Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives: Perbedaan antara revisi

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'''''Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives '''''adalah film jagal tahun 1986 asal Amerika Serikat yang merupakan film keenam dalam serial film ''Friday the 13th''. Film ini disutradarai oleh Tom McLoughin. Walaupun konsep asli dari film ini adalah menjadikan Tommy Jarvis di bagian IV dan V menjadi penjahat yang baru, penerimaan yang kurang baik terhadap ''Friday the 13th: A New Beginning ''membuat para produser memutuskan untuk mengembalikan Jason Voorhees sebagai penjahat. Dalam menghidupkan kembali Jason, McLoughin membuat Jason mempunyai kekuatan supernatural untuk pertama kalinya dalam serial film. Penggambaran Jason yang hidup kembali lewat sambaran petir, menjadikannya seperti pembunuh berantai berwujud zombie daripada orang berkekuatan super. Penggambaran ini diteruskan sampai film tahun 2009. Film ini juga memberikan warna baru pada serial, seperti penggunaan humor dan elemen aksi.
'''''Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives''''' is a 1986 [[slasher film]], the sixth film in the [[Friday the 13th (franchise)|''Friday the 13th'' film series]]. The film was written and directed by [[Tom McLoughlin]]. Although the original concept called for Tommy Jarvis, the protagonist of parts IV and V, to become the new villain, the poor fan reception of ''[[Friday the 13th: A New Beginning]]'' prompted the producers to bring back Jason Voorhees as the series' antagonist.<ref name = "ZitoInterview">{{cite web|url =|title = Joseph Zito Interviewed by Royce Freeman|publisher = Pit of Horror|accessdate = 2009-08-14}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last = Bracke|first = Peter|title = Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th|publisher = Titan Books|date = 2006-10-11|pages = 146–148|isbn = 1-84576-343-2}}</ref> In resurrecting Jason, McLoughlin made Jason an explicitly [[supernatural]] force for the first time in the series, depicting him as being raised from the dead via [[electricity]]; this version of Jason—a [[zombie]] serial killer rather than a mortal [[superhuman]]—would become the standard depiction for the rest of the franchise, until 2009's remake. The film likewise broke with many other series conventions, introducing [[Meta-joke|metahumor]] and [[action film]] elements including shootouts and car chases.<ref name="Bracke 147–148;149">{{cite book|last = Bracke|first = Peter|title = Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th|publisher = Titan Books|date = 2006-10-11|pages = 147–148;149|isbn = 1-84576-343-2}}</ref>
Kendati film ini berpenghasilan terbawah kedua dalam seluruh serial, film ini mendapatkan kritikan yang cukup baik. Pada saat rilis, konten humor dan membuka dinding keempat menjadi sisi positif, sebelum hadirnya serial film ''Scream ''yang mempunyai elemen sama.
Despite being the second-lowest grossing film in the franchise to that point, it was the first film in the series since the original to receive positive critical reviews. In the years since its release, its self-referential humor and numerous instances of [[Fourth wall|breaking the fourth wall]] have been praised for prefiguring Wes Craven's ''[[Scream (1996 film)|Scream]]'' series and other similar 1990s horror films.<ref>{{cite book|last = Bracke|first = Peter|title = Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th|publisher = Titan Books|date = 2006-10-11|pages = 166–167|isbn = 1-84576-343-2}}</ref> As of 2003's ''[[Freddy vs. Jason]]'', ''Jason Lives'' was a fan favorite of the series, in addition to receiving positive notice from horror film historians.<ref>{{cite book|last = Bracke|first = Peter|title = Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th|publisher = Titan Books|date = 2006-10-11|pages = 166|isbn = 1-84576-343-2}}</ref>
Jason Voorhees telah mati, dan kota Crystal Lake telah berubah nama jadi Forest Green untuk menjauhkan diri dari rangkaian kematian yang kental dengan nama kota tersebut. Setahun kemudian, Tommy Jarvis yang telah keluar dari rumah sakit jiwa, masih diteror oleh halusinasi Jason, dan berniat mengakhirinya dengan menggali dan membakar mayat pembunuh berantai itu. Ia dengan temannya Hawes, datang ke tempat tersebut dan membuka peti mati Jason. Saat ia melihat Jason, Tommy kehilangan kendali dan menusuk Jason dengan batang besi dari pagar. TIba-tiba, petir menyambar batang besi itu dan menghidupkan Jason kembali, menjadi Jason dengan kekuatan supernatural yang lebih kuat. Ia membunuh Hawes, namun Tommy berhasil kabur ke kantor polisi dimana Sheriff Garris mengenali Tommy sebagai pembunuh Jason dan mengira ia berhalusinasi. Tommypun dipenjara di malam itu. Pada malam yang sama, dua konselor kemping musim panas Darren dan Lizbeth yang membawa logistik untuk keperluan kemping musim panas di Forest Green Camp, dibunuh oleh Jason.
