Jean Baudrillard: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Dalam penilaian Andreas Ehrencrona, tulisan-tulisan Jean Baudrillard mengingatkan orang lebih kepada puisi daripada teks-teks filosofis pada umumnya. Menurutnya Baudrillard terus-menerus bermain dengan kata-kata dan membuat metafor-metafor liar dari astronomi dan menggoda pembaca untuk lebih berkonsentrasi pada bahasanya daripada pendapat-pendapatnya. ”Gayanya menulis nampak mengilustrasikan tesisnya bahwa kita tengah meninggalkan ‘realitas’ dan sedang dalam perjalanan memasuki apa yang disebutnya ‘hyperreality’; suatu tempat dimana kita bisa bersembunyi dari ilusi yang kita takutkan. Fondasi filsafat Baudrillard adalah kritisisme terhadap pemikiran tradisional dan ilmiah yang menurutnya telah mengganti realitas dengan ilusi tentang kebenaran.
== Hasil Karya Bibliography==
* Review of Understanding Media (L'Homme et la Societe, Nr. 5, 1967) [RUM]
* Le Système des objets (Paris: Gallimard, 1968); hal. 255-83 diterjemahkan sebagai The System of Objects oleh Jacques Mourrain, dalam Mark Poster, ed., Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings (Stanford: 1988) hal.10-29.
* La Société de consommation: ses mythes, ses structures (Paris: Gallimard, 1970); hal. 17-26 diterjemahkan sebagai Consumer Society, dalam Poster, 29-57 [CS]; hal. 174-85 diterjemahkan oleh Paul Foss sebagai Pop--An Art of Consumption," Paul Taylor, ed., Post-Pop Art (Cambridge: MIT, 1989) 33-44 [PAC]
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* For A Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign (St. Louis: Telos, 1972, 1981) Pent. Charles Levin. [CPES]
* ''The System of Objects'' (1968)
* The Mirror of Production (St Louis: Telos, 1973,1975) pent. Mark Poster..
* ''The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures'' (1970)
* L'Echange symbolique et la mort (Paris: Gallimard, 1976); hal. 19-29 diterjemahkan menjadi Symbolic Exchange and Death, dalam Poster, 119-149.
* ''For Aa Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign'' (St. Louis: Telos, 1972, 1981) Pent. Charles Levin. [CPES]
* When Bataille Attacked the Metaphysical Principle of Economy, pent. David James Miller, Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 11:3 (1976, 1987) 57-62.
* ''[[The Mirror of Production]]'' (1973)
* The Beaubourg-Effect: Implosion and Deterrence, October 20 (Spring 1982) 3-13; pent. Rosalind Krauss and Annette Michelson; aslinya terbit tahun 1977.
* ''Symbolic Exchange and Death'' (1976)
* ''Forget Foucault'' (NY: Semiotext(e), 1977,1987). [FF]
* In the Shadow of Silent Majorities or, The End of the Social and Other Essays (NY: Semiotext(e), 1978, 1983) pent. Paul Foss, John Johnston, dan Paul Patton. [SSM].
* ''Seduction'' (1979)
* De la séduction (Paris: Éditions Galilée, 1979); hal. 75-92, 107-15, 241-3 diterjemahkan menjadi On Seduction, Poster, 149-65.
* ''[[Simulacra and Simulation]]'' (1981)
* Simulations (NY: Semiotext(e), 1981, 1983) pente. Paul Foss, Paul Patton, dan Philip Beitchman. [SIM]
* ''In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities'' (1982)
* Beyond the Unconscious: The Symbolic, Discourse 3 (1981) 60-87; pent. Lee Hildreth.
* ''Fatal Strategies'' (1983)
* Fatality or Reverse Imminence: Beyond the Uncertainty Principle, Social Research 49:2 (Summer 1982) 272-293; pent. Pamela Park.
* ''Simulations'' (1983)
* Fatal Strategies (London: Pluto, 1983, 1990) pent. Philip Beitchman and W. G. J. Niesluchowski; ed. Jim Fleming. [FS]
* ''America'' (1986)
* Please Follow Me with Sophie Calle (Seattle: Bay Press, 1983, 1988).
* ''Cool Memories'' (1987)
* What Are You Doing After the Orgy?, Artforum (October 1983) 42-6.
