic of Cyprus [[Rauf Denktaş]].<ref name="Uslu2003">{{cite book|last=Uslu|first=Nasuh|title=The Cyprus question as an issue of Turkish foreign policy and Turkish-American relations, 1959–2003|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=RYHWMKL2-CQC&pg=PA119|accessdate=16 August 2011|year=2003|publisher=Nova Publishers|isbn=9781590338476|page=119}}</ref> Nine years later the [[Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus]], which is recognised only by Turkey, was established.<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/1021835.stm|title=Timeline: Cyprus|work=BBC|accessdate=2006-12-25|date=2006-12-12}}</ref>
Setelah [[Gencatan Senjata Mudros]] pada tanggal 30 Oktober 1918, kemenangan [[Blok Sekutu (Perang Dunia I)|Blok Sekutu]] berusaha untuk membagi wilayah Utsmaniyah melalui [[Persetujuan Sèvres]] pada tahun 1920.<ref name="Ottomans" />
The [[Single-Party Period of Republic of Turkey|single-party period]] ended in 1945. It was followed by a tumultuous transition to [[Multi-party period of the Republic of Turkey|multiparty democracy]] over the next few decades, which was interrupted by military [[coup d'état|coups d'état]] in [[1960 Turkish coup d'état|1960]], [[1971 Turkish coup d'état|1971]], [[1980 Turkish coup d'état|1980]] and [[1997 military memorandum (Turkey)|1997]].<ref name="TRPoliticsandMilitary">{{Cite book|title=Turkish Politics and the Military|first=William Mathew|last=Hale|publisher=Routledge, UK|year=1994|isbn=0-4150-2455-2}}</ref>{{Page needed|date=July 2011}} In 1984, the [[Kurdistan Workers' Party|PKK]] began an insurgency against the Turkish government; the conflict, which has claimed over 40,000 lives, continues today.<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8352934.stm|title=Turkey's PKK peace plan delayed|work=BBC|accessdate=2010-02-06|date=2009-11-10}}</ref>-->
== Provinsi ==
Baris 141 ⟶ 138:
{{Turki provinsi}}
== Kuliner ==
Turki memiliki berbagai macam masakan, yang paling terkenal adalah [[Baklava]], [[Doner kebab]], [[Pilaf]], dan [[Puding nasi]].
== Galeri foto ==
Berkas:Kiz_kulesi_at_night-2004.jpg|[[Menara Leandros]], [[Bosporus]]
Baris 156 ⟶ 153:
== Rujukan Referensi==
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]]
* [[Daftar tokoh Turki]]
== Pranala luar ==