Jason Voorhees has been dead for years, and the town of Crystal Lake has been renamed Forest Green in an attempt to distance its bloody reputation. However, one year later, Tommy Jarvis, after being released from an institute after an extended stay, intends to cremate the body of the infamous mass murderer. His friend Hawes accompanies him to the graveyard where they find and dig up Jason's grave. Tommy loses control upon seeing Jason's body and stabs it several times with a metal fence post. Suddenly, lightning from an oncoming storm strikes the post and resurrects Jason into a supernatural creature now much stronger than he had been before; he then kills Hawes by punching his heart out. Tommy narrowly escapes and flees to the sheriff's station where Sheriff Garris recognizes Tommy and assumes he is hallucinating. Tommy tries to take the Sheriff's gun before he is locked up. Meanwhile, Darren and Lizbeth, two camp supervisors are making their way to the lake where they hope to reopen the camp when they are stopped by Jason, who kills them both with the fence post.
Esok paginya, putri Garris, Megan, dan temannya Cort, Sissy, dan Paula yang juga konselor kemping datang untuk melaporkan hilangnya Darren dan Lizbeth. Tommy berusaha memperingatkan mereka, namun Garris berusaha mendiamkannya. Adapun Megan mulai tertarik dengan Tommy. Garris kemudian memberi kesempatan pada Tommy untuk membuktikan, namun penjaga makam yang pemabuk takut kehilangan pekerjaannya dan menutup lubang kubur tersebut. Tommy kemudian dipaksa untuk pergi dari kota. Di hutan, Jason kembali menebar teror dengan membunuh lima orang pekerja kantoran yang bermain peluru cat. Malam harinya, Cort dan seorang gadis bernama Nikki menggunakan RV untuk bersenang-senang. Kabel listrik yang terputus membuat mereka memutuskan untuk menjalankan RV mereka. Saat di jalan, ternyata Jason ada dalam RV tersebut. Ia membunuh Nikki dengan menekannya ke dinding RV dan menusuk kepala Cort yang tengah mengemudi, membuat RV itu terguling. Di saat yang sama, Tommy berusaha memperingatkan lagi dengan menelepon kantor polisi, dan dijawab Megan yang sedang di sana. Meganpun menawarkan untuk membantu Tommy, yang kelihatannya berhasil menemukan cara memusnahkan Jason dengan mengembalikannya ke tempat asalnya. Megan dan Tommy yang naik mobil Megan menuju Forest Green Camp, dimana anak-anak sudah tiba tadi pagi dan sedang beristirahat. Sayangnya Megan dan Tommy ketahuan. Mereka kembali ke kantor dan Tommy dimasukkan dalam sel. Garris mendapat berita mengenai RV dan pergi mengeceknya, sambil menduga bahwa Tommy yang menjadi pembunuhnya, yang ingin halusinasinya menjadi nyata. Tommy dan Megan berhasil mengelabui petugas yang berjaga dan kabur ke Forest Green. Di Forest Green, teman-teman Megan dibunuh satu persatu. Polisi yang datang mendapati hal itu dan berusaha menghentikan Jason, namun mereka dibunuh pula.
