Reformasi Katolik: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
'''ReformasiCatholic KatolikReformation''' (kadang-kadang disebutsometimes pulareferred to '''KontraContra ReformasiReformation''' atauor '' 'KebangunanThe Rohanirise of Catholic Belief Katolik''') adalahis suatua periodeperiod Kebangunanof Rohanithe rise of catholic belief [[GerejaRoman KatolikCatholic Church Roma|KatolikCatholic]] sejakFrom masathe reign of kepausan [[PausPope Pius IV]] sampaiUntil denganthe berakhirnyaend of [[Perang TigaThirty PuluhYears TahunWar]], 1648.
Catholic reformation is a comprehensive effort that consists of five elements:
Reformasi Katolik merupakan suatu upaya yang komprehensif, dan terdiri atas lima unsur utama:
# Doctrine
# Doktrin
# Church or structural reconfiguration (rearrangement)
# Rekonfigurasi (penataan kembali) gerejawi atau struktural
# Religious groups
# Ordo-ordo religius
# Spiritual movements
# Gerakan-gerakan kerohanian
# Political Dimensions
# Dimensi-dimensi politis
This reform also includes the establishment of [[seminary|seminary-seminary]] to educate priests in the spiritual live and the church's theological traditions, renewal of life-letting the religious groups to go back to their own spiritual foundation, and new spiritual movements that focused on devotional live and a personal relation with Christ, including [[Spanish mystics]] and [[French spirituality group].
Pembaharuan ini mencakup pula pendirian [[seminari|seminari-seminari]] untuk mendidik para imam dalam kehidupan rohani dan tradisi-tradisi teologis Gereja, pembaharuan hidup-membiara dengan mengembalikan ordo-ordo pada dasar-dasar rohaninya, dan gerakan-gerakan rohani baru yang terfokus pada kehidupan devosional dan suatu hubungan pribadi dengan Kristus, termasuk para [[mistikus Spanyol]] dan [[aliran spiritualitas Perancis]].
== NamaName ==
Two terms above shows the different aspects of this movement. The term Contra-Refomation, often used by non-catholics, point out the perception that this reformation was done due to the fact of the rise of protestants and their actions towards Catholic institutions. With this perspective, the main reason of this reformation is to decrease the amount of people who convert to Protestantism. The other term, which is "Catholic Reformation" symbolizes that the renewals was done as an action of the church, not as a reaction towards the Protestant Reformation.
Dua istilah di atas memperlihatkan aspek-aspek yang berlainan dari gerakan ini. Istilah Kontra-Reformasi, lebih banyak digunakan oleh kaum non-Katolik, menitikberatkan pandangan bahwa pembaharuan-pembaharuan tersebut dilakukan terutama akibat bangkitnya kaum Protestan dan perlakuan mereka terhadap lembaga-lembaga Katolik. Dalam pandangan ini, maksud utama dari pembaharuan-pembaharuan tersebut adalah untuk mengurangi jumlah umat yang berpindah ke Protestantisme. Istilah yang lain, yakni "Reformasi Katolik" memaknai pembaharuan-pembaharuan tersebut sebagai suatu tindakan Gereja, bukan sebagai suatu reaksi terhadap para tokoh Reformasi Protestan.
Peneliti seperti John C. Olin, dari [[Fordham University]], dan [[Henri-Daniel Rops]],<ref></ref> mulai menggunakan istilah "Reformasi Katolik" pada paruh kedua dari abad ke-20 untuk memberi penekanan pada upaya-upaya pembaharuan, teologis dan disipliner, dalam Gereja Katolik Roma yang dimulai sebelum tanggal tradisional dimulainya [[Reformasi Protestan]] oleh [[Martin Luther]] atau pun sebelum [[Konsili Trente]] (peristiwa-peristiwa seperti [[Konsili Lateran V]], khotbah-khotbah tentang pembaharuan yang disampaikan oleh [[John Colet]] di Inggris, diterbitkannya [[Consilium de Emendanda Ecclesia]] oleh [[Gasparo Contarini]], didirikannya [[Oratorium Cinta Kasih Illahi]], dan seterusnya), dan untuk menunjukkan bahwa banyak di antara pembaharuan-pembaharuan Trente serta karya para tokoh Reformasi Katolik seperti St. [[Philipus Neri]], St. [[Ignatius Loyola]], dan St. [[Teresa dari Avila]], meskipun dipengaruhi oleh tanggapan terhadap kaum Protestan, jauh lebih luas dan lebih komprehensif dari pada sekedar suatu tanggapan belaka terhadap merebaknya Protestantisme. Mereka berpendapat bahwa banyak dari upaya-upaya tersebut berkenaan dengan pengurangan pelanggaran dan korupsi dalam Gereja Katolik Roma demi kepentingan Gereja Katolik Roma itu sendiri, dan bahwa perubahan-perubahan tersebut lebih luas cakupannya dari pada sekedar memberi cap "bidaah" kepada kaum Protestan.
== Konsili Trente ==
{{Main|Konsili Trente}}
[[Berkas: Council Trent.jpg|frame|Sebuah sesi dalam Konsili Trente, dari sebuah ukiran.]]