* ''The Ecstasy of Communication'' (1987)
* The Ecstasy of Communication, pent. John Johnston dalam Hal Foster, ed., The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture (Port Townsend, WA: Bay Press, 1983) 126-134. [EC].
* ''The Transparency of Evil'' (1990)
* Intellectuals Commitment and Political Power, Wawancara dengan Maria Shevtsova, Thesis Eleven 10/11 (1984/85) 166-73.
* ''[[The Gulf War Did Not Take Place]]'' (1991)
* L'an 2000 ne passera pas, Traverses 33/34 (1985) 8-16; pent. Nai-Fei Ding and Kuan-Hsing Chen menjadi The Year 2000 Has Already Happened dalam Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, eds., Body Invaders: Panic Sex In America (NY: St. Martin's, 1987) 35-44.
* ''The Illusion of the End'' (1992)
* America (NY: Verso, 1986, 1988) pent. Chris Turner.
* ''Baudrillard Live: Selected Interviews (Edited by Mike Gane)'' (1993)
* L'autre par lui-même (Paris: Éditions Galilée, 1987); pent. Bernard dan Caroline Schutze menjadi The Ecstasy of Communication (NY: Semiotext(e), 1988).
* ''[ The Perfect Crime]'' (1995)
* Beyond the Vanishing Point of Art," diterjemahkan Paul Foss dalam Paul Taylor, ed., Post-Pop Art (Cambridge: MIT, 1987, 1989)
* ''Paroxysm: Interviews with Philippe Petit'' (1998)
* Forget Baudrillard, Interview dengan Sylvere Lotringer, dalam Forget Foucoult (1987).
* ''Impossible Exchange (book)|Impossible Exchange'' (1999)
* Cool Memories (NY:Verso, 1987, 1990) pent. Chris Turner.
* ''Passwords'' (2000)
* The Evil Demon of Images (Annandale, Australia: Power Institute Publications, 1987).
* ''The Singular Objects of Architecture'' (2000)
* Modernity, pent. Miller, CJPST 11:3 (1987) 63-72.
* ''The Vital Illusion'' (2000)
* Softly, Softly, pent. Malcolm Imrie, New Statesman 113:2919 (6 March 1987) 44.
* ''Au royaume des aveugles'' (2002)
* A Perverse Logic and Drugs as Exorcism, Unesco Courier (July 1987) 7-9.
* ''The Spirit of Terrorism: And Requiem for the Twin Towers'' (2002)
* Hunting Nazis and Losing Reality, New Statesman 115:2969 (19 Feb 1988) 16-17.
* ''Fragments (interviews with François L'Yvonnet)'' (2003)
* The Anorexic Ruins, pent. David Antal, dalam Dietmar Kampar dan Christof Wulf, eds., Looking Back on the End of the World (NY: Semiotext(e), 1989) 29-48.
* ''The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact'' (2005)
* L’Illusion de la fin (Galilee:Paris, 1992),
* ''The Conspiracy of Art'' (2005)
* Vivisecting the 90s, wawancara dengan Caroline Bayard dan Graham Knight (Research in Semiotic Inquiry/Recherches semiotiques, Volume 16, No. 1-2, Spring 1996). [VV]
* ''Les exilés du dialogue, Jean Baudrillard and Enrique Valiente Noailles (2005)
* La conjuration des imbeciles (Liberation, May 7, 1997).
* ''Utopia Deferred: Writings for Utopie (1967–1978)'' (2006)
* À l'ombre du millénaire ou Le suspens de l'an 2000. L'ombre du zèbre. (Paris: Sens & Tonka, 1998).
* ''Pataphysics'' (2007)
* ''Radical Alterity'' (2008)
* ''Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared?'' (2009)
* ''Carnival and Cannibal, or the Play of Global Antagonisms'' (2010)
* ''The Agony of Power'' (2010)
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* “The Spirit of Terrorism.” ''Telos'' No. 121 (Fall 2001). New York: Telos Press.
* “Divine Europe.” ''Telos'' No. 131 (Summer 2005). New York: Telos Press.
* ''Die Illusion des Endes – Das Ende der Illusion'' (Jean Baudrillard & Boris Groys), 58 minutes + booklet. Cologne: supposé 1997. ISBN 3-932513-01-0
* ''Die Macht der Verführung'', 55 minutes. Cologne: supposé 2006. ISBN 978-3-932513-67-1
== Referensi ==