The next morning, Garris's daughter Megan and her friends Cort, Sissy, and Paula, also counselors, arrive to report Darren and Lizbeth missing. Tommy warns them that Jason is alive, much to Garris's chagrin, but his warnings are shrugged off as superstition. Garris decides to escort Tommy out of Forest Green, but Tommy makes a run for Jason's grave to prove his story only to find that it had been filled in by the caretaker who did not want to be blamed for the exhuming and had reburied Jason's coffin unknowingly with Hawes's body inside. Jason comes across a group of businessmen playing [[paintball]] in the woods; he rips the arm off Burt and kills him, then [[Decapitation|decapitates]] three more of their men before chasing a fifth member off into the woods. That night, Cort and a girl named Nikki are using an RV for fun when they are scared off after their power cable is cut. Jason, who had stowed away inside, crushes Nikki's head in the bathroom and shoves a [[combat knife]] into Cort's skull, causing the RV to crash. He later kills the caretaker and a couple on a romantic picnic who witness this. Meanwhile, Tommy contacts Megan to retrieve supplies for a ritual to trap Jason where he drowned at Crystal Lake and she goes to help him. Garris and his men discover the bodies of Nikki, Cort and the paintballers in the woods and assumes the killer is Tommy, wanting to make them believe Jason had returned. They set up a road block and capture Tommy and Megan and Tommy is returned to jail, despite Megan's alibi. Jason makes his way to the camp and literally rips Sissy's head off. After searching for her friends, Paula returns a little girl named Nancy to her cabin and turns in just before she is hacked apart by Jason. Jason refrains from harming the children as Garris and his men arrive to inform Sissy and Paula of the situation.
Megan dan Tommy berhasil sampai ke Forest Green. Tommy menuju danau, mempersiapkan batu besar yang diikat rantai besar, sementara Megan menuju kabin tidur anak-anak untuk menenangkan mereka. Megan keluar, melihat Tommy yang menjalankan perahu ke tengah danau dan berusaha menghentikannya. Hal itu menarik Jason, ia berjalan menuju Megan, kendati berusaha dihentikan oleh Garris, membuat sang Sheriff terbunuh. Tommy yang melihat Megan dalam bahaya mengalihkan perhatian Jason untuk memasuki danau. Berbekal panduan dari buku Okultisme, Tommy menyiram bensin ke permukaan air di sekeliling perahu. Jason datang dan menyerang Tommy, menghancurkan perahu. Sebelum perahu hancur, Tommy berhasil mengalungkan rantai itu ke leher Jason. Jason yang terseret ke bawah air akhirnya terjebak di bawah sana. Tommy berhasil sampai ke permukaan meskipun pingsan. Melihat hal itu, Megan berenang menolong Tommy, namun kakinya ditarik oleh Jason. Akhirnya, Megan berhasil menyalakan kipas motor perahu dan merobek leher Jason. Ia membawa Tommy ke pinggir dan memberikannya CPR disaksikan anak-anak. Tommypun selamat.
Megan and Tommy escape custody and return to the lake as Jason kills Garris's men then Garris himself when Jason goes after Megan by snapping his body backwards. Jason attacks Megan but is distracted by Tommy calling to him from the lake. He ties a chain tied to a rock around Jason's neck, but is drowned when Jason attacks him from underwater. Megan goes to save him and is nearly killed herself until she manages to snap Jason's neck with a motorboat rotor.
Pada suatu siang, di dalam danau Jason ternyata masih hidup, kendati ia terjebak di dalam danau dengan rantainya, tak dapat meloloskan diri.
Back on land, Megan revives Tommy with CPR and the children celebrate. At the bottom of the lake, Jason floats, attached to the boulder, still alive but powerless to escape.
* [[Thom Mathews]] assebagai [[Tommy Jarvis]]
* [[Jennifer Cooke]] assebagai [[List of Friday the 13th characters#Megan Garris|Megan Garris]]
* [[David Kagen]] assebagai Sheriff Mike Garris
* [[Renée Jones|Renee Jones]] assebagai Sissy Baker
* [[Kerry Noonan]] assebagai Paula
* [[Darcy DeMoss]] assebagai Nikki
* [[Tom Fridley]] assebagai Cort
* [[Alan Blumenfeld]] assebagai Larry
* Matthew Faison assebagai Stan
* Ann Ryerson assebagai Katie
* [[Tony Goldwyn]] assebagai Darren
* Nancy McLoughlin assebagai Lizbeth
* [[Ron Palillo]] assebagai Allen Hawes
* [[C. J. Graham]]/[[Dan Bradley]] assebagai [[Jason Voorhees]]
* Vincent Guastaferro assebagai DeputyDeputi Rick Cologne
* [[Michael Swan]] assebagai OfficerPetugas PappasPapas
* Courtney Vickery assebagai Nancy
* Whitney Rydbeck assebagai Roy
* Bob Larkin assebagai Martin
* Wallace Merck assebagai Burt
* Justin Nowell assebagai Billy
* [[Roger Rose]] assebagai Steven
==ProductionPranala Luar==
===Pre-production and writing===