[[Paus Paulus III]] ([[1534]]-[[1549]]) memulai [[Konsili Trente]] (1545-1563), sebuah komisi yang terdiri atas para kardinal yang ditugasi melakukan pembaruan kelembagaan, untuk membahas masalah-masalah yang dipertikaikan seperti para uskup dan imam yang korup, [[indulgensia]], dan penyelewengan-penyelewengan keuangan lainnya. Konsili dengan tegas menolak posisi-posisi Protestan tertentu dan mengukuhkan struktur dasar dari Gereja Abad Pertengahan, sistem sakramentalnya, ordo-ordo keagamaan, dan doktrinnya. Konsili menolak semua kompromi dengan pihak Protestan, menegaskan kembali ajaran-ajaran dasar dari Katolisisme Abad Pertengahan. Konsili dengan tegas mendukung dogma keselamatan yang diperoleh melalui iman dan karya. [[Transubstansiasi]], yang menyatakan bahwa pada waktu misa, roti dan anggur yang dikonsekrasikan (disucikan) itu berubah (secara substansial) menjadi tubuh dan darah Kristus, dikukuhkan, bersama-sama dengan [[Sakramen (Gereja Katolik)|Ketujuh Sakramen]]. Praktik-praktik Katolik lainnya yang membangkitkan kemarahan di kalangan para reformator liberal di lingkungan Gereja, seperti indulgensia, [[ziarah]], penghormatan kepada para santo dan relikui, serta penghormatan kepada Bunda Maria dengan tegas dikukuhkan sebagai hal-hal yang penting secara rohani.
Researchers like i John C. Olin, dari [[Fordham University]], and [[Henri-Daniel Rops]],<ref></ref> start to use the term "Catholic Reformation"as the second part of the 20th century to stress out the effort of renewals, theological and disciplinary, in Roman Catholic Church that started before the traditional date started [[Protestant Reformation]] by [Martin Luther]] or before [[Trent Council]] (events like [[Lateran Council V]], preaches about reformation that was delivered by [[John Colet]] in England, [[Consilium de Emendanda Ecclesia]] was published by [[Gasparo Contarini]], establishment of [[Oratorium Cinta Kasih Illahi]], and many more). and to show the abundant reformations of Trent and works of Catholic Reformist such as St. [[Philipus Neri]], St. [[Ignatius Loyola]], and St. [[Teresa from Avila]], even though it was influenced by the respond towards Protestants, it's far more wide and comprehensive than just a literal response towards the bloom of Protestantism. They said that a lot of efforts were done with the eradication of violations and corruption in the Roman Catholic Church for the survival of the church itself, and that these reformations are much more broad in scope rather than just to proclaim Protestants as heretical.
== Trente Council ==
{{Main|Konsili Trente Council}}
[[BerkasFile: Council Trent.jpg|frame|SebuahA sesisession dalamin KonsiliTrent TrenteCouncil, darifrom sebuaha ukiransculpture.]]
[[Pope Paul III]] ([[1534]]-[[1549]]) started [[Trent Council]] (1545-1563), a commission that includes the cardinals that was deputized to conduct institutional reform, to discuss problems that was debated such as corrupt bishops and priests, [[indulgence]], and other financial deviations. This council strongly opposed several Protestant statements and reaffirming the basic foundational structure of Mid Age Church, the sacramental system, religious groups, and doctrines. This council oppose every compromises with Protestants, reaffirming the basic teachings of Mid Age Catholics. This council strongly supports the safety dogma that would be acquired through faith and work [[Transubstansiasi]], states that during holy mass, consecrated (purified) bread and wine would change (substantially) into body and blood of Christ, reaffirmed by [Sacraments (Catholic Church)|Seven Sacraments]]. Other Catholci practices would rise up anger Church's liberal reformers, just like indulgensia [[pilgrimage]], respect to the saints and relics, respect to Mother Mary was strongly reaffirmed as an important spiritual element.
<!--But while the basic structure of the Church was reaffirmed, there were noticeable changes to answer complaints that the Counter Reformers tacitly were willing to admit were legitimate. Among the conditions to be corrected by Catholic reformers was the growing divide between the priests and the flock; many members of the clergy in the rural parishes, after all, had been poorly educated. Often, these rural priests did not know [[Latin]] and lacked opportunities for proper theological training. (Addressing the education of priests had been a fundamental focus of the [[humanism|humanist]] reformers in the past.) Parish priests now became better educated, while Papal authorities sought to eliminate the distractions of the monastic churches. Notebooks and handbooks thus became common, describing how to be good priests and confessors.
Baris 70 ⟶ 69:
At the time of its publication, ''De revolutionibus'' passed with relatively little comment in the Catholic Church itself who treated the conception as little more than a mathematical convenience. However, the fact that the Earth's motion directly contradicted literal readings of the Bible and [[Aristotle]]'s philosophy eventually became an unavoidable issue. This occurred when scholars like [[Galileo Galilei]] began to amass physical evidence supporting heliocentrism, or at least undermining [[Ptolemy]]. This examination of the Copernican theory was a factor in starting the [[scientific revolution]] outside the Catholic Church who banned the study of these works until the mid nineteenth century.{{fact}}-->
== Tokoh-tokohMain utamaFigures ==
* [[PausPope Pius II]] (1503)
* [[PausPope PaulusPaul III]] (1534-1549)
* [[PausPope YuliusJulius III]] (1550-55)
* [[PausPope PaulusPaul IV]] (1555-59)
* [[PausPope Pius IV]] (1559-65)
* St. [[PausPope Pius V]] (1566-72)
* [[PausPope GregoriusGregory XIII]] (1572-85)
* [[PausPope Siktus V]] (1585-90)
* St. [[Ignatius Loyola|Ignatius dari Loyola]]
* St. [[Teresa darifrom Avila]]
* St. [[YohanesJohn Salib]]
* St. [[Francis de Sales]]