Although the previous film in the series, ''Friday the 13th: A New Beginning'', had been a financial success, it had disappointed the series' fans and received some of the worst reviews of any film in the franchise. In order to prevent further alienating the fans (and thus potentially endangering the series), the producers decided to take the series in a new direction, moving it away from what producer Frank Mancuso Jr. called the "coarse" nature of ''A New Beginning''.<ref>{{cite book|last = Bracke|first = Peter|title = Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th|publisher = Titan Books|date = 2006-10-11|pages = 148–149|isbn = 1-84576-343-2}}</ref>
To this end, Mancuso hired Tom McLoughlin, who had directed the successful horror film ''[[One Dark Night]]'' but was also known around Hollywood for shopping around various comedy scripts he had written, a dichotomy that appealed to Mancuso. McLoughlin was given free rein on how he would present the story, with the only condition being that he bring back Jason and make him the film's villain.<ref>{{cite book|last = Bracke|first = Peter|title = Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th|publisher = Titan Books|date = 2006-10-11|pages = 148|isbn = 1-84576-343-2}}</ref>
McLoughlin decided to take the film in the direction of an old [[Universal Monsters]] movie, specifically the 1931 version of ''[[Frankenstein (1931 film)|Frankenstein]]'', which portrayed the monster as a lumbering killer brought to life by electricity. McLoughlin also drew from [[vampire]] lore in order to give Jason a weakness, namely being returned to his "home soil"; to achieve this, McLoughlin disregarded the idea presented in ''Part 2'' that Jason had survived his drowning, instead presenting the idea that Jason has always been some sort of supernatural force.<ref name="Commentary">Jason Lives Director's Commentary</ref> He also decided to [[Retroactive continuity|retcon]] the events of the fifth film in order to circumvent that film's [[cliffhanger]] ending, which implicated that protagonist Tommy Jarvis had become a serial killer.
McLoughlin further decided to expand the series' thematic scope, incorporating [[action film]] elements and [[Postmodernism|postmodern]] [[Meta-joke|metahumor]]; when Jason is first encountered in the woods near Crystal Lake, the character of Lizbeth comments that she and Darren should flee because she knows about proper conduct to survive a horror movie. McLoughlin would further satirize the franchise itself, as Martin the gravedigger comments on Jason's exhumation, "Why'd they have to go and dig up Jason?" before breaking the fourth wall and addressing the camera with the observation, "Some folks sure got a strange idea of entertainment." In addition to ''Frankenstein'', McLoughlin also cited as inspiration his love of gothic horror, particularly the works of [[Edgar Allan Poe]], and his [[Catholic]] upbringing; ''Jason Lives'' features the series' only explicit references to [[God]], and during the climax a praying girl is spared by Jason (a similar scene, in which the same girl prays for Tommy while Megan performs CPR, then mouths "Thank you" while looking skyward was deleted from the final cut of the movie, apparently against McLoughlin's wishes; he recalled in the 2009 DVD's director's commentary, "Somehow it didn't stay in... probably too much sentiment").<ref>{{cite book|last = Bracke|first = Peter|title = Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th|publisher = Titan Books|date = 2006-10-11|pages = 149|isbn = 1-84576-343-2}}</ref><ref>[ DVD Talk: Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives]</ref>
The decision to retcon the events of ''Part V'' resulted in many members of that film's cast—whose characters had survived—having their contracts to return for a sequel terminated. At one point in time when ''Jason Lives'' was being considered as a direct sequel to ''A New Beginning'' rather than to ''The Final Chapter'', the surviving characters Pam and Reggie from ''A New Beginning'' were to have died in the film's opening moments.<ref name="Bracke 151">{{cite book|last = Bracke|first = Peter|title = Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th|publisher = Titan Books|date = 2006-10-11|pages = 151|isbn = 1-84576-343-2}}</ref>
Although Mancuso retained control over the film's casting, he deferred to McLoughlin's judgment, with the only caveat being that the [[final girl]] had to be a "very attractive blonde".<ref name="Bracke 151"/> To fulfill this requirement, McLoughlin chose Jennifer Cooke, based on her performance in the television series ''[[V (1984 TV series)|V]]''. The role of Hawes, Tommy's would-be sidekick who dies within the first five minutes of the movie, was given to another television veteran, [[Ron Palillo]], famous for the role of Horshack on ''[[Welcome Back, Kotter]]''.
John Shepherd was initially asked to reprise his role as Tommy Jarvis from the previous film. Shepherd, an [[Evangelicalism|evangelical Christian]] who had reservations about returning to the series based on the atmosphere surrounding ''A New Beginning'', was initially attracted to ''Jason Lives'' based on the scene in which a praying girl is spared by Jason. He ultimately decided to film the movie ''Caught'', and shortly thereafter retired from acting to go to [[seminary]]. [[Thom Matthews]], who would take over the mantel of Tommy Jarvis, was chosen for his work in the horror comedy ''[[Return of the Living Dead]]'', although McLoughlin himself was unaware of Matthews' horror credentials until after shooting began.<ref name="Commentary"/> Other cast members were culled from actors whom McLoughlin had directed before (such as David Kagen) and McLoughlin's own family—Jason's first female victim in the film, Lizbeth, would be played by McLoughlin's wife, Nancy. In keeping with the series' tradition, the role of Jason was given to a stuntman, Dan Bradley.
After the first day of filming, Mancuso decided that he disliked Bradley's appearance onscreen as Jason. Although the scenes that Bradley filmed—in which Jason kills the paintball playing executives—were kept in the completed picture, the rest of Jason's scenes were performed by [[C. J. Graham]], an area restaurant manager and former soldier. As part of a stage show put on at the restaurant, a magician would hypnotize audience members and place them in a scenario during which they encountered Jason Voorhees; Graham, who stood 6'3 and weighed 250&nbsp;lbs, was asked to play Jason for the scenario. ''Jason Lives''{{'}} special effects coordinator, Martin Becker, was in the audience for one such show, and recommended Graham to Mancuso and McLoughlin. Both men were impressed with Graham's presence, and he was hired to film the remainder of Jason's scenes.
''Jason Lives'' would become notable for being the only film in the franchise to contain no nudity; the characters in the film's sole sex scene are both fully clothed, a conscious move on McLoughlin's part to distance the series from the notion that the ''Friday the 13th'' films were morality tales in which premarital sex was punished by death. McLoughlin was pressured by the film's producers to have Darcy Demoss remove her shirt during the RV sex scene, but he only suggested the idea to Demoss, who refused.
''Jason Lives'' was filmed in [[Covington, Georgia]], an area close to Atlanta, GA. The scenes involving the police department and town were filmed in Covington while the camp scenes were filmed at Camp Daniel Morgan outside the city limits of Covington. In the film, Camp Crystal Lake has been renamed Lake Forest Green. Surrounding Camp Daniel Morgan are [[Smokey Bear|Smokey the Bear]] signs asking everyone to "Keep the Forests Green".
Some of the climactic moments of the film involving the primary characters in the lake were actually filmed in the swimming pool of McLoughlin's father. Although McLoughlin ruined the pool's filter in the process (it was jammed by gore churned into the water when Jason is hit with the boat propeller), McLoughlin's father was pleased that he could now boast a Hollywood film had been shot in his backyard.<ref name="Commentary"/>
McLoughlin's attempt to deliver a "different" kind of ''Friday the 13th'' film were met with skepticism from the producers. In a contrast to the series' other entries, which had to be edited for violence in order to avoid an "X" rating, the film's producers requested that McLoughlin add additional gore, violence, and murders to the film. The original cut of the film contained 13 killings as an in-joke; in order to appease the studio, McLoughlin had to add an additional three killings, bringing the total up to 16.<ref name="Commentary"/> These were the killings of Martin the gravedigger, and the recently engaged couple on a nighttime picnic. The scene of Jason killing Martin would later be cited by McLoughlin as one of his favorite parts of the movie for the shot in which the picnicing man suddenly realizes that he's been spotted by Jason, which McLoughlin felt to be the film's scariest moment.<ref name="Commentary"/>
Additionally, McLoughlin was made to extend Sissy's death, adding the shots of Jason dragging her to the ground and twisting her head off; as originally filmed, Sissy was simply pulled out of the cabin window, and wasn't seen again until Megan finds her head in the squad car.<ref name="Commentary"/>
McLoughlin also found himself in contention with the producers over how the film should end. As scripted, the movie was supposed to have concluded in the graveyard, with Martin the gravedigger (who apparently wasn't killed by Jason) meeting Jason's father, Elias—a heretofore unseen character in the series—with the implication that Elias knows Jason has been resurrected and has come looking for him. The studio balked at the scene, as they did not want the responsibility of having to introduce Elias' backstory in the next installment in the franchise; additionally, the added murder of Martin made the scene an impossibility to shoot. This ending would have tied up a continuity error from ''A New Beginning'', when it is mentioned that Jason was cremated; a deleted scene from ''Jason Lives'' had Tommy asking Sheriff Garris why Jason wasn't cremated, as had been planned, at which point Garris informs him that someone paid the city to bury Jason; Elias' handing Martin a wad of money would have indicated that he was the man who paid for Jason's burial. The scene was later storyboarded for inclusion on the film's "Deluxe Edition" DVD release, with Bob Larkin reprising his role as Martin to provide voiceover. Elias, like Jason, was scripted to be completely silent.<ref name="Commentary"/><ref>Meeting Mr. Voorhees. Special feature on Jason Lives DVD</ref>
McLoughlin ultimately shot three endings, two of which, against his expectations, were not included on the film's DVD release. In one ending, Jason's mask floats to the surface of Crystal Lake, having become detached during his struggle with Megan. In another, Deputy Cologne was seen trying to reach the jail cell keys after having been locked in by Tommy and Megan; the door to the police station opens and the film abruptly ends, indicating that Jason had managed to get free. The producers disliked both of these endings, as each one left Jason's survival ambiguous, and wanted it explicitly shown onscreen that he was still capable of returning for a sequel. As a result, McLoughlin shot the film's current ending, showing a closeup of Jason's open, twitching eye.<ref name="Commentary"/>
The film's music was composed by [[Harry Manfredini]], who composed the scores to all of the series' previous installments. In addition to the original score, the soundtrack also featured:
* "[[He's Back (The Man Behind the Mask)]]" by [[Alice Cooper]], from his album ''[[Constrictor (album)|Constrictor]]
* "I'm No Animal" by [[Felony (band)|Felony]], from their album ''Vigilante''
* "[[Teenage Frankenstein]]" by Alice Cooper, from his album ''[[Constrictor (album)|Constrictor]]
* "Hard Rock Summer" by Alice Cooper, from the box set [[The Life and Crimes of Alice Cooper]]
"He's Back (The Man Behind the Mask)" had an accompanying music video, combining clips from the film with new footage featuring Cooper. It is not present on any home video release of the film, but can be viewed on [[YouTube]].<ref>[ X-Entertainment's Halloween Season: 2004<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref>[{{Allmusic|class=album|id=r4556|pure_url=yes}} allmusic ((( Constrictor > Overview )))<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
On January 13, 2012, [[La-La Land Records]] released a limited edition 6-CD boxset containing Manfredini's scores from the first six ''Friday the 13th'' films. It sold out in less than 24 hours.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=La-La Land Records: Friday the 13th|publisher=La-La Land Records|accessdate=2012-01-15}}</ref>
===Box office===
The film opened in 1,610 theaters making $6.7 million its opening weekend. Domestically, the film made $19.4 million.
===Critical response===
Popular with critics overall, ''Jason Lives'' succeeded in receiving some positive attention from the mainstream press, the first time since the original ''Friday the 13th'' that an entry in the series received anything other than a negative review. As of 2013 it holds a score of 54% at [[Rotten Tomatoes]] (which is still classified as "Rotten", however).
Fan reception was largely positive; as of the release of ''Freddy vs. Jason'' in 2003, it was considered a fan favorite in the franchise.<ref name="Bracke 147–148;149"/><ref>[ DVD Verdict Review - Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> This is largely attributed to the use of humor,<ref>[ | Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref>[ Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> though some were put off by this approach.<ref>[ I Viddied It on the Screen-Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
Negative criticism of the movie includes general fatigue with the [[slasher film]] genre, and the implausibility of Jason's resurrection.<ref>[ Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI- Moria The Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Review<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
A novelization of ''Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives'' was written by [[Simon Hawke]] in 1986; notably, the novelization features an appearance by [[List of characters in Friday the 13th#Elias Voorhees|Elias Voorhees]], Jason's father who was originally meant to appear in the film, but was cut. The book also includes various flashbacks to Jason's childhood and the backstories of characters such as Tommy and Sheriff Garris are also expanded.
==External links==
* {{IMDB title|0091080|Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